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EERa.�a y yam..-y��.�.
:&sued every Thursday afternwn4:1tn oze
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Rates fot+display and contract advertisements will be
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Transient notions such as legal, corporation, sect
etc.,_ so cents per line rot first iesertirn and 5 cents , .r
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adgttss ion fee is charged or a special collection taken
gill be charged for at the regular advertistng rat.*
Notices of religious or other meetings the oleat a
which is the benefit of the community and not for per,
octal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerfuly
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AdvertIsments without specific directions will be
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Address all commune ions to
THE 11ERALD5 Zurich, Ont.
e r—
THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1916
W. Baikwell, one of the old-
est residents -of Exeter .Vas buried,
on Monday of last week, Deceas
ed had reached;the edvassped age
of ,7,e years :anti 3neentbe.
?The hydro litnle between' here
and iRenisa11 'has been gosnpleted.
Zee casualty hast of 'Vueeday cuin.
tafned the names of fete, John G.
Cochrane aind Pte. Archibald 1?p,viS
las wounded.
Norm,•aa •lleDo.riald; sou of Mr.
Joseph McDonald, ;Hay ,TQw;nship,
sgsstaiaced a severe aI aking-,p and
probably serous injury, white cn-
gaged with Mr, Johns in
erecting a cement silo '0.4 the
farm of lair. Bobt. IAtkineon, east.
of Centralia, the ether diose 'They
were nearing the to ,when the
scaffold gave (away,,and preeipit-
ated Mr. McDonald anti ,pari ,fit;
kinison, soca of the owner of the
farm, to the ground, a distance of
twenty-five feet. Young :ttkin-
'soin esc!ap,ed With btu: a slight shake
erg -up, while avicD;onaicl .did not
raze so well, one pf his feet being
severely injured and he was other-
wise badly, ,sthakezesu'p.
Mr, land 'Ness. Reiman' i ';immaert
of Stratford, 'spent Sunday and
Monday with relatives here.
i'Iiss Cora Schroeder, of Wo ir-
tori visited her ,parents over the
Mr. Addison Tiernan, of StriatflOrd
spent the halidays under the par-.
ental roof.
Miss R. C. Genge, of Alviinston,
spent 'Sunday watch friends in down,
Messrs. L, Edighoffer, L, Goetz,
•and Elgin Schatz, of Seaforth, vis-
ited relatives ,here over the holi.
Mrs. R. .3 Armstrong and child-
ren left for Goderieh, Friday,wherel
they will make their future homie.
Mrs. O'Connor of Detroit visited
with Mr. 'and ]Liss. Musser, last
week. .
Mrs. Miller and daughter, Matil-
da, spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
and Mrs, Shore, at Wood-
fdioessing Station, ,#ring Line—Of Sola! Film, "Rattle of the Somme."
An. urgent call for help again goes forth from the Motherland's raig: ty life-
saving agency : the British Red Cross, The Empire . h :e lied goon to
greatly, give lovingly, give. quickly, that the gj vtr > : . aid; iesti il.rf"oYi
Mre, Sehierhoitz and Mrs, John-
son of ,Elmira visited with Rev.
end ,Mrs, Graupner, over shanks--
Mr. Ed, Siebert of Detroit spent
Sunday in town.
:Miss V. BrakeltteJre, of Hensel,visited at her home here over the
holidays.Mr. end Mrs. Bergman of Win -
ghats visited :Mr,. and Mrs. J.
Kellerman, over Thanksgiving,
Miss Adeline Brown has return-
ed ed from aextended :visit with,
relatives in d.'hediford.
Miss England and Mrs. D. Faust,
of Zurich, have :arrived.+ here a-
gainto reside in the future.
Mr and Mrs. Ireland of Strat-
ford ,spent Sunday and Monday in
:town. •
Mae Milton Ehlers has returned'
to Brantford after spending a
few weeks with his parelite here.
the battle fronts may not languish and perish hr thci:r • hours of deepest need.
Here is a great work In which all can sbare. The
Joint War Committee of the British Red Cross
Society and Order of St. John is the only institution
which carries voluntary aid to the sick and wounded
of the Brltis.h forces on land and sea in every region
of the war. Thousands of lives of our bravest and
best are saved through this splendid work. YOUR
gift may save a life. Isn't it worth doing ? It is.
Make "Our Day" Your
Red Cross Gift Day
Give on October 19th
The Red Cross looks after the transportation of sick
and wounded—lt equips thousands of hospitals, rest
and con,plescent homes, it supplies countless
regaiis•ites for hospital work, clothing and other com-
forts. Over 2.000 Red Cross Motor Ambulances are
at work on the various fronts; while "rest stations,"
i osni I trains, steamers and launches, food for pri-
sone'•s, books, special work far 11. blind, etc., etc., ate
at few, only, of Red Cross activities
Ontario's princely gift In 1915 of $1,514,000 rang, a
clarion mercy call, throughout the Empire. The
British Red Cross were grateful beyond measure, and
their appeal through Lord Lansdowne, President, now
comes to us as to friends who sympathize and help.
The need Is greater to -day than a year ago --it is ever
growing. Will Ontario do less than she did last year?
No i GIVE—give a day's pay, give all you ,can, GIVE.
Premier Hearst Has Seen the Work
"My visit to England and Prance has aroused deeper appre-
elation than ever of the splendid work of the Red Cross. It
tleserves every rapport, and 1 trust the people of Ontario will
respond with their usual generosity to the British Red Cross
Appeal for October 19th,"
Prime Minister of Ontario.
He gives twice who gives quickly.
Your help is needed NOW!
The. Motherland's only direct appeal to us for help In
this great war is her great Red Cross mercy work,
Ontario's response must and will be quick and generous.
Give through the Treasurer of your Local Committee—
or, send your subscription to the Clerk of your mtm.iei-
paltty—or, make It payable to Hon. T. W. McGarry,
Treasurer British Red Cross Fund for Ontario, Parlia-
ment Buildings, Toronto.
Don't Let Your Stricken Defenders
Call in Vain, but
Give a
The Sick Wo73del
Call hi. Your Hdp
Give eOctcber
Your gift will go entirely to the British Red Cross,
where, again, through much voluntary work, the
working expenses are cut down tt, only 2'i4 % of the
total revenue. Thus, if you give $10, actually $9.77'4
goes to the healing and saving of some stricken hero;
The expenses of the Ontario Committee, advertising,
printing, cte., are being met entirely by the Provincial
Mr. N. W. Rowell, K.C., Brings a Red Cross Message
"1 bring a message of cheer to those who have relatives at
the front and tvho fear they may be wounded. I believe every.
thing huiniw skill can do, that human care and sympathy can
provide, is being done and providedi each day. and each, night
throngheut the year by the Army Medical Corps and the Red
Cross. h is a perfect marvel of efficiency."
MR, N. W. flow',;LIL, H.C.,
Leader of the Oppositioft.
itleeisdti W Lbs fast...0eilltiisil /lbw ; °tuba* et the Stipaiew,+
IWe carry large sock of storm sashes and storm
doors made all size or style,
Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mill
saWfi.ND.noiNer whit
Estmates gir7en and contracts tai, en . Office
at planing mill.
�+.i•,c. t.rp. in
A dance in hionoe of the boys in
khaki was given in the Town Hall
on Friday might.
A. Whitesides and T. Palmer,
spent a few days at Cts,mp Borden
last week.
Our soldiers were home for their
last leave over Sunday.
Mrs, Geo. !Todd has been, serious-
ly all for some Minae,
Mr. and Mrs. i$, Nesbitt have
moved to Detroit,
The Churches
Sunday, German --. -•. -.. 9.45 a. rn.
" Sunday School 11,00 a. m.
" Junior Y. P. A, 2.00 p. gni,
" Service, FF.miglish —7.30 p. eu.
Tuesday, Y. P. A. -•• .-. 8.15 p.
'Thursday Prayer Meeting 8.00 p.m.
Friday, Choir Practice --- 8.30p, m,.
Ladies' Aid, First Wednesday of
each Montle, ,-•-........ 7,SO pen.
Si -today School •-- -- ••. --. ...9.
German Services, Sunday 10 30a.tn.
English Service Sunday 7.30 p.m.
Luther League, „Friday ' S: p. an.
Ladies' Aid trieets first Wednes-
day of each month at 8, p.
Ther , are cold days cowing
Prepaid for thein now by sec-
uring your supple of the
celebrated D. & H. Lacka-
wana Anthracite Coal We
have a supply of all sizes
Egg, Stove and Chesnut
D ,A. Cantelon
Phone 10, House Phone l0a
We carry a full line of Stove
Pipes, Elbows, Lanterns, Apple
Parers, Sweat Pads, Etc.
w3iSr45tiO S
We have a nice line of shoes for
young men. Colne in and see these
styles. Also everyday shoes for men,
woman and children at right prices.
is st ::i,sx =xw+u
�- Overalls
e handba the celebrated Carhartt's
Overalls and khaki trousers for men
and boys.... No better made, Get our
rices.. ... , O! •
Live fowl taken every
Thursday forenoon for which
we pay highest market prices
Share Repairing of all kinds
on IP
Of Farm Stock and Implements
d'he unndersigned auctioneer will
sell . by public auction, on, Lot 27r.
L. R. $1.:Fllay ,Township, on Friday,.
Oct. '20th, 1916, at 1.00 o'clock char
the following property, viz:
HORSES—Agricultural brood
mare 8 yrs. old, in foal to Colone
Graham; 1 Agr. 'mare 6 yrs. old
Agr. mare 4 yrs, old; driver 4 yrs
old; sucking colt; 1 yearling colt
CATTLE— brndlch cows slap
posed. to beim: calf to Durham },lull
2 heifers 2,yrs. old in calf ; 3 steers
2 yrs. old; 8 year;ings; 5 spring cal
ves : fti 'row cow.
PIGS iiiv""O HENS -6 store hogs
abau,: 60 hien,;
IMPLEMENTS— Massey -$orris
7 ft. binder; 6 ft, Iviasse�y-Harris,
mower, new Massey -Harris ha
loader, new; 12 ft. hay rake, new;
Clover Leaf manure spreader; De-
ering, disc drill; new; cultivator
steel land Yoker; disc; set harrows
alias) c:ritl ; g,�mg• plow; 2 walking
plows; scuffler; pulper; fanning
mill; platform scales; 2000 lbs.; 2
lumber wagon; set of bob sleighs;
2 carts; buggy; hay rack; wagon
box; binder truck; wheelbarrow;
car; 1 ore,; and s inga; ;adder; Em-
pire cream separator; new gravel
box; 3 set heavy harness; set of,
ight team harmless; 2 set of single
arness.; grass seed sower; wagon
mes, water trough; cedar poste
s; horse b'p.nkets; grain bags;
obe;. sugar kettel; meat barrel;�,
vhaff etreess; neckyoke; churn.;;.
milk and cream cans; •forks; chains
hoes; and articles too tnumc q
o unentioni.
Isis/Wag of cook stove, wood heat-
', bedstead; benches; c:othes,ho-
e; sealer etc.
,TEEMS—$I0 and under eash;ov-
er that :amount 12 months' credit
om approved joint notes; 4 per cent
p'er annum off for eash on eredit
amounts. Ed. Bossenberry, aucti-
oneer, Mrs. Robt. Campbell, Ex-
Of Farm Stock and Implemenhs
There will be sold at Lot 10, con.
9, Babylon Line, Hay, on Monday,
Oct, 23rd. At 1 o'clock, the fol-
HORSES -1 bay ;mare, aged 9,
supposed to be in foul; 1 black'
mare, aged 8, supposed to be with.
foal; 1 work horse, aged 4; lfilly,,
rising 2; 1 gelding, rising 2; 1lnaire:
rz'srnrg 3; 1 colt 6 un,ornit'hls old.
CATTLE -5 itnileh cows, 'all in
calf ; 1 Jersey heifer, in clalf; .
graue bull, 2 years old; 5 spring
Palest:, -1 sow in pig; $ stockers;.
about 11 weeks old.
HENS—About 75 hens.
IMPLEMENTS -,Wagon, nearly;
new; McCormick binder; mower,
rake; disc; drill; land cultivator_;,
beam cu,,tiva•_or, nearly now; one,..
horse scuffler„ pulper; fanning
mi 1; walking plow; double plow;
wagon box; hay rack; harrow's;,
cutter; buggy; democrat; 3 seat -r
auab ; Lob sleighs; set light bar-
ess; single harness; plow harness
et team harness; whiffletrees;
neckyoke; grindstone; blacksmith
ut.it.: ani other small articles.;,
ream separator; churn,; se wing
achine; mail box.
rrabies; chairs; pails, and .many;
then household articles.
:About 20 tons hay -Cash; Bean
talks, 10 loads; number cedar
oats; quantity of wood.
TERMS Or SALE ---$1O and un -
err, cash, 'over that senonxut 12nnon-
hs credit will be given on furni-
hing approved joint notes. 5 per
ent oil' credit amounts for cash..
i . Boa'rrer''terry auctioneer, Wr