HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-08-18, Page 4Western Fair LONDON, ONTARIO September 8th to 16th, 1916 NY reerammormessimamusamommaromarememTEP ONTARIO'S pOPUL R EXHIBITION ART, MUSIC, AG-RICULTURE k AMUSEMENTS A Fine Combination at London's Exhibition A Real Live Pro;dram of Attractions Twice Dily Two Speed Events Daily Fireworks Every Night ,,, New Process Building Every Bui.Ii ind;1 n11 of Exhibits SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto SPECIAL EXCURTION DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary W. J. REID President A. M.. HUNT, Secretary 11 IL THE LTERA.LD issued every Thursday afternoon from the HERALD PRINTING OFFICE Victoria St. Zurich, by ANDREW F. HESS and CHESTER L. SMLTH SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR U.S. subscript= I(ir,5o strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. Rates for display and contract advertisements will be given on appliatinn. Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soci ®tc. ao cents perocfirst , lien and 5 cents ,-r ne'for eatb subsequent inserti�n Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which • 1 admiss ion fee is charged or a special collection laic -'. will be charged for at the regular advertistng ra Notices of religious or other meetings the object ,. which is thebenefit of the coeununity and not for p onal or sectarian interest oe gain, will be cheerful / %serted free. j#� a eddtvertisments without specific directions will be forbid (teat advertismensmust be paicd for in advance. 1 ran ce. Astray advs. $x for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. -Changes for contrartadver+bisements must be 3stthe ,face by 6 p. m. Tuesday, otherwise. they will be left s:r until the following we5;c. Address all ,communes ions 4o THE HERALD, Zurich, ,Gert. THURSDAY, AUG. 17 1916 PRESERVING FR1IT WI',P4OUT + SI7,G;i - SThe Recipe;— The fruit is pre- pared in the ordinary way, (the Gars are cleaned a,nd scalded while the rubbers and tops are boiling. The fruit is then placed in the jars, in which COLD water is placed, When the jars have 'been, sealed air -tight they are 'placed in a boil- er filled with cold water and brought to a boiling point. Berries will do if removed when the boil- ing point is reached, while large fruit, such as peaches, cherries, +plums and apricots„ should get tweruty to thirty minutes boiling. Keep cover cf wash boi'.er on tight NICKELS ARE NOW. WORTH SIX CENTS The European war, upon which all abnormal conditions are y;e,lned these days has boasted the actual value of the United States five - cent piece to six cents. Since tla<e war the value of nickel has grad- ually risen. This increase hasbt ee due to the great demand for the ;manufacture of ammunition .aaa.d weapons, Back in the days when the world was at peace there was actually about one and one quart- er cents' worth of nickel in every American five -cent piece. The metal value of the piece increased ,as )nickle became scarce, until the north of the metal has increased about E0) per cent, and now makes the value of the metal in the coin 10 per cent. greater than its cur- rency value, i HOW TO PREVENT FIRE Keep Waste paper, packing ma- terial and rubbish cleaned up Make frequent personal inspec- tions fr.em aLrd standtolnt, Ser that your electric a ir:,ng is s:taeictard, q,nd be carefull in rho use of electric devices. Have all smoke -pipes and chim- peyra, inspected and properly, ren paired before starting fires for the winter Be careful about {het use of matches, Provide safe receptacl- es for them beth before and after using, 1 1 ( i eel your:persc,nal resron i1 rity las ito ipofs}ble loss, if life and pro- epearty by fire and Act accordingly. CORRESPONDENCE WOMEN'S MILITARY :UD SOCIETIES / At the request of certain Wonn— en'.s Red Cross Societies the of, fi.cer.s of the Wear Auxiliary have arranged for a e)netiiag of repre- .se,ntatives of all Women's Societi- es doing {patriotic work in the County !of Huron, to be held at Clinton on Labor Day, iSepp 4th. :Sessions will be held. at 11 o•'clock a. m. land 2 o'clock, p. ma and' there may be short after -luncheon ad- dress at i1 o'clock pi. an. Lady Beck and other ,officers of the Canadian Red Cross have been invited to speak on practical questions con- nected with the work and are ex- pected to be present. The purpose is to systemize Mil- itary Aid work in the county and if desirable to farm a County As- socation. 1 An effort Chas been, made to com- municate with all Women,'s Societ- ies but ,las some have not replied it is uncertain whether the letters have reached {them. All Women's Societies are urgently requested to sexed representatives, and all per - .sons tvho initend being present should notify the Secretary of the War Auxilary at Clinton. without delay, Arrengements wi.l be made Lor ail who send notification ie Each Society will provide for the .expenses of its own delegation,. , THE WESTERN- FAIR September 8th to 16th. The platform •attractions at the Exhibition this year will be of a very Thigh .class, The very best acts obtainable have been secur- ed. There ,:will be acts of skill and comedy and plenty of them,. .Dio's Dog laud .Pony Circus will be wort -h the whole price. Some; two or three Bands each day will provide the bast of music, while The International (Fireworks Co, of London will .put on a special programme of fireworks each and 'ever'y ;night, If space is required applications should be made to the Secretary at ouch, Entries should be made as early as possible. In- formation of ,all kindls from the Sec,fretary, A. M. went, London, :Ontario. PREPARDNESS There are cold ,days Doming Prepare for them iiiow by sec- uring your supple ,of the Le1eb;r,ated D. & Hr I.L:acka- wana 4nthracite Coal We have a supply of all sizes: Egg, .Neave and Che nut. Da A. Cantelon liensall Phone 10, House Phone 1Oa BORN Triebter—In Ilay, on August 8111, to Mr. and Mrs. John Triebner, a son • DIED Campbell --.At Salable Line, Hay township, on August 13th, Rob- ert Campbell, aged 55 years, 7 months and 7 'days,. Badour—At Salable Line, Hay, oo Aug, 10th, Peter Badour, aged 5l ye nrs, MARRIED Vo:s:,'.1—Miller--at the R: C. church Zurichon Aug, 14th, by . "Rev, Father A,. Stroeder, Mr, Alma Voisoan, to Mina Tillie Miller{ both of Hay Township,. FRUITS Fresh stock of Oranges, Bananas and Lemons. We always keep all kinds of Fruit in Season. Fresh Groceries Get your supply of Binder Twine, Binder Whips, Har- vest, Gloves and Mitts. Har- vest Shoes here. A large var- iety to choose from. Harvest Tools See our lines of HAY FORKS, FIELD HOES, HANDLES, WIN- DOW SCREENS, SCREEN WIRE, ETC. PRICES RIGHT Fruit- Jars And all necessities for the canning season can be bought here. Shoe Repairing of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. L. BRISSON Phone Drysdale 1 on SG Store closed every Tuesday and Friday even 'ng at G.. o'clock COUNTY EN WS Mr. John Cansitt, of Hillsgreen has purchased a house and lot in Seaforth, from Thies. Nickle. It is reported that F. Holmstead of Seaforth and M. Lockhart of Auburn have tendered their resi- gnations as pollee magistrates. Miss Annie Dorrance of Sea - forth has been .engaged as princi- pal of Crediton public school, and Mss Blanche Kerr of Stratford and Miss Miller of Dashwood as assistants, ST. JOSEPH To the Zurich Herald. In last week's issue of the Heraid there appeared an artiee, recount- ing the praises •oft the • Drysdale sluggers, fo lowed by :ami imposing array of men of honourable men- tion. We would, ea'1 attention to a few f21,gi:s.,SAn l�` tiaif Tg:.,.M boa -o that might have been, overlooked by the unn+suspecting reader. In the first place, there. was but on real game !played between Drys- dale and St. Joseph, in the two, previous gams (if one may so call them,) sides were chosen. Secondly, one would gather from the article in question{ that the line alp, therein named had been the same for the three games. Oin ,the contrary- several of the more efficient 'players from St. Joseph were 'absent from the first two. Moreover when we take in- to consideration that our oppen- een+ts had been challenged on sever- al occasions, and a'though promis- ig fTi'et to a'npear (doubtless endeavouring to work ina few extra practices being their reason) one cannot: help but arrive at the conclusion that there was but one game ghat being loon by St, Jos- eph, • the score being 9-3. One of the IS't. Joseph Champs. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Miss Rena MCReath has been en- gaged to 'tea'ch in Goshen School and Mr. Roy Dewar has been engaged for Babylon school. Mr John Reiff of lnmilton is spend ing a month with friends in Stanley, Mr Oscar Wright and family of Ken- nelworth are snentiina•a few 'lays at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo Towson Miss Mayme Keys bf Seaforth is visiting her sister Mrs John McAsh of Varna. Rev and Mrs W H Taylor of Avon, (a former pastor of Varna circuit,) spent a few days last week with friends in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs 5 Hines and Miss Mary Stogdill of Chatham visited at the home of Mr Wm Stogdill last„ week, they made the trip in their auto. The Goshen Sunday School held their annual picnic at Bayfield last Tuesday. The day was fine and an enjoyable time was spent by all. Rev A W Brown of Varna and fam- ly are enjoying a' few well earned bol- idays. Me Brown's work was taken ast Sunday at Goshen and Varna ^by, Rev D Johnston, and Eippen by Me Will Robinson and Mrs Erratt, Next Sunday the services at the three ap- pointments will be taken by Mr k 7 H. Johnston of Kippen; DASHWOOT) Mr. Harrison :Becker conducted the services in the Evangelical church on 'Sunday. Miss L. Browing of London visit- ed at her home here a few days) this week. Mr, A. Ruthig of New Hamburg is visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. Routledge and family, visited at Hyde Park over, Sunday. Miss K. 'Snider, of Toronto, is visiting her unc:e, Mr. Wm. Snyder pee. ,aand Mrs. R Kraft visited. inn Clinton, on Sunday, Mr. Thomas Klumpp has purchas ed the confectionery and bake shop from Fred. Dearing. Mr. Dearing -and family moved the household effects to London on, Tuesday, where they will reside'. Miss Vera Brokenshire of Lon- don, spent a few, days at her home here: - Mr. Charlie ,Genttn•er had the misfortune to sprain his ankle . on Sunday Miss S. rliemaac is visiting re- latives here at present. EXETER. TJ .R. All the teache'is of, the Exeter P. School• have been re-engaged for another year. The Ross Taylor Co. have in- stalled a 25 horse -power hydro motor. 'lhe funeral iof the late G. Blat- chford held a week ago Sunday was i:.rgely' attended. ' the death took place at Brant- ford en July 31st of the wifr of Pere', E. Verity, formerly of 1Exetee, Foi y rinks of bowlers battled for Lae various cups and prizes at the tournament last week. The Lond_•.i rinks were successful in winni.ig all the main events. HENSALL �, rr�ml�ez of snriian5 have been secured by 0. Geiger for the flax pulling. At the last meeting of the quarterly board of the Methodist church the minister's salary was raised to $1200 for the present year. 4. Mrs, A. McPherson and slaught- er are visiting relatives in Strat- ford. Mrs. J. Ellis ,and daughter, Miss Mattie, are spending a few weeks in Detroit. Mr. H. H, Little has improved the appearance of his dwelling by repainting it. Mr. Hugh. Buchanan, son of Mr. William Buchanan, of this place has purchased the good will and business of Mr. T. Neelands, pub- lisher and editor of the weekly paper for the past twenty-one years. Mr, Neelainds was com- pelled to sell +out owing to the en- listment of his son. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sparks of Seaforth visited friends in the vil- lage last week. Miss Flossie Capling, of St. Mar ys, spent last week at the hone of Mr. John Keys. •Mis:. Anna Pearl Douglas is vis- iting friends in HensalL Mrs, Ed, McAsh and children) left on Thursday for their home in the west, :Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Manson,spent the week end with friends in Bad- en. Mrs. Robert McArthur, and son of Hensel], accompanied by Mrs. A. Sparks, spent Thursday (With friends in this vicinity. Picnic parties to the rake con- tinues the order of the clay. Mr. Newcomb, of Godericb spent Monday with his cousin, Mrs. G. Fre kleton,. Mrs, A. 3„ McDonald, spent a few days this week with friends in He.ngall, Mr. and Mrs. A• T. Douglas spent Sunday with friends in Hensall. Quite ,amulnber from thia vicin- ity ettended the Water Melon •So- ri*,l at I'illsgz'eea on Tuesday ev- ening. v-enin . w H. i. Galiman, Dealer MASSEYMIIABRIS Impleuients Now is the time to look for good Massey=Harris Binders, etc. A few second hand Massey–Harris binders for sale chem Agency for the well-known Louden Hay track and litter carrier. r 1 \1\, 11111111111111111111.11 JkNDPSLILL We carry large sock of storm sashes and doors made all size or style. Shingles, lumber. laths and all planing products: Estmates given and contracts taken. O:E ico at planing mill. storm mi ,aesr::� ,tans* P1-IOvE 19 ZURICH mow, Niko • Awvir''hili', • lit IF, 11106* 141 a • iE « .f e44:4(e'X' rl 1 :. II ., y • r � AHanclsomeCar WdredHEN dyoul ollarspay bile, why looking one—one proud to own, proud proud to take your Maxwell owners have the handsome appearance automobile for Maxwell have the same attractive same graceful design priced types. In addition to want, of course, a reliable, economical car. doubt in your mind since the Maxwell established the World's Stop Mileage Record. can run continuously nights, averaging 500 22,000 miles in all stopping the motor—is well designed and Any car that can wonderful feat on Imperial gallon of 26% miles is bound nomical car. Wehave such Maxwell car and the it' that we have staked and future on the ability make good for know it. All we want prove it. Phone us today, it in mind. Touring Car, $850. Prices F.O.B. Completely / : . 1i�lIItf/ , iii - forseveraan automohun- not get a good- that you will be to drive and friends out in? a just pride in of their Motor Cars lines, the as the higher • good looks you sturdy and But there is no on these points a short time ago Motor Non - Any car that for 44 days and miles per day— and without once bound to be a well made car. perform such a an average of one gasoline to every to be an eco- i confidence in the company behind our judgment of the car to you. It will; we is a chance to while you have Roadster, $830 Windsor' Equipped l' ` 0 ii