HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-08-25, Page 1Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A Generai, Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDER -UM udiliCiltpariffint Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Vol. XVI ;i ZURICH, FRIDAY M R�I1l G�• AUGUST 25, 1916, Automobile F, ugs and Dusters We have put in stock a fine lot of automobile rugs and dusters. Many pretty' patterns. Call and see these goods, Langford Collars For horses inclined to sore and galled shoulders. Highly re- commended by those who have used them on their horses. A fine line of Single Harness. Prices Right: Sw at Fa dr, Curry Combs, Axle Grease, Gall Cure R. F. STADE = ZURICH `44.44++4444.4. H4++o.444. 4-1,4.4• +' +•F•:+4.7'i+4.3.1•'i'G 4.4 . ' Clearing of Men's and Boys' ]g. Summer Wear 4. All woollen , serges, clothing, in fact all lines of men's and i boy's s wear have greatly increased in price, owing to the war. We are giving special discounts on all lines of Summer Good + 4' to clear. 4. + iv All our goods are the best that money can buy and are fully guaranteed in style and quality. All at the old prices. + Just now we are showing Straw 1. a Hats, all styles; Men,s and Boy's 4. t. Clothing, Underwear, etc., 1. +II+ 4. 4. 4. (At 'reduced prices.) Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods �"w ii a8"a 3 a cal LOCAL NEWS. La Mrs. Norman 'Rupp and children of Detroit, visited relatives here last week.. MT. 0. Patterson, of Caro, Mich, ie visiting at the home of Mr: W, Larnant at present Mr. James Watson and daught- ers, of Seaforth, called on friends .in town ion Tuesdday. Mr. and Mrs. Johne Rohner, of Beriiiny •are visiting relatives in Zurich and vicinity this 'week. Pte. E. Fisher and 'i'. !David- son], of Camp ,Borden, spent ISun dday at their •respective homes here. THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES 4. 6,34 ilii' +++++++++++++4.444'+ 4.++++++++++++++++++++4" " h The many friends of Judge Holt of Goderich will be pleaseu to learn that he is iinpmovin!g,thoii.g3a secretary and begin now to get slowly. Mr. and Mss. Sam. Holtzman, of. your exhibits in shape. 'rhe; are visiunl a',. thu home Pilze list MIS revised since the Benin, g. last F•t.ir and now covers a.11 the of the foaoler's father, Ml C'•` most important articles grown or Mr. and. Le1VIrs IS Brown of Credi a.. 49 49 f4 f3 ata,,. visited ma Suiliday Mr, Wilfred Brown, and sister, Miss Miranda, of Elmira, are vis- iting relatives and friends here. this week,. wing to the advance Cm$:hel price of coal, chopping henceforth at the Zurich Flour Mills will be 6 cents per brag. , Dr, wJL S. Hardie, dentist, will be ',at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wednesday, and Wednesday ;of the following week. For the ;first time in Twenty,- seven .years a Liberal, H. 11. Dew - art, K. C., was elected in South - ,,west west Toronto to represent that Aiding ridiin the Ontario Legislature by a majority of 643. 1S -et a copy of the 1916 Prize List of the Zurich Fall Fair frons the ,.1 . t•ves 11ere over i tioltzman. Misses. liLlie and Nettie Well of Detroit are visiting at the home of their ]parents, 1v1r. and 1VIrs, •', Well, at present. Messrs E. Ruby, F. Thiel, Weido, R. Kalbfleisch ani L. W. Hoffman, visited friends in De- troit over ,Sunday,. Misses Erb MissBrennerlmanand; Messrs. J. Bender and E. .Brenner main, of Tavistock, visited retari ves here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Moritz, of Guelph, visited relatives here o • Sunday. ]Mrs. Wing, of Berle , who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Hauch,returned with. thea Two rinks of Dashwood boNs4.7. ers came here for a . friendly ga »e an Thursday night last and Zurs` h rind~ s'kipped by W: Brown, came out 5 on top land Mr. W. L. Sieb- ert's won out by one shot. The ends were :closely contested and the games were greatly enjoyed by the players. made on the farm or in, the home. Dates of the Fair are Sept. 20th, and 21st. 1 4 M r C. FRITZ, r• !' �'�'�'I'!,�"1'a!I"'I!i:!Pl{6.C.,�'.dill!IIIIIffIIIIIIIVYIhi{Ililllilliil111111141i111':Ilii!III;iN�ul!�J'.:iliL!Ilfl'Gfllillillilllllllii' fi'!!i,4�:ll,,l a.;III'illl'''!ill�i;il{iIIIIHIC Ilulillll.l117�r!�II,II I,.li.l � I , NO 7 s o argain ,r or. hug S es A lot of ladies every day good working shoes, tan, worth from :2,50 to $3, while they last Only $1.75 Big Reduction in Prices Of all Summer Foot wear. It will pay you to see OUT goods': and get our prices. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes, The Home of Good Shoes M 4f 4i• 6d•iG 9 *••• 3 DO YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A BEST? Of course youdo@ Well, we sell only the best that money can buy in all lines we carry. This week we are redwing our prices on Canvas and Spring Shoes, Straw Hats, Dusters, Fly Nets and other lines that you will require for hot weather Highest prices for Farm Produce : S1.oi;e ' dosed. Tuesday and Friday nights at R. N. DOUGL GL 411'-M.4 PHONE 11 on 82 , BLAKE UItIIIIIIIIIIRfElllliiiillillllllillllllllllilllliilllilllllllll'1111hlllll11118iIIIIIIIINIIIIIIII'lillllillllllill illllliiu I:Iuuili6udiil;'; .JIi6liiillHi�ilUiiii i�li' I iU31u'Ili�ll]'I�PIIIII'i1P11111i9111i111IIC!L'III!IIII(Ililpl� " � z.444,+£ ;'o 4.+ 4++4++i ;..4..4 4+1'+4.4.4. I+;!r•'r>'++Foy4•3 +++++'>»•F'++•§•++++++.1+ Gi'ti d o�3�'�y� ,�'F pro'' i ��a F x € i� • i t § 3 E 2 � ' bd' •i •a"�.•� 4,44+4244444.4.444.44++++++++44, ++4,44.4,444.44+ -4++ -ti 4. .g. 4. 4. 1. 4. 8 4. .a- 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3 4. 4. SII+ • 4. i44444+++++++++++++++++++++ ^+ +++ 44+++ F +44441° + +'++14144.11.44031.444.4.4.44+++++++.4.44fr+714444.4.444.444.44.1.4.++,, THE GREAT A GUST CLEAN-UP * L Of Ladies', Children's and Men's Sucnmer Wear. A remarkable series of sales that will continue tnro �- ghout August with bargains in reliable wanted goods, that will make present purchasing a matter greatest economy. Preparations have been made to give2the biggest bargains this store has ever known. 4101110110 Men's & Bo s' Clot ing Men's Summer Suits, sizes 36 to 40 regular $8.00 to clear at $4.00 Boy's Suits, regular $4 and $5, to clear at $2 Men's fancy Summer Vests to clear at 75cts Men's and Boys' Straw Hats to clear at HALF PRICE Middies, Etc Girls white middies, trimmed with blue, G to 14 years to clear at 50c Girls all white middies from 6 to 12 years to clear at 75c Girls tan middies, trimmed red and blue to clear at 750 Ladks' middies, all white, sizes 36 to 40 to clear at 75c regular $,1.25 for $1.00 50c 75c $1,50 for 750 $,1.25 for 50c . a •" a Children's rompers from 2 to 5 years Boys 2 piece wash suits to clear at Children's linen summer coats, regular Ladies' cambric drawers, regular L a Ladies' Li ,L GG white lawn LL ii les' eay-to cambric under skirts, and voile waists, LL LL LL LG LG LL LL LL regular $2.50 and $3 for A nice line of house dresses with dust cap to match for only Also a ' nice line with cap and apron to match, very special at 2 linen wash suits, sizes 14 and 16, regular $3.25 for 1 only wt.Llh dress, size 4 4 116, regular X2.50 for L50 for 98c regular regular LL Gi r $2.00 for $1,00 1.00 for 60c 1.50 for 750 2.00 for 1.00 1,25 $1..00 $1.25 $2,00 $1,.50 1 Ladies' Hose Line of colored hose, regular 25 and 40c to clear at 2 pr for 25o Job line of black fine ribbed cotton hose, all sizes to clear at 15c a pr Job line of black plain ladies' hose 8r to 10 2 pr for 25c The new shade of Champagne hose, silk boot, 50e a pr GIRLS' T1RRY HATS 75c for 50c 400 for 25c Line of girls terry hats, regular and felt hats regular GROCERIES 3 lbs best ginger snaps 3 calces oatmeal soap 2 bars Home soap Eng Cream baking pwdr, with sealer reg 25c 5 lb bag Moody's odorless Klenzine . Pure cane granulated sugar $8.50 per 25e 10c 25c for 20o 35 100 lbs Highest Prices for Produce maamsmeumesattlemumemmanteunneemakettummarnotmerassama*mxamoarmet Children's )Tresses, Etc A line of children's dresses, dark patterns, sizes from 2olea6 sears 10 only print dresses with belt to clear at Girls' wash dresses from 4 to 12 years 8 to 14 year regular $1 for Children's white lawn dresses, embroidery trimmed at and lace trimmed at [i 44 " to clear al Children's white all over embroidery skirts to clear at rich Phone 9 +44+44++++ 25c 50e 50c 75e 35c 50e 75c $1.00 CORSET COVERS, ETC Ladies' corset covers at 25e Corsets regular $1 for 25c Fine white dress embroidery regular 60c for 65c $1.25 for 750 ri 44 44 LL ti $1.e0for i1 Mullins and Vestings, reg 25e to 50e for 10e a yd 40 yds Eimona print regular 15c for 10e a yd. +++++444444+++4 +4++4++1++4+++4++3 * +44 +' .1" 4. 're 4, 4" 4. ..4 eh 4.. +Me. z .5. 4' 4 4. 4' 4. .y4 4 4 4. 4. 4. 4 4. ++44•44+44+444444.+44 „a,,