HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-10-13, Page 5LLC►Ai' CARDS. L'ROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKle. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public tic. Office, ,on the Square, 2nd door from Honiibon St. Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PR0UDFOOT, K. 0, J. L. KxT.+LORAN. 1L J. 1). Comm Mr. Cooke will be in Renate on Friday and Saturday of each week. MEDICAL CARDS R A. J. MacKINNON late Hous° Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of i;he House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. ° Office, Zuxich Oat. Zurich. Meat • MAUKET:3 Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc jdl'ghest Cash Price for Wool OASEI „I'OR SKINS & HTDES Y'l1ngbl t 4-�x The. Home Insuarnce Co. Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177.25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for 3 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. G. HOLTZMAN Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rodsy'_ UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate:Charges Tailor Shop and Laundry W. H,j', HOFFMAN Zurich. - Ontario A RELIA.BEE AGENT WANTED In every good town and district in Ontario, where we are not represented. Territory reserved for the right man, Highest commissions paid Attractive advertising matter, Splendid List Of New Specialties for Season 1916 - 1917 F.ncludinZ the new ever- bearing 1:1,ispberry, St). Regis Stone & Wellington The Fonth.ill Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO LOCAL NEWS Dutch setts wanted. Price guaran- teed. 0, Fritz. Miss V. Siebert was home over the ltolida"y. Mrs. M. Fritz soured to London on Thursday. Best g:leo'ine it) cents per galloni at Hartleib's. Miss Erne b'ritz left for London after visiting relatives here. Messrs. Merner Eilber and Will. Brown spent the .holiday at Cre liton. Mr. O. Holtzman, visited reiati- 'ves 4m+ Port.,Elgim over Sunday. Mr. Roy Appel of Seaforth, spent Thanksgiving ray at his home. here. Mr. Chas Thieler, and daughter, Mary, are visiting Mr John Oesch for a few days., Mr and Mrs Morris Bretrner, and family, celled on friends io town on Saturday. Mr. F. Thiel left for Kitchener on Wednesday where he has sec- ured a posi+ti:>Ira. Mr. and Mr's. E. Siebert, of De- troit, are vis`t:ng friends .and re-, lative3 here this week. Mrs. Wm Truetnner, of the 14th, Corn is spending the week with friend a at Milve.ton+, Mr. Bruce Boysenberry of '.,ran:) Bend took poes=ssioe of the Centr al Hotel, Parkhill, last week. FOR SALE—A three-year old hackney hoise, a good one, Ap- ply to Dam, Smith, St. Joseph Mrs C Bartleib and daughter„ Ru.'h, retuned from aweek's v.s- it with friends at London on Sat- urday . Mr. Louis Fuser anad son, have gine to Kitchener wLere they are employed ;at .the Dominion Rub- ber works. 111esers. W. Lamont, C. Fritz ,J. Preetcr, A. F. Hess, and E.. Wurm attended the big Lit.erai Lemon-- stration at London on Wed..esday. Mr. Sani. Blown, end daughter, of Lr.:u.t_.n , r e_ ter caro wn,ut Kitchener, Mrs. J. browny lie Mf.d- mi:.y, efer. A. _blown, ux ) r.gnt, and Mre. e 1_nt.a-h, of Eeami.tun, vis- ited ,at. Ulla' home of Mr. aln,.t Mrs. J,. Preeter, over .Thanksgiving, 'kite war is costing Canada at i rt a•.•w ubsauc unfe xnit. on doleers a ere LA+S.t LEAVE OF ABSENCE 'eau members of the i.6-st Huron .13at u4an paid ''heir last vent 'tone ever Senittay,. 'They left a. gal., en suesclay for Camp Jiorci.. ": eerie; ex+p+uc't to leave foe the east abu'u- Oct, lit. The date when, they alit %measthe water has no euen AID impressive ceremony took. place on i a.urday, when :Lieut-(:oi.. avenue'nasi et:aff of the lblst Mures, rsattanon deposited ten battai,oul _coiure rn the courthouse at •hied-' t rice. +J.he 1o.:ai company .tn,ut leis bank ionized int I.ruceesion et v l-turia Peek +eiid inaren.ed to t11tl,, c•..uetneu_e, whe.'no.da .,e,. u. .i 1*u.atr/•again. al::.. !.r. ...u.nles a tr ia.cda cans,. tau tap+t. t_+ampbell cc., as I.icg-caniela, ;inn gun. uln _e., .. n ;re esea erre s.a.er•.f. anti int-u..,ee tee ,.ags inn his ltueping, u_. neenee., a se gave n. equip:ally, UL Linde -len. •ore/ uieteece enc liu.,mee aeaintg ±..i' ten er..e.i vi tint county, gave ,aa alert; a -dreg . kce a'. 3. i,. Jeutne. iinoir .no, spoke eo .the o.ficers sinal uni rl,anca tune beneet.:aiun. uhe squaee ..tai .wruweea, .aige numbers or peoele c..inin.o eio.ii a4 patts of; line eulinty, file real. a1 thors, of a 1'tne3e'ben- efits to :our splendid troops ,are the men and w omen who supply the money to carry on anis work. Such is the +tribute lox tau lslicish feu cross S_eiet.y inn tele Saiz is- sue of 'tour Yv urk' . Tse people of +trh.e pruviieee o. O rta:io gave 151,074.,000 rase year. 'rhe camp- aign this year is iixed fur Oetuuer :The Canadian Finance Doi art- .ment annoences a departure in tae levele of c per :vete. cl,rteye:lr t.eb..+n.•ure stuck, ma.u.iri i.l ]9 9,. +anu purchasable ac par at any time from tile guv'ernmen'Lg win accrued tntorest, the scuta \via, be .acceptent at par in. +pasimtnt toe na+na.ian war bonds. einan-eiALn ister White stated the Lew issue is emended eo attract eauadlan . un•aas which are usua.ly in+vestuct,I iereigi; se..ur.tiee. !They have as I einoral Day in tele "Jotted etates fur these who have given their lives at v-ariuus gimes 111 uefu..se of their councly, ,.Lie year nitre weee vaiiuuetouch leg .ri.u.e.1 Lia d, ..'o:gib yl at Wast., . n+gton and i'iew York. It has lie en suggested that aiter the war eanaua should rave such a uay, and et seems nioc a bad iuea aur tine en:..oaragemen+t o. patl•iousmt ea enure Lean, 3,60,Otau enlists 111 tn.e tame of .ioeia.iu+n n^_ar.ylive al.uuea+n:.& neve a realty f.run- gia- ve., Y.1 rreeee aha r anceers anu U• napuli. 't't.e.1• mbm.,rlu3 '.1•i1l .,..e_i..neei in La Lada. Saoulu niers kpauu.ialy nevi reg in sones sueil a :way as .the l),n+'ted States does :nose who have faalien{ in cneir c,e- fence. Beery .fine of ,printed 1r.atcer in a r.ees-,paper toots i.9 .l.,u.teishe.' _semi ,t.i ng, g . i..ri to .bainee.t sone 1nui\pause he ra.luu.a pay svme- ttlimng for it. vane wu'u.d nor go. ,ante a era.e,•y store to 484 tau yl•o jrlictui x., liana uu. ten pound's Ot ug.tr for n+,teing eve,' teo..ga t.ht g.o..ee ante b 'a perfect ..r.ena anti one even +inuug.i 'tile; gine may not i,c; a .,argil one. If tea benefiulary, of .adve.tli..in,g does not pay ter rt. tae p,ro;,.,i t..r xrtusc snou.de.' t.re LO . .. eu'p.e uu out seem lo in- ..ers nue t..a: aSid t,a 'pal.ea Mays ,te expenses by rending space and nee. .a .:td in.UWii enol le.i to t.t0.11.:ct I, a. ..o.• t vary day neat space rs u-tut)_e.i, as a lenad.urat id force the tense til lents 't.). a tenant, —Strat n.1. a 4tJ ':tett HONOR ROLL 161st BATTALION; C. E. F. "THE HURONS" Andrew Price Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson 'George McBride Milton Johnston lODaniel Bennett 01Maurice Weber We have been asked to add to the Honor Roll the names of the boys from Zurich, who ha:vo enlisted in battalions in various parts of the country and who are serving their King. Arne Brenner (killed in action) Emerson Brown Peter Randall: Emanuel Holtzman Abe Bender Albert Bender. David stelek Frank Uttley Ed. Fisher Norman Prang Hy. Sierran Arnie Hildebrandt Marshall Zeller Norman Johnston W. Livingood Roy Geiger Alvin Surerus. .In addition to the above five from Zurich joined the 161st but were re- jected as physically unfit, If the above list is not complete kindly inform us end we will be pleas- ed to add any names we have omitted .i'++++++++++•++4» •444 e+++•t•44 Cross Fertilizer Co. SASiW SLAG I am now selling the Basic Slag for spring pasture and grass, any- one wishing to use some can pur- chase same from me, Mr, S. J. Baker, Northfield, Stor- mont Co'., Ont., writes on 111a'reh 1st,., 1915:— "I used Basic Slag on a piece of low muck ground last Spring, and could see quite an improve- ment in the hay and also in the aftergrass. I think the results; would have been+ nnuch better had the season not been so dry. I ap- plied some last Fall aand have al- so ordered a quantity for this Spring. I have also the Agency for the e ntario i'ertilizer—anyone weeeeing to buy same can do so fro•u me.. JOSEPH RAO R 2. No. 2, - .Zur", ;h. New Ads in this Issue , 0. Frits, R. N. Douglas, Red Cross Appeal. DRYSDALE The farmers of Drysdale section on have it eel theta• Pall biotin+g, M^,s s Chester Niche:soca, Louis Bejewel, and Alfred Westlalto Made a business trip to Detroit tied Ford, Ont. The latter two ,lure chasing each anew For ear. Miss Marie Ducharrae visited fri ends in: Clinton last week. Have you settled for your tw'ne yet? Due Oct, 1st. Mr. Peter Corriveau, oue local contractor, is putting up a build- ing for hes cam this week.' BLAKE Thank Offer°:ng meeting of the Woman.' Mi si ne:y Soe'ety was held In the church on Wed— nesday, Oct. 4th. When Mrs Kel- ly, of Goderich, gave a veey in-er- esting report of the Huron Presby- terial which wags held en Beuee- field on Sept. 1:th. Mrs. Kelly's address was very much enjoyed by those 'present. At the close of the meeting a dainty hunch, was served, • Miss Fannin Bcchle^ left last week: fol Illinois, where she will spend the winter with her sister. Mr. aged Mrs. Robert Boyes cal- ied o,n, friends in Seaforth on Sun- day. Miss Margaret Johnston, of lien - sail spent Sunday at .t the home of Mr,. A. T. Douglas. Miss. D. Owning spent the holi- days at her home en :Strathroy. Mr. MO Mrs. John N_ehol and daughter, of Parkhill, called ons friends in the village on Sunday. Miss 'Lillian Steven's spent the -holidays under the parental rote:.. Mr. John Brenneman, of Pige- on; Mich is this week visiting his parents and other friends in this vicinity. Pte. 'M.1ton Johns en and Mr. Aaron Meyers, spent a few Ways at their home here, before leaving for ,overseas. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doug:as and daughter, spent the ho'idays with friends in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McArthur of Hen•sall spent_ Sunday with frien- ds on the Goshen) Lina Mrs. Alex Sparks of Seaforth spent lase week vita friends in the village. M,ss My,•t:e Meye.s, of C intens se e: t the holidays under the par- ental roof, Mr. Douglas Sparks, who spent .fe'w weeks with hisparents, re turned to the west on Tuesday; last ST. JOSEPH Mr. Joseph Spen+.er of Edmonton A1La, is spending a month at his former home here. Mr. James Overho't, our veter- an thresher, got his new bean machine on Monday. He 'sterids to start threshing next week. Mr. +am•d Mrs. IT. Tcmblin, t.f ilen- sali spent Sunday with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Du- ehar'me, Sr. Messrs. E, Snyder and H. 13r,w- a.rd, of Drysdale, ea led on friends here oin, Sunday. Capt. J. Caintin, of London, spent the holiday at his hoame here. • Mr. J. Sararas and family mot- ored to Pori Franks o.n Sunday. Mrs: L. Reagins and son, Harry, •of near Seaforth, spent Sunday ae the home of Mr. S. J. Spencer. Visitors at the home of Mr. C. 0. Smith on Sunday were; Messrs. G. R. Hess, A. Pfaff, R. Wiliams, Wm. Callfiats, F. Deters, Hy Howald, M. Meidinger, of Zurich, and Mr.Geo. loess of Detroit. . Mr. N. M. Cantin, is spending a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson+ of Strat- ford are spending a few weeks at the latter's home here. w - SAUBLE LINE SOUTH Mr. +a:nd Mrs. Frank Caoapbell, of London were the guest of Mrs. R. Ca,azapbell over the holiday. Mrs. 'Wen. Schade, and daughter, Mllvina. are spending the week in Milverton,. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hendrick, Mrs. H. 'Eckstein, and the Misses A. and V. Eckstein motored to Bornho'm, on Saturday. Messrs, Harvey and Lorne Taylor spent the Holidays in Forest. Miss Violet Eckstein: is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. Hendr ick. Mr. H. Schade spent the ho'i.'ay, at Milverton. He was acco•hip.tni- ed ,home by Mrs. 'Scheele and child- ren, who have been visiting there for the. ` last week. Any person having an account agetnet the estate of the late D. S. Faust are requested 'to • hand same to the executors. Messrs S. C. Faust and W. H. kloff'maan. WATER BOILS Litter Carriers STANCHIONS ETC., ETO. We )handle and instti}l s,11 the modern eonvenciences for your stables. See (airlines. B --T Hay Tracks and Cars Let us install your hay track for you now. Terms are same at if installed. next spring, viz; Sept_ lit, 1917; • We handle pumps, piping, etc. L. PRANG MRIQH Letter fr m France France, Sept. 21st. 1916. Dear Si{ ter ;--I will just drop yell a few lines to -day to let you know teat 3 :am Wel although I am j `a the Hospital, as •i got wounded nn the fif'•eenth of .dept. during the ad— vance whi_h wes made all along in the destrict of the Somme. It commenced at 920 a. ni., at the word go we jumped over the hon of the trenches and when I got within a few yards of Fritze's tren- ches I got shot through the light thigh about sir inches above the knee. Well I was .no more lase then and so I crawled into a shell hole and there I bound up any leg. Thea Inn'anaged to crawl back to- wards cur ,own 'tre'n+ches and get inrto a big shell hole along with six other wounded fe'lows and. there Ilay in the shell hole for fifty-five hours on my back. I could scarcely move at tall, I suffered such terrible pain. We were under a heavy bombardment the most of the time that we were there. We used to get elle dirt showered over us pretty good at times by the burs"ine shells, but lone of us got) urt. So after then got tie cu' frim there on stretchers I had my wc.nrnd tressed aandsent by their t sere where lam now the hospital. The Dr. operated on it a few days ago and took the bu'lst cu'. It had went half way through the thigh boric, My ,..leg is getting along nicely 'as I'im fe- eling well, it is in asplint and tied up off • the bed. As soon as it is well enough. I will be sent to Eng- land anti] 11 gets :a11 right again. The Canadians done some splen diel work in the big +advan•ee. e was very sorry it was my fate to get laid out so soon in the attack but we could not all get there un- der such a terrible rifle fire. Well I thieek I will clove fcr iQ,•d`ay i gip ing to hear from you soon and that you may all be well. T re- main as ever, Your Affectionate Erothe:: Pte, Norman Johnston, No 101234, Batt. 31st. STANLEY TOWNSHIP A number from here attended Bay- field Fair on Wednesday. The Presbyterians of Varna hold their anniversary next Sunday, the service in the Methodist church will be withdrawn. 1VIr Henry Erratt and Miss Ruby Erratt Espent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Goderich. Ptes. Lorne Armstrong, Willie Boy- ce and Franklin Boyce of the 1.61st Beet, spent a few days at their holies before going overseas. Word bas been received hero that Willie Pratt who enlisted a year ago and went overseas with the 31lre Batt has been wounded, a bullet passing through his term. Miss Nellie Smith of London is vis - 'ting at the home of Mr C. Roman. Mr W Armstrong shipped a carload of cattle and hogs to Toronto on Tues. day, 'FARMS FOR SALE 50 -acre farm, an 14th con., Hay Township. Will he sold on re- semble terms as. owner is living out west and wishes to dispose of the property. For particulars ape piy to Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. Pine 150 -+acre farm for sale in' Township of Stanley. All first class land, good buildings and plenty of good water. Conveni- ent to church and school. For particulars apply to Andrew F. Hess, Herald Office, 'Zurich. FOR SALE Desirable business property, known as McCormick's Confection- ery, offered for sale. Orae of the main corners in Zurich. For par- ticulars apply to A. Mittelholtz or A F. Hess, Zurich, LOOK! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, smith and Furnace, soft coal. supply on hand. Black - Good G. F. CASE &SON SHONE 35 H E N S A l_, L, CLUBBING UST Herald and Daily Globe. ........$8 75 " it Weekly Globe 175 i` Daily Mail and Em - pi re 3 75 \\'eely: Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 1i Daily News 2 85 ti Weekly Star1 75 London free Press Morning Edition.... 3 60 Evening Edition.... 3 60 Weekly Edition 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition,8 60 Evening Edition..,, 3 60 Weekly Edition 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate2 40 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star ,. 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witnos 185 Canadian Country- man 150 u ti ii IC IC tit tit IC 1i IC IC it ct it It ii 01 it it ti it Ct Harvest Thanksgiving services hili be held in the Lutheran church.,. next Sunday. The pastor will be assisted be his father, Rev. H. Bombe, of Hami ton. The church will be suitably decorated for the occasion. The quarte tt vv ill rend-, er special music on, this 'lay. The Cateeletical class will a'so take part in +the service. Everybody Welcome.