HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-10-20, Page 4THE HE.riA. e..D Pe s issued every Thursday afternrt+aittotnttic 15fresigned as past. of St > Rev. 'P. J, Doherty, Who recent - church, church, was presented w:th an ad- dress ,and a sectional book case byt the members before his departure for Lcilnden'• Rev. W. '.a. More of Kingsville is his successor. Walter Habkirk has returned from e trip to the west. Mrs T. Neelands has left for Toronto. She will spend the win- ter in Detroit and Toronto. Mrs, J. Ellis and daughter, CMiss Mettle. spent afow daysLamp Borden, last week6 Mr. T. Neelands was presented with a gold mounted umbrel'a and an address by 'members of the Ad- ult Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday School of which he was: teacher, The recent rains lave helped to, put the ground intoe shape for fall plowing. Dutch setts are being marketed in large quantities in the village. HERALD PRINTING FFICE Victoria St. Zurich, by ANDREW L HESS and CBES FF L. SMt1i ,iSURSCRIF'TION PRICE^$1.00 A YEAR i7, S subscripton it 560 strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. Volta tor display and contract adyee inements will be 11ven on nppikttinn. Transient notices such as legal, aurora tion, soci etc., so cents per lute fon first t^serttr.: and 5 cents • ne for each subseiiuent Insertion. Notices of enreritnmettts, soci. is etc. at which nn n. iss ion fee is charg.,u or a special coilectien ta.'en will be 1,n ,u the regular advntaints rates t'(otices of religious or other meetings the object o Which 16 the lament of the conunun,ty and not for per tonal or se.,tar an merest or g. du, \. 1 t cheeriuly mated free. Advertts,neu _ n.t tout specific di' ections will be iisnerted coital :, ..1 ,n 1 char*•od Accordingly. Tran xic. t adveru,m . ,.. mast tie paid for in advance. gstray ttiv. t n• three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. , hnnges tor COW' a • dvert,se^tents must be in the • me by 6 v..a , i nesdl. y, otherwise they will be left arta untilthe toliowtnu wecx. ..ddrrss all connatmica tons to '1';? " H ERALi)1 Zurich, Ont. T.}lU t •;:'.1)AY; OCT. 19, 1916 Hon. Water Scott, prem'er of •Sasketeh.ew :i, has r. signed on ac- cou.1t of ill -health. •No announ- cement of tho probable sued• essor has been made,. CORRESPONDENCE DASH[WOOD Our town is in darl-.neos at pres- ent owing to a break in the dy- namo of the electric light dant,'. The pupils of Miss Martha Oestricher gave a recital on •S,at- urday afternoon at the :music stud io. Eleven of the pupils took partin. the program and they all certainly deserve credit in the man leer the numbers were rendered,. At the, close of the recital Miss Oestricher favored therm with a solo entitled the "Earl -King," which 'as well rendered. • M s3 Rcsa Zimmer v:s:ted 1r:eeds i!1 London, last week. Several from , here attended the lows supper at Crediton on 'lawn sday hir- sday evening, l 4 Mr. D. Graybiel, of Yale, Mieh, spent a few days with relatives here last week. J 1 • Dressing Station, Firing Line—Official Film, "i rattle of the Somme." Mrs. Jack. iEdt and family are this week visiting in S:ratford and Forest, Miss Ella Zimmer has returned from Detroit, where she spent the summer. She 'was accompanied liy 'Mr..and Mrs. Jantz and daughter who are visiting here at present,: Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Siebert return- ed to Detroit, after visiting here for same time. Miss A. Pinkliiener scent Sunday with friends at Zurich. Messrs. Hy, Willert and 'Louis J. Willert have purchased the farm ,owned by Mr. C. Baumgarten, The M s:ionary lecture given in the Evainge:i2o1 church, Monday evening, was largely attended.Rev.. J. P. Haugh of Kitchener was .the principal speaker. Mr. Jack Kraft has moved Inca Mr Geo, Koclh's residence on Main Street, Misses Rosa Devine and Rosa - belle Pfaff arc staying in London for the winter months. • At urgent call for help again goes forth from the Mi!ltherlane mighty life- saving agency the British Red Cr©ss, The Endre is Mika U0011to give anatly g' ' y give quickly, that the sick wounded eti` via or all the battle fronts may netlanguish and perish an their hours of deepest need.. Here is a great work in which all can share. The Joint War Committee of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John is the only institution which carries voluntary aid to the sick and wounded of the British forces; on land and sea in every region of the war. Thousands of lives of our bravest and best are saved through this splendid 'work. YOUR. gift may save a life. Isn't it worth doing ? It is. GIVE 1. Make "Our Day, Your Red Cross Gift Day Give on October 19th The Red Cross looks after the transportation of sick and wounded—it equips thousands of hospitals, rest and convalescent homes, it supplies countless requisites for hospital work, clothing and.other com- forts. Over 2,000 Red Cross Motor Ambulances are at work on the various fronts, whsle "rest stations," hospital trains, steamers and launches,food for pri- soners, books, special work for the blind, etc., etc., are a few, only, of Red Cross activities. Ontario's princely gift in 1915 of $1,514,000 rang, a clarion mercy call, throughout the Empire. The British Red Cross were grateful beyond measure, and their appeal through Lord Lansdowne, President, now comes to us as to friends who sympathize and help. The need is greater to -day than a year ago—it is ever growing. Will Ontario do less than she did last year? No 1 GIVE—give a day's pay, give all you can, GIVE. Premier Hearst Has Seen the Work "My visit to England and France has aroused deeper appre- ciation than ever of the splendid work of the Bed Cross. It deserves every, support, and I trust the people of Ontario will respond with their usual generosity to the British Red Cross Appeal for October loth," - zrn HON. W. H. HEAItST, Prime Minister of Ontario. 1 He gives twice who gives quickly. Your help is needed NOW The Motherland's only direct appeal to us, for help in this great war is her great Red Cross mercy work. Ontario's response must and will be quick and generous. Give through the Treasurer of your Local Committee— or, send your subscription to the Clerk of your munici- pality --or, make it payable to Hon. T. W. McGarry, Treasurer British Red Cross Fund for Ontario, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, Don't Let Your Stricken Defenders Call in Vain, but ttjj���� n '•y 'e w� "'fit � °yF 5+�k y '. The Sick a WouRderl Call For YOE Help Give on Octther l9th Your gift will go entirely to the British Red Cross, where, again, through much voluntary work, the working expenses are cut down to only 21/2% of the total revenue. Thus, if you give $10, actually $9.77y goes to the healing and saving of some stricken hero. The expenses of the Ontario Committee, advertising, printing, etc., are being met entirely by the Provincial Government. Mr. N. W. Rowell, K.C., Brings a Red Cross Message "I bring a message of cheer to those who have relatives at the front and who fear they may be wounded. I believe every- thing human skill can do, that human care and sympathy can provide, is being done and provided each clay arid each night throughout the year by the Army Aicdical Corps and the iced Cross. It is a perfect marvel of efficiency." ME, N. W. ROWELL, ICC., Leader of the Opposition. Wataideil is the 'Tri echce--Oflaled Iwlltiey "e►itlt-.t tbei loons .'" ',';,..std a • MasseyUarrisImple .er is41: • • We have been re-appol'nteil Agents for the above ••, O. •• kinds of Massey -Barris lr o chines for next season. •, • • numel Implements and are prepared tc take ordersof all r; WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OP MASSEY •' HARRIS MACHINE AND P OV4 REPAIRS, a We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sl'e'gles and Co) • Cutters, and We repair the same class of. goods. e" 3 • • Square Deal Our Prices are always right 33 • • II. DATARS, Travelling Salesman • • • • • • • • • • F. Hess The Old Son Stand • • • • • • • •• • • • • 6 68011100•411••066i9006e00Iikari® 41961 a19C0®01:100 9ris®0L gO®®66B®.9•. , impaimm MILL j ING MILL We carry large sock of storm sashes and storm doors made all size or style. Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mill products. - Estmates given and contracts taken. at plaiting mill.. Office J DuRicH wzrawsrs f PtiI(lNE t_c tom. EOSIMINEIMO CAITLE-5 milch cows, all in calf ; 1 Jersey h.eifet,ein' calf ;' 1 grade bull, 2 years old; 5 spring calves. PIG -1 sow in pig; 9 stockers; about 11 weeks old. II NS -About'. 75 hey ts. IMPLEMENTS—Wagon,, •mostly new; McCormick binder; mower, - rake ; ower,rake; disc; drill; land• cu tivatcr; beam cultivator, nearly• neWei ane - horse scuffler„ pulper; fanning 1111 1; walking plow; double plow; wagon box; hay rack ;• harrows; cutter ; . buggy; detuocrat; 3scat- edc'ab•; bob -sleighs; se: iieht bar- ncss; single harness; plow harness set team harness; whiffletrees; neckyoke; grindstone; blacksmith out_i'.: anal other small articles, cream separator; churn; sewing machine; mail box. Tabes; chairs; p'ai's, and many other household articles. Alsout 20 ,tons hare -Cash; Bean stalks, 10 loads; number cedar poets; is ; quantity of wood. TERMS OF SALE—$10 and :an - der, cc.sh, over that amc•uat 1.mon- ths credit will be given on furni- shing approved joint notes. 5, pe. cent. oil credit amounts for cash E. Eerier -ferry, auctioneer. W 7,4te.ele, til.,l'iri lli R WARE We carry a full line of Stove Pipes, Elbows, Lanterns, Apple Parers, Sweat Pads, Etc. 5110E5 We have a nice line of shoes for young men. Come in and see these styles. Also everyday shoes for men, women and children at right prices. Carhartt's Overalls • AUCTION SALE 01 Farm Stock and Implements The undersigned auctioneer 'will sell by ,public auction, on Lot 27, . L. R :6i. B)ay Township, on Friday? e ,t :0t:n, 916; at i3O'o. o credo s. arp..; he folio ilisg •pro, erty, viz: • HORSES—Agriculturalbrood mare 8 yrs., o!d, in foal to Colonel . Graham.; 1 Agr. mare 6 yrs. old; Agri mare 4 yrs. old; driver 4 yrs, old; sucking colt; 1 yearling colt. • CATTLE— 5.milch cows sup-, . posedto be :ncalf to Derham Bull; . 2 heifers 2 yrs. old in calf ; 3 steers . 2 yrs. old; '8 yearlings; 5 spring cal- • yes: farrow cow. PIGS AND HENS -6 store hogs; . abcu 60 hens, IMPLEMENTS— Massey -Harris 7 ft, binder; Eft. Massey -Barris, mower, new Massey -Harris hay, • loader, new; 12ft. hay rake, new; Lover Leaf manure sereac'.er; De- ering, cis: drill; new; cultivator; : steel land rel er; d:s.; set halrows u ni y , ri 1; g n; i low; 2 wa_k•ng plows; scoffer; pulper; 'fanning mill; platform scales; 2000 lbs.; 2. lumber wagon.; set of bob sleighs; . 2 carts: buggy; hay lack; wagon box; binder track; wheelbarrow; • r, :o•e; an.sin. s;a'd r;Em- pire cream separator; new gravel. box; 3set heavy harness; set of, light team harness; .2 set of tingle harne: s ; grass s:e3. sewer; wagon) tongues, water tr.-ugh; ce.::ar posts ts; horse blankets; grain bags; robe; sugar kettel; meat barrel;f whiff etreoss; neckyoke; churn;. milk and cream cans; forks; chains. hoes; and ar.ie'es too numerous to tmeniti.oni. H.dUSEHOLD F'URNI. URE —Co, nsisting of c;:ok stove, wood heat!.- er, bedstead; benches; c othes ho- rse; sealers; etc. TERMS—$ 0 and under cash,ov-- er that .amount 12 months' credit. on approlei joint r.o.ei; 4Ier cent. per annum off for cash on credit.. amounts. Ed. Boss:nbar_y, sire:i-- w..e 'r, .1,1Ls. 11:,b`_. Campbell, Ex-. ecutrix, We handle the celebrated Carharit's Overalls and khaki trousers for inen and buys. No better made. Get air prices. Live fowl taken every Thursday forenoon for which we pay highest market prices Slice Repairing of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. L. BRISSON • AUCTION SALE Of Perin Stock and Impletn:nts, Inhere will bo sold at Lot 10, con. 9: Baby:an Line, Hay, on Monday,. Oct, 23rd. ' At 1 o'clock, the fol- lowing : HORSES -1 bay snare, aged 9, suppoac 1 to be in foal; 1 blacl? , mare, aged 8i snpposed to be with foal; 1 work horse, aged 4; 1 filly,. Phone f1r. ' d4 1 rising 2; 1 ge:d:ng, xis:ng 2; 1l4;•lr,e� 1 on 8= Lo ,`itis r.s:Ing 3; 1co1l; 6 mouths old.