HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-08-25, Page 4Western..._ Fair LONDON, ONTARIO September St i to lOt ., 1916 WESTERN ONTARIO'S R EXHIBITION AZT, MUSIC, AGRICULTURE t AMUSEMENTS ' A Fine Combination at London's EX hibi on A Real Live Program of Attractions Twic3 Di Two Speed Events Da Fireworks Every Night New Process Building Every Building. Fnll of Exhibits SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto SPECIAL EXCURTION DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary THE HERALD issued every Thursday afternoon from the HERALD PRINTING OFFICE Victoria St. Zurich, by ANDREW F. HESS and CHESTER L. SMITH SUBSCRIPTION PRICE S1.00 A YEAR U. S' subscriptonyxso strictly iu advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. Rates for display and contract advertisements will`be given on appliatien. Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soci etc., so cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents ..r ne for each subsequent insertion. Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which f admiss ion fee is charged or a special collection tak t will be charged for at the regular advertistng ra .Notices of religious or other meetings the object which is the benefit of the community and not for p oral or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerfu e ,erted free. Advertisments without specific directions will be asserted untitl forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- elett advertlsmenrs must be paid for in advance. 4gtray advs. $x for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. ti°tmnges for contract advertisements must be in the office by 6 p. m., Tuesday, otherwise„ they will be left ovuc until the following week. Address all communico ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, AUG. 24 1916 DIED Ortwein-At Zurich, on Aug. 19th Anna Ortwein, widow of the late Henry Ortwein aged 86 years,10 months and 18' days,, BORN i3ascho-At the Bronson Line, on Aug. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Chris Oascho, a. son. Denomme—At the Salable Line, on Aug. 1 6t to Mr and Mrs Philip Denomnie, a daughter. Graeb—At the Babylon. Line, on Aug 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sinton Graeb a daughter. !A TOWN -LOT CHICKEN RANCH li started out to raise some hens; ii first bought wire to make some /pens, ;You :need nice pens to make kens thrive; Mine cost me $40.25. t bought eleven kinds of feed, For fowls alarge assortment need, tI bought cut hone and grains gal - ,ore,; The bill was $10.84. Of course hens need a chicken shed. place to sleep, an;d to be led, Wine was 'a good one through and s through, And cost sine $16.42. a wander if :hen farming pays; a've had ttwelva eggs in sixty days The bills, of course, have been im- ,menrse l f`L'he !twelve eggs brought me 30 centre. Zurich., Aug. 23, 1916. If the farmers of this commun- ity want any fertilizer for fall wheat, I !always keep some oTn hand at my barn. . Later on when the ground is more suitable to plow you should get fertilizer to so v with . the wheat to give it a good healthy, ,s tart. JOHN HEY, Jr., Zurich. f a SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Notice is hereby given, that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared, that cop- ies thereof may be had at this of - fine, that the list is being publish- ed in, the Ontario Gazette of Aug - last 12th, 1tb, 26t1i and Sept., 2nd X16, and that in default of the spa y -anent of the taxes an.d costs the lands will be sold by Public aucti- otnn at the Court House in: the Town Of Goderieh on. Tuesday the 14th day of November, 1916, at 2 o'clock Ips m, A 'number of lets. .in ;St. Joseph in Arty are in this list. County Treasurer's Office, God- "ierich, August 12Lh, 1916.. t t, NI I. Holmes, Treasurer. HE WES TERN FAIR September Sth to 16th, • The platform ;attractions at the Exhibition this year will be of a very (high class. The very best acts obtainable have been ,secur- ed. Thera will be acts of skill and comedy and plenty of them,. Dio's Dog and Pony Circus will be worth •the whole price. Some two or three Bands each day will provide the best of music, while The International (Fireworks Co. of London will put on a. special programme of fireworks each and every night. If space is required applications should be made teethe Se:retary at once, Entries should L. .n aa...a o.',f s,, formation of all kind from the Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London, Ontario. + . PREPAR NESS There are cold days coming Prepare for them now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated D. H. Laeka- wana Anthracite Goal We have a supply of all sizes: Egg, Stove and Chesnut. D. A. Cantelon iiensall Phone 10, House Phone 10a FARMS FOR SALE 50 -acre farm, on 14th corn•., Hay' ToWnship. Will be sold on re- semble terms as owner is living out west and wishes to dispose of the property, For particulars ap- piy to Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. Fine 150 -acre farm for 'sale in; Township of Stanley, All first class land, good buildings and plenty of 'good water. Conveni- ent to church and school. For particulars apply to Andrew F. Hess, Herald Office, 'Zurich. AUCTION SALE Of Furniture, at J. H. Schnell's Zurich, on Saturday, Aug. 26th. at 2 o'clock. Property of Mrs. Goetz E. Bossenberry, auctioneer. Of Household Furniture andReal Estate, in Zurich, on Mondady, Aug. 28th, at 2 o'clock, Mrs, Mc. C,otmick, l ropnietoress, E. Bassen - berry, auctioneer. Of Household Furniture, at Zurich, on Saturday, Sept. :'nd et 2' o'clock. Mrs, Lydia Bender, pro- prietoress, L+". Bossenberry, aucti- oneer, Bailiff's Sale of One working horse ain;d ,one farrow cow at Cam - Estate. in Zurich, ;on Monday, Aug. 28th, at 2 o'clock.. O. Diller; Bailiff, CORRESPONDENCE FRUITS Fresh stock of Oranges, Bananas and Lemons. We always keep all kinds of Fruit in Season. Fresh Groceries Get your supply of Binder Twine, Binder Whips, Har-. vest) Gloves and Mitts. Har- vest Shoes here. A large var- iety to choose from. Harvest Tools See our lines of HAY FORKS, FIELD HOES, HANDLES, WIN- DOW SCREENS, SCREEN WIRE, ETC. PRICES RIGHT Fruit Jars And all necessities for the canning season can be bought here. Shoe Repairing of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. L. BRISSON Phone 1 on 86 Drysdale Store closed every Tuesday and Friday eyen`ng at 6 o'clock COU1 T Y Esti WS The Clinton Kiltie Band has been engaged to play at the Western, Fair at London. Joan Hawthorne of Seaforth has bee., engaged as superintendent uY the 'a.uckersmith te.epiio,'ne system. D.•, W F, telal•k, of 'Goderiyh, has ecen appo.nted by the Provin- tial Department of Agriculture to the list of expert judges on light horses for fall lairs. George CF Caron; ;son of Dr;4 Caron .of Detroit, aged 23 years, drowned at Goderich one Monday white bathing below the Sunset IHote1. He sank almost immed- -..tely after his first -plume. ' .ieutenant T. .5. Terrence cf the 6_scbatta,ion and son o:1 Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance of Ciin:ton, is, cFxle,.n£, Gine., s,a lx:en ;iroung ol'fiee5rgr ci:u,sein iru•ai No_ TVli_i.aryDistridt (;arc of a ara.t u- two hundred jun ▪ oriicers prom Canada, who will go to sill baps caused by recant casualties among uzficers- of bat- tat_io'nls .at the ,rout. a .he young mein leave Lond„n on Friday even- ki and i xo_ee.t immediately over Iwo cases el infanti.e paralysis have deve.opdd among tile group of Indians living about six manes from Clintu.n, i., 1-iu_leet Township, 'a hey arc Muncey Indians ' wuo have been 'pulling flax and while' there have lived irn, tents near their work, There are about fif- ty Indians in the settlement, and the local auJhuiicids have arrang- ed. for lastriet quarantine. Inc cases which have developed are two children under five years of ,age . Master Gordon Sttutnera passed: away on W ednesaay morn,ng, August ninth at the age of tw eve years and two months. He was - the ;only son of Dr. Wiliam Strui:h ers of Toronto. The . deceased was spending his ho.idays at th e home of Mr, and Mrs. James Them:soni in Bayfield and ,white playing ac cidently cut his hand on a board inn, the barn. The cut was attended to in ,the: usual way and soon heal ed but two weeks after the boy, suddenly 'took sick, blood poison ing having set in followed by lock j t v Al'. that medical aid and etursing could do was done for the boy but no avail, as he passed away early .on Wednesday morn- ing. A short service was held at the house that evening and the remains were taken to Toronto next morning where interment to- ok place on Friday afternoon. ST. JOSEPH wir. N. M, Cantin spent a few days at his home here this week. Almost daily .picnic parties may be (seen ipl tssiang through here on their way to Grand Bend. The crops in this section are' very short' 'this. year ;owing' to the dry weather, The oat harvest is ;now on in earnest but the yield will be light,. The stile sof the effects of Mr. N. A. Cantin; which 'was to have been lhe1d on Wednesday', Inas been post- poned. t ; DASH WOOD 11r, and Mrs. Same Go vier, of Hamilton are visiting the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, F, axenttner, Sr., at present, ', Miss Maida Routledge attended the millinery openings •at London last week. Mrs Norman Kellerman; and Mrs, Granger of Sarnia are 'this week camping atGrand Bend. Quarterly services will be held in the Evangelical church on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. P. Schroeder, sand family of Mitchel visited relatives here over Sunday . 4 Mr. Thos. Klulnpp proved his household effects on Tuesday to his new Ipreftnises recently purchas- ed from Mr. Fred. Deering. Mrs. P. Humble of Sarnia, is visiting here rat :present. Miss Emma .Eidt and nephew, Lorne, .1'reecer, returned to their, home in S,ratford after visiting rein Lives here, (Vii and Mrs. H. Hoffiman, and, Leith*. spent Sund,ady in God, erich my. J. Cook and family of Drum - ho, are visiting relatives cin ,this; vicinity at present. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Kellerman of Peniwick are spending their va- cation with the former's parents here. Messrs. Bert. Statton, and Will, Willert made a trip to Buffalo Sat- urday. • Mrs. E. Gabel ,and family are visit.i„g relatives in Shakespeare. Mt. and Mrs • J,, Wilkins and son ano. ...r. and Mrs. Isaac Buehiow, of titi _..kertony visited friends in this ,erg ion Monday. Seg e -al from .here attended the Sana.,,/ School convention at Ber- lin hies weeke 1.,1S,..li'11E1i,. A valuable milch cow belonging to ..no. Preszcator of Stephen arop ped dead irn the field last week. r E s , x'treme;. Haat- ins . thought .tcr. 'lhe extreme heat is thought Ito have been ;the cause. Dr. J. Kemp's .horses ran away the other day and collided with a hydro ip(ole which Was broken all. ! '” A big military days is being held here to -day, Friday. Reeve Taylor has received word that his son, Ernest of Rochester, N. Y., has enlisted for overseas. He now has three sous on the firing line. HEN6A.I.iL .r. L. Scott, wife and children, have returned to their home int Toronto, •after several week's Vis- it with relatives here,. T, C. Joynt was in Toronto last week an business. T, Neelands was in Stratford last week for a few days. $146 was subscribed by residents for the Belgian Relief Fund after a nneeting addressed by Mr. How- ell. A number from Hensell and vic- inity have gone west on the har- vest excursions. Mr. Wm. Mackay, principal of our public school, has returned from Kingston where he spent the holiday's.. Mr. R. Drysdale announces the engagement of his third daughter, Margaret Alice, `to R. W. Stowell, of Dubuc, ;Sask., the marriage to take place in September. STANLEY TOWNSHIP The Patriotic Society of Varna held a Garden Party on McAsh's lawn on Tuesday evening. Music was furni- shed by the Kiltie Band of Clinton and the Fife and Drum band of God- erich Township. There was a largr crowd in attendance, the receipts a- mounted to $203.00: Mr. Richard Robinson of Tucker - smith spent the past week with friends on the Goshen Line. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Heys and Mr. and Mrs, Sharpe of Stephen spent Sunday at the home of,Mr. J. T. Keys, Babylon Line. Mr. Will Robinson, Mrs. Erratt and RaseII Erratt visited friends in (loderielz over Sunday, 00 CI • il St - • 126M. : • • fil "v • • •11 _-"'-O M ft,"".- `..-_411. " . —....WO 41.= aES i e tr .: % •=-____ A Han' HEN NAT— w If dred bile, looking one—one proud to proud to Maxwell owners the handsome automobile have the same graceful priced types. In addition want, of course, economical doubt in your since the established Stop Mileage can run continuously nights, averaging 22,000 miles stopping the well designed Any car wonderful Imperial gallon miles nomical car. We have Maxwell car it that we and future make good know it. All prove it. Phone us it in mind. .Touring Car, (,,li li' \ „! I 1 II1 1i$1/' clsome you pay dollars for why not that own, proud to take your friends have a appearance for Maxwell same attractive design as to good a reliable, car. But mind on Maxwell a short the World's Record. for 500 miles.per in all and motor—is bound and well that can perform feat on an average of gasoline is bound to such confidence and the company have staked our on the ability for you. we want is today, while $850. Roadster, Trir;es V- O. D. Windsor Completely Equipped `, r TLS J ^ Js7 ~• CarAl several hun- an automo- get a good- you will be drive andl out in? just pride in of their Motor Cars lines, the the higher looks you - sturdy and there is no these points time ago Motor Non- Any car that 44 days and day - without once to be a made car. such a of one to every be an eco- in the behind judgment of the car to• It will; we a chance to you have $830 "' T Y A IN 1 .. 1 8 `1',' -v ,. e ., e. W DISTRIBUTORS F Oestreicher.0 Crediton FOR Xieeil1 }- -C T_Y 1.-• .b5E t Y ,_..............-(.4 ).-....••,--/; }-+.••,--C C R,---..:+ -i X X H. Oalkaii, Dealer MASSEY-HARRIS Implements Now is the time to look for good Massey=Harris Binders, etc. A few second hand Massey -Harris binders for sale cheap Agency for the well-known Louden Hay track and litter carrier. r4111.111.® , .`1 La IN IWe carry large sock of storm sashes and storm doors made all size or style. mit Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mill products. Estmates given and contracts taken. Office at planing mill. its 19 F.Ligise