Zurich Herald, 1916-11-03, Page 1Vol. XVII ER.AL ZURI CH, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 1916. NO 18 Seasonable 'HARNESS Goods See •our large range of, SWEAT'PADS BLANKETS ROBES, RUGS, HARNESS and HALTERS ,of all kinds Our prices *i11 be foujnd` re - sortable. Sweat Pads; Curry Combs, R. F. STADE •.A'Tro a full lane if MITTS and GLOVES, a'l styles and sizes, TRUNKS SUIT CASES, C /U l xSetc, Axle Grease, Gall Cure I ZU CI R Rel -+++++++++++++++44444+4-e: ++++++++++++++4444+444-144-1. Men's and Boys' +i• y4 Fall Suits and 0 vercoats . + '��]'e are showing' exceptionally good values in the above lines. 4.�® MM Selling prices are lower than actual cost price at the present ,'r, time. Shrewd buyers will appreciate • this, as everything has gone up in price. While the stock lasts we will still at less than a,.the old price. Come early and make your choice while the stock 4`• is well assorted. -- - + Suits to measure $20 and up.4. 44 4 Our Gents ,Furnishings have - been. bought for particular men. • We have what you want. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for oods APPEL .x: 4. 4. 4 J. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4.. 4 4. ,.y, ....w. . +IIS THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES. 4. 4. 40 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 T -40 -4. -4. -10 4. „. ,4. .40 ,.i. ..r. 4. 4. 4. -i+ -4. -40 .4. + -010 .meq, :4.-4044444 LOCAL NEWS, Any ljuanti}y. Potatoes for sale, C. Fritz. Misse's Alvdrda and Selma Wes- eloh of London visited their rar en'ts here over Sunday. i?tes, •Alvie Sararas and Ploy. Ge'ger of the Sig'na'ling Corps are home on ;their last leave. . All (millinery hats, etc., greatly reduced in price for the balance of the season. TTL Wuri.n. Over 50,000 tenter licenses . have been issued by Ontario' and the revenue is between $630,000 auk• $700,000, TMrs. J. Hey, Jr., and sister, Miss Margaret Stelek, aro v:sit',ng re- latives in Detroit and Port 'Huron at. presenit. ' Dr, E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion. House, Zurich, oo. Wednesday, and Wednesday of .he following week. Mrs. Wim. Reddinger, and child, of Detroit, is 7 -letting her .mother, Mrs H., Warm, and cth'e_ re'ativcs in Zurich at pre -sent. Rev. E. G. Powe:l, secretary of the 'Huron and Penh „ .'emperaiice Aseeciations, delivered a strong address --an the temperance quevia 'on in the Evangelical church last Sunday evening. ,1"he directors of the Hay -Town- ship (Farmer's Fire Insurance n-pan,y ;held 'a meeting in Zurich on iaturday. Routine business: was transacted, This is the sec- and ,year that no assessments On the (policyholders has been. made by the colmlplai Mr, 'red,. Hess, Sr,, receiver,. word on iT:ue"slay that. 1w, 'f4.a. Henry': Setae to 'Of So.the Bad' !hlad passed away Deceas- ed had reached the age of 58 re and had been in failing health for steme tirnel The fuser ral was held in the above' named city on (Th'ursd'ay. Her husband fon,e son, Richard, of South Bend, end one daughter,. ,,,e Mrs, A. Karnropp, of Cleveland, survive her Mr. elms, Fritz and family 'iv iced fat the. home 01' Mrs, M. Fritz, London, on,Sunday,. Mrs, McDonald, of Grand Rapids Mich.., is vis.'ting at the home of Mra. E. Appel this week, Mrs. J. Northcott and daughter, Ethelk, visited at theehome of Mrs. Johm''lii:uss on Saturday, • Miss Anna 'Worm has returned, from ass expended visit with. re- lativee in Detroit and other Mich- igan ,ploints, Mr, Andrew Theil, of Preston is ill at the home of his parents., Mr, and Mrs, Conrad ITheil, of town with inflannnatory rheumatism, Mr W. C. Wagner has Taken over the agency of 'the Paris:an Sean Laundry, London, Par: e:s should be left at his store before Tuesday evening. ;After July 1918 the course of study for W3dergraduate students ht the facualty of medicine in the University of Toronto will be six y'elars instead .ef five, 'as at present. What changes in the curriculum will be made to spread the studies over smother year has not as 'yet Lean exactly determined. • Incorporated 1855 The LSONS ANK CAPITAL and. RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada' 6Paera Ba>Oklna. $'usiness iransacte' CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT BANK MONEY CRD E Savings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager i 44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44 +.444++++++++++++++.444-4-4.4.44 4-4 :4.•s 4.:.44•i••f^.§ .:.•i.3 :.e+ :. e : LL.,. Preeter's Prices 1 11 4 1 111 4fi04100MeBff 43 10 44ff 441 44 44 44 {! P41 'TAT For Sale, Any Quantity Dutch Setts Wanted. Price Guaranteed Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. e...a ITZ Z-rc The Home of Good Shoes +Oa4 44 fi if 4& z01.144•3f i e. 1ilFllll!1lCI 1111HIII!III111111111111!IIIIIIIIIIII11111!JltllIlNII!II!!!IlCil01111HIlilliIII111111111111111111111111111311:1Ill9ECIIIIIIIII'ITI'I!11I!!,e'.!,I:'!' !i S ee!,iM1le,!.Irlle 3r F a ita Pter We are prepared to meet your wants with a full stock of Dress Goods, Wrapperetts, Flannel= ettes, Sweatercoats and Blan= 1,• Our .other lines of Shoes, Hardware, Gro- ceries, etc., are filled up with seasonable goods. Poultry taken every Thursday forenoon, until fuer. thur notice. n_ Highest pricesfor ar'm Produce Store closed Tuesday and Fri. ._. nights at 6 R. N. DOL LAS PHONE 11 on 82 BLAK . lflllllllilllllllll'I�I'lllillllllllli iir!II':Cill L i!!.illiu'6:11!I",lli ll� tiih'"!�NililPlil:BCi!IluLli'.r � ;, I;;,�!,!!L'�' �I '6 P;li ? ''I„ 11!�!II�� � I�` �, "� ,II .II�i::I; !till• !IIIIIuIBlllilll;lllllllllllflll A eray 'e Lowest Forl a le e � ds tri a maintain a high standard of quality, not barring out inexpensive goods by anv means, but absolutely rejecting all which do not pr J satisfactory service, and guaranteeing that our u ' g customer- shall never be offered low grade goods masquerading as goods of siL,her lade. We sometimes see certain articles ntadvertised'as bargainfl described in the same terms as would be Necessarily usf-d in describing articles of decidedly higher grades, but which Care shown by comparisoh to be decidedly inferior. Corded Velvet Do not forget that we are sho w- ing the finest assortment in cord- ed velvets in all colors, e7 inchea wide 'at 60c, 65c and 750 a yard. -1 x/.064. e N1 MAs !r fi'U7NAFIN- TIWM ! UFFALO, 141."Aq- - 4W1V3F U Ladies' Coatings 54 inches wide, in green, rcy naey, black and white, Extra vea:tie prices ranging from. $2. to $3.5.1 yard; . Sweater Coats We rho at rresen-1 sho'wiim the finest and largest assortment of men's toy's w,•m•:n's and el;i drone sweater co'irs. All a: the old pri _es; +++++++++++4 i 44+4 .°14 Woollen Blankets 1 dcz,n ra.:r tf fine wool blan- kets at the old prices, $3.50, $5.25, and $7.50 a pa'r. Flannellette Blankets 73 pair of f'aamlelette blankets to clear at $1.75, and $2, a pair. FLANNELETTE A sp'endi3 showing -of Panne:et- tes iii plain or striped, all et last year's Tprices, 12Ze, 115e, 18e, 20c .a yard A'so flannelette shirtings at 12Yee 15e, 20c a yard. FURS Ladies' Fur Muffs and fur setts, to clear out at a BIG REDLTC.TI -ON. Conroe and see these furs be-' tore 'bOying eisew•here, Ladies Cloth Coats • A few ladies' coats from last S'ear's buy, which we aro ('ening out at HALF PRICE'S. Chi'dren's Cloth roa-ts, sizes from 2 to 14, years .at reduced prices. Mens Felt Hats Me!, 'S felt hats to clear -,out at greatly r*r.dul ed prices. ES On the wall of ever/ k:tchenin every home is writtentheWardBeaniel, hard white Porcelain Enamel. It is good becausoit is bright, It is good beeause itis clean. It is good because wom- en think it is good.. Today ranges. must have panels of Porcelain Enamel, two main items of. style in ranges in demand this year, White Porcelain Enamel and simple plain designs in • Nickl'otrimmi:ig, these up to the ininutetouehes ars combined in our 391G Pecr:es3 Range, whic:' has proven r big seller With us for .years pastWe are showing this range in duf ferent styles, also in aleft handrange Besides the Peerless weare showing 'the Gilt Edge, nap • py Thought; Othelo, and the High Over. Pen'nsula that is attract-ing everybody that sees it. We ere so shoal :g a'aego ine of Heaters Base Burners and Par'or Cooks. Our special in this line is the Regal Peninsula, whi^h we will put, up against ' n -y thing on the market. •' wIl convin^_e you that the is r•.hoproper place to buy arange or heate;wheu you need one, ighest Prices for h4oduce. Phone . .. 4e. 9 4 4 .4444. . 44 4 44144.4• i8 OVERCOATS Men's and boy's winter over-,. coats to be sold at 'a BIG! REDU:C 1C'N 4. 40 4. 4 40 4. *10 414.1 +a`A 4444+ 1444444+4,444444444444 114„',