HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-09-08, Page 10Our stock of Fall Dress Goods, Flannellettes, Wrapperettes, Underwear, Blankets, etc., now to hand and we invite your inspection of same, New Shirtings . Cottonades These goods are continually going up in price. You ,will save money by purchasing your supply now, Sweater Coats We have the famous Monarch Knit Sweater Coats again in stock. They are guaranteed to give satisfaction, .fists and Corset Covers A few ladies waists and corset covers on hand which we. are selling at greatly reduced prices, Rain. Coats 3 dozen ladiaa Rein 0eats just arrived in tan, navy and; blaclr at the Special Price of $5.50 each. Also a new line of,;men's Balmacan style coats at 10 5u. i.inoiennms and Floor Coverings A fine range of patterns to choose from in Linoleums and Floor Oil Cloths in the different widths. Also Rugs, Wall Papers, Window Blinds, Lace and Scrim Curta .ns and all the various House i urnishinns. LueA.L. 21'8 Corrected every Thursday, J3utter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes \'Vbeat Vats Barley Buckwheat Flour 13' an Sboets Low Grade Live Bogs fob Ilensall $.24 27. 05 225,. 1.25 55 55 55 60 70 4,25 4.90.' $20.00 30 00 35.00 11.00 Local News Good second hand i, -horse power gaso ine engine for sale cheap L,. Prang. Miss :Ella ':N. Stelck is visiting, relatives land friends in Port Huron, Mich., at present. Mrs. Yiungblut, of Auburn, is vis- iting at the home of her son, Mr. H. Youn•gblut, at present. Mr. and Mrs. C. I3ait.eib visited relatives in Hicksom and other eastern points on Monday. Any person having any of my lion racks, will please return ("i'. L. •Wturm.'s store J, J. Meaner Mr. and Mss. Wm. Finkbeiner,. nd daughter, Hazel, of Stratford isited relatives here on Monday. Highest market prices paid for ive Pori -try every Thursday and aturda'y forenoon. Ruby. & aascho, �, . tu MEN'S a aSeverai new lines of ;4len's FRENEK Outing Shirts to hand. v Jest the thin; for warm weather wear. Also Straw Hats in the leading styles for the season. Call and see thein. L 6 Fresh Groceries always on hand. 0 RUBY and. GASOIIO ' a PHONE 17 i 3 ti4:31i iii s E3 2*sxs 3 3E'�ii3 Escoesi ix 1 Cream :And Eggs w WANTED 1W i 0 Will pay highest cash price for Creamp� . and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, ti at any time during;the week. § , I, HUDSON, „Phone 5, ZURICH § 3CSEX3E3E:E`r3E3i 3£3E3E3E3E#3F}E3£3E3i3E1i3C3£ i313eF3E3$03* Fi 4I ti Add-A®Link Bracelets 1 wy t.! 1 : � ij •11111M.• .AMMIMMIN. A fresh supply of Gold and Silver Add -a -Links just arrived. We engrave them:to your order. '' I•N GEORGE R.HESS & 0®., JEWELLERS • : ZURICH �N c LondonLife Policies are "GOOD AS GOLD" Why not protect yourself and family with a good life insurance policy. All the popular plans of insuranca written. For particulars apply to Andrew F. Hess, Local Agent ••••••••••••SS•••••••••••• Mi•S•••••M•••11••••••••w•10 To new subscribers in Canada we will send The Herald from now until Jan., 1917, for only 25 cents. eeteseaeog:,••••••••••soli•. sw••••••••ss®s•ss•es•••••• Mr. Oliver Johnston and family f Godericll, spent Sunday at the, oGme of his brother, Mr,, Thomas h t o uvs on. Mrs. Ed. Rupp and daughter, eft on Monday for Detroit, atter pending amonuth's vacation with elatives in town, Anyone wishing prunes should eave 'their .order at once With Mr, o1. Baechler, Bronson Line, phone 'on 82, Zurich Central. Mr. aired Airs. ]Jame, Steinbach, end Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Kasb- teisch, of 1)etriot, visited relati- •es here on Sunday and Monday. Our peaches will b. h:t'il•dted by f. kreetur �ana:i '1', L. Wurm this eason. Leave your orders now, or ear,y Cra'tvtords which wi 1 be HONOR ROLL. 1614 BATTALION, C. E. F. "THE HURONS" Andrew Price Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson George Mcl3ricle Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett Maurice Weber We have been asked to add to the Honor Roll the names of the boys from Zurich, who have enlisted in battalions' in various parts of the country and who are serving their King. „Arne Brenner (killed in action) ,Emerson Brown Peter Randall ]Emanuel Holtzman, Abe Bender Albert'Bender •David Stelok Frank Uttley ,Ed. Fisher Norman Prang lly. Sieman Arnie Hildebrandt 11larshall Zeller Norman Johnston W. Livingood Roy Geiger Alvin Surerus. In addition to the above five from Zurich joined the 101st but were re- jected as physically unfit. If the above list is not complete kindly inform us and we will be pleas- ed lo add any names we have omitted 4.44++++•F••II�•1•'t +++440 '+++++F ++ MILITARY NEWS G. D. MacKay of Walkerton has been appointed chief recruiting of - .icer for military, district No. 1, comprising the following 11 coun- ties: Bruce, Huron, Lambton, Es- sex, Kent, Big.* lvi.iad,esex, Os- iord, Perch, Waterloo and Well- ington. �i,n impressive event at Camp Borden last aliursday wase the presentation of colors to the ]hist lluros, County Battalion, the col- ors being a gift frown the Ladies' Aid Society of the towns of Exeter. The cerenlolny was attended by Col otnel S. C. Mewburn, assistant 'ad - in the market, next weep I. iayrK'i' t. ,general; officers ; of head- ,. •smith. f quarters, of camp brigade staffs r has added x,1917 land 40 visitors rio�ln �.,uton CO-, ,air. •a. Wur In a a Forel touring car to his livery 't13]ty Weather ,ccan,a.i.ons \\ ere anfavor outli G ah1r. Wurm believes re .able for the event, it being hot and, lay o- •tt�ith the times and a more a sandstorm blowing ad afternoon up-to-date livery would be hard Colonel Mewburn roof, the salute to find. in regular t 11119 size,' during .the march past, reprcaent- lht: regular, •monthly meeting of iu IViajor-General Logie, who was, the Women&' Institute will 'oe held away from camp her o.n Tuesday, !Sept, 12th, instead of Oapt. J. K. k sirfull, chaplain of the 13th, at the home of Mrs. Wm` the Huron batta.ion, consecreated (:o•n,sict, Parr Line, at 8 &clock in the evening, means of conveyance wilt be provided. Ladies will meet at tlie home of Mrs. C. Fritz aC 7.3) snarp, Please note, .DASHWOOJ 19 UP Two rinks of bowlers journeyed to Dashwood last Tbursaay even- ing ,ani1 when the p;m'oke of the batt tle had drifted away it was found that the .uashwood rinks were 19 A. COMPLETE WRECK In some unaccountable way the gasodne engine which ivir. k, Hess, ar., uses to ,pump water into his suppl tank went wrong on ',l'ues- alay ,aand in a fe n.inu.es had made. a complete wreck of itself. As no ane was near at the time, it is s,h! aniystery how it all hap- pened, Anyway the engine is useless, as t:ne crank shaft is brok- en, the. boxings smashed, the con- trolling device gone: awrey, the base wrecked and •a n.umnber of other serious, break dowels, The two ily wheels were hulled many feet away and the report when the wreck oceured startled the regi- dein s living in that part of town. HYDRO RADIALS ' At a specialmeeting of .t',e Hydro -Electric Railway Associa- tion, of Ontario, at '.Toronto last. Thursday, wnicn was attended by nnayo.s rind reeves and other re- presentives of 40 municipalities Troia Peterboro, on the .east, to, Windsor ,and Sarnia in the west. it was unanimously decided to in- augurate naugurate a campaaign to secure the passing of by-.aws at the next municipal elections infavor of the construction of a system of hydro _,dials within ithe present limits of the (power zone. .A. resolution vas, adopted -Ghat the, golvernmen't pass orders -in -council before Oct. 1st. uiakb1g it possible for muni- iapali ies to submit by-laws to the. electors on January 1st, next tr<. ascertain if they are favorable to the construction of hydro radial, lines Within their respective lot'-; F sillies. We have the most complete stock of Furniture in Huron county, consisting of Dining Rooni Sets, Bed Rooni Suites Sideboards, Chita Cabinets, Couches lronand Brass Beds, Parlor Suites, Leather Chairs and Kitchen Cabinets the colors; hey. D. W. Colli is, re- ctor of the church of Ascension, Windsor, formerly of 'lrivett Memorial Church, Exeter, spoke on behalf of the :presentationcommit- tee, which peas replied to by Lieut - Col, H. B„ Coombe, the t61st's corn-, amaridant. Mrs. Creech presented the Kings colors to Major It. B. Hays, of the 161st, Lieut. M. C. McLean receiv- ing them, The regimental colors were presea ted by Mrs. Johns to Major W. J. 1H,eamaani and received by Lieut R A 9F4aiter. BIG STOCK OF PICTURES Picture Framing also neatly done, Also see our big stock of , Hardware, Stoves, Graniteware, etc, And for Harness, Trunks and Valises we cannot be excelled. Call andlsee and be convinced that we sell a little cheaper than the ordinary run. C. I-IARTLEIB, zuaicr+ HURON'S11LARCEST: COMBINATIONrSTORE 1C3812301E1031=031:30E3E3E3E311E3E3E3E3E3E3C381=18143E3C3E3E343E3Ex3e Have bought out the business of Mrs McCormick and moved same to Eitber's old stand. We handle the following celebrated lines. s��a�i�r53d"iir"!1 Stratford Breadand:Cakes Nei is o a'sIc e Cream.] & Chocolates § Choice Confectionery &., Groceries r Stationery of all kinds Picture Post Cards and Novelties California ToiletPreparations Your:Patronage Solicited New Confectionery Store 0 VV.. C.;Wagner - - = Zurich 3E3E3E3E 32131i3+Ei£3E3i3E3F3098E3tz 3i3E3E3E3813i3E3f3E3i 1 1 •••••••d•••••••••••oosio•.• •••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 0 • • i • N 1 • • O • • to • • • • • ••• • 0 • $1.25 Dresses for 75c •0 a • • • M y. i • 1 • •• • • • •s • • • • Clothing Sale • • • a a • • • • Fort 10jDaysWOnly We have decided to put on sale for 10 days only our entire stock of Mer.'s and Boys' Clothing. As we intend to go out of the clothing business ,e entirely therefor we are offering these Extra Low Prices; Small Boys' Suits only 50c Young Men's Suits Half Price Men's Suits Half Price Odd Trousers half Price Odd Vests II half Price •' • • • • • • CARD OF THANKS ' . • • • • • • • • ,The ,undersigned wishes to thank the :manly friends who so kindly assisted her and for Inc sympathy extended to her during her re- cent bereavement. Mrs. J. Quackenbush The children of the late ,'Mfrs. OrtWein wish Ito extend their thanks •i,e the many friends who 'so willingly aassisted them during the ilinesa and subsequent death of their mother. The Children, RED CROSS AUXILIARY Mrs, M. Fritz and Miss K. Camp - attended the Red Cross Aux- iliary ,a'Fi ;dQlegat os froni the Zurich branch, held at Clinton. A county society was for.',ned with head: - quarters at Clinton where all Red cross +and Patriotic for the whole county will be looked after. .All goods to be sent overseas ehoilld first be sent to. Clinton frotm which, place they will . be forwarded to their destination. Extra work can also be saved in seeing that the goods are properly packed, asthis will save re -packing at Clinton and the local societies will receive proper credit for same. The fol- lowing officers were appointed Mrs, Hamilton, Goderich, Pres; Mrs. Fitton, •Exeter,. Ree, -Sec; Miss Consitt, Heiman, t.,''or.-See. ; Miss Brown, .See. All Presidents of, total societies are vice-presidents in the county society, • 0 • • 60c,Table Linen for 35c 1 piece bleached table linen, reg 60e for 35c $1.50. Waists for 50c Ladies white and colored waists, reg $1 and $1,50 for 50c A few ladies and children's dressas, reg $1,25 for 750 60c Middies for 39c Children's Stockings 8 pr for 25e, blaok and tan 4 only girls middies, white -with blue lining, reg 60e for 89c • r • • 3 Fall Dress Goods Our fall stock of Dress Goods, Wrapperettes' Flannellettes, Sweater Coats and Underwear is colnplete4 Mao a saice line of. men's Up-to-date Waterproofs. w • Fresh Groceres atall times • • , •• • • • ZURICH • • PHONE 28 • wommyrinidinnee T. L. WURM O•se•®eeoes i rnoli•fir i• ii••••••ectosoo e••slll►990