Zurich Herald, 1916-09-08, Page 6Western Fair LONDON, ONTARIO $epternbei 8th to 16th, 1916 WESTERN ONTARIO'S POPULAR EXHIBI'T'ION ART, MUSIC, AGRICULTURE AMUSEMENTS A Fine Combination at London's Exhibio n A Real Live Program of Attractions Twice D Two Speed Events Da Fireworks Every Night ' New Process Buildintl Every Building' Enll of Exhibits SINGLE FARE over ter all Railways West of Toronto Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary i SPECIAL EXCURTION DAYS THE HERALD issued every Thursday afternoon from the HERALD PRINTING OFFICE Victoria St. Zurich, by ANDREW F. HESS and CHESTER L. SMITH SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $l•00 A YEAR U. S' subscripton $$r,5o strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS, Rates for display and contract advertisements will be given on appliation. Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soci etc., so cents per line fol first insertion and 5 cents •,r ne for eu3 subsequent insertion. Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which andmiss ion fee is charged or a special collection tak will be charged for at the regular advertistng ra iioticesofreligious or other meetings the object which is thebenelt of the community and not for p onal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerfu . L asserted free. Advertisments without specific directions will b alerted until forbid and charged accordingly. Tran Bleat advertismenrs must be paid for in advance. !estray advs. $s for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. . hanges for contract advertisements must be in the office by 6 p. m. Tuesday, otherwise_ they will be left over until the tollowing week; Address aII communica ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, 1916 CORRESPONDENCE FRUITS. Fresh stock of Oranges, Bananas and Lemons. Wo always keep all kinds of Fruit in Season. Fresh Groceries Get your supply of Binder Twine, Binder Whips, Har- vest, Gloves and Mitts. Har- vest Shoes here. A large var- iety to choose from. Harvest Tools See our lines of HAY FORKS, FIELD HOES, HANDLES, WIN- DOW SCREENS, SCREEN WIRE, ETC. PRICES RIGHT THAT LITTLE COUNTRY ROAD I long for the paths of the gold- en past, That led o'er the hill of dreams, That we followed in; trust, through ,the soft, grey dust, And ;along the si>,nsmer streams, And it's oh! folr the little, white country road. That vanished into the sky, Which led.. like the years, to joys and tears, 'And parted with days golme by, And we 'wondered ho,w far, that lave would go, If r might or a day, or a, year, Would carry us there to the and of th.e trail. Where the •crescent rapers hangs near.. And tlllaughed at those fancies of early, youth, For I ave wiser gro ..ni I know that road will touch the sea, Where the last blue .surges moan. It has aimlessly waun.d t;ktrotigh the 1`TOTICE 4 L� DISSOLUTION -•ox PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting .betwesn us the undersigned as General Merchants in the village of Dashwood has this day been, dissolved by Mutual Coneleritte Ali debts iowiing to tae Said pZrtner- ship are to be laid to Norman Kel Iennaa!n ‘on 'or befjor,'e S;eptt. s15t"al'A: Pr 1,916 at the village of ,.Dash- wood aforesaid and all claims ag- ta`inrst the said partnership',, elle t ire ;preseretied bo the said •Normant Kellerman by whome the same evil' be ere(ttled. Dated at Dashwood this 21st. day of Augush A, D. 1916. George Keller mar N onmon Kel- lerma'n. Witnessed by E. M. Erolwelnls(hliree yester year/ And climbed •the hi.1s of today, In soy memory, tomorrow, will find it there, Where flowers of stray, It is paved with the footprinits of vanished friends, The. laurels they left for me, As mementos of friendships which de—trot fade, Though faces we cannot see, I w onit.ler what i expected to find O'er the brow of that verdant hill Perhaps it was berries of sweetness rare, That ripened there at soy -will. Perhaps .L hoped that roadside. Would make the journey bright, Or that a land of peaceful homes, Would lie within any sight. But, at least, the land of my youthful dreams, Still lies just over the ridge, And perhaps there may .be, all 1 wish to see, Across the sunset bridge, And '•twill be by that little •old-. fashioned road, That I shall pass over the hill, - VPhere. the song of the birds, need no spoken words, And the remtories live with me still. '. Corinne Jasmine Misener, P. S.—Above poepa suggested to the writer by the fancltul wind- ings of the beautiful country roads about Zurich„ remernberance Fruit Jars And all necessities for the canning season can be bought here. Shoe Repairing of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. flowers, L. BRISSON Drysdale Phone 1 on 86 AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, in Zurich, on Saturday, Sept., 16th, at 1 o'clock. I;. Bossenberry, aucti- poneer, Miss Ida Ortwein, propriet- trress. FALL FAIRS Bayfield -- --- Oct. 10-11 Blyth ... . -.. --, .., .. Oct. 3—l; Exeter .. - --- ySept,18-19. ..... Sept. 27-28 Seaforth ...... .. ,.a Sept.21-22 London- • ••- -•• -• ....-. `...Sept. 8-16 PATRICE( ... ••W .-- Sept. 29-21 Store closed every Tuesday and Friday even 'lig at 6 o'clock DIED Keller—At Zurich, on Sept., 2nd Pearl E, A. Keller, daughter of Mr. agd ,Conrad faller, aged 1u years, lmonth and 15 days Sararas—At Zurich, an Sept. 4th Nancy Ann Clemens, relict of aha„ late Isaac Sararas, aged 66 years 10 !months and 25 days. MARRIED Peck—Maxwell—At St. John, N,B, on August 23rd, Janet M., daugh Iter of 111r, and Mrs, S. R. Maxwell Ito Dr, John W. Peck, of Hensel]. Desjardine—Walper—At the Bron- son Line,Hay,on Aug. 30th. • Miss Fenn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Wolper, Bronson Line, to Mr. Herbert Desjardine, 1of the Babylon; Line, Ray, Stowell—Drysdale—aAt Hensall, on Sept, 5th, by Rev. E, McL Smith, Margaret Alice daughter of Mr. R. J. Drysdale, to 11. W, Stovell of Dubuc, Sask:. If the farmers of this commun- ity w,ani any fertilizer for fall wheat, •I always keep some oto. hand at my barn. Later on when, the ground is more suitable to plow you should get fertilizer to so v with the wheat to give it a good healthy start, .THIN,- HEY; Jr„ Zurie'h. ,....e. .-:..:.. DASH WOOD Tho general etofe business 'of G. Kellerman tC Son will be conducted by Mr. N. Kellerman after Sept. 15th, and the goods will be sold on a strict• ly cash and trade basis. IPIr. and Mrs. Oscar Knopp :and family, accompanied by Misses El- eolnore and Edith Wolper of Dash- wood and Mr. Hubert Klopp, mot- ored to Stratford a'ncl Shakespeare on Monday and spent the day with relatives ' Miss Adeline Rader of Dashwood was the guest sof Misses .Almeta and Aetna Walper on Sunday. A large (number froimf the village attended the funeral of Pearl Kel- ler at Zurich an ;Tuesday. Rev. P. Graupner and family spent Sunday at Mitchell. Mr. Herbert F. Klopp, student of Royal Dental College, 'Porontn, spent a few days with relatives and friends here, returning to the city on Monday. COUNTY NEWS Mr, J. C. Greig has been appoint ed police magistrate of Iieaforth as successor to Mr. F. Holmstead, NValo resigned. Kippen 'and F -i is Green churches have extended a call to Rev,. W, E. M. Aitken, of Banks, Barrie co- unty. Judge 3, T, :Garro w, of Toronto formerly of Goderieh, died in;that city on Thursday last. IIe had Ncen in: ia.low state of health • for some ,time, The remains werein- •terred in Goderich. Mr. Edmund Walper shipped a carinatd of choice cattle to Toronto on S tr,:,:.'day. Fle will attend thee. Toronto Exhibition a few days this Tree; before returning home. Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Klopp and family, accompanied by Mr. Hub- ert Klopp, spent Sunday with Mr. And Mrs C. L. Walper, at Cedar Grove Farm. Several from Here attended the convention in Kitchener, last week: Mr. .and Mrs. Ed. Nadinger fare visiting friends in Michigan at present Mrs. Witzel spent the holidays in Port 'Huron!. Mr..ldclison 'Tiernan left for St- ratfor I on Monday ,where he will atten" Normal School, Mr. I Kellerinan and family sp- ent Stt mday in Wingham. Mr. nd Mrs. I. Bremer of Strat- ford a t• visiting friends here. On Wednesday morning of last. Miss Fanny Preeter is visiting week George Steep was ,sentencedl in Stratford ., to seven months in,Central Prisr5n I Miss .Ethel Kellerman left for Tor by Police MViagisrtate Kelly of. God onto on Mondlay. erich, for obtaining an auto ,gide, to Goderich from aliverymaan:l at. Elmira. by false4retelns., Steep represented hinisel'.f to be t the proprietor of the British £a - change hotel in Goderich and stat ed that he would pay for the rider in Goderich. Arrived in Goder- the do Iver time sli 1a an ich he gave the liveryman is stili out the cost of the trip. Mr. Steep was ar- rested our Tuesday night in Clin- ton by Chief Post'ewaite, Steel; having repeated the trick in get-, ting -azide from Seaforth. to Clin- ton j I.ItY S I )ALE Mrs. Capt. Frank Granville and daughter of Chatham returned to their home on Thursday, after a two week's visit with relatives at Drysdale. Messrs. Joe. Denomme and Alb- ert Shelby -of Courtright arrived safely in their gasoline yatch on Sunday night, at Mr. George D.'n- om;me's. EXETER. G. Gifford has joined the staff of the Bank of Commerce. J. A. Stewart and R. G. Seldom and famines spent a few days last week in Toronto. About as dozen ladies were at Camp Borden last Thursday to: present the colors to the colors to the 161st Huron Battalion!, CIDER MILL Will operate wry cider mill every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. of each week until further notice. MENNO STECKLEY 2 Miles North of Blake PREP RDHESS There are cold days coming Prepare for them now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated D. & H. Lacka- wana Anthracite Coal We have a supply of all sizes: Egg, Stove and Chesnut. D. A. Cantelon Hensll Mrs, R. Goetz gad Mrs. D. Bet- ' .spent: thevbolidays in Sarnia, Miss Lily Mayer has returned af- ter spending her holidays at Mil- verton and collier points. HEN SAIL A large number attended Tor- onto Exhibition this week. Carmel church choir gave a emiscellan,eous shower at the home of Mr. R. Drysdale the other ev- ening in honor of Miss Margaret Drysdale 'Miss B. Urquhardt has left for Carolina to resume her duties as teacher im Eton:• College. Bev, and Mrs. Knight were in Toronto last week. Mr. Knight gave addresses to the students of the &Methodist college while there. Won. Seth has left for Seaforth, where he is helping. to make mun- itions tat the Bell foundry. The work on Jas. W. Johnston's new residence is be.ng pushed rap- idly ahead, The brick work will sooln be completed. On Tuesday morning an event took !place at the home of Mr. Robert J. Drysdale, 'tviheint ]rise third daughter, Miss Margaret Ali_e was united in marriage to Mr. R, W, Stowell, of Dubuc, Sask., by Rev. E, McL. :Smith. The happy couple left on. !the morning train for their home in the 'west where the best wishes of 'ahost of friends follow them. ST. JOSEPH Mr, tat.d. Mrs, N. Weber and fami- ly, and Mr. Skinner, of New Ham- burg visited at ther home of M', and Mrs. Clayton Smith, Sauble Line, on ISunday„ Messrs Leo. and Chas. Bedard, of Courtright are renewing ac- quaintances here this week. 'Mr. Simon Bedard of Sarnia spent a, few days this week with relatives on the Sauble Line, Messrs Jos, Denom tae and Ed. Selby of Courtright, are visiting friends and relatives here .this week Mrs. WInt, Bedard and children of Parkhill, are visiting relatives Mr. Lawrence Bedard, of Tilbury visited at the hiollne of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Bedard, this week, phone 10, House Phone 10a- Mr, Frank Deaomme, of Maths aln is visiting relatives here at preseant. Handsome Car •• srests14 WHEN you pay several hun- dred dollars for an automo- bile, why not get a good- looking one—one that you will be proud to own, proud to drive and proud to take your friends out in? Maxwell owners have a just pride in the handsome appearance of their automobile for Maxwell Motor Cars have the same attractive lines, the same graceful design as the higher priced types. In addition to good looks you want, of course, a reliable, sturdy and economical car. But there is no doubt in your mind on these points since • the Maxwell a short time ago established the World's Motor Non - Stop Mileage Record. Any car that can run continuously for 44 days and nights, averaging 500 miles per day - 22,000 miles in all and without once stopping the motor—is bound to be a well designed and well made car. Any car that can perform such a wonderful feat on an average of one Imperial gallon of gasoline to every 26/ miles is bound tobe an eco- nomical car. We have such confidence in the Maxwell car and the company behind it that we have staked our judgment and future on the ability of the car to make good for you. It will; we, know it. All we want is a chance to prove it. Phone us today, while you have it in mind. Touring Car, $850. Roadster, $830 Prices F. O. B. Windsor Completely Equipped 'W E Oestreiclher., Crediton DISTRIBUTORS FOR )-...usommY-CX JC }-0-( .l It —&av '-C i 1 t—--( H. gyral i roan, Dealer MASSEY-HARRIS Implements Now is the time to look for good Massey=Harris Binders, etc. A few second hand Massey—Harris binders for sale cheap,, Agency for the Well-known Louden Hay track and litter carrier. r 1 .' ` P.. We carry large sock of storm sashes and storm doors made all size or style. Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mill products. Estmates given and contracts.taken. iOff ce planing lining mill. e .C K -PHONE ,xflfare1111111110 IT LBFLEISO ZURIGH rioiwr €1 q' litf" raet