HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-09-22, Page 8, rte°Ope•.nu.!gs
Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. /9th and 20th
We have been fortunate in securing Miss Kline to
take charge of our Millinery Department for the
Fall Season We are showing a larger range of hats
and trimmings than ever and assure the. ladies of
Zurich and vicinity that they will finct here the
smartest and newest creations in millinery fashions.
We invite your inspection.
11 Go.ds
Our stock of Fall Dress Goods, Flannellettes, Wrapperettes,
Underwear, Blankets, etc., now to hand and we invite your inspection
of same,
New hirtin s & Cottonades
These goods are continually going up in price. You ;will save
money by purchasing your supply now.
Sweater Cats
We have the famous Monarch Knit Sweater Cont againP, in
They are guaranteed to give satisfaction.
ists and Corset Covers
A few ladies waists and corset covers on hand which
selling at greatly reduced prices.
Rai 3
3 dozen ladies Rain Coats just arrived in tan, navy andel black
at the Special Price of $5.50 each. Also a new line of men's
Balmaoan stvle coats at `:;10 50.
Fresh Groceries always on'hand.
tkz-, - gym - p1.* mukramptim
31 t 0=A3110C3EstlEZitzsitks sx 3s�,tti m=ares-
Cream 'and -Eggs
Will pay highest cash price for Cream
and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich,
at any time during;the week.
-masa w
w i3 F aCAW:2 3:34 3 3Zf3 3f0E3i3143a
Add -A -Link Bracelets
A fresh supply of Gold and Silver
Add -a -Links just arrived.
We engrave them:to your order.
GE R. HESS & 00.,
e s e _•kai4�iaw��`? �,,, et•...�a� :. _°i We °,,, ��
LondonLife Policies are
Why not protect yourself and family with
a good life insurance policy. . G j
All the popular plans of insuranca written.
For particulars apply to
Andrew F. Hess, Local Agent
To new subscribers in Canada we
Will send The Herald from now
until Jan., 1917, for only 25 cents.
Correa ted every Thursday.
13uttter,,... ,.
.1 ggs. .,.
Dried Apples
Potatoes.... •. ....., .
Wheat .....,....., 126
Oats 1?5 tis
.Barley 55 60
Buckwheat....,. 70.
Flourd.00. 4:60
Brat) $27.00
Shorts 8000
Low Grade 07.00
Live /logs fob Hensall: 11.85
2 25
Local News
,;aoc-c1 Holstein cow for sage -at
reasonable price. W. H. Hoffman
The masons have started vene-
ering ithe ,new house of M. J.
Albrecht, with brick,.
air. and Mitis. ;Ed. Stelck, and Mr.
Sam.. Oesch visited at the home of
Mr. Phi:1p Fassold, on ,Sunday.
FOR SALE—A three-year old.
hackney hoarse, a good one. Ap-
ply to Dam. awz-th, St. Joseph.
The continued dry weather is
making it a hard task ;-or fa..m.:rs-
t •) sew tneir iasis \4 heat.
Highest market prices paid for
Live Pou_try every Thursday and
aa.urday rorenuon;. .ctuoy &
i!Y1r, ,and. Mrs. 3.. Decher, Sr..
and u.Lr. Win. lecher, visited at.
,.die home tos 1Vix. Wm. Stade, ,Oasn-
woou on tSuaduyl.
Ms. 0-. Bender and wife,. and Mr.
D. Bender and wife, vcsxtect at i••ne
home of Mr. ,Suntan, Sararas, Hen-
son, over Sunday.
Mr, Peter Lamont has returned
from this trip to Saskatchewan,
but we are sorry, to say, is on the,
sick list. He is recuperatrgg .at
the home ox his mother, Mrs. Jas,
s ler, vaina.
Some of the boys and girls who.
/nave made asuccess in ilie, were
at ane time country coirespondents
for newspapers. There ate few
better ways in which a person can
help his or hei• education than by,
correap.,n:.ing to a.ive home Piper
like the Herald. If your district(
is not already represented call ati
our office anr:i we will give --yrs.
stationery and ,postage.
Plums are a drug on the market
Why not make arrangements'' to;
haN e thein turned into jani for, use,
by our soldiers boys at the front.
Our mailing list has been corr-
ected to date. See that your lab-
el reads correctly!.
If your label reads Jan. 16, it
means that your subscription is
paid to January, 19..6. It should,
read .Jami. 17, which means that
you have :paid in advance to,J,an..
Twentyfive cents pays for the
Herald to +new subscribers to Jan.
1917. Send it to your absent re-
How about the coal bin? The
weather is getting more dike fall,
Peaches are now on the market.
The supply seems to be large and
the prices are low,.
Subscribe for the Herald.
Another of the Weil-LnoWn pio-
eers or this section passed away
on Monday last in the person of
13enr Kalbfleisch, egad 63 years
11 :months and 18 da; s. The de -
..eased had been in tailing health
for some time, but was able to be
about unr.il a few di ys before the
end •ogre. He was aWaas of .:sp-
right anct str.iang character, a
good ci izee, and was highly este-
eined by :all who knew him. n
The it.te Mr. Kalb,toiw: n was
bora: in Schreksbnch, Kreize Zug-
e+nhei>n, r tir Hessen, Gerinan:y,and
came to this country •tit hen, still a
young mann. He iocat. d 111 slay
Township on the 10th concession
vnhere ha hewed .a Ie. me out of
the vergin threat for i ::nse1f. For
mann years the operThd a saw-
mill on 'his farm;. retired to
Zurich with his w.:,. .: id lived,
here until the death true .latter
in 1912. He than zou ;.>;i to the
erxxt where he lived r 1;h his SOD
Mr. Louis Kalbfleisch, +Cashel his
Two sons and ;two d. ,gbters.sur
cave .him, .is; 112r. Louis .K�ai.b-
iteis:'h, of the 16th r' flay; Mr,
Wm,. Kalbileisch of ,;, iwa,• .Mrs.
John Schiihe o% Dett ,;,; end Mrs,
Abel Schiibe sof
The funeral w:1& ► -no Wed-
,nesday, interment t,akit,:; 'lace in
the Lu her;:;) vena, lie v. E.
tReunbe, p rstor of texp,nt
ehureh, i u.ich; tend A,. the Berl
f +++++++++-tetellefee+441- 1
Ilfilst BAT'I'ACION, C. U. F.
Andrew Price
Thos. Davidson
Leonard Davidson
George McBride
Milton Johnston
Daniel Bennett
Maurice Weber
We have been asked to add to the
Honor Roll, the n�i nes of the boys
from Zurich, who have enlisted in
battalions in various parts of the
country and who are serving their
Arne Brenner (killed in action)
Emerson Brown
Peter Randall
Emanuel Holtzman
• Abe Bender
Albert Bender
David Stelck
Frank Uttley
Ed.. Fisher
Norman Prang
Hy. Sierran
Arnie Hildebrandt
Marshall Zeller
Norman. Johnston
W. Livingood
Roy Geiger
Alvin Surerus.
In addition to the above: five flacon
Zurich joined the 161st but were re-
jected as physically unlit,
If the above list is not complete
kindly inform us and we will be'pleas-
ed to add any names we have omitted
Lieut A, S. McLean, son. of Airs.
M.. Y.. McLean, Seaforth, has been
reported as wounded in the fight-
ing in France.'
Sergt Chapman has been ap-
pointed leader of the 161st Milit-
ary Band, instead of Sergt. grant.
Chas Garrow, of Goderich re.
ceivea word last Thu;aaay that his
youngest brother, Lieut. John Gar -
row,• had been killed on Sept. Bch.
Lieut Garrow was the youngest
son of the late Justice Garrow,
who , died about two weeks ago.
The ,young man was well known,
having lived in Goderich until his
father moved to Toronto a few
years ago. the enlisted with the
74th .Battalions.
• Mrs. ,Tames McI1ath of Goderich
received word -that her only son
Pte., Arthur Mc1Via:h, had died of
wounds received Sept, 8. Pte. Mc -
math en.isted 'with the 33rd. He
was a fine specimen, of a young
manhood and was an emtpioyee of
the Goderich Signal.
Rev. A. IYIcFarlane, of Bayfield,
received the sad news last Thurs-
day that his son Wiliam had beent
killed in action somewhere in
Word has also been received
a. 'Jack Hall,. aformer Clinton
boy, and no -w with the Canadian
Engineers, had been Wcunded,and
is now in a hospital.
Notice is hereby. given that a
Court will be held, pursuant to the
Ontario Voter's Lists Act, by His
Honour the Judge of the County
Court of the County of Huron, at
the Town Hall, Zurich ;on the 29th
day of tieptetinber, 1916, at 10.30 o'-
clock in. the forenoon to hear and
net.r.nitne complaints of errors and
omissions in the voters' list of the
Muni-ipality of the Township of
Hay, for 1916.
Dated the 14th day of September
1916. Fred Hess,Sr., Clerk of the
Municipality of the Township of
Bayfield •-• .-• Oct. 10-1i
Blyth ... ...._. Oct.3-4
Goderich-.. -- ..-- Sept. 27--28
Seaforth - - Sept.21--22
London— ...Sept. 8-16
ZURICH •• -•- Sept, 20-21.
If the farmers, of this common-
Wane any fertilrxer for fall
wheat, 1 always keep some on:
hand at my barn. -
Later on when, th'e ground is
inorc suitable to plow you Should
get fertilizer to s,; v with the
wheat to give it a gcod healthy,
J011hT KEY, ,.7r„ Zurich.
We have the lnost complete stock of Furniture in R /'011.
county, consisting of
Dining Room Sets, Bed Room Suites
Sideboards, China Cabinets, Couches
Iro.na nd Brass Beds, Parlor Suites,.
Leather Chairs and Kitchen Cabinets.
Picture Framing also neatly done,
Also see out. big stock of
Hardware, Stoves, Graniteware, etc,
And for
Harness, Trunks and Valises
We cannot be excelled.
Call andlsee and be convinced that we sell a little.
cheaper than the ordinary run.
e. I-I':TLEJB9
ttC380:3*OZ:381:3E3:E=t8sCAOZZO34:3131t3eRtrA8C38c3tecztatainCtett:SE MEW
New Confectionery i
Have bought out the business -of Mrs McCoumick and moved
Y same to Eilber's old stand. We handle thef°ollowi,ng celebrated lines.
,02 Stratford Bread and:Cakes
Neilsc rfsIce Cream & Chocolates
§ Choice Confectionery & . Groceries
Stationery of all kinds Picture Post Cards •
pt and Novelties
California Toilet Preparations
W. C. Wagner -
Your Patronage Solicited
- Zurich
3C/03Qi 30i3i3E3F f3 i+ 3i3E7at 8>IE3*ozwilE3?3 3 313E10
O •
Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 19th and 20th
•r•o Poultry for which we pay the high-
• est market prices. Taken every
•Thursday and Saturday forenoon
and following days. Our Millinery Department will be in charge
of Miss Bawden, who has just returned from the Millinery Open-
ings in Toronto. She is prepared to show you all the latest in
fall and winter hats, A special invitation is hereby extenned to
the ladies of Zurich and vicinity..
A big shipment of ladies" and children's coats. Newest
autumn and winter styles, Also ladies' Furs, etc., to arrive the
beginning of next week,
We are showing a big range of Velvets in corded and plain
suitable for dresses and coats.
Our stock of Dress Goods is complete, We are showing a
big range of Borges, Broadcloths, Gabardines, etc.
Beautiful range of Ki od .na Cloth and Wrapperettes. New-
est designs t.e.n' -nee of Hosiery, Underwear, Sweater Coats, etc.,
is complete. Dont fail to take a look at these goods.
Special for Saturday only. Ladies Underskirts in black, green
and cerise only 50 cents.
Broadway Clothing
Our new Fall and Winter Sam -
pies of the made-to-order Broadway -
Clothing are in. Over 500 samples
for suits and overcoats. Fit guar- td
Our line of Hats; Caps, Shirts,
Ties, Braces, Socks, etc., are on
display in our Men's Department.
Come and see these Iines.
Special Next Week
English Rain Coats. Regular
Value $6 to $9 for only $8.98
If in need of a Dinner Set, Toi-
let or anything in the line of dishes
dont forget that we have 6, big
Live Poultry
We are in the market for Live •
1 Fresh Groce>res
1"It L
• •4
•0066000•00006000•00000000 0•0080000 r£1111C,'r. j3^oceoeitoge*
at all times