HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-10-26, Page 5i mraccicrsocc I Classified Ads 1 , LEoAL ; CARDS. PROT.7DFOOT, KILftOP'AN, & COOK.E. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &e. Ofiiee, on the SSclnt r , 2nd door from Hamilton St, Goclerich. Private f00(18 bo loan at lowest rates W. our ooT, K. C. J, L. KILLOR.AN, H. J. 1). Cooke. & r. Cooke will be in 'HIensail on Friday and Saturday of each week, MEDICAL CARDS �R A. J. MacICINNON late .douse Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and lIospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich Ont. Ltd* Riept ' MARKET' Fresh and Salt Mutt' Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH .FOR SKINS & 111DES • Delohert . lit ri7r The 0t r a ins; amce Co. c __,.........__......_ Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 i; Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,1.77.25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your .c house for 30 cents per $100 for 3 years. No premium note and I no extra assessment guaranteed. G. HOLTZ All agent - ����� i. Dealer in Lightning Rods I la a: b, RTI NV' a. ct �' " t' bi .,,17., ,.P .t J � x,-1 - :4.7447' ac r k,,.�' ,1A,SI0. ‘o tom, ^ m ( p1 Prompt Service la( Moderate;C'ha•refes of er Tailor Shop and Laundry GI. W. H '..: 11(IFFNI Zurich, - Ontario A RELIABKE AGENT WANTED In every good town and district in Ontario', where we are not represented. Territory reserved for the right man, Highest commissions paid Attractive advertising matter. Splendid List ' Of New Specialties for Season 1913 —1917 Including the new ever - bearing Raspberry, St. Regis Stone,& Wellington The Fonthill N'useries (sbablished 1837) 1') R ' N T Cir LOCAL K EWS Mrs. D. Faust, of Dashwood cn;- ]edi or, :r:enos in town on Tuesday Mr, G. Robertson, of C:1nton, was in town Wednesday on bus- iness. 1 j ' r , . Mr. and Mrs, W. 11. Smith, of De- troit, are visiting relatives here this week: Mis3 M. Druar, of Buffalo, is visit ing at the home of 111r. Thomas Johnson. Mr. H, Wi;et''on, c f S ra`fo.rd, 1 i ited. 01=1 acclua nt n.c s ].ere eve, Sunday. Mrs. Ed, Wunm at,d daughter, Katha'e n, 'vi i el Cr' di:onfr:ends on Tuesday LOST—A gen't's eauntlet in Zurieh Finder r:.tt:rn to the Herald Office Mr. jid, Leaver and. T. L. Wil-' li.ams visited -Mr: t '1 as..I3eavor,Sar- epta, oz; +Tuesday„ Mr Herb Smith of Grand Bend, Was in elle S1,tt t3 uu eivatuay, .hie Lias left for New York, iMar. and Mrs !'Edgar Edighoffer, of lvl,cl:igau,'si.ibet re alivo3 hese for' a ;ew days last week. Mr. Monis Rau returned to De- roit cn Satu,'day, after visiting his par'enas for a fete days. Messrs Leu and Theodore Mit- :leholtz !and Harry :Rose ;oft for Detroit, an We.teesd-.ly. Mx :Thomas :1 • Useig, dis(.r:st igen`. If.: Mat say- Harr:s impI rti- eets is ;, � t-. u n tor a few days, •'Hiss Pearl ' Vurtz has returned come after nn extended visit: iitn f i In'�s at L e'ph, Ham 1 o:z, l'orento and other points. Mr. Irvin Ecksitein attended the unez-al of his uncle, the late Tharles Eckstein, which was held t Det:,oi: cozz Wednes::ay, Rev, Powell, County 'Tcnaperan- e :Secretary; of C inion will con- sist the services in the Evangel - al church on Sunday eves i.ig. Mrs. '1v'm. !Trueznner, of Zurich, etuined hone on Monday .after i e�iding a c.,upie of weeks with e: fa.thcr, M'. Peter Cosk. -1:i- erton Sun. Mr Theodore Mitt'_eholtz, who zas 1: e n engaged with Mr. C. H•art;eib for some *dine; has left p . I?e'.rcit, where he has -secured a po.cit10 ns r the annual Missionary Sunday of tr^ r'.i'v angelical church was held Est 'Sunday", with good results, he .proceeds wi;l crmcu>>t to $175. :nd with e:xtia Miss:ovary gifts ❑.l Sunday School offerings the mourn. will exceed $-t00. Remember that this month is the es't time to fight the bugs that ould destroy your garden .next rar. Burn all the tops of plant,, paragus, potatoes ,melons, cu- Interi, in.1 tan -asset part ,u a 17 .d you Alit have desir_yel many gists lof next summer.. Do cot !, ry 'or plow under. Under ,the weeding out system, (opted by ,bhe Ontario Govern-. ens: with regard to the stallions the Province the percentage of are -bred on ire horses in chreer ars has increased frons f•l to 74 :r cent. Two years from now grade stal:iens must go nod 1-y pure-bred stock , w:1t be IR: - Bed. DIED eb-In "taphon 'Totvnsl:ti on Oct 8th (?1rs M. t.xreb, aged 87 ears and 2 n:onths and 23 days, . ;BORN Stephenson—Parr Lino, Stanley,on Oct bili, to Mr. and Mrs., Chas. •Stephenson, a some. Waller—Goshen Line Hav to Mr. 'a.n.1 M.;* W',m wa ter a.daug:.t•r MAR•11I> D Deiehert—Thia:•l—At Lutheran church, Zu•ish, on Wednesday, Oct -25th, by Rev, H. R.emliq'Miss Cara, daug'ht'er of Mr. and :Ars. • Conrad .Thiel, Zuri^-h, to ' Dur. .Peter Deicher•t, Jr., o; the Blind Line, fhy STRAYED A two-year old roan heifer, with pig ring on left ear. .(bout Sept. ist. Finder will please notify Mr. Sol. Gingerich, R. R,No 3, phano 3 on 84, Zurich, Ont. STRAYED Onto my lirelnises, a roan heifer, aged about two years. Owner can procure same by proving property and pasting expenses.. Edit lleit3hert, Blind t� Ni).r� Lino, nay. R '. . N 2. �.yr +urd h.1 FARM I' OR SALD 155 acres Halton 'C-unty, On county stew road, Between Ac- ton and Guelph, Ayton three wiles, Got to be sold rat olnce. $750 casli, down, talanse arranged on a molt - gage, Possession at once, .Haul, barn, 61x40, good hen house, silo, frame pig ren and sheep -.pen, fram hon e painted wliii e, seven rasnne with good cellar. Also another small house and barn on the farm.. 85 acres workable land,, plenty of wood for years for firewood, bal- ance of land"is where timber has been cut off and grass land. Price $5250.00, 1? le1n'ty of good spring water on the farm. Apply to J. A. Wi:oughby, Geereetoen, Cnt. : 011 140,4 Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. .FIRE INSURANCE 'LATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVA'LE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. A000UNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich ++++++++ +++++++++++++++++4 ++++$+'1•-:+-ir++-i++s.a-_ HONOR RSL?, 161st BATTALION, C. E. F. "THE HURONS" Andrew Price Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson George McBride Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett Maurice Weber§ We have been asked to add. to the Honor Roll the names of the boys from Zurich, who have enlisted in battalions in various parts of tale countryand Who are serving thiiir King. Arne Brenner (killed in action) 1_ Emerson Brow.orr Peter Randall , Emanuel Holtzman Abe Bender -Albert Bender David Stelck Frank Ottley Ed. Fisher Norman Prang Hy. Sierran Arnie Hildebrandt Marshall Zeller Norman Johnston W. Livingood (killed in rection) Roy Geiger Alvin Surerus: In addition to the above five from Zurich joined the 161st but were re- jected as physically unfit, If the above list is not complete kindly inform us and we will be pleas- ed to add any names we have omitted ++++++++++++++ +6++++++++++ +++++ Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG I am now 'selling the Basic Slag for spring pasture and grass, any- one wishing to use some can pur- chase same from me. Mrr 5, 3, Baker, No.rthfie:d, Stor- mont Co., Ont., writes on March 1st,., 1915:— "I used Basic Sag on a pice'o of low muck ground last Spring, and could see quite an improve- ment in the hay and also in the aftergrass. I think the results would have been much better had the seeson not been so dry. lap. plied some last Fall and havo al- so ordered a quantity for this Spring. I have also the Ageney for the (enteric :r'`ertilizer—anyone to buy same oan do so fro,:a me. JOSEPH RiLJ .Al FLOAT 16' bi F 1 D UNE. The Right Kind of. Whale is HoavilY Freighted With Wealth, Fiat let us dispel the popular Iden that i whale is a fish. It is not al fish. but an animal.. It Leeds its young with Inial., And even though it lives in the water it cau be drowned. A. fish ex- tracts oxygen from the water and takes it through its gills. But the whale has to rise to the surfuee and get a• supply of oxygen from the air. When.it (lees thisit spouts water to make room for air, and the fishermen say, ",There she blowsi" A shale has a large, Bat tail, about eighteen feet across. Every fish has an upright tail. That is because fish need their tails only to a('t as rudders. But a whale, When he needs oxygen, has to beat down tbe water and get to the sua faced]] bounds. That's the reason his tail is ilat. The baleen, or whalebone whale. car- ries all the !whalebone in his mouth. It bangs down from his upper jaw in a vast -network. Ile cats the smallest sort of jellyfish, etc. Baying no teeth, be swims right into a shoal of things that form his food, mid the network of whalebone acts as a tinge fisbing not. Whalebone is worth $10,000 a ton, and ono whale may carry one and a half tons 41f it. Besides whalebone, we get tons of oil from the whale. It is used for ointments and very fide candles. And from a certain species of whale we get ambergris, which is worth from $10 to $30 an ounce. The whale is a floating fortune. - Knife Duels In Mexico. . A duel between cattle herders on the Mexican plaius is about as savage and deadly a manner of tigbting as ono could possibly imagine, Each opponent extends his left arm, and a third party who has beeu selected to act as ref- eree binds their wrists together with a thong of rawhide. Ile then places a knife in the right hand of each, uud the fight is on. Needless to say, it does not last long. Every stab may be cal- culated upon to do damage, and it of- ten happens that both duelists receive fatal wounds. Yet, in spite of the se- vere rules of the game, there are men who become experts and terrorize a whole neighborhood. They pride them- selves on being able to strike so quick- ly and so surely that they can kill an opponent with the first blow and get away unscathed.—Exchange. When Tea Was Dear. Those who grumble at the price of tea should turn for consolation to the recbrlrt3 of its .price in early times. At its 'first introduction into England, about, the middle of the seventeenth century, tea fetched anything between £0 and £10 a pond, end though a fall in price quickly took place the East India company still had to pay over £4 for the two pounds of tea which it presented the khzg. However, even thus it is doubtful if the tea merchants got very fat, seeing that the importa- tion of some 4,000 pounds in 1078 was enough to glut the market for some years. -London Chronicle. The Missouri River. The Missouri river is one of the great drainage channels of the United States, measuring in total length about 2,400 miles. It drains 527,155 square miles, e territory as great as that embraced to the states of New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, Vir- ginia, ]rest Virginia, Kentucky, i\orth Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, :'eorgia, Ahibailie and Mississippi. Although Missouri river may never egeiu be utilized as- a,.means of com- munication and transportation, it is destined to play large part in the better development of its drainage basila by furnishing water for irrigation and Lor generating power.—Oeological Sur- t.ey, Ancient Baths of Caracalla. The Romans appear to. have been well off in the matter of battling places in the first and second centu- ries. In the baths of Caracalla 1,1300 bathers could be accommodated at one time. The inclosed area was 300 square yards, but it included a course for foot i'aeing. The bathing estab- lishment was 240 yarcls in length by 124 wide. The remains of the walls are eight and ten feet thick and in some places as much as fifty feet high. Sand. "What business are you In now?" "The sand business." "And bow is it?"" "Well, it's a tantalizing sort of limi- ness. Plenty of people need more sand and would doubtless like to purchase. If I could only supply that demand I'd get rich." - Rapid Heartbeats. . It is believed by scientists that the smaller the animal the more rapid is its heartbeats. Thirty pulsations a K minute Have been recorded in tbe ele- phant, 40 in the horse, 70 in Haan and . 2001n the rabbit. The heart of a shouse a:. beat 500 to 780 times a minute. •� WATER BOWLS Litter Carriers STANCHIONS ETC,' ETC.. We handle and install all the modern conveneienees for your stables, See our lines, B --T Hay Tracks and ars Let us install your hay track for you now. Terms are same at if installed next spring, viz: Sept. 1st, 1917. We handle pumps, piping, etc. ZURICH 1 GLIB Herald and tt it tt it tt it It It tt CC 1 't it LC CC tt tt it ti ii tt tt tt ti it 16 Daily Globe Weekly Globe Daily ]]:tail and Eli pire Weely Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Stas 2 85 ., Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star1 75. London Free Press Morning Edition3 GO Evening Edition:; GO Weekly Edition - 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition, 3 GO Evening Edition, 3 GO Weekly Edition 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Mainers Advocate2 30 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star $3 75 1 7t. 3 75 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 185 Canadian Country- man 150 FA_t.MS FOR SALE 50 -acre farm, on 14th con„ Hay Township. Will he sold on re- soii;,lale terns as owner is living out 'west. ,and wishes to dispose of the property. For partfcu'ars ap- ply to Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. Fine 150 -acre farm for sale int Township of Stanley. All first class land, good buildings and plenty of good tenter. C'onveni- en't to church and school. For particulars apply to Andrea F. Bess, herald Office, 'Zurich. FOR SALE Desirab:e business property, known as McCormick's Confection- ery, offered for sale. One of the main corners in Zur:eh. For par- ticulars apply to A, Mittelholtz or A. F, ,Hess, Zurich. LOOK! Why not use the best coal? SCRA TON..CQAL Chestnut, Furnace, Btack= smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. C. F. CASE & 80 HONE 35 I--? E N SA LL '11 sl..r..-o` ++++ •:+ 4'1 i :: ^res++ •: °o++ -.: -•'r•,•., .a q.q,.,,,i :... ++++++ JOB W ORK •� .L es '`. The improvements in our print shon enable us to do any kind of job work R at shortest notice. No matter flow - large or small the order may be, we will be pleased to (lueto you priers o0( salve, Our wot k is neat and tasty and We can give your any quality of paper. Let us haveyournext order and sec if we "make good" We sell Appleford's counter ebecit �L books, any style. y1- sla Herald Press Zurich •'r r 'i- 4 +.C... -4 • • i•' . i : a -j' , '•-1'4-++2'++ ,