HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-09-08, Page 1RIC ERALD .... ....... . Vol. XVII ZURICH, FRIDAY MORPIING,, SEP rEMBER 8, 1916. NO9 Automobile Rugs and Dusters We have put in stock a fine lot of automobile rugs and dusters. Many pretty patterns. Call and see these goods, Langford Collars• For horses inclined to sore and galled shoulders. • Highly re- commended by those who have used them on their horses. a..• . „,..�:; A fine line of Single Harness. Prices Right. Sw eat Pads, Curry Combs, Axle Grease, Gall Cure R. P. STADE 1E_ ZURICH -1+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4,4+++++++++ Clearing in of Men's Boys' Summer Wear 4 4. 4. 4. All woollen , serges, clothing, in fact all lines of men's andiboy's wear havegreatly increased in price, owing to the war. 4 We are giving special discounts on all lines of Summer Goods ': to clear. All our goods are the best that money can 'buy and are fully guaranteed in style and quality. All at the old prices. Just now we are showing Straw4. Hats, all styles; Men,s and Boy's Clothi ng, Underwear, etc., (At reduced prices.) Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods , APPEL - ZIIRICH: THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES ti:+4. i1.444F *4++++++44.4+4;4 ++.g.+++++++++++++++?•+f4+++•+ • it LOCAL NEWS. ism r.�a yrL+�J 4 i e..ap tai) M•r. Albert Gies of Kitchener .i5' spending his holidays at his.home here. Mr. HY. Koehler visited his. daughter, Mrs. Studer, in Taxis - tock on Labor day. Mr. Fred. +Ho1aald and daughter Thelma, of St. Marys, visited the, former's mother, Mrs. B. Howaldj on Mended., Mrs, Orville H. Ehmes, of Cal- gary, Alta., is visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. A, G. Blanes for a few ,weeks. Miss Pearl McCormick left for De troit on Saturday, where she will enter one of the hospitals to train f or a 'nurse. Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wednesday, and Wednesday of the following week. Misses ,Veva Kirk and Luc:we Purdy, of Fairgrove, Mich•., are visiting friends in town and neigh bourhood this week;, lYIr. and Mss. E. Wuiun and seven • have been` successful in ob danghiter, Kathleen, and Miss Nola taanng their certificates, Geiser, of Crediton, visited at God- ":: erich on Thursday of last week. Dr. H. B. Reed, of George -tow -11 has been appointed by the • De- partment of Agriculture as judge of horses, and Mr. Jas, A. Camp- bell, of .Thedford, as judge of cat- ttle, at the Zurich Fall Fair to be- held an Septwnber `:0th, and net, In a letter received from the Hydro -Electric Commission, 'Mr. Alex Murdoch, clerk of He+nsallT' was informed that the reason for the delay in connecting Hensel). with 'Hydro was due it2 the eno'-. +mows iadvance price in 'material' and also in labor.They„x'n orr Ham that the material from< $1600. at first ,estinvated and t1 at ,jtbor was at least fifty per Bent. higher, As Zurich is in the same position; as iHensall it will be some months yet before we will have the elec- tric glad irons in, our homes heated by hydro. alis •V. Siebert. 'left for Strath- '"4 +4 r44ibM 44 $44 44 44 frr }44 44 4 ro r oin Tuesday wliere she has ac - reed •aPosition as milliner• in one; of the ,stores, corner stone of the new p+arliarnent buildings at Ottawa was`; laid on Friday last by the IlURe of Commaught. 14; Gordon Wilhelm, and two -sis ter Misses Hattie and Melinda, of neai;•_Shakespeare, were visitors at 4. the ili.ome +of Mr. .arnid'Mrs. A. G. Eh,r,ss on Sunday and Monday,. Bev. and Mrs. Chris. Schultz• of near. Topping, and Mrs. Sam. Seh- uitt of Wellesley, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Scl?yartzentruber, Bronson Line, ,over the holidays. Miss Gertie Kaeroher who by error was starred .on one subject inrithe issued report of the Sr. P. .4 S. Graduation examination, has since been notified that. she passed in all subjects. Master Milt•onney rock and ,Misses Genevieve Zettel and Bessie Tough who were cut short by 'measles while writing 'on their final were also given their certificates. The whole class of Ingurporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 - 96: Branches in Canada A General. BaalCind Business Transacted 't IR LARRTETTEROF CREDIT wI �O\']+'" CORD E avi gs' Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Bargain in Working Shoes A lot of ladies every day good working shoes, tan, worth frona $2.50 to $3, while they last Only $ 1.75 Big Reduction in Prices Of all Summer Foot wear. It will pay you to see our goods and get our prices. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes: e. F+' IT +sl , Zurich The Horne of Good Shoes f•ON411.esig fillm10$144.4110104114400401114404614111144 44 +r 1111111(1111111111111111111111111111111i1111'111111+ 19MIIIIIIIIIIIIIII nIIIIIIIIIIITII111111111III!IIE'll° ,`+,Itl X11 I111III I IIP+ i41111 'iTill;!IIIIIIIII+It'iMlh. ilYMMEii11'ih',•Illfipgff DO. YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A BEST? • Of course youdo. Well,' we sell only the best that money can buy in all lines we carry. This week we are reducing our prices on Canvas and Spring Shoes, Straw Hats, Dusters, .fly Nets and other' lines that you will require for hot weather Highest prices for Farm Produce 'e closed Tuesdayand Friday nights at .0 N. DOUG.. appom PHONE 11 on 82" BLAKE I fIIIIIIIIII@mllllllllllllllllllllilll!IfIIL'illil11111{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL'L'IlIIfiC17111GIIItIIIPlllll!{Illi{Illlllllillll`"!!!Ill!!:!il�!IIIIIC!I!I!111111,IIIIIIIIillliilll111!Iill!,li;il!iIIII!III{Ifll{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIflllll1111i111 B 7 $•++++ •E + ••1•`3++++l•+.fii,.:..1,.1,.F..P.003 ,3..i+;1••i•d•++ •.g..l..F..g..g..l,.g..F..II.•1•++•II••t•++•g••F +e ++y +•,'•++ 2•+ +•i•d•o'••1••r•+.F..g.+ oe..y..8.y, + ++++++++++++++++++++++.:•+++ +++++4++++++ ++++.14- a••1••i °.i. a i ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ • • 4 • •. -.4 -4. ... 4+ ... • .4. 44 4 •'t+' lbs bedt ginger snaps .s+ -414 Our Clearing Sale will continue for only a few days longer. We are preparing for our BIg Display of New Fall Goods in all Departments. See Announcement next week. Men's & Boys' Clothing Men's Summer Suits, sizes 3o to 7."6.2*- regulai4 $8.00 to clear at $4.00 Boy's Suits, regular $4 and $5, t oclear at $2 Men's fancy Summer Vests to clear at 75cts Men's and Boys' Straw Hats to clear at HALF PRICE Middies, Etc Girls white middies, trimmed with bine, 6 to 14 years to clear at 50e Girls all white middies from 6 to 12 years to clear at 76c Girls -tan middies, trimmed red and blue to clear at 75c .-Ladice middies, all white, sizes 36 to 40 to clear at 756 44 IC 61 regular $1.25 for $1.00 Ohildrsi its rompers from 2 to 5 years Boys 2 piece wash suits to clear at Children's linen summer coats, regular Ladies' +cambric drawers, regular 50e 750 $1,50 for 75c $1,25 for 50c Ladies' Readv-to'Wear Ladies' white cambric under skirts, regular $2.00 for $1.00 • lawn and voile waists, ' regular yy1.00 for G0c i6 i t6 iS 66 1<Siy fq4' ttM tl 66 750 2.00 for 1.00 t 6 6 i `& regular $2.50 and $3 for 1.25 A nice line of house dresses with dust cap to match for only $1.O0 Also a nice line with cap and apron to snatch, very special at $1.25 2 linen wash suits, sizes 14 and 16, regular $3.25 for $2,00 1 only wa�;h dress, size 16, regular $2.50 for $1.50 t,12, t6 $1.50 for 98c 1 Ladies' Hose Line of colored hose, regular 25 and 40c to clear at 2 pr for Job line of black fine ribbed cotton hose, all sizes to clear at Job line of black plain ladies' hose 8i to 10 2 pr for The new shade of Champagne hose, silk boot, GIRLS' TERRY HAT. Line of girls terry hats, regular and felt hats regular tt G6 25o 15c pr 250 500 pr 75c for 60e 50c for 25c • Children's Dresses, Etc A line of children's dresses, dark patterns, sizes from 2 to 6 years to clear at 25c 10 only print dresses with belt to clear at 50c Girls' wash dresses from 4 to 12 years 50c41 tI .8 " 8 to 14 year regular $1 for 75c Children's white lawn dresses, embroidery trimined at ase 14 44 46 fi and lace trimmed at 50c it it It t0 41 +t to clear at - 75o Children's white all over embroidery skirts to clear at ;1.00 GROCERIES 25c 8 eakes. oatmeal 'soap • • 10c 2 bars Home soap 253 Eng•Creant baking pwdr, withsealer reg 25c for 20e 5 tb'bag ioody's odorless K1enzine 35 Pure cartel -granulated sugar $8.50 per 100 lbs J. PREETER Zurich Highest Prices for Produce +4.+'+++,1014++++++1.4 t.+++++++++++++++++4+++++++ + +4+4+++4'3++++' 4+ ++4+ +++4444++ Phone g► CORSET COVERS, ETC Ladies' corset covers at 25c t` Corsets regular +`S1 for 253 Fine whi to dress embroidery regular 60c for 65e 44 4 48 X51,25 for 756 $1.50 for $1 Muslins and Vestings, reg 25c to 500 for 103 a yd 40 yds Hilton print regular 15c for 10c a yd Ili. it it It it +++++++44-14+++++14+44+4,4444444444444+++++++++++++++11,444+ .14+++++++++++++++:14+f