Zurich Herald, 1916-08-18, Page 5Classified Ads LEGAL ;CARDS. L'RO'UDFOOT, IiILLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &e. Office, on the Square, 2n(1 door from Hamilton St. Goderich. Private funds bo loan �t �o we rat,s W . Pacennotir, B. C. H. J. 1). Cooi<r. Kr. Cooke SHlon Friday Saturday of each week. a MEDICAL CARDS �R A. d.IVlacl[INNON late House Surgeorf, Etie County i[osliita1, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan ni tte er the rnity Hospital N. Y. city. House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug Store in connection. Office, Zurich Ont. Zurich: Meat M A R K E T Fresh and Salt Meats. Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH „ FOR SKINS & BIDES Deichett The Home Insuarnce Co. Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177.25 Insures your bawl against damage )ay wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 8 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for 8 years. No, premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed.' G. HOLTZMAN Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods UNDERTAKING 1 Prompt Service Mo derate;rha'rgea Tailor Shop and Laundry W. H. 'HOFFMAN Zurich, -- Ontario A RELIABI[E AGENT WANTED in every good town and district in Ontario, where we are not represented. Territory reserved for the right man, Highest commissions paid Attractive advertising matter. Splendid List Of New Specialties for Season 1916 —1917 Including the new ever - bearing Raspberry, St. Regis Stone 8, Wellington The 1i''on thill Nuseries (Established 1837) '`ORO TO' J. J. Mer+nrer, NI. P. has treated himself to anew Ford touring ear. Mr, J. A,Williams of Seaforth, visited his home hers over Sunday. Mrs Ed. Rupp and daughter, Haeel, of Detroit„ Err; . visiting re- latives here. A 'number of the young people pictnicked at . Bayfield on Thurs- day of last week Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dungannon spent a low days last week visit- ing Mr. and Mrs, a•, S. Howard. A. number from the village at- tended the funeral of the late Robert Campbell on, Tuesdayt Master Earl Johnston of Goder- ich., is spetntdin•g his holidays with this uncle, Mr. Thomas Johnson. L.00!. Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, • Furnace, Black., smith and soft. coal. Good supply on hand. Cis F. CASE & SON FNONE 35 H E N S At L. L Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAC RAW MIHE'R.AL PHOSPHATES USELESS AS A FERTILIZER .The introduction . of- Sydneel Basic Slag into Ontario -and the phenom.enal success with which :t has met has led the di-ap10 rnted sellers of other fertilizers to look for a substitute. . Some of them, rre now recommending armers to r se raw rr inei al phosphate in can - Wit's. B. Bohner, of Stratford, and junction with ground lim?s':one. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Uttley, -of Sea- They say that it con•taines twice as much phosphor:c acid as basic slag •-and ,that it is much better value. They are distributing erature emanating from interes'ed sellera of mineral phosphate in the United States, •whence it comes, Claiming all sorts of merit for this material. The advocacy of ground mineral (phosphate bs a fertilizer is a very old g.am'e'beitntg revived. In reply we would ask the farmer; to refer to the Bulletin issued by the Canadian ,Government shore-, iig the working •of ttthe. Experi- rneirLtal Farms 'for the year 1910e its whish the following statements .are made: Page 27:—"Many 'years' experi- ence has shown that mineral rhos- phate untreated is practically of no value as a fertilizer"., And again on page 28:—"After ten years' experience had demon titrated that finely ground, un- treated mineral phosphate was of no use as a ferti'izer, its use was d:s^_ontinued in 1898." Now are you going to believe the man who is after your money, or the Canad'an Government who are absolutely disinterested and. whose sale desire in the matter is t•a r rcttect the inceaests of the Can - proposal an Irishimani says it re- adian farmer? mifnde him of Rafferty's blanket, If in face of the above the Ont- "It was too 'short tocover his feet ario farmer is foolish enough to so he ,cue Taff fut off cite top .end l uy ground mineral rbosphate he. sewed it on the bottom, and be the, d I hoz a also s to lose t the money for -the. powers the blanket was not obit ion ger than it was before. Ontario Fertilizer—anyone tash'ng to buy setae can do..so from ea At a meeting of rho ` &Mana'tee, who are rucking after eho progr- am for the Zurich Fall Fair, it was decided to hold two racing .R events, -a 2.40 trot and a farmers' race, on Fair Day, Arrangemen- ts were also made ler a grand oon- cert to be held on the evening of the second way of tho Fair, In the honey crop report issued by the ClLarro neekeepe:s' As- so.iaiiun, Huron county is shown to have 1159 cu_or,ies ttiao apco- ductiotn of 845. pounis of wnite honey in 1916, averaging '7 J.11bs. per colony. The general average per colony is 89.6. The crop is a good one, the quality , exceilent .,nd the (prices are the same as last year. SPECIAL PRIZES Any person wishing to donate a special prize for any exhibit at the Zairian. 1+'all Fah should cu•m- .m(tni=ate 'l i_h the secre.ary at once as tree list of spe,iai prizes selli be. printed on the large posters to be issued at an early crate. MILIi'A1tY DAY AT EXETER Exeter and the county of Huron will have a Grtat b;.ilitary Lay ire Exeter on F•r,day, August the 55th when Col. Cuanbe and tho 161st Huron Battalion arid come to Ex- eter -to rezeive the colors, which ago ,to be •I.,roseented by the Soldiers Aid Society, of Exeter. All the .airangemunts have not yet been completed, Look for Bills and next week's papers fox .u,1 program wad particulars, forth, were visitors at the home of Mr. Ma, Litt.ej on Sunday. Miss Aunie Woolley of tieusall re• turued hotue 1 uesday night after a month':; visit at atratturd, Tavistock and Berliu. (iiensalt Observer.) Mrs. M. McCormick' left fur De- troit on Wednesday where size ex-, peers to remain for a .short time. We have a quantity of course, kialt an hand selling at a low price we also stock fine •Sarnia Salt in barrels and bags.. Ruby & Gaecho ;Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klopp; Mrs. 1H. Becker, and Mcssrs.Oscar and Elmore: Klapp visited relatives in( Stratford, over Sunday. The fine new, dwelling being er- ected by Mr. Wm. 'huby is nearing completion, as the wa is are finish eel land the rood - is nearly on. This ads greatly to the appearance of the west ,eind of the village. Mrs. John Allan, Mr. and Mrs, Verne Bloomfield and Mrs. Mont- gomery. of Frairgrove, Mich.,mot- ored over to spend a few weeks visiting friendshello. While dint town they visited Messrs. F. W, Hess and G. S. Howard. .Speaking of, the day.ight saving HICKS ' FORECAST •A reactionary storm period is central on the 17th, i8tth and 19th. Conditions are such that very threatening storms should be no surprise to any of our readers or and about Thursday the 17th to Sunday the iGth, West India and eeluaeo,:'ial gales, hurricanes and tornadoes in -the extreme south, are among the things to expect, at this 'and othea August periods. The reaction Isom phenomenal heat to unreasonable cold, under the Ventusian breeder of extremes .temperature, should be expect- ed after all these August periods of rain thunder and wind. In high, +a.orth latitudes, these sudden, and extreme changes to very cool will thing fa osts of more or lesss intensity to many localities before the end of Attguati JOSEPR'RAU R. No. 2, - Zurich. Farm`.:o: a e 109 acres, Lot 9, Cir. 3, Tcwnsbip of Stanley, 8 acres of hardwood bush, 2.1 acres ready for crop, the balance is seeded down, 20 acres of new seeding 8 acres of Alfalfa,- - 4yrs old, is well uaderdrained, and well fenced. two good wells, one, at the house, and one at the barn and water in the barn and a good spring . that supplies stock all summer with water. A good frame house 26x36 feet with furn- ace : kitchen and woodshed, i8x4q, feet, both hard and soft water in the house,bank barn 50x58 feet,.; shed 26x52 feet, horse stable and implement shed, 26x52, all in good repair and on stone walls,; hen house, 12x26 feet. The farm is one ici'e frcmrehoo:; 2'A miles from Brucefield, 3% from Ktppen, 6 from Hensall, 9 from Clinton and Seaforth. Apply on the premises, Lot 9, Con. 3, Stanley Township, Co. of Huron or address. Robert Mor- rison, Brucefield Ont. VOTERS LIST 1916 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN- . SdIIP OF HAY COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given. that "1 have transmitted or delivered to. the (persons mentioned in Section 9 of the'°'t' oters List" Act the cop- ies required in the said sections to, be so trans:mit•:ed or ee'ivered of the list made pursuant to said a et, of all person's appearing by the last revised .Assessment Ro'i of the said Munieapility to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Leg- islative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and ' " '.aid list was first posted up at my office at Zurich, on the 24th Day of July, 1916, and remains there for in- speetiont . And I hereby' call uron rill vot- ers to take immediate proceedings to have :any errors or omissions corrected according , to law. Dated at Zurich this 24th day of *juin 1,916. FRED HESS,Sr, Clerk of Hay Township ASSIGNEE'S. SALE F VALUABL., HEAL "': , ATE S,TANDAtt i) , .. ao.1-3' li'1tEE ' ND GRADE IIJRL.ao, FARM •STOCK, Arv'.. PLE1V11.wTi AND CFiA xTF• ' ' The tinders g i .1 Assign _ sf the Estate of Nap. lean A. 4': t,n, In- aolvetnit, • t•. it ,,t: f sale 'r,,y Public Auction at 'S'1', JOS"RPTI TJTC FaRM ST. JOSEPH ONT. on 'Wednesday, the 23rd, day of August, 1516, at e o'clock P. M,, the chatter pro; eity of the aho=re mon- timed Estate consisting of the following :-- HORSES 1. Emperor MsKir.ney, stand- a d bred trot:rag s allio i, seven years old; unquesti•,nabl`y ono of the most pro,nu ing sta'l oes in Canada. 2. •Silver McKinney, Standard lred trotting stallo,n, nine ,years old, 16 hands, with a trial fna:k of ?. 6;e. S;re, .'McKinney," dam "Sylphie." ,3 Ashland Todd, standard bred trotting stallion, four years old, sued by Toddler. 4 Nettie McKinney, standard bred mare, 2 ycara old, Sire "Si:ver McKinney", dam '"The Prioressl'" which lattee's dam "Nettie King," w_s the grand dam of "William," v, hose mark is 1.58'% 5 Eileen Astro, standard bre3 mare, 6 years old, with Soal by Emperor McKinniey. t. The great War McKinney, One year old Staliionf, sire Ein- ee or M Kenney, dam 11 tea Astro. This splendidly bred horse is a fu 1 brother to Liquid Veneer King ho recently sold for $2625.00. 7 Radquil, Jr. a;pure bre•. Pcr• cheron Stallion, eight years old. A good stock horse. a• "Thora" and "Seaweed," three and four years old, (tight road horses. 9. One Chestnut (colt, one year old, sired by "Silver McKitnncy. 10 Two young draft mares with foals by their sides. 11 Seven good ; useful farm horses and mares. 12 One grade Percheron ct.lt, one year old. CHATTELS Four setts cf heavy harn.e,s four setts of single harness, one sett (new) of double driving harness, one heavy dump cart and harness, one single heavy wagon and one sett of single heavy harness, one racecart, one jogging cart, two ,heavy ,waggoins, 2 setts of s-e:gl's. i•wo peeks, one b'nder,, one.MOw.er, one cu't:valor, one sett of discs, ane disc ern', cite rol or, three sin- gle plows, one sett of dila.: harrows ane s::tt cf drag harrows, one scuf- ,er. one White Steamer Autcmo- bile, a quantity of alumium pipe, one lot of tools, a number of pat - terms, one step ladder, tubes for six radiators, one Amtio Cement mixer No. 5, two second hand. boi- lers, a _a:ge quantity- of iLushings, valves, castings, and other steam fittings, and a quantity of l.iping, one 'windlass, four tile moulds, four rile rings, 48, Z0, 24, and 18. REAL ESTATE Parts of Lots 9, 10 and .11 in the Lake Road East Concession, and. parts of lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 in the Lake Road West Concession, in the 'Township of Hay, in the Coun- ty of Huron, including therein a large number of sillage lots in the Village of St. Joseph. TERMS OF SALE Standard bred. horse's and colts 'cash, On the remainder of the chattel property four months' tied, 't'ai'.1 b giver on furnishing ape; proved joint notes. A discount will be allowed for cash on, credit amounts, Ten per cent. of the purchase money of the Real .Estate iaa gash on the day of sale, and the Wien -2e in thirty days thereafte without interest. Dated at Goderich this 1st day of August 1916. Proudfoot, Killoran & Cooke, Ass:gnee's So:icitors, Thomas Gundry, Assignee. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taffies has been prepared, that cop- ies thereof ,may be had at this of- fice, that the list is being publish- ed in the Ontario Gazette of .1.ug- ust 121h, 19th, 26th and • Se•pt., 2nd 19)6, and that in default of the pa yment of .the taxes and cos s the lands will be sold by p otic at the Court House in the town of Goderich on Tuesday the lath day of November, 1916, at 2 o'clock p ,m, A number of iot., 1`i St. Joseph in Hay are in this list. County Treasurer's Office, God- erich, August 12th, 1916. Wm. Holmes, Treasurer. DE LAVAL Cream Separators Before you buy a separator see and try a De Laval. The DeLaval has received all tl e highest houot•s and first prizes at, every irnports-it Exposition, WorIc's •YYY Fair etc, held within the past 30 l years. More than 1,760,000 De — i I Laval machines, many times ail (s" ethers combined, have been sold to date The De 'Laval saves enorgh over rnv gravity seti-irr;r srrtcar in bt t. ter fat, (leant • f ' milk, lel t.,, ' +,u nn.. t" ul. , to laity for itsela t vv, y ix The ue Laval skim the. eleaa,c-t, turn the easiest, ,.,e bent '.' i,.trut.t• •d and easiest to mash. e Why not buy a De Laval now? We handle pumps, piping, ete,, of all kinds. Ul` L. PRANG Li9H Excursions Farm Laborers . , d• .. r t AVE MUST HAVE 1 HELM! c t'•:'. ,i. i ,),.i ,r, w se. ..sti• Going Trip West $12.00 TO WINNIPEG RetturraT rip East 51.00 FROM WINNIPEG Going Dates August 1 7 and 31 From Toronto -Sudbury Line and East, but• not including Smith's Falls or Renfrew, also from Main Line East of Sud- bury to, but not includ- ing, North Bay. August 19 and September 2 h' r o m Toronto, also Westand South thereof eurtlter particulars tion Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, o, W B. HowArd. District Passenge, Agent, Toronto ,s :.•.::at t {�,f,ve r 43'u'..ai.:e. a"sip SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. 13y purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA.