HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-10-20, Page 3tie
Corsets of Cell Grating and Face
Masks of Bread and
By Applying 7
to Forehead You Can Stop
the Severe Pains.
Many ersymptoms
are of a toms of such neuralgic
origin. The sy p
aches are intense and lingering pains
la thebrow, temples or back of the
ThereIs one certain relief that has
been. ]mown and recommended for
years back, Sloan's Liniment. One
application and the dull pain is practi-
cally gone. it is easily applied evith-
out rubbing. Rubbing is
as Sloan's Liniment quickly
to the seat of the trouble.
Aching muscles, rheumatism,
bruises, lumbago, chilblains, sprains
and stiff neck can also be most ef-
fectively treated with Sloan's Lini-
ment. Cleanse than mussy plasters
or ointments. ; it does not stain the
skin or clog the pores.
At all drug stores, 25c., -500., $1.00•
" You might very reasonably think,"
said a prison c'haplhin to a writer in
London Answers, "that vanity could
not long survive in the atmosphere
of a jail, but 1 banassure you that it
flourishes within the walls of a cell
and behind iron bars as bravely as in
my lady's boudoir in the haunts of
But you may ask what opportunity
there is for indulging vanity in a
prison ? Really there seems to be
none. But you may be sure of this,
when. a woman wishes to make her-
self attractive,, she will And the
materials somehow.
"The artifices and ingenuity of the
woman prisoner would be very amus-
ing if they were not pathetic. She
will collect any odds and ends of red
stuff, and steep them in water to im-
part the coveted 'rose tint' to her
cheeks, She will scrape the , white-
washed walls of her cell and chew the
lime fragments into a paste to pro-
vide a substitute for powder.
Cyte' will Spend $5.000,000 and the
C.P.R.$1,5500,000 on New Wharves.:
The Canadian Pacific has plans for
wharves at Vancouver which will
cost $1,500,000. These plans will
clove -tail
S which
it into those (0
contemplates to ?eery out at the
port. The latter is growing in value
and bigness all the time. There is
great complaint from shippers of.
congestion, for Vancouver is becom
big a great port. The city is going
to spend $5,000,000 on wharf exten-
sion in the immediate future, and the'
railway company, on its own account,
has plans for a further .extension of
the wharves which it will use for its
own business. Both east and west
the Canadian Pacific Railway has now
for its shipping interests, facilities
which render it absolutely independ-
ent—this independence making for
better and more efficient service in
the ocean carrying business, which
the company has notably ektended
during the past few years. The fleet
of the company now n- nbers, all told,
over 100 vessels: but it has especially
strengthened its Atlantic and Trans -
Pacific service in latter years—recog-
nizing, as it did, the possibilities of
increased exchange between this con-
tinent and Europe and Asia, an intim-
acy and largeness of communication
which, somewhat hurt by the war, are
resuming their urgency and import-
ance .from day to day.
Queer Substitutes.
"To keep the teeth 'pearly' she will
use salt or chewed -oakum, and pencil
her eyebrows with a piece of wood
reduced to charcoal over the gas jet.
She makes her locks glossy With the
fat of the meat suppliedto her, and
provides herself with curling papers
by tearing pages stealthily at inter-
vals 1'roln library books.
"As a substitute or t Stwollen Glands, Veins or Muse les,
Teals Cute, Sores, Ulcors. ave pas. res
Will reduce Inflamed, Strained,
Swollen Tendons, Ligaments
or Muscles. Stops the lameness and
pain from a Splint, Side Bone of
Bone Spavin. No blister, no hail
gone and horse can be used. $2 a
bottle at druggists dr delivered. De-
scribe your case for special instruc-
tions and interesting horse Book 2 M Free.
ABSQIIBiNE, Jp;,t the antiseptic liniment for
mankind reduces Strained, Torn Lige-
f a corset some Allen s, au r ke
women wind strips Of OT•otl1, torn 1 F1.oenbottleatdraleteordelivcrcd. Bonk lhidence h
from their skirts, tightly round their ; W, F. YOUNG, P. 0, F., 516 Lymans Bldg , Montreal, Gam
waists, and one ingenious prisoner I'bbsorbiae and Absorbine, Jr.. are made In Cem&
actually constructed an efficient eon•
set from the wire of a cell window
grating, and it was only discovered
when one day she fainted in chapel
from tight lacing.
"Another resourceful woman -- a
terrible character, by the way—used
to retire every eight wearing a beauty
mask made from the hot bread and
milk provided for her supper.
"Such are some of the ingenious
ways in which women prisoners cul-
tivate their beauty under difficulties ;
and, as far as possible,' the authori-
ties wink at it for it serves the ex
cellent purpose of keeping them con-
tent and amiable. Indeed, an appeal
to a woman's vanity is often much
more effective than any disciplinary
method, as 1 myself have found more
than once.
Praise Won Beldame.
"At one of his Majesty's prisons of
which I was chaplain we had an old
woman (70, if she was a day) with a
shocking record and the most violent
"I could do nothing with her. She
scowled at my approach and refused
to speak a word to me, until one day
I chanced to remark : 'What lovely
hair you have
"It really was the truth, but the
words worked like magic. She gave
me one suspicious glance, and then,
seeing that I was serious, she said
with a smile : `Do you really think
so ? 1 hays often been told that, you
know I'
"And from that moment I had no
more trouble with her."
If salt is used for sweeping carpets,
it will keep out moths.
Minard's Liniment Cures D
Rich and Poor have Taken Up the
A craze for tattooing is sweeping
England. Both rich and poor have
taken up the fad. To -day there is
hardy* a society man or woman who
does not bear some indelible emblem.
When war was declared and the
manhood of England rushed to the
colors, a number of tattooists opened
little shops in working-class districts
and started tattooing the names of
their customers on their arms for the
small sural of six cents. Originally
this was done as a precaution, as they
could be identified in Casa anything
happened to thein at the front. Tho
craze soon spread.
Some bashful youths propose
through having the names of their
Dulcineas tattooed on their wrists.
This strange method of lovemaking
was described by a "professor," who
at one time used to practice at Coney
Island, New York.
Put "1 love sweet Lily Smith," and
a youth will say, "on me, where every-
one can see it." He lays down six
cents and the job is done.
Then he puts his hand on a counter
or somewhere, where Lily can see it,
and if she wishes to accept him she
conies to the tattoo expert and has
"I love brave Jack Jones" tattooed
on the back of her hand and lets Jack
read it. ,That breaks the ice and the
courtship proceeds. •
'rhe length of silk in the cocoon of a
Silkworm is about a third of a mile.
Your Baby's
Cheerful, Chubby Children
Make the Home Happy
Weak, puny babies are a constant
care to tired mothers and are subject
to many diseases that do not affect
healthy children.
Keep your children id good health.
Sec that their bowels move regularly
-especially during the teething period.
This is a distressing time in the life
of every child and the utmost pre-
caution should be taken to keep them
well and strong.
By the consistent use of
Mrs. Winslow's
and recolvn hmhoat onset yrlu ro reoelved:
saner) the ammo day the Ane roll obar,,ea. �`•�,'
Wo bays paid out cellon W /tin are to thou -
IT" of trappsrs lo Cuunda who coed their
Sera Go us beaauwtbey know they sot a square
al andrecetvs 1900 ,coney tot' 41 'Ir tate.
\ 'Xpn '111a1oo. We bnrraotc tursfrom troppere
for cash than ant othdt live acme in
ad O,, 1
rianan151'Rrappai; pp
FREEi5 Ham's Sportarann'a Cataledue
itallam's Rave rrur Quotations
naltn m'a VOL Yftylo ]fool 'a'l.Vallee)
fleet tragi qn r/Wu b Ana no to toll Ws:
JOHN�l HA�eY,Aidi Lirrxitea
202 Hallam Building, Toronto.
WOW. hwoxin-nor,
Soothing Syrup
it is possible to avoid many childish
ills now so prevalent.
It is a corrective for diarrhoea, colic
and other infantile ailments. It soothes
the fretting baby and permits the
child to sleep well and grow healthy.
It brings comfort and relief to both
child and mother.
Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup
Makes Cheerful,
Chubby Children
Is absolutely nota -narcotic. It con-
tains no opium, ii}}orphine por any 01
thelr derivetiveb. It'f s soothing, pleas..
ant and harmless, For generatiofls
mothers in allarts of the world havd
teQio is by babies have
ltuYhave it banal and
Relieve and Protect Your Children
Sold by ) l d ru lM o r� da and
t f:rstjoined the army—haw long ago
I don't like to remember—the only
refuge of the soldier was the .canteen,
In those days we had old soldiers who
used practically to live on beer. It
used to be quite a common thing in
those days for an old soldier to sell
his food to the young recruit and buy
live 1
beer and P
"I think it is something like thirty
or thirty -live years ago since the
founders of the Y.M.C.A. commenc-
ommenced their beneficent work, and the,
change during that time has been 1
something very little short of miracul
oils. •
""A few years before the war cos-
menced this improvement began to
manifest itself in a most extraordin- ;
ary manner. Drunkenness was form-
erly a most prevalent crime in the:
army. You hardly ever see a drunk-
en soldier now. • -- ---- —�
"When I was commander-in-chief _---------
in France for some eighteen months, Kindd.
I realized what these institutions (pouting)—Before
Say What
have done for soldiers. It was on She (p
the fields of battle that the men show- �
married you said I was a dream.
eel what different men they were." He—Yes, bute prettyobad dreams.t et that
thele s
side of' a good sized lot, to facilitate
the planting of the remainder to gar-
den truck for table needs. But the
trainmen and their families, who
move to the new towns to take up
residence, are expected to constitute
a fairly good market and it is under-
stood that the Ontario Government is
Drink Hot Wat&ter
For Indigestion
"Made in Canada"
DO'- I�110
Best for quality, style and
value. Guaranteed for all cli-
Ask Your
surveying, and will later throw open���� THE . settlement a township contiguous
to the town of Foleyet and another to i FROM AUTUMN CO DS
Horne Payne, in the great clay belt. I AUTUMN ld t• 9.11
The Canadian Northern officers are
confident that the building of these
homes will mark the beginning of a
A Physician's Advice.
"If dyspeptics, sufferers from gas, wind
ness,atgastric stomach acidity
heartburn, r sets..
would take a teaspoonful of pure
half a glass s of
hot ate magnesia in
hot water immediately softer eating they
would soon forget they were ever at -
tors would ha e to 'lookuelsewherend nfot'
Patients." In . explanation of these
words a. well known New York physi-
cian stated that most forms of stomach
trouble are due to stomach acidity and
fermentation of the food contents of the
stomach combined with an insufficient
blood supply to the stomach. Hot
bisuratedctmagnesises the
a instantlylood. ply and
izes the excessive stomach acid and
stops food fermentation. the combina-
tsuccessfuli and decidedly eing ]ar-
ferable to the use of artificial diges-
tents, stimulants or medicines for in-
new era in the New North. First
there should follow the stores to cater
The fall is the most•. severe season , ,
of the year for colds—one day warm' °�°"dse' xlst Eye Comfort. At
the next is wet and cold and unless 1 Y fur Druggist's
r u g st's 50c per Bottle.
Murt eelEse
the mother is on her guard the little. gslveiDruggstsorNait EyeRernedyeg.,Chicago
to the needs of the town dwellers, and ones are seized with colds that may"
to take up the adjacent Baby's Own Tab -
Granulated Eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to San, Dust and Med
quickly relieved by Milne
-' Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
then settlers hang on all winter.
Tab -
land, because` of the inducement of a lets are mothers best friend in pre- Vanilla comes from an orchid grown
good shi and the advantages of venting or banishing colds. They act I in Mexico.
adequate 'shipping facilities. as a gentle laxative, keeping the bow-
els and stomach free and sweet. An eitiaard'a Liniment Zelieves neuralgia.
occasional dose will prevent colds or
if it does come on suddenly the
prompt use of the Tablets will quickly
cure it. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams Medicine freezing point.
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Handsomest Cathedral.
Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, I
is a town of some historic interest, I
while its cathedral is regarded as the
Never Quits Territory Over Which
Flag of Belgium Still Flies.
King Albert of Belgium has aged
under the heavy cares and soli'oWS
of the present time, and his hair is
beginning to turn grey, according to
the latest news from the Belgian
front. His Majesty never leaves the
small strip of territor=y over which
the e
from visits to places in France or to i handsomest church on the American
Ste. Andresse, where his Government continent. The foundation stone of i
has its seat. If the King of England I this edifice was laid in 1593 on the i
or President Poincare want to meet site of a former heathen temple. The
the Belgian sovereign, they have to i national museum is filled with treas-
go to this corner by the Yser. tires of Aztec civilization, and various
memorials of the hapless Maximilian •1
and a
h beautiful Carlotta lend a l
^ lustre to mate is quite good and the population
Americans and Germans.
Far Catarrhal Deafnessthis attractive city.The chi -1
about Head Noises 471000, ,
many of whom are
re in America there is much suf- 1)sinard'u Liniment for sale eeerywlse e
. ern catarrh and head noises.
Amer can peonle would do well to con-
sider the method 1 isplinsidibu the iling-
is to
His Day. Off.
l Everyone combat t t the Engli
dinettei knows how damp . A lady admirer of Kipling's works
those fs an 1 how dampness affects
those suffering from catarrh. In Eng- had long wished to meet the author
land they treat catarrhal deafness and and at last her desire was gratified.
head noises as a constitutional nal diseasetShe was frankly pp
and use an internal remedy for it that ) disappointed. "You
accommodation for the employees of I is really very efficacious,
furferers who could scarcely hear a
the road and their families, who will w•tett tick tell how they tntd their ltear-
be living at these centres. The condi- Ing restored by this English treatment
xhat ihe tick Of a
tions of occupancy have been made so to watsuch ch wan as pelaitnently taudibletseven and
easy that it will be a comparatively
simple matter for the C.N.R. em-
ployees to virtually own outright the
towns, Brent, Capreol, Foleyet, Horne
Payne and Jellicoe, where the com-
pany house -building operations are
now in progress.
It is confidently expected by Mr.
Cyril T. Young of the Eastern Lands
Dept. of the Canadian Northern, who
is in charge of the work, that the
employees will be able to celebrate
Christmas, 1916, in their cosy new
homes. This work, he says, will pro-
ro- exaese`of setnetions to the middle ear.
d t each point the nucleus of a nd the result~ it si in n le r'
you are Rudyard Kipling?" Mr.
Purely Herbal—No poison-
ous coloring matter.
Antiseptic—Stops b l o o d -
poisoning, festering, etc.
Soothing—Ends quickly the
pain and smarting.
Heals all sores.
She Box A11DrUZHist's and Storrs
r• r:px.: r-
3 '>yuptar3rs+
biers. Deleware. Carman.. Order
at once. SupplY limited. Write: for quo-
tations. H. W. Dawson. Brampton.
hands wanted. Steady work at
highest wages. Apply to The heli
Furniture Co., Southampton. Ont.
Kipling murmured something. "But I
thought," she stammered, "I thought NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE
you were—oh! how shah I say it— I�ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOS
„ I Offices for sale in good Ontario
eight inches away from either ear,
quite different. towns. The most useful and interes
f if you know someone who something th hastily as
ness or
Y 11 businesses. Full information on
Therefore, Oh, I am,' the au or
is troubled noises
a out you
eal- " I 'really am, madam; application to Wilson Publishing Com -
and a head
noises rill this formula r, ,� panv 48 gest Adelaide Street, Toronto.
sufferer ei laps from saving some Boole. only, you see, this is my day off.
Com -
sufferer perhaps from total deafness.
The prescription can be easily prepared
at hone for about 78c, and is made as
b"rom your druggist obtain 1 oz. of
Parmint (Double Strength), about iso.
worth. Take this home and add to it We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT
} pint o
granulated sugar ' stir until dissolved. Oil City, Ont.
Take a tablespoOnfu1 four times a day. Joseph Snowyrarwait
Parmint is used in this way not Only r Me•
to reduce by tonic netion the inflant-
attion and swelling in tits Eustachian Charles Whooten, Mulgrave, N.S.
and thus to eflualize the air Rev. R. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrave,
•e On the drum, but to correct any
Pierre Landers, Sen., Pokemouche,
f ]tot water and 4 ounces of is the best`
re Ustla re -
busye a • h themarkable cultic and erfective.
bus ro ressive town. With ex -
y P br llverr• person ,•:ho has catarrh in any
ception of electric lighting, which may form should give tllis recipe a trial a;ny
be a later development, the houses in freet.themselves from this fle.Uranetl\'e
disNew Ontario will be equipped quite as .-_----
completely as are the homes of simi- Sante Family Name.
lar size in long established towns and An Irishmen was seaaed in a rail -
villages in Old Ontario. They conto very -
tain a large living room, from which way carriage next wham he tom pons -
a winding stair -case leads to 'the up- looking
per floor, a kitchen, a pantry, and a ed a conversation in a rather free and
�t length the pompous
bedroom, on the ground floor. Above,
there are other two bedrooms, a bath-
room,d sewing -room, all of fair
One ofthehardships
N. S.
In a Safe Place.
First undergraduate—Have you'
telegraphed to the 'old lean fol
easy manner. Second undergraduate—Yes.
one said: "My good man, reserve your First undergraduate—Oat any all-
an as ,
conversation for one of your own, saver?
uate—Yes. I tele -
has- p vision equals. I ," The Iwould rishman jumped 1p graphed the governor, ve you know that Second "Where is that
has been eliminatedoecoal the wood bin I am a I{•C,
of a roofed -over and bin shaie!"heldeout his exclaimed,)"Oi'rn' a Casey 1 money
" In niy�pocket.,and his answer
meself." _ Good ]Excuse.
luliaard's Liniment Ceres Burns, Etc. , he"q if sahe y thhr se wishes
ee she could see
HEAVY DRe. INKERS RARE. "That's just an excuse for spend-
ing a lot oi' time in front of a mir-
Sir John French on Decrease of ! ran".
Drunkenness in Army,
There isn't anything like as much
drunkenness in the British army as
there used to be. Lord French at -1
tributes much of this improvement to
the great work done by the Young
Men's Christian Association and
kindred bodies. They have establish -1
ed innumerable substitutes. for the!
canteen which Thomas Atkins his'
found much more attractive and much t
less expensive. They provide whole-
some refreshment and harmless re- ,
creation for him.
It was the opening of a new Y. �.
M. C. A. hut by Lord French. that
afforded him the opportunity to tell
how much the army had benefited by
ch work.
"I remember." he said, "when I
outside the house, but against the
kitchen, with a sliding door arranged
in the wall so that the household sup-
ply can be replenished without the us-
inal cold out-of-door journey.
The walls, up to the eaves, are of
timber -6 and 7 inch logs
down to 5 inches at the saw mill at
Foleyet, made snug and comfortable
by caulking with oakum. The cornice
is carried entirely around to provide
a "bell -cast" end. Windows there
in plenty, and on the upper floor e
1 ten -foot wide dormer window fur -
Inishes natural lighting for the sew-
ing -room, while on the opposite side
a window eight feet wide, provides for
the bathroom and stair -way. The
white sanded roofing is fireproof, and
the solid construction of the houses
appealed to the Canadian Northern
executive officers as an added protec-
tion against this danger in the north.
Beaver board supplies the interior
finch, and ship lap may be added out-
side. •
As a general rule the plan has been
:followed of placing each house at the
v internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. n tri de1Umt n Medical
Co., Limited.
Doe Remedies
And How to Feed
:flailed free to9any
yor address by
118 West 31st Street,Nevf York
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
"OTTO Hue ,L"
For Sale
\'heel C1( Engine, 150
U,P0, 18 x42, with double
main 1ivi ii gb zit 24 ins.
Viyk, ',ys:.,Th) 3011 W.
bit driven. Ali in first
ctess ccii ti011. Would be
' o J together or seNrate
ty; also a lot of shafting
a very great bargain as
koo=m is required immedi-
Frank Wilson 8ons
73 AdelaiderrtStreet W u t'r
,a. orort t,:Y.
L D. 7. I:SS 1 43.._,•''X8.