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Zurich Herald, 1916-10-20, Page 5
Classitied Ads LEGAL CARDS. PROUDFOOT, KILLO1 AN, & 000K.E. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publtor from muton 1 St. ton Gode e doorGoderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PRot7DFQQT, X. C. J. L. leimoxf.AN. H. J. D. Comm Mr. Cooke will be in Hensel' on Friday and Saturday of each week. MEDICAL CARDS DR A. J. IIacKINNON late Hous Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, 'Manhat anlatter ity the Hospital N. Y. city. Late House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich Ont. Zone ' f *eget MARKET' Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc. Highest Cath Price forWool CASH . •FOR SKINS & HIDES u gbolut t!Z,e The Home hnsuarnce CO Paid-up Capital $0,000,000 Surplus to Policvholders $19,536,177,25 • Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cents par $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guarantee G® HOLTZMAN Agent LOCAL NEWS - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods ti. UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate]Cha'!'geS Tailor Shop and Laund ry W. Hr HOFFMAN Zurich, - Ontario Beet g•so'ine :q cents jer ; al'on at Hartleib's. Mr C, Ei.ber was in London on Tuesday' on business. NEW ADDS F. Hess & Son, E.F„ Stade, J. Wiloughy, S. Gingerieh. A dance was held tri the hall in the weal end of town on Tuesday evening. • . Messrs. 1C. Fritz ani, P. Lament were liu . Godorieh, on '''Wednesday; on business. Mra. 1T•`•Kochem,s is visiting re lative3 in Linwood and S'.rathroy for a few weeks FOR SALE.- A base burner, with oven, good as new, at a bar- gain, Wm, Ruby. Mr, and Mrs. Hartman Elsie vis- ited at 'the dome of Mr. Louis Prang lover Sunday. Mr Johtn Preece is able 'o ba up and around again Neter an at- tack. of La Grippe,. A number from the vi lege at- tended the fowlsupper a: Credi- tan last Thursday night. Mr. Eldon Howeld, who has been; engaged with Mr. A. Edighoffer, jefc for Detroit 0!n? Thursday. • All parries indebted to me will please pay ,accounts by October, z.ti•_ ret, H-nry Gaemen, Zu Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Rinker and Mr, Bill. Gassman, of Dashwood, vi:i:cd Mr. Jon O2sc:3 on Sandey. x'_ FOR S�1L A 'lire= -;,-car 0.1 hackney holee, a goo.i ono. Ap- ply to Dan Sm th, St. Joce_jli.. Rei-. and Mrs,' E. S. Moyer, and children, of Durham ,visited ::t the. 'homes of J. Preeter, and W. Sie- bert, • Mr. Geo. Yungblut and :amily left for their home :in Auburn on Moan ay, after viei't'ng his i;r::thcr, Henry, for a fe;w days. Any person having an account ag:.unst the escato of the late 1.). S. Faust are requested to hand sane to the executors, Messrs S. E, Faust and W. H, i.ioffman. A RELIABICE AGENT WANTED In every good town and district in Ontario, where we are not represented. Territory reserved for the right man. Highest commissions paid Attractive advertising clatter. Splendid List Of New Specialties for Season 1916 - 1917 T.ncludin'r the new ever- bearing Raspberry, S.t. Regis Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nnseries (Establi ihed 1837) f O N T 'FARM FOR SALE 1.5:1 acres •Halton, Ccuntyt On ten - to stcna road, Between Ac- ton and Celeiph, Acton ttrro tr-iley. Got to be 'told fat once. $750 easbl down, ka'.an:se arranged on amott- gage, Possession at on:;e. Bank barn, 60x:0, goodhen, house, si:o, fi ane pig ren and 'sheep -pen, frami hcu e pointed whi 01Aoanother eeven wwith good cellar, small house and barn on the ,farm. 85 acres workable Land, plenty of wood for years for firewood, bal- ance of land is where timber has leen cut off and grass land. Pr:co, $5250.00 P lenty of good spring water on the farm;. Apply to J, A Wi:oug'.by, Ge: r,etow:nn Cu't. Mr. C. E it eer and Miss R. Either, of Hensall, spent Sunday at theer hone herd 46411‘1144=440. The directors of the Zurich Fall Fair held a business meeting in the Town Hall on Tuesday. The prizes awarded .at the Fall Fair; e.,e-x, a gone. ovar ,and ail correction :1414 1*- • • Bring us your grains. We are paying from $1.60. to $1.65 for wheat.. When in, need of Family, Four or Milt Feed, it will pay you to call us up and get our prices. H. Cook & bum, Heni.11, /The members of the Evangelical Sr. Y. P. A. grade,and packet with useeul and tasty articles, 21 Xanas. socks, to be sent overseas for can wounded 'soldiers. IThoy are. planning to do more Red Cross ,work. Cook Bros., Hensall, have sold the .o.lewing new Ford cars dur- ing the east few weeks: J. 3. Meitner and A. G. Edighoffer, Zurich; Dr Moir, Hensel; L. Bris- son and E. Weenake, Drysdale; W. Leitch, of Ai:sa Craig has also. purcltase ► :x 7-passeeger S ade- bai; er from them. 'FIRST SNOW FLURRIES ,lhe iirst snowfall of the season occaren on Tu:seay. The ;all was, not a hes vy cnehut it was enotigh to show on the ground. The .taw wines • have made things un- co:nfertable and the coal fires are, very •i oe.0 ar. The Lake Super - _or regi.ne have hal. a 3 inch lel of the "beautiful." STOVEPIPE AND CHIMNe Y FUREjS W-th the ,appioace of coo'e: we- ather, stoves and fireplaces will coon be. ut in_o ccm:ri sion. Te - fore this is done, care should be Taken eo ,see that chimneys and stovepipes aro in good repair, thoroughly cleaned, and rendered safe from fire. Owing to .the dampness of the early summer, men; :.to . e,i: es wit be Luna bad- ly xu.td, 'tvhi:h an tuner ceac.ng of c:n:.ma1 isot expose. Exam, ine thea carofu ly and replace de- eective pipes. Fire .preve:ntion.is one of the first consieerations of the householder. CASE DISMISSED The ease aga`n'st Jacob Weber, of Sea.orth, :et whose p'a•.o ten half- barrels of whiskey were eeized, was dismissed by Police .Magic -- trate e.nerews at C.in orl. Weber swore tbai the 'tltikey was for Hite use of tie wife ani hi.inee'.f, he hav ::t f i,urehnse . a gene1ous supply :real etre f ,rd dea'er3 before era- 1 it i` -ion come in.o e'fo,.t. .Another charge is pend3n g against Weber, ..n 1 the .,) juor is et: It in the custo- dy at Irspe,.toz' "1c?:x=`qe':, . 44.,44.. Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC, FIRE INSURANCE t:' LA TE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich ir.;-,'r ;,.s' H'o•:-•'rte-�--�--&�•l.•z°-s-•:'-`r���• ::•-�'i � r ONOR ROLL 161st BATTALION, C. E. F. "THE HURONS" Andrew Price . Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson George McBride Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett, Webers We have been asked:to add to the IIonor 1;,011 the names; of the boys from Zurich, who htiye enlisted in battalions in various Barts of ET ceuntiy and who are serving their King, • Arne Brenner (killed in action) 1 Enlersnn 1;rnWA Peter Randall Ethan del Ilol tznawn Abe Bender Albert Bender David Stelck Frank Uttley Ed. Fisher Norman Prang Ily. Sieinnn Arnie Hildebrandt Marshall 'Zeller Norman Johnston W. Livingood Roy Geiger Alvin Surd r Fin 10 In addition to the abcye five from 'Zurich joined the 161st but were re- jected as physically uLfit, If the above list is not complete kindly inform us and we will bepleas- ee'1 to add any names we have omitted EXETER; Mrs M'Conibs s.tf; ''red a par- alytic ,eerohe the other day. A, e c Stew. re who hal b, .e a em- ployed with W, Taman for some rears, ?'its accepted position with. 12. ,1, Young, Landon, and lai't foi that city ou:Monday. Rev. Wee Goodwin, aretired minister, and formerly a pastor of the 14L a 1 S' z':ot Met'.o:,1s1; cliura.h Exeter, died at les `b nv ',n ,Loedon on Oct, 8th after several :neetbs illness.. W T. Lutman and M's1 Rhoda Cornish were quietly ,married et the Presbyterian manse on Oct: 9th Wen Cottle, of Centralia, bro-- tl, et• of Ambrose Cottle, of town, was buried at Ilderton on Wed- eeesday ,ol last week, He c oa-i- eutted a harness shop a't that c il- iagce for many years. The other' evening ewhi:e the three children of J'. R. McDonald St ere: drivento their. home en the London Road north, they ntet with an accident which might haver u t.d fa' a' ly. They e. ere tuan n,g in at the gate when an i u.o driven by a B.yth man, came along 'Nand thinking the rig had turned out for him he tried to pass Just then, the horse nen rig were turned to cross• the road the children not having heard tee' Born. •1'he front part of rhe lig was hit ,and the children' hurled in tall directions, but 'strange to say were tunemet. The Loss was badly cut and the buggy clemol- : ned Tee iii. n .r Roll for the boys Who et, e en, 1st -_•.1 was unveiled .n tee ;ceindeii..a ceurce ee Sandie a e e_l., Sultah.o a:idresses were g,Y e.i by the l as.o_ :- n.t et` .rs. WATRi, AILS Litter Carriers STANGJHU ONS1 ETCte We handle and insi a'1 all the modern conven' iences for your stables. See our lines. B --T Hay Tracks and Cars COUNTY NEWS A heavy gale., on, Lake a4 t :: reeler, 'veieh a: 1. nes p.le,1 eaves 4o.t high, did damage , : fisher:hen's inlets to the extent of %et:ne:Inas (a an Lars, a- Leat' l.e.tt. elle Huth, Bruce Battalion 1' 1 ' Londa,, for an eastern Join'.: 00 Li°rut.-Col. A. Wei. -n.: ie ofli e_s were highly ret osumenc.ed on the line appearan-I co .,;a ,11.c ban:aiio_n. It it estimated that the loss in the. A ortherin Onta_io i.irus Weee :.:rtoark.- to over $2,000,0)0. gree born Johnston, son o2 W. H. ,,.oi_n' t n. Ken, en, has .acee,.te3 at p lei �n 1r-t.i`t. e Ir t s.i A. in ratty a> aes_etene su}.e:in.en '-nt i.1 cella, passes, Cross Fertilizer Co. BASF SLAT I am now selling the Buie Slag for spring pasture and grass, any- one wishing to use some can pur- chase same from me. Mr. S. 3, Baker, Northfield, Styr- mont Co., Ont., writes on 'March let,, 1915: - al used Basic S'ag on a ri:c of low muck ground Inst Spring, and could see quite an improve- ment in the hay and also in the aftergrass, I think the results would have been nlucll better had time se..son not been so dry. I,:p plied some last Fall and have al- so ordered a quantity for this Spring, I have also the Agency for tale 6ntario r'ertilizer-anyone ',.ie,ring to buy same can do so fro'ii rile; JOSEPH t �1 ). L !LAKE •• On Wednesday of this week there' passed away at her to.u3 near he -o, Margaret Lawson, le- 1o''e1 wile of hir. John Thirsk, :i her 137th year. Dezeassd had been ailing fir s.:1n3 thee but was not c „ei..: usty fit :t,:r iilore than a 'aeek. She leaves to mourn her loss her ornaihs eifng eh:aid- ncues.batn dtaiendsuna today, to the Bayfield cemetery. LARGE BANK BARN ]TURNS - NEAR EXETER Shortly after he returned from Exeter, end Whi.e hay /Jobs was eating his r: .upper this evening,thn barn ion the 'arm he is ran ;lug was d_s-overect tea for:. It was bur- ned to the ground w.th ail the season's (rol, it contained. le was to large bank barn, 70x80 feet and was located on, the 'arm of Sid lAn}drews, a 'mile and a half south Of .Eiinvil.e. The loss is es- timatee at $3,000. There was $1,- 200 .naurance on the, building, car- ried in the Usbornc and 1:libbert Insurance ;Company, This is the filth similar fire loss the company has Sustained this season" Mr, Debs earl ied some i,nsura.ncc on the contents of the buildings, The cause us u L ..cavo wn. • DIED Thirsk -4t B'a::e, en Wednesday, Oct 18th, Margaret Lawson, 'wife of John 'Thirsk, aged tib years :end 7 months. MARRIED .Ze ler-Rickboil-At Zurich, :•.v Wednesday, Oct. 18111, by Rev, F. 1.. Meyer, Miss Diana Tft {t- rietia. daugheer of Mr. and ieLs. J. F, Rickb_ii, of Zurich, to Mr. Juluis N. Zeller, of (Kitchener. .c'ei-emith.-At tho a:s':.en T i.t0 north, on Tuesday, Oct., 17t11, by Rev, Ie. 13. Meyer, Miss Dori, on'y dough.er of Mr. and earn .Tolvn J. Smith, to Mr. Reber.; Creon, son of Mr. and Mee, ..winos G•re n Parr L ne, Ray Tows' le Let us install your hay track for you now. Terms are same at if installed next spring, viz: Sept. 1st, 1917. We ,handle pumps, piping, ete. L. P ZURICH The . Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, German ---. --- --- M5 a. m Sunday S;.1 -o,1 1'.90 a, m " Junior Y. P. A. 2.001 p. n' Service, Eng i3h ---7.30 r. nl Tuesday, Y. P. A. --- .-- 3.15 p..an Thursday Prayer Meeting 8.00 p m. Friday, Choir Practice --- 8 30p. m. Lai s' Zia, First We'n.sday o: each Month,. 7.-0 p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday School ..-9. a.m. German Services, Su day i0 3)a -m. English Service Sunday 7.30 p.m. FARMS FOR Ste L E 50 -acre farm, on 14th con., Hay Township Will he sold on re- ;onebit' terms s .1.s 0"11:. -:i ',i�'111r out west and wishes to ',eel:nee of he plopeie.y. For part;cu a:s ap- ply to Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. Fine 150 -acre farm for ,sale in Township of Stanley. All first .less land, good Lu 11th©s and plenty of good water. Conveni- ent to church and schooI. For particulars apply to Andrew . F. Hess, Herald Office, Zurich. FOR SALE Desirable business property, known as McCormick's Confection- ery, offered for sale. One of the main ccrne_s in Zurich. For par tienlare apply to A. Mittelholtz or A. F, Hess, Zurich. Luther League, ;: Friday, , 8.,.. p. ant Ladies' Aid ,meets first Wednes- day of each month at 8, p. m. F EP S There are cold 0 s coming Prept.r for them Itis\ by sec- uring your sul:ll]o of the ce'ebrnted D. c4; 11. Laclia- mi is Anthracite Colll We have a supply of Egg, Stove and Chetrut Cantelon Phon o 10, Doll e Phone 10a FROM THE OFFICE OF THE- CENTRAL HECENTRAL COMMITTEE PARLIA- MENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO The drive i3 chi. Thursday, the 19:11, is the day on which the "hien Empire wi 1 be remembering the needs of the British Red Cross, but nowhere in the Empire will the emthusias,m, and genero :iy be so great as in grand old Ontario. The Toren n campaign i3 to be a "sizzler". At noon of the first r' ay the campaign shove 1 ee m', s $.50 10) eu'.sati'ed, Bet the eet- side places are not t:1 be behind. Cities, to nes, villages :lee i t: wn- sl ips, r :.0 the: ne, e • we;. t ;e t an.l most pu u'ous down to the i oor- e_t end ma; s ate el c n:nl.t.i i• es en the N•:nehcrn c'is r c.s : re a i combining by tag days, trersonal canvass and municipal greets .•1 ply homage, through the i3riiish lie:l Cio s, to the heat'' men whO are fighting and hazard'n :.t 1 or 77 'S cease. In 1915 Ontario stood nese in tae Empire ni.h. the magn•fieen: ten - trate ,n-tril to ion c•f $1,5 5,0A, 1;3 t'.le R. i':•- isll Red Cross. Ther: is only gine c°e: e,ibuaea), ghat will go further than Ontario's response of lis. year, land that will be Ontario's gift ir "OUR D.i1.2•." 1915. LOOK! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. 1ir.F.CASE Got HOPE 35 HENSALL MEAN LS Herald and Daily Globe $8 75 II Weekly 0lo1, . 1 75 Daily Mail and Em- pire V ee1y; 11Iai1 and Empire " Daily NOW's " Weekly Star " London lice i'1 ess Morning Edition, 8 60 Evening Edition,8 60 Weekly Edition-- 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition..,. 8 60 Evening Edition, 11 60 Weekly Edition 1 75 farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Adv, -;ea te2 10 Montreal 1•'siuily 1 Jerald and Weekly Star tt {t tI {t '4 tt tt '4 tt t' 1t tt tt tt tt t' H If tI 8 75 1 75 2 85 2 85 1 75 Weekly Montreal Witness Canadian Country - man 1 85 1 85 1 50 Tho long, dull, autumn d iys are here, The sadrst of i.he y. :r, When leaves ere ell ing, And the game is d a"iag, And we haven't the time to go hunting ;ter deter.