HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-10-26, Page 44,64 iaslled every Thuretia,, Attern,oante m tee 1 HERALD PRINTING : FFICE Victoria o4, 4urich, by ANDREW F. ILE so and uriESTER L. SAIL i t • 14.'lI13SCRIPTION P2.1C l;e ',1.00 A" YE,Aa. I7, $• subscripton $t,go strictly In advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. Rates for display and contract advertisements wIll_bc given on appliation. Transientncelces snob as legal, corporadon, soci ,etc. ao cents per lute t ,t .irst,nsertirn and g cents Ile for eaus 4ubsetruun tasertinn. Notices of entertaruut,:at,, socials etc. at which anadmiss ion fee is charged or a :pedal collection ta. en will be Charged for at toe regular adv,crti,tng ra tes Notices of religious ,r other meetings the object v which is the benefit of the community and not for per anal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheertuly nserted free. Advertisrnehts tvitnow specific ditections will be ism arted untie, forbid .and eh:tr,ed accordingly. Tran sae tt ad vectisinan. s min en paid for in advance. E stray advs. $r for tnre.r insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by 6 p, ss., Tuesday, otherwise thoy will be lett o x r unci Itne ioltowit b week. Address all comatuniea tons to TIIE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, OCT. 23 , 1910 ML:ITARY NEWS Casualty list on 'Monday, killed. F. Ske tc•n, kippen ; Geo. Lynch, tan:, D L'e.ry, Seaferth, Wound ed, Lieut. W. Proudfoot, 'Godcrich F, Mallett and E. Anderson, Ex- eter. Ow:ng to the 113tl;. sea, 1JilstBatt.. having 800 -men of a 1 ranksitwill be :necessary to re-org anuize the Bette in un a three company basis. IThe .offieers evho :vi1 be de;;iared soles' n arneraries will be retained :until the eve of the leaving for overseas. It is not likely that their names will be divulged treat •t1ieas inuer the Lew cstab:ishmezre, .order vvhich,neceseitates units go- cRE1311.'011l rev. J•. W.. Baird, of Exeter, cc - (Ivied ,the Methodist church pit cn Sunday at both morning and evening services, Rev and Mrs. E. Becker visited friends in Detroit last week.. Ezra Ewald .has left for Kiteb- r.n'1 to work in the L'olr.in;On Bub- ber factory The receipts at the recent fowl supper veld by the Evangelical church here were. nearly $.OJ, the response to the Trafalgar ty contiltelian was liberal by wr ci.izen'S. Farmers a -•e busy with fall pie er- ant at present. The recent heavy ra.ns have anade the work mesh .easier, STANLEY TOWNSHIP,, Mr, Ralph Stephenson, Sr. and Mr (Robert Stephenson spent ' a Lew days visiting friends at Mar- lette, 'Lich., Mrs John Stephenson who has spent •the past year with her daughter, Mrs. D. Armstrong Of Pilot ",Mound, Man., has returned to her home in Stanley., Rev. G. G.. Harris, a returned Mlesionary from China, preached last , Sunday in the Methodist church, [Fannia. He gave a very interesting .account of bis work in China. Word ,has been received here that !Pee. Arnold Rathwell of the 33rd Battalion, son of Mr. Sam, 'Rathwell, formerly of Varna, has been killed hi action.. LURING AN AUDIENCE. lust a Little Twist In a Shakespeare Title Did the Trick. There was once a traveling theatrical company, so the tale of venerable age !ng ove-seas •t•.r urop 2 per cent. and long improbable veracity goes, ,per hundred of their subalterns, l that was booked to play in a town a ,these battadene will be comoeiie ,. melodrama considered as suitable to to droll soar otricers each. _cap- the prospective audience. By accident tp:ointrztents etaewhere may ra the necessary scenery and costumes pro . i ed f.r the of i_ers ie.e.ts-u ! were sent ahead. to the next stopping or they evil in ell probability, b., , place, which was the capital of the intro. e_i in ara.ts leav_ng far at er state, where a Shakespearean play was tselas I to be presented at the governor's spe- : e y strtno .t . regulations itavr vial request, and the costumes and ac - be., issue t by the order -in -coon- eessories for the Shakespeare perform - cit resl,ec :b recreating in the' ance were the ones that arrived. There future _sL. ra is one item that was no time to right the mistake, but touee Lee incise of our tom- there was time to rush a new set of mangles, Any o_f ver or tnan en- posters advertising tbe new play. "Come one, come all!" they invited gaged in re. rut_.ng as given great the public. "Do not miss the oppor- priv..egeo ane pewee, sj eakera and trinity of a lifetime! The great comic, ms t.ngs .are ,troeected to the aim- historic romantic,emotional drama at ease ern, eerso.a shear-ing aoa nst 'As You Like It, or the Wrestler's tin, a in any or t-isc..ur.-sing reeru_ . Se eetbeaat! as triumphantly perform - Military or AniA,en..ing the work of a military o.fscer in the slightest is +suejt;ut to a .heavy tines or im- 1 •ri,eran nt, or both. Iia the peal' Many have discouraged recreit ing lin a 1 ri , :;te 'wanner not i ealizing what they were doing. Now tney, avid require "to take heed" ,as to. what they say, From 0. C. Met. 0. S. battalion, C. n, 1 ., Camp Borten, Ont. To ?the Editor Zurich _Herald, Zurich, U,ntatio. Dear Sir-lt has come to ny at- ,tcta ion that it is being c'r elated, isl iriuron county that :the aleurons Os. Bn, C. L. 33. is be- ing reorganized as a three .com- pany bat'.a len and that six offie ers'have been ie-eived from duty; 11 Teetar, to assure you that this as t.o. so. The Battu ion • emains • •compasiy .Battu !an and pro- ceeds oveasas as such, only drop - Aping 't!wo ofeicera, Lelew I give a list of the of- eletre who go overseas wttn the .battalion: Lt. -Co . H 13. Combe; 0. 0.; lM..jar Ft. S. 1 ay,s. sn.i in e. nimar.d; Cap:. C.Jr. al; Lane, Actincitant; ,'Hajar J. W. Shaw, Medical 011ie- ea Ma,ar II, 1). Mel aggatt, 1 a;, - master, Cap, W. E. Adan, Qt.a.t..r- ,rae.ter; Capt. J. K. i a.rfi 1, hap- lain; Mo or w. J. Hearnan; 1Ia]or • ie, S-nclair; ..a1,t. 11. _ampbeli; Capt, 2. C. Town; Capt. K. 1*. Sturdy ; Cape. C. K. MIacphereen; Liet. ;W. In 0esei1; Lieut. L. S. ,Hall Lieut, D. S. Scali; Lieut. J, X. Mese; Lieut. D.. L. Jialm<:s; Lieut. D. L Reiu; Lieut. NV. R. .Scott.; Litut,, W. 2, Griet e; Li'.ut iE', ,N Sc,;tt; Lieut. I. Hethcrutgton ,Lieut, H. G McLean;. Lieut W, 13, ,n ; Liv-ut, F. N. C1uif, Lieut. tit. ea. Waiter:; Lieut. R. A. ClittL, k ours sincerely, ,Signed, H. 13. Combe, .Lt. -Cal. O. (3. io.st Os. Battalion, C, N. 3, • FOR RENT Premises in Zurich owned by Mrs McCormick Por particulars apply to ,d Mitteiholtzor A1 Hess. • ed before the queen of England at the Globe theater, London, with the dis- tinguished author in the cast!" Naturally the public inferred that this interesting performance bad taken place before Queen "Victoria during the last Loudon season rather than in the presence of good. Queen Bess some 300 years before. Naturally also tbe gym- nastic suggestions of the ingenious subtitle were not lost upon them. They turned out in force. Tire town attended almost to a man. They did not think much of the melancholy Jaques, but they would have endured him another seven ages for tbe sake of Rosalind! -Youth's Companion. Tongues That Kill. The tongues of some animals are very dangerous weapons. A lion could \speedily kill a man by merely licking him with his tongue. The tongues of all the members of the cat family are covered -with curious recurving spines formed of tough cartilage. In the com- mon domestic tat these spines are very small, but are sufficiently well devel- oped to give the tongue a feeling of roughuess. In the fiercest animals, such as the lion or tiger, these spines are frequently found projecting up for an eighth of an inch or more with very sharp points or edges. While the mouth is relaxed tbe tongue is soft audsmooth, but when the animal is excited the Spines become rigid. No Wedding Rings Here. In many parts or the world women de not wear wedding rings, but they have other .signs which unmistakably show that they are married. Hindu women paint a vertical red mark in the middle of their foreheads and wear peculiarly shaped bangles. In Japan married women black their teeth with a dye made from poppies. In most of the native tribes of South Africa a horn ring encircles the top- knot of the married woman. Among these tribes unmarried women wear no riugs, wives wear one, and mothers wear two. Moorish women arrange their 'veils in $ particular way after marriage. CORRESPONDENC EXETER Williaiu 'lashings, brother of Al Hastings, sof this place, flied at fro s'li't ''a -:t w.ek, Mr. anid Mrs Hastings attended the funeral. 17' G Creech has taken over the business of the Canadian Express Co., here_ 11Mtss Je,nt Seldon has entered Que•:n's University, Kingston, for a four year's course. John Knerr and FrankTriebn er have left for Windsor. Dr Rivers and two children 'of Lethbridge, Alta, formerly. of Crediton, visited herr, last week He is . uperintende'nt of the Pro- v in sal I'n eon Far n at Letl.ti idgc. Thirty drills on the dollar was fixed :as the tax rate for Exeter by the c.uncil at its last meeting W, S Cole hats purchased !'x:.13. Bedford's house on Huron street for $3100.00. Major W. Heala°ran was home his week on his last k'ave froin ,lamp Borden. His bat;a en the 1.61st Hurons, is soon to leave. HENSALL While returning from a trip to. "oronto, by au' -o, F. Sanallacom.be, enid party were upset in a dutch; near Hensall the other day. The •:ar ;n some unaccountable way swerved into the ditch and F. Rush had his collar bone broken 'nd A2r Slnallesoaabe's son had his 'arm fractured. The rest sef the occupants escape' with a shaking nip. The car was badly damag ed. P. Bengough has moved into his own residence again, while F. Dieters has moved into the dwe'l- :ne Le r e nt?y1•u:chaseditom the Dalrymple estate.. Mr and Mrs. W. Chapman at- tended the funeral cf the latters brother Chas, Westaway, of Re gina, evil -to was buried at Brant - rd 1: st- w: ese. The deceased m,et his death by the premature dis- charge of a gun while hunting near Regina., A t11'-cessful ladies minstrel show was held in the Town Hall lest Friday night. Mrs, W. Mi ler and family have Plot e:i:rip the Petty b ode recent- ly • lac. ,ted > y Mr. Ho-sley. Miss C. Shirriay and sister-in--- law, ister-in--l,aw, Mrs. Sbitrey, of De'rsit, ve- iled relatives here for a few days last week. COUNTY NEWS; , Bev. Dr. Aiken ;vas inducted in to the pastorate of Kipper and Hi 11 Creen Fresbyterien chu.e' es on Oct. 12th. ,Mrs, Jane Wilson, aunt of Mr. Wm_ Pollock, :Goshen Line, :Stan- ley, celebrated her 100th birthday on Oct. lith. She is still enjoy - log good health and is in posses- sion of all her faculties, MR TARE We carry a full line of Stove Pipes, Elbows, Lanterns, Apple Pacers, Sweat Pacts, Etc. SHOES We have a nice line of shoes for young men. Come in and see these styles. Also everyday sboes for men, women and children at right prices. Carhartt's Overalls We handle the celebrated Carhartt's Overalls and lthalci trousers for men and boys. No better made. Get our prices. Live fowl taken every Thursday forenoon forwhich we pav highest market prices Siwe Repairini of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. L. BRISSON' Drysdale DASHWOQD IThe funeral of the late Mrs. Greb was held on Friday from her. 3rolne ton 14th con„ Stephen, to the Goshen Line cemetery, The ser- vices were conducted by Rev, P. Meyer of 'the Evangelical ehurcb, rSho :ins survived by 2 sons, 5 daughters nand 24 grand children, 11x. and Mrs, D, A. 11]:•cCormiek of Bridgeburg are visiting relatives here at resent„ Mr. B. W. F. Beavers of Exeter, its conducting a clearing sale of the shoe stock reeeelly owned by Mr. D. Pfaff. Mr: Wm. Beck of Mount Clemens ins visiting relatives in this vicinity Miss.Aldo .Ha.tleib cf Lon:'on is v ieiteng rat .leer home here: Mr Les. Goetz of Seaforth vis- ited hero over ,Sunday. Miss Isabel Cameron has rotw•n- ec1 1t'rc is Loddon tvhero she has 'been for some time. Mr Kari Graupner left for lat. -Wayne, Saturday. SAUBLE LINE SOUTH IThe Misses Addeo and Eckstein left for Detroit, Monday after spending their vacation with friends and relatives in this vic- inity. , SUCCESSFUL SALDe One of •the imcs't successful acct: on sales ever held in this section took place last Friday at the farm o tee ase RateZ:: Cam, 1i 1, Sa..b e Line, The proceeds amoun:ed to over $2500,. Mr. B. Bossetn:bcra•y. wielded the hanafm,erj UHF, , PRICE Ole NEWSPAPERS IThe :n!crease in the price of l r:nti l; Mala; ,has become ea ire.1- cos ti a° J ub i tae s are g..t ing to- gether to de.iae me_.suie3 to meet the si nation. Many have a ready, entrees id their subscription rages. end some leave been forced to sus-, petnd publication,. We are adv:sod however, by the publ'shers of the Family herald and Wee' -]y ,Star of Montreal that i t= present, anyway, therd will he no increaser in the price of that paper, and we are permitted to offer the Family Herald nand, Weekly Star 'along with the Zurich Herald tor the small sum of $1..83, that is •c.re year's subscription to each ,paper,. -This offer is good only until Nov. 30-1916, as it may be found necessary to make a change tten. The publishers of the Family Herald and Week-ly Etar not- w; standing the e,i:orm:.us ireercase in cost of production, have decided to s,penld ;more anoney than ever inl pro' ing the paper, and to give their great ;army of readers great- er Value than ever. A fait year's subze:iption to the Zurich Herald andtiThe Fah. ily Her- ald and Weekly Etar vt i 1 cc st cn'y $1.85,:lro%i-e1 ceders are receive ed before Nov. 30-1916. Send your subscription to this office. • 0 O • • M 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 • 8 R7 ell 0 e 8 0 e 8 m .0 0 e�eea 0 MaseyiJarris Implements We have been 're -appointed Agents for the- named henamed Ii»plcinonts and are prepared to take orders• kinds of Massey-l=Larrismachines for next season.. WE ALSO above, of all O • •. • • KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS 01r IIMASS'EY a • • • 0 • Our Prices are arrays right •0 • •• a • s' • • ?HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS, We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs •and Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods, 0901.11r1110,111•11312121M9C00.0X0 ,quare Deal H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman F.g ess & Son The Old Stand osge esoseeeeeeetveeeseo i400e trZeec eg@ee a eoeseesotes seesoo NoCEIZEITA MWJ( ENErliffedateffi PLRPjiN G Kari ' ri We carry large sock of storm sashes and storm doors made all size or style. Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mill products. Estmates given and contracts taken. at planing mill. 41 i a Uo PHONE l(� cr3., c,tvcc. CIDER. MILL Our cider ,mill is now running. Arrangements can be made 1.y :phoning to 2 on 83 Hensel! Cen- tral.. W. B. Elder, Lot 16, end. cont way, REM BESS Thera are cold days coming Prepare for then' now by sec- uring your supple of . the celebrated D. c. H. Lacka- wana Anthracite Coal We have a supply of all size: Egg, .Stove and Chesnut • [LA. Cante on Hens.m II Phone 10, House Phone 10a foriesimmommemnimMomMOmak Office lam!' L ZURICH ! The Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVIC.ES Sunday, German -•• .-- -•- 9.45 a. na4 '• Sunday Scheel 11.00 a. m.. " Service, English -••7.30 p. .m.. • Tuesday Jr. Y. P. A, ,-- 7,30 p.-ruo Tuesday, Y. P. A. --- --- 8.15 p. me 1 hursday Prayer Meeting 8,00 p.m.. Friday, Choir Practice --• 8 30p. m. Ladies' Aid, First Wednesday of each Month, 7.E0 p.ms. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday School ... ... .-• --- ...9. a.m.. German Serviced, Sunday 10 30a.m,k English Service Sunday 7.30 p.rn. Luther League, Friday 8. p. ims Ladies' Aid meets first Wednese• day of each month at 8. p. m. 3 be t r THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA REFINE STOC IN SUMS OF' $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable lst October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, lst April and lst October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent Per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recog- nized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT Or FINANCE, OTTAWA; OCTossR 7th, 1916.