Zurich Herald, 1916-11-03, Page 4issued every '.(hursday,tftern •.
to the
Victoria tit, Zurich,
ANDREW' F. kUSS and O11E,STF R L. Slt11.11-1
OlittSCRIPTXUN P31024, 31.00 A YEAR
U. S' subscripton $x40, strictly in advance,
*.ate*' tar display and contract advertisements will_be
oat on appltation.
1G Trausientnotices such as legal, cotporation,soci
etc,, so cents per line tot first tnserth-n and 6 cents , -r
ate for eat.it subsequent insertion.
Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which an
*Amiss ion fee is charged or a special collection tax en
was be charged Or at the regular advertlstng razes
b'otices of religious or other meetings the object o
which is the benefit of the community and not for per
s,nalorsectarian interest or gain, will be cheertuly
nserl:ed free.
Advertlstnents without specific directions will be
itsn:rted uatitl tosbid and charged accordingly. Tsars
• ie-tt advertismenrs must oe paid for in advance.
.tray advs. $t for three Insartions.
N, paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.
.e'hnnges for contract ,dvertisements must be in the
nate by 6 p. nt., rue.day, otherwise th.y will ne left
01,74 untllthe tollowmy; week.
Address all communica ions to
THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont.
THURSDAY, NOT. 2 ,191.6
;The 1e0th .Bruce Battalion, am-
ong pothers, has arrived safely in
Parcels fur prisoners of .War in
e . • Germany (must be very strongly
"'. +packed.
The Post Office Department has
_Seas, been notified by the .British
Post Office that many parcels Bent
Brom Canada to Prisoners of War
-Germany are being received in
as „damaged condition, so thai
frequently, they have to be for-
warded to Holland for transmis-
s cion to Germany. The British
Post Office adds that in most eases
the uzuuage .appeases •to be due to
the fact that the parcees were in-
,aderruately packed by the sender.
- • i public are, warned, therefore,
that pares for Prisoners of War
,unless they are very strongly pack
ed, tivil probably arrive in such a
condition as •tor be of little or no
aa:se to the recipient.
O:;d:nary thin boxes, such as
es. she: boxes, anid thin wooden boxes
lea should not be used; nor does a
single s(h-oc -Of ,ordinary; , bro-wi
1 aaet _afford suffic•ie t protection
a s:ears-c , . er prC,t,rasee irateriel5•are
neat', it is i•nl.porrcant that the con -
tennis should be 'tightly packed so;
,as not to slhake during transiLThe
following forms of packingl are re
•cvm needed:—; •
1, Strong double Cardboard ox
strawboard boxes. • 'These made
}of eorr:ugated cardboard and haw
atoig lies which completely Unclose
the aides of the box are the most
2. Lein boxes such as are used
for p.ackltng biscuiit l:
3. Strong wooden boxes ,
4. Several folde of stout pack
ring paper.
The British authorities advise
th.il• psi eels; for Pris•oniers of Was.
io Gcrncany must not be wrapped
7n linen, calico, canvas, or any nth.
er textile era teriai.
Parcels poeted in Canada for
.'e1Loeern.sof ,liar in Germany geese
have nut betas, adequately packed
by'ttbe sen .ers will not be for--
varreed but wit" be re.urtlad to the
erOses, es the British P.ost Office
ras notified the Department that
rarcels ;which are inadequately
tacked sweet be returned Lo the
A two-year old roan heifer,
ith pig ring on left ear. About
:pt. 1st, ]winder will please
•t:fy Mr, Sol. Gingerich, R, .Ft.No
phone 3 on 84, Zurich, Ont.
A Memorial services in honor of
the late Pte. Warren Livingood,
who fell in one of the recent battl-
es an Pr,anee, were heid in the Et; an
gellcal church, 14th eon„ on Sun-
day last,. The church was filled
•antd the pastor Rev. F. B. Meyer,
paid tribute,,to •the departed hero
in a suitlable discourse,
On Mdonday night of last week
the neighbors and friends of: Mr:l,
Robert iCampbell and • daughter,
Miss Nellie, gathered at their home
to spend one .more social evening
prior to their departure for theft
new Ileome in l'.ensall. A large
numberwcs° eoetsett and •the even-
ing eves very pleasantly spent in
social chat,• music, and other am-
The le:lowing address was read:
To Nirs. Campbell and Nellie;
The friends here assembled, to
tweet you and spend a ,pleasant ev-
ening with you before you depart
for eel's new horne, desire to ex-
press car go,d wishes and ape
pieci+atien of eou as old ne'ghbors
and friends. and hope you v 111
find gi.od r•eighbors and ;