HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-10-26, Page 8ARA e s Tues..a.y and Wednesday, day, Sept. 19tH and 20th. We llavG been fortunate in securing Miss Kline to take charge of our Millinery Department for the Fall Season. We are showing a larger range of hats and trimmings than ever and assure the ladies of Zurich and vicinity that they will inti here the smartest and newest creations in millinery fashions. We invite yonr inspection. ds Our stock of Fall Dress Goods, Flannellettes, Wrapperettes, Underwear, Blankets, etc,, now to hand and we invite your inspection of same, ew Shirtin s tt n. es These goods are continually going up:in price. You will save money by purchasing your supply now. S w ,ater Coats We have the famous Monarch Kelt Sweater] Coats againyoin stook. - They are guaranteed to give satisfaction, Waists and Corset Covers A few ladies waists and corset covers on hand which we are selling at greatly reduced prices. Rain oats 3 dozen ladies Rain Coats just arrived in tan, navy and," black at the Special Price of $5.50 each. Also a new line of men's Baltnaoan style eoats at :510 50. Fresh Groceries always onirhand. RUBY and QASOIIO PHONE '1 Cream and Eggs WAN TE D Will pay highest cash price for Cream and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time duringthe week, wlit I. HU SON, Phone 5, ZURICH E3.- 33s383f; t♦ d -A-Link 11 acelets E A fresh supply of Gold and Silver Add-a-Lb-ks just arrived. We engrave 'them to your order. sE JEWELLER R. HE S & Ca, 1p1 fi F4 ZURICH Ip1 rte-, Loldo a Life Policies are "GOOD AS GOLD" Why not protect yourself fad family with a good life insurance policy. All the popular plans of insuranca written. For particulars apply to Andrew F. Hess, Local Agent 1441 00800)e Mse"fee Gelveeleeti iNlea i;.:8 608641.000066011041148$80040 To new subscribers hi Canada we Will send The Herald from now until Jan. 1917, for only 25 cents. LOCAL MARKETS Cerz'eott i every Thursday,. Butter L'ggs Dried. Alalalas .,.. 1'otatoe3 Wheat Cats.......... ..... Barley Beck wheat.,. Flour Ban Shorts } 1.05 $ 30 85 05 2:5 r:67' 92 75 4.50 4.90 $30.00 Lew Grade Live flogs fob 88 00 40.00 Hensel] 10.85 Local News LAMB ERI]i' STORM SWEPT P1 ty lives were lost on Lake 'Erie last Friday during one of the werat storms on the lake, .'.Throe large freighters were.. lost and mu .h d m• g done It), stria le: ir,.f. N n3 eai o_s from Go1erich, Ont., are among the lost. "WILL YOU KNIT Anyone wishing to :knit for •4he coldiers can secure a supply. Gf yarn from the secretary of the. to _al branch of the Womena' 7n stiLu:e, ]Hiss K. Canlpb311, wno will be ipleased to give the necessary iristruc ions rwith the yarn, . .As; th:s is 'one way of showing yerr interest in the welfare of our r,31 d er voys who ere fighting ,our tattles al: the front, ya hearty re- rro_iseis expected tv Vele; appea'. LITTLE LOCALS Eigli: ,weaks .o Christmas. Potatoes are bring marketed ro s by local growe_'s ;Tile quan- tity is ,neon large but the quality is excellvn;t. (The price obtained is $1.25 per bushel. Is this Indian Summer? Improvements '(have been made to tohe street lights and the work has ,m'a: e a change for the butter to the appearence of our streets in :the nigra... RED CROSS FUND 'rhe appeal to the Canadian people Tor contributions ; o the .cr-.ish Rei Cross Fund for the sick and wounded soldiers and. sailors is meeting with remake-, ab:e support. It is expeetedthat+ Ontario \via give over $2,000,000 for this r e oa Lay cause,, All r onti•' s� utlontis must be paid to the head- quarters before November 15.h•. Among the conttibut:ons rcce:ved LyMr, fT, Johxi :n, township trees -7 urer, is the sum. of $23.50 from the :Pupils and teachers of the Zurich. Public Shtool and more is to fol- fo-w, SASKETCHEWAN'S NEW ' PREMIER William Melvin Martin, B. A. was born in Norwich, 'Oxford co- e mity, in 1877, :.and removed later Flo ;'Exeter, where his father, was minister of the Presbyterian church for twenty-six years. Mr. Martin was educated at Exeter, Clinton Collegiate, the University. of Toronto, and Osgood Hall...Froze 11'.9) to 1901 he taught in Harriston High School. In July 19.3, he re- moved to Regina and commence el to practice la'w, He married, \r:o ]este F. Thomsen, of lti i .ehe1l, One., in 1906. He was first el•a ectal eco the House of Commo.ns in 1908. KILLED. BY STREET CAR Word was received on Tuesday., tlh;e death at Detroit of Mr., Charles Eeksteil', brother of Mrs. 1 :igex of this p.ace De c.eesed wa-s crossing ono of tete stro:"ta in that !i:y and was acc:id- an_ly stru-sk by a street car. He su :t:tine:l a fiaetured skull and a broken ceIler Lone and o ho. seri- otic injuris, and was taken to and of the hespitels, but died an hour afterwards without regaining -con- cc:aimless, Deceased. with. has \ci:e liiit3d at the home of Mr,and Mrs.loses Geiger last summer and his sudden death is a severe shock, to his xel"atives. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL A "spe.ial session of the Huron County Council wast held in the. Court House, Goderich ,Oct. Oth, f Died lee ,sieeeteess 452 all the raembors being in attends Presumed doad ...1,009 ante,- (,tTissing ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,372 •c The all was Made to decide V -v wended. .•J .•. 37,939 what the norma- wo,uld do in the! -• way ,of :x grant to the British Red Cross Society. A`.ter some d sers.1 Al it wasenov ed by 3.. Lee;t,ie, Br assess, second- ed by Dr. Milne, Blyth, that a levy sof ' mill on the County equal " sister" was talking rapidly when ization, $42,400.00 be made „which :the vi'i'.or was about to ask the would ' equal $21,240'.. r This was b:ess,ng ,Turning to the child, he, carrle:i. fella in :i tone eel mild reproof; Money tri 1 be berlowed by the '14.0 e, I ani go'n ; to ts'c g aec' County un.ii the taxes a<e e feet- 'We 1 it's a.b.,u'. t taxa,' answered. ed in. 1917. 'littl sister' in an equally reprov rI'his is ehe fa rest way of make ang tone, Weave b ea exiec;i.ag WED DING BELLS DRICI•IERT--TLi EI LG „A pretty church tt willing took place lr, St. Peter's 54161i:ran Church, ;e,ur.ch, on Wednesday afternoon ac 4 o'clock when the pastor, Rev H. .E embe, performed .tat e.r•.rnune w;ich unite:] in ]liar ri•ege iNiiss Clara Catherine, al- ctes, daughter of Mr. • nd Iles, Conrad {.i:heil, o4 Zurich, and Mr. Peter ',Doich*t, Jx., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, P,, Deichert; Sr,, Blind Vine, The bride was at - /Leaded by M:ss Freda Haberer and Mr. Auui•ew Luei performed sine- du.ies for the groom. The bridal iouple entered the church, to the !strains of the Wedding. .March Olayted by Miss Victoria, Deters, The bride looked charm- -1)g in a costume of silk tam,aline este the ,usa!ai veil. A largo .puna., Le. of ie.atives end friends gath- ered ,at the church to witness the Ler+emon,y. ;luuests to the number of neer.y ens hundred rel.a:red to .,;he home of the bride after he ..er :noiy 'where a sumrptous wed - Ling repast vc a a ser, ed. Mr. end arm. liEl hLr'. alt setae on the groom's T!arpa at the Blind Line. 11c eter tla joins with Cnc_r many, leen: ws is eete..d-ng Oast avisia s. HICKS.' FORECASTS A Reactionary )iitorin Period is central on terse ebth, rash, 26th and inial OEni .Moen is in conjunction vita. Sun and silaree .on 1 ne Loth;, At Lu ki ;lees tae Moon is passing LetweLn ,.he e.ata and sun, seine-, Lewes Lirzc.ay so, ak: all other titres a little to ono side or other of the sunt. But in a 1 cases the comuineu aetian of the Sun and Moon on the [Earth, is such. as to aperease ;ocean tides, barometeric l:he.;omen , io.reesa of temperat- ure, :eartheuakus, s.ocCals :an.i lieLt disturbase2es. Centering .on t.ii.t nest to tee • 6th, ti.e.efoee, ,kx- peot .a return, of decided storm Lon .uti.na. ki n, wind and thun- dee, naerg.nr into snow ;and fo_lo'w eu by i.isin,; b. r..m,_te: and c'eange Ito elute, colder, are anion , 1 the things to expect. ,The moon \Sid be, at extreme south. cec inati.n oe. the 2,9th, which leect will contra, bute to ;prolonged cold, with the atnosphe.i3 '.ia .s from, the nox'the• Change to warmer wi 1 be in sight fon 1, e.terly a. e..i al;, as we 1.41,3 out •oi Occo,..e:. A reguar storm per-od, with the ;1n1o0.3 in perigee, Jiegints in the far west on the best. Moon wile inteu i. y aed• aggravate. these fer_os, ed ing , a_tr.a l;; to. weather disturbances that • may !arise ,on and ab.;.u. the 101n. ORGANIZATION OF FARMERS Bji1Nti WORMED 1N ;1rIc; WJ 31` ;The tiuergirnrg of all the farmers organize -dens tai Western Canada into :one body.- with a .menbers.hii,,t of 100,000, is s'ti._1 in a nebulous latae, eacording to Presilen 2.. C. 1 -fenders of the 'Manitoba train Geetiers le seocia.ao;n. A dispatch Loin. Ca'gary today said rasa consolidation was about to be ;completed and would include .the ;brain Growers Grain Comp"- ,;;,n:l o: 1Viar.itaba, the A.barta Farm ere '.Co -Operative E.evator Comp- any, the Grain Growers A€s: eiat- ,.o_a the Unites] Paralera fo Alberta the Saskatchewan- CoOl:erat.ve Elevator Company, and the iIan- l�al>a Kerala (:growers Association. t..h< ;object of the organieasioxl is given as icelews; "It will be. a jeceent factor in Canadian 13oii- ties and finance and wid, in the end, do "nagh of its own ananu-- ia:.turing, unlaoseing, guiding cf towns, liot iia 5, roar's, ale, t its own ;else to o.f.ce, and, in :act, en- ter as an o..topus, wets the inter- est.-, of .Lae gran growers at heart into the public Lie of the .lioininion, CANADIAN .CASUALTIES Ot•, awa, Oct. 12. -Up till October 11 the total number of casualties' .among oificers and men of ;he Canadian expeditionary forces was 52,0_6, a cora,n•o to figures comp- pu.e.i by the :casualty, record office t.c'hcrnu,mber is anado up ,as fo.11ws; Killed in action-- ... 8,131 Died :of wounds ...3,120 ABOUT TIME One evening the young renin-- ister, who hod seemed lather a.- trac:,ed by "big sisl:rr," Grace, was dining with :the family. "Little grant ,ais awl anunic'pali les yteu to ,l a at foo A y ^;ar, an,cl rho wUl a th. 1x h. ,'a h s toy _ai Note this Bargain Large Ranges, with reservoir, high oloset, irel back, scroll with mirrors on top, oven thatmometer and a large oven, 20x22, Best Stove on the market, only $50. Fu'l stock of HEATING 8TOV1L3 at knockout prices, Call and see before you buy. Ali stovea guaranteed or no s.ale. The Stove Question We were lucky onto xu-re in hav- ing ing contracted for about 50 stoves of ;all kinds a year ago: and since thea saves have greatly actin ced in ,prices, We aro still eel:ing at :tlie old prit,es. Call and see the 33IG SroVE BARGAIN'S SEE OUR Cook stove with scsevoir for $20. , " extended for .$t25. Ranges complete for 03. HURON'SILARCEST:COMBINATIphioq TORE 3 f 3s: ise t. 3t 3 3 ei3 s 3 s f=e£ 3>F3£ 0 0 s' 3Z# At38 s 310Eck 3 3=0 3±=3 i 3i32 U ow Confectionery Beggs Dashwood Bread and Cakes.Stratfor'cl Bread. Neilson's Chocolates & Candies Choice Confectionery & Groceries Stationery of all kinds Picture Post Cards and Novelties California Toilet Preparations Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. P.arools must be brought in before Tuesday evening of each week. Your Patronage Solicited W. C. Wagner - - - Zurich 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sateee•ee; 0000••ae a seeee e • e • • 0 • • a e 0a 0 ya 0 e3f e 55 ea e5 w 55 • 0 • 0) 0 ee e ea e5 • • 55 !b e, a • e5 5► e • • • • • 55 • • • es • • • • • e5 e5 • • • •• • • • • • MlILLI\E yd',OPENINo Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 19th and 20th and following days. Our Millinery Department will be in charge of Miss Bawden, who has just returned from the Millinery Open- ings in Toronto. She is prepared to show you all the latest in fall and winter hats, A. special invitation is hereby extenned to the ladies of Zurich and vicinity. JOA big shipment of ladies' and children's Boats. Newest autumn and winter styles, Also ladies' Furs, etc., to arrive the beginning of next week, ki=.i We are showing a big range of Velvets in corded and plain suitable for dresses and coats. Our stock of Dress Goods is complete. We are showing a big range of Serges, Broadcloths, Gabardines, etc. gBeautiful range of Kimono cloth and 'Wrapperettes. New- est designs. Our lines of Hosiery, Underwear, Sweater Coats, etc., is complete. Dont fail to take a look at these goods. Special for SSaturdayonly. Ladies Underskirts in black, green and cerise only 50 cents. roadwayNI Our new Fall and Winter Sam- ples of the made-to-order Broadway Clothing are in. Over 500 samples for suits and overcoats. Fit guar- anteed. F Our line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Braces, Socks, etc., are on display in our Men's Department. Come and see these lines. Special Next Week English Rain Coats. Regular value .$6 to ,$9 for only $3.98 A BARGAIN vIf in need of a Dinner Bet, Toi- let or anything in the lino of dishes dont forgot that the ha''e a big assortment. Live Poultry We are in the market for Live Poultry for which we pay the high- est market prices. Taken every Thursday and Saturday forenoon T. L. Fresh Groceres at all times .eferasortenealmostsolaciezvoy... ♦„, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 55 am • • • • 55 55 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 55 • • • • 55 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1! • •