HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-08-25, Page 5Classified Ads LEGAL ;CARDS. PROUDFOOTs� KILLOR pNs, & OOBarrisberar es Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton. St, Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PROUDFOOT, 11.. C. J, L, KILLORAN, 1:1..J. D. Cooicm. Mr. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. MEDICAL CARDS IR A. J. M1aeKINNON late Flous4 Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich Ont. � Zurich. I��a-� WHIRKETI Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages,. etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH , FOR SKINS & EJDES Pone b ut Reichert The Home • Insuanice Co. Paid-up Capital $6,BQ0,111 Surplus to Policyholders $19436,177.25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 8 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for 3 years. No premium note and no extra assessment, guaranteed. G. HOLTZMAN Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods umnlNDEemRTmAumKIaNmGszaB Prompt Service Moderate�rharges Tailor Shop and Laundry W. H. 'HOFFMAN Zurich, - Ontario inommallwasmasumiinirlattfin A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED 1n every good town and district in Ontario, where we are not represented. T erritory reserved for the right man, Highest commissions paid Attractive advertising matter, Splendid List Of New Specialties for Season 1916 -- 1917 Including the new ever - bearing Raspberry, St. Regis Stone G. Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) ORONTO •nm L. C :L NEWS 1VIed. C. tFritz and childre7nl are ea:r ping at the Bend. Ford automobile owners held a, picnic at 13ayfie4d on Wednesday. Mr, Jadob Quacbenrbush of 'the{ To'wln. Line is seriously 1.1 at pres- ent,, • . •Mr, Peter Lamont left for bale West with a ttar.oad of horses an Saturday. Lieut. W. B.. Wilson of the 161st Huron a3att., was a vi Awl,. in town on, SoeueLla'J. Mr. teller of Berlin was a visi,,or at me hu5ne or J'. 1'.. stick- bell ,ovt:r >Suladiey. •ti. A, Campbell was crani a business trip to Champ Borden for a e eev nays iasc week. she cue, aped which arrived here on •euesaay evening was. a greet:( r... i.:..ru:n taiu hue weat.ie: ire % all ,i.sg u v er bunday. ara:rs..... iv. Jarvis and three sone of aliesa..nt arta Vera. W. O. iinucn- Lei alio evhiacitren>. of. Burlin are visicing with Mrs, J. Preeter this tech. ear, and I1rs. J, Dietrich of anipka,, Mr. end leers L, Rainmak- er of .uasnwuod and J.VIr. a. nd Mrs. ie. lea wJaiaiin'ey ,of Exeter visited.. et L. 'area's on Sunday. As we are only acquainttud Willi ea,. a small per tentage oa tn. people .i ring in this fair Luminlon do ,out t nae Ifs 10r Lee me.ution- nig trim): names if you nava some .i..icors tnu pas, twu weeks. terve uy their names an,ct place of resi- dence and we can manage the bal- ance. 'elle oil foe ;the s:a•eets has arriv- ed and ,nus been appaiea • o the main streets. • The odor is some- what disagreeable at first but will soots team off ,and it is hoped the absence of dust will fully cumpen- saLe for any me neenie.ice buLrer- ed from tthe uta. et is tiie Inten- tion vi the council to combine the cost of sureet'waeuring su oar this season anct the cost or the oil end divide propuu riom'aliy •and add to tune taxes oc t:nusu Den.ezicce4. Clinton Ness -Record. ►v:n1.e digging a•tranch in than mai :yard slur use uY uilock ott UUeE.s whieil he IS raising, ie r.. er in,. uat.tl.ey N.1.2t17 aisai_ed`o `a- .9wariii'o :'. ounb_e bees, the yellow jaeket letact ane alit model a has -y eeeroat, to line engine room oe cue ,nLiie '.the bees, ;however, left knelt nark on Bill as he ,was w oundeu, an one thumb and ince in the Lace He retuianpd ,to the /affray j,vith:: hastily gathered tools anal liciu.ds of war fare, and the yeiluw jack- ets were routed out of their strong hold by bombs and hand gren- ades, Tile county tieasuror infurms us that the .g•raint to ruial puede and separate settees is Huron cuueey a: iuunt.ng ti $i1,9.7..5, is ,-e_a up, by the Bureau of Industries' uw- ing to some coanty official's a.- leged neglect. No one knows which official is accused of the crime, what the creme is, or what harm has been done to anyone. In the :meantime, the sehoui sections can plod a.ocag without the money :and the Bureau of Industries clan proceed industriously with its pil- ing up of statistics which few people trouble to read and which still Ideal., tan urderscan:l, HICKS ' eUnr;CASl' A regular .storm. period is con - bat on the i.4t n botchily ander its ind..uence e acsday the wend, to Sun day the 27th. People, who live int western uxereanes may expe et 1:t11- in;g barometer and uthec indicati- ons of brewing storms as early as the 22nel and 23rd, and by the 24th, storms of wired rain and thunder Yvill assume iaggress;vu force, mov- ing through central to eastern parts of the continent from the 25 to the 27th. Look for your part of the °marching weatherCaravan —warm ,and threatening, or the, storm area itself, or the change to clearer and cooler followed;` ac- cordingly as you live eastward, centrally or westward. A treaetilonary storm period de central on .the last four days of August, Disturbances Of the proceeding storm period may last into this period;; at any rate, storms of renewed and quickened activity Will return on and 'about the 28th and 29th. Change . • to very cool alights should be expect- ed, with frosts to the northward, within seventy hours of the divid- ing lino betwrrn August and Sept- ember. «Fi•. ' - rico LO !. Why not -use the hest coil? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut,, Furnace, BlaekP smlith and soft coal. Good supply on hand, O. F. CAEE & SON PHONE 35 i-ENSALL Cross Fertilizer Co. • BASIS;. SLAG, RAW MI13tE'RAL PHOSPRATES USELESS AS A 'E1+'RTjXLIZER. .The introduction of Sy►3neye Basic Slag into Ontario and • • the phenomenal success with Which it has met has led the i isappo'nted sellers ,of other fertilizers to look for. a substitute. Some of therm are now recommending farmers to. use raw mineral phosphate in, con- junction with ground limestone. They say that it containes twice as much phosphoric acid as basic slag • and ,that it is much better' value. They are distributing li;- WHAT SALT WILL DO crature emanating from interested sellers of mineral phesphatts_ in the Salt will revive a dying firs. United States, whence it comes, Salt will remove stains on mar - claiming all sorts of merit for this material. The advocacy of ground mineral phosphate tis a fertilizer is n very old game being revived. In reply we would; ask the farmer to refer to the Bulletin, issued by the Canadian,Government sho- intg the working. of tthe Experi- m.eintal Farms for the year 1910, In which the following statements are anade: Page 27:—"Many 'years' experi- ence has shown that mineral phos- phate untreated is practicallyof no value as a fertilizer". . And again on page 28:—"After ten years' experience had demon- strated that finely ground, ung treated mineral phosphate -was of no use as a ferti'izer, its use was discontinued in 1898." Now are you going to believe the mum who is after your money, or the Canadian Government who re absolutely disinterested and whose sole desire in, the matter is to 1 r.tect the interests of the Can- adian farmer? If in face of the above the Ont- ario farmer is foolish enough to tuy ground mineral phosphate he deserves to loss his money. I have also the Agency for the Ontario Fertilizer—anyone wish;ng. to buy same can dd' s6 from 'tne. Pat had but a limited It:mewled- ge:_ of she bird kitcaigdorre Ono f at'• sWalkd ilgwg reott ,n wbirn d thein streeagc,cat, he ilei}ct milting and eingingg, t•hiiilkin - coo pet ie file aerot;red its head„ 2'hei oirct turned quickly 'screaming, "Hello, what ao you wane" Fat sliied oif idle a frightened llo•se, ,i.tiinjg his hat! and bowing politely, s he 'stuttered out; "Ex -excuse me, s -sir, Ithought you was a bird. .';''Officials of the departmx mant of agriculture are pessimistic about t,ilie . size of potatoe , crop yield this year, and estimatec.t the out- put in Ontario at not more than last year s retu:7n, Thu tact that untario in lei4 produced less than one -hall: the potatous her- % eseed itn 1914 makes this year`s. prospect •a decidedly uneavo.ahile one. While the crop has escaped Lot and other diseases teat ;est btnnnier's wet spell brought in its train the cold weather this spring and the dryspell during the past Ma months have kept the potat- oes simlall, JOSEPH RAU R: R. No. 2. - Zurich. Far for Sale 101 acres, Lot 9, Con. 3, Township of Starkey, 8 acres of hardwood bush, 24 acres ready for crop, the balance is seeded down, 2) acres of new seeding 8 acres of Alfalfa, 4yrs old, is well underdrained and well fenced. two good wells, one at the house, amd one at the barn and water in the barn and a good spring that supplies stock all sunnier with water. A good frame house 26x36 feet with furn- ace . kitchen and woodshed, 18x40 feet, both hard and soft water in the house,balnk barn 50x58 feet, shed 26x52 feet, horse stable and implement shed, 26x52, all in good repair and on stone walls, hen house, 12x26 feet. The farm is one mi' e f rem schoo' 21 miles from Brucefield, 3l from Kippen, 6 from Hensall, 9 from Clinton and Seaforth. Apply en the premises, Lot 9, Con. 3, Stanley Township, Co. of Aurora or address, Robert Mor- rison, Brucefield Ont. VOTERS LIST 1916 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF HAY COUNTY OP HURON Notice is hereby given. that ,I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentiomed in Section 9 of the' eters List" Act the cop- ies required in the said sections to be so tramem't'ed cr ee'ivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Rol of the said Mnicapility to be entitled to vote in ,the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Leg- islative Assembly and at Mun:eipal Elections, and that said list was first posted lip at my office at Zurich, on the 24th Day a July, 1916, and remains there for in- spection). n-s'pectitn). And a hereby call upon all vot- ers to ,take immediate proceedings to have lofty errors or oinoission+s, corrected according to law. Dated at Zurich this 24th day of July, 1916. FREED HESS,Sr., Clank of Hay Township. bre. (Salla:—coarse,, is a good cleanser of iron, Salt mixed with soda is arem- edy for bee stings. Salt in water or other f:uids will eetard the boiling. Salt andwater make an excellent thmoat gargle Salt and hot water will thaw •a frozen drain pipe. Salt will remove tea stains from delicate china cups. Salt spread in black beetle haunts will kill the pests. ,Salt added to siniow makes the mixture much colder. • Salt an;d , water warm, will stop chilblains and itching. Salt thrown on a fire will ex- tinguish a burning chimney. Salt and luke warm water is an excellent lotion for eyes. ',Salt and warm water is an em- etic in cases of poisoning. Salt mixed in cold water will t ,- move' bl•oodstailifs t'.roxn linen. (. Salt sprinkled on, orange will absorb all grease splutterintgs Salt warmed, and rubbed on a soiled light coat, will clealri it. FALL FAIRS' Blyth - _ Oct. 3-4 Exeter --• Sept.18-19 Cx o dre_ i �h- • Sept- 27-28 Seaforth illi. Sept.21-22 London— -•• .•• _.. __illi _Sept. 8-16 ZURICH -•- --- Sept. 20-21 Andrew F. Hess CONVETANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE ,PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich 1916 CLUBBING LIST Herald and Daily Globe $3 75 " " Weekly Globe1 76 1t 11 Daily 1llail and Em- pire 8 75 Weely Mail and Empire 1 76 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 " Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star1 76 London Free' Press Morning Edition, 8 50 Evening Edition2 90 Weekly Edition1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition.:2 90 Evening Edition.:2 90 Weekly Edition...,1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate.,. 2 40 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star........ , ..., . 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 186 " Canadian Country - Man 1 50 01 ' It t1 IC It CI ti CC tt CI ti 14 ti DE LAVAL Cream Separators Before you buy a separator see and try a De Laval. ee r' �./ • r The Delaval has received all the highest ��hest honors and first riles at every important Exposition Worlds Pair eto, field within the past 30 years. More than 1,750,000 De Laval machines, many tunes all others combined, have been sold to date The De Laval saves en 011 h over any gravity sethiritr system in but- ler tat, quaii,t el n ei Ir. .PN ,'t 5hltn Milk, lakes, 1 !MC; 7,1.0 tic u:,.,, V) pay fur itself ev ly o -ix 1,;t1,t1,+. The Ue Laval shim the cleanest, turn the easiest, ore hent consteee,t. ed and easiest to wash, Why not buy a De Laval now? We handle pumps, piping, etc., of all kinds, . L. P G k Excursions Going Trip West 112.00 TO WINNIPEG WE MUST HAVE HELP!! 9' ReturnT rip East $18.00 F RO M WINNIPEG. Going Et ates- August17 and 31 From Toronto -Sudbury Line and East, but not including Smith's Falls or Renfrew, also from Main Linc East of Sud- bury to, but not includ- ing, North Bay. August 19 and September 2 From Toronto, also West and South thereof Further particulars tram Canadian Pacific Tcl-ec Agents, or W B. Howard. District Passengci Agent. Toronto - SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. , By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA. .