HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-08-18, Page 2•
The Austrians Have Been Driven Back Beyond the Line of the
Vallone River.
A despatch from London says ;-
The Italians continue to press their
advance on the lower Isonzo lines.
They have now reached the line of the
Vallone River, advancing, since the
fall of Gorizia, about four miles on a
front of 20 miles. The entire Dober-
do plateau is now in their possession,
according to official despatches from
Rome, as well as the towns of Rubble.
and San Martino del Carso. The
number of Austrians taken prisoner
is reported to have been increased by
several thousand.
The Italians are now approaching
the strong defensive line established
by the Austrians in the mountains east
of Gorizia, and a resumption of the
desperate battles for high peaks is ex-
pected to mark the new phase of the
Vienna reports the repulse of Italian
attacks east of Gorizia, as well as in
the Dolomites, but Rome admits that
the principal gains have been made
north and south of Gorizia. Severe
fighting is being waged in the Plava
region, the Austrians claiming that all
their lines have held.
The Austrians ate still holding out
on Monte San Gabriele and Monte San
Marto, the Italians admit, but it is as-
serted that the attacking troops have
reached the western slopes of the lat-
ter position, as well as the line of Ver-
Austrian aeroplanes have again
raided Venice, and Rome admits that,
while some damage was done to build-
ings, there were no casualties.
The brunt of the fighting is being
borne by the Italian third army, under
the leadership of the Duke of Aosta.
This army, which captured Gorizia,
has been in almost constant action for
a week, the divisions fighting in relays
day and night. Their advance in this
short time is one of the most notable
of the war.
Russians Smashing Through on
Wide . Front to the . -
Galician Capital.
London. Aug. 13. -The semicircle
formed by the Rusian army chain in
Galicia from the region south of Bro-
dy to the area south of Stanislau has
been drawn an average of 1:0 miles
closer to Lemberg during the last 241
hours. Swiftly roling up the armies'
of the Austrian throne heir in the j
direction of the Galician capital, the 1
main goal of Gen. Brussiloff's drive in!
the south, the Muscovite forces drove
the Teuton defenders from the greater j
part of their positions on the four i
great streams which formed the main
natural obstacles on the road to Lem -1
berg from the so_tth-east : the Sereth,
Stripa, Koropiec and Zlota Lipa.
Though fighting desperate rearguard
actions, the Austro -German troops are
rapidly retreating on the whole front
from the head waters of the Sereth
down to the eastern and southern ap-,
proaches of Halicz, the withdrawal
having become necessary with the fall
of Stanislau last Thursday.
As a result .of yesterday's and to:
day's fighting the two southern""gates"
of Lemberg, Halicz and Brzenany are
now in the range of the Russian artil-
lery and their fall is near.
Four important towns fell to the
Russians during the last 24 hours. The
possession of each serves to tighten
their grip on Lemberg. They are :
Ezerna (Jezierna), between the Stripa
and Sereth Rivers, 63 miles south-east
of Lemberg. Podgaicy (Podhajce), on
the Koropiec, 30 miles to the north-
east of Stanislau, and only 15 miles
south of Brzezany. From Podgaicy a
trunk railroad runs north-west through
Brzenany directly to Lemberg, which
Is 61. miles away as the crow flies.
Horozonka, west of the Zlota Lipa, ten
miles north of Halicz, Maryampol, on
the Dniester, 10 miles to the south •
east of Halicz.
Thus Halicz is being encircled and
the Teuton lines there, menaced since ,
the fall of Stanislau, have become un-
A. despatch from Ottawa says: The
Dominion Government has contributed
$25,000 to the Kitchener Memorial
Funr, which is being raised through-
out the Empire in commemoration of
the great British soldier. The thanks;
of the committee which is handling
the matter have been received.
English Lady Foretold Time
When the Hohenzollern
Dynasty Would End.
A despatch from London says :--
-Some decades ago, when the present
Kaiser Wilhelm was a youth, he was
on a visit to his grandmother, Queen
Victoria, and while walking in the
grounds of a certain Royal residence
he was boasting of the rise and the
future greatness of the Hohenzollern
house. Among the ladies of the party
was one whose powers of Clairvoyance
had often greatly astonished her
friends. Shortly after the .prince had
made this boast this lady, pointing to
the ornamental lake by the banks of
which they were standing, said :
"When they cut hay from the bottom
of this lake the Hohenzollern dynasty
comes to an end.' For certain reasons
the lake has been drained since the
war began, and this year grass has
grown plentifully and hay has been
a -9
}. Q i'
Push Farther Across Carso and
East of Goritz.
A despatch from London says :-
The Italians ale giving the shattered
Austrian armies no rest. They have
pushed farther across the Carso Pla-
teau, have extended their gains in the
hills east of Goritz, and not content
with this, are also carrying on a heavy
and successful offensive around Tol-
mino. This new drive has certainly
reached the suburbs of the city, which
is the key of the TJpper Isonzo, and
according to unofficial reports they
have seized the entire town. The of-
ficial statements made no mention of
the fighting here, nor of that in the
Dolomites where heavy atacks are be-
ing made, though Austria claims repul-
ses for the Italians in these sectors.
It is recalled that the successful attack
on Goritz has been under way for three
days before the official statements
told of it. The capture of Triest is ap-
preciably nearer.
Prussian Losses Nearly Three Million.
A despatch from Amsterdam says:
The latest Prussian official casualty
list adds 67,461 to the Prussian losses,
making- a total of 2,911,387 since the
beginning of the war.
British Push Forward on Mile Front -French Move Eastward
1,000 Yards on Four -Mile Front.
London, Aug. 13. -Indications that a'
new general attack by the British to-
ward Bapaume is near came in the 1
news to -day that they had gained 3001
or 400 yards on a front of nearly al
mile north-west of Pozieres and that;
heavy fighting was going on all alongi
the line. The Anzacs again were thea
herpes of the advance.
The British advance followed a brit.
Haat success by the French on Satur-
day night, when Gen. Foch's troops
penetrated the German third line of
trenches on a front of three and three-
quarter miles and to a. depth of nearly
two-thirds of a mile from Hardocourt
to Buscourt, The French forced their.
way in the village of Maurepas and
took a thousand Germans prisoner ana
captured thirty machine guns.
Heavy German counter-attacks
against both French and British filled
the night, "Vale terrific drive against
Chancellor of Exchequer Mc-
Kenna Reveals Financial
Strength of .Empire.
A despatch from London says:
Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of the
Exchequer, was subjected to criticism
in the House of Commons on Thurs-
day on the ground of over -reliance
upon Treasury bills, his critics argu-
ing that the large amount of such
bills outstanding constituted a danger,
and that the Government' ought . to
have issued another war loan.
In the course of his reply the Chan-
cellor claimed that Great Britain was
able to borrow abroad at much lower
terms than any other belligerent
power. He estimated the nation's to-
tal indebtedness at the end of the
present financial year ,to be 13,440,-
From that amount, 'said the Chan-
cellor, the nation was entitled to de -
.duct £800,000,000 loaned to Allies and
Dominions of the 'empire, the'sum
left being a, burden it could well .sus-
tain, as it was practically ;balanced by
the national income. He declared
Great Britain was irc the position of
a man whose income was £5,000 and
whose debts amounted to £5,000,
which was not an alarming position.
Ten Zeppelins Raid the English
and Scotch Coast.
A despatch from. London says:
From seven to ten Zeppelins took part
in the air raid early on Wednesday on
the east coast of England and south-
eastern Scotland, according to an of-
ficial statement in the afternoon.
About 160 bombs were dropped and
23 casualties were caused. The com-
manders of the airships seemed in
doubt as to their whereabouts, as
they frequently shut off the engines
and hovered in the air, for minutes at
a time.
The raider which visited Scotland
iiew over a sparsely populated dis-
trist and its bombs were dropped in
fields and on hillsides. Another raid-
er dropped twenty-six bombs in the
open ground between two villages.
One man, two wo chil-
dren 'were'kiTed it it nor ~�-eastern
e and.six
n s' is women Five men n,"t
boys were injured. .
Correspondents in 'the districts
visited by the Zeppelins telegraph
that the airshl, s flew at a great
height. They were subjected to a
very heavy fire from anti-aircraft
guns, which compelled them to make
a hasty retreat. One airship dropped
twenty and another incendiary bombs,
some of which fell into the sea. As
on all recent raids, .e.any of the bombs
fell on open ground or into the water
as the airships were making. off.
Property Damage in West Virginia
Cloudburst Very Heavy.
A despatch from Charleston, W.
Va., says: Investigations conducted
ever since daybreak, in the face of
such obstacles as prostrated telegraph
• and telephone lines, vanished or im-
passable roads, bridges and streams,
prove that the storm which swept the
mining and lumber regions of Coal
River and its tributaries on Wednes-
day took a toll of more than 100 li-, es,
caused property damage of approxi-
mately $5,000,000 and made between
8,000 and 10,000 homeless. The flood
extended over an area of nearly 400
square miles, and reached its greatest
destructiveness in the valleys of Paint
and Cabin Creeks, which are lined
with coal mines. The mines are flood-
ed and otherwise injured to such an
extent that it may be weeks before
they can again be operated.
the newly'won French positions in
Maurepas was repulsed with heavy
loss only after a bitter struggle. Fol-
lowing it the French pushed forward
both in the village itself and on the
slopes of Hill 109 to the south-east.
Tho Teutons were no more successful
in attacks against the British south-
east of Guillemont, while north of
Pozieres a contemplated blow was
forestalled by a British aeroplane,
which reported the concentration of
large forces behind the Mounauret
Farm, enabling the British artillery to
take these battalions tinder a heavy
fire and put them to flight.
The British gains to -day take them.
nearer to both Martinpuich and Cour
celette, key positions on.' the Bapaume
road. The German statement tells of
heavy attacks being repulsed along this
line, and also of an attack In the Gull-
lemont sector.
A despatch from London says:
Capt. Thomas Riley, 'who has just
died in France from wounds,.was min-
ister in charge of Kennington Mission
in British Columbia when the war
broke out.,„ With his bishop's per-
mission he 'returned to Burnley, his
native town : in Lancashire, and was
gazetted captain in the R F.A,, hav-
ing previou'sl'y held the rank of major
in the Territorials.
British Gain Additional Ground North of Bazentin le Petit and
North-West of Pozieres.
A despatch from London says :-
The French and British continue their
steady work of extending and consoli-
dating their positions in the German
second line and preparing for a pow-
erful thrust at the third. There has
not been a let up of an hour on the
western front now in weeks, the allies
here realizing that they must keep the
Germans busily engaged to prevent
the withdrawal of men to other fronts
where the offensives of the other 17n-
tente powers are sweeping back the
Germans and Austrians.
As on other days this week, the Bri-
tish and French concerned themselves
principally with attacks beyond Poz-
ieres and in the district of Hem wood.
Some particularly brilliant actions oc-
curred on the French front, resulting
according to the 'official report of the
French War Office on Friday, in the
further advance of the French be-
tween the Somme and Maurepas. The
ridgefor which Gen. Foch's troops
have been fighting for more than a
week is now completely in their
hands, the summit having •been reach -
A despatch from Loudon says:
Queen Mary made an unexpected call
at the Maple Leaf Club of the Daughe
tern of the Empire branch on Tues-
day and was welcomed by Lady
Drummond, who received a pleasing
tribute from Tier Majesty, on the ex-
cellent arrangements that are matte
for the soldiers' comfort,
ed in a dashing charge this afternoon,
The French now straddle the Maure-
pas-Hera highroad and hold the most
dominant position .in. this sector.
Night fighting enabled the British
to gain some additional ground north
of Bazentiu le Petit and north-west
of Pozieres, where the apex of the
British wedge is now approaching the
Martinpuich ridge, Haig's report on
Friday night deals principally with
aerial adventures, in which 68 British
machines carried out extensive bomb-
ing operations against the German
concentrations at Brussels, Namur,
Mons, Bussigny and Courtrai, all
points far behind the Kaiser's front
On the Verdun front the respite
continued for another day, broken only
by small raiding actions, in which the
French gained minor successes on
both banks of the Meuse. The artil-
lery combat continues with violence,
and another German aeroplane has
been shot down by a member of the
Franco -American Flying Corps.
Two more British aeroplanes also
have been lost as a result of their dar-
ing exploits behind the German lines.
A despatch to The London Times
from Italian Headquarters says: "The
Austrian prisoners whole I have seen
were made up of stalwart youths and
men over forty. There seemed to be
none between. They were in the worst
possible condition, with nothin re-
sembling a uniform -a veritable beg-
gars' brigade -and they quite bore
out the statements of an escaped
Russian, with whom I spoke on Sun-
day morning, about the extremely bad
equipment and food of the Austrian
troops on the Isonzo. Very few of
these men had more than one hundred
cartridges in their belts, which goes
to show how unprepared the Austri-
ans were for an attack upon them.
A despatch from Fort William, Ont.,
says: Two cases of infantile paralysis
have broken out in the city, one in the
east -end of the city and the other in
the municipality of Neebing. The
health authorities are taking every
:avert a spread-4r4A
.. 'alt n to,„prevent
p�"eca � t ,„]?
large number of children have died
within the past few days from Sum-
mer complaint.
A despatch from Melbourne, Aus-
tralia, says: The Government of Vic-
toria has under consideration a pro-
posal to close all the Lutheran
schools in the State. It is expected
that action will be taken in the near
FOR $200,000,000
Will be Floated in the United
States About a Month Bence.
A despatch from New York says:
Several prominent financial interests
in this and other large cities, it was
learned on Wednesday from authori-
tative sources, have been approached
by J. P. Morgan and Company, finan-
cial agents of the British Govern-
overnment, regarding a new loan to that
Government of between $150,000,000
and $200,000,000.
The negotiations thus far have not
been in the form of general terms,
but simply as feelers as to how a
loan of this sort would be taken in
the near future. The credit, it was
learned, probably will take a similar
form to the French loan recently
floated by the same institution. Noth-
ing definite could be learned regard -
Mg the
egardii`ig-.the terms. WalI Street doesnot
look for an announcement for at least
another month.
It is generally expected that the
new loan will be secured by Ameri-
can stocks and bonds which the Brit-
ish Government have been mobilizing
through the borrowing process.
According to information available
at present, an American corporation
owned American securities. This cor-
poration will issue its own debentures
will be formed to hold the British -
against the collateral, as in the case
of the recent French loan. '
Great Railway Centre in Galicia Taken by General
A despatch from London says :-
Stanislau, next to Lemberg the most
important railway city in Galicia, has
fallen to the Russians.
Gen. Letchitzky's army, which has
been hammering at the city's gates
for More than a week, taking one for- Meanwhile the Russian left wing,
titled barrier after another, captured acting in conjunction with Letchitz-
its objective on Thursday, in a swift ky's Stanislau army, resumed its drive
dash across the River Czarna Bystri- against the Teuton Carpathian forces
tza. The city's fall was officially an- and captured Delatyn, their main
nounced by Petrograd on Friday, and base, according to official admission
is admitted by the Austrian War Office on Friday night, Petrograd is silent
which in its statement says : on this success, but all indications are
"We evacuated Stanislau without a that the long and bitterly -fought -for,
fight." Russian aim, to separate the Teuton MINISTRY OF LArOR
The garrison and the army wnich southern wing from the northern IN BRITISH CABINET.
had been defending the city's eastern armies is near its realization, if it is
Markets of the Werid
Toronto, Aug, 15, -Manitoba Wheat -
No. 1 Northern ,31.59 ; No. 2 do,, 31.57 ;
No. 3, do„ $1,52, track naY ports.
Manitoba oats --No. 2 C.W., , 554c
No. 3, do., 644o ; extra No. 1 feed, 54/e
No, 1 feed, 54o ; No. 2, do., 54o, trao'6,
Bay, ports.
American Dorn -No, 3 yellow, 98c,
track, Toronto.
Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 50 to 51c,
according to freights outside.
Ontario wheat -No. 1 commei•olal,
31.13 to 31.15 ; No. 2 do., $1.10 to $1.12;
No. 3, do., $1.03 to 31.05 ; feed, 95 to
97c, according to freights outside. New
Crop, No. 2, $1,15 to $1.17.
Peas -No, 2, $1.75 to 31.85, according
to sample, 31..2 to 31.50, according to
freights outside.
Borley -Malting, nominal ; feed,
Buckwheat -Nominal.
Rye -No. 1 commercial, 9G to 080, ac-
cording to freights outside.
Manitoba flour -First patents, in jute
bags, 37:50 ; second patents, in jute
bags, 37 ; strong bakers', in Jute bags,
36,80, Toronto.
Ontario flour -New, Winter, according
to sample, $5 to $5.10, in bags, track
Toronto, prompt shipment ; 35;20 to
35,30 bulk seaboard, prompt shipment.
Alillfeed-Car lots, delivered Montreal
freights, bags included -Bran, p•'r ton,
$23 shorts, per ton, 325 to 326 ; mid-
dlings, per ton, $20 to 327 ; good feed
flour, per bag, 31,75 to $1.85.
I3aY-Now, No. 1, per ton, 310 to 312 ;
No. 2, 39 to 39.50, track, Toronto.
Straw -Car lots. per ton. 36 to $7,
track, Toronto.
Country Produce -Wholesale.
Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 27 to 28c:
inferior, 24 to 25c ; creamery prints, 31
to 320 ; solids, 30 to 31c.
Eggs -New -laid, 29 to 30c ; do., in
cartons, 33 to 35c. the latter for
Beans -$4.50 to 35,
Cheese -New, large. 181- to 1810 ;
twins, 184 to 184c ; triplets, 181 to 19c.
Dressed poultry -Chickens, 25 to 270 ;
fowl, 23 to 250.
Live Poultry -Chickens, 20 to 22o ;
fowl, 18 to 19c.
Potatoes -Virginia, new, barrel, 33.76
to 34.00.
Honey -Five -Pound tins, 124 to 13c ;
do., 10-1b., 12 to 124c,
Maple syrup -$1.50 per Imperial gal-
Provisions -Wholesale.
Bacon -Long Clear, 18 to 1880 per lb.
Hams -Medium, 24 to 250 ; do., heavy
201 to 21c ; rolls, 19 to 1940 ; breakfast
bacon, 26 to 27e ; backs, plain, 250;
boneless backs, 27 to 280. Cooked ham,
36 to 360.
Lard -Pure lard, tir-oes, 163 to 170;
tubs, 17 to 171c ; pails, 17$ to 1740 ;
Compound, 14 to 144c.
Montreal Markets.
Montreal, Aug. 15. -Corn -American
No. 2 yellow, 99c to 31.00. Oats -Cana-
dian 1,V estern, No. 2, 57c ; No. 3, 563o ;
extra No. 1 feed, 5680. Flour -Mani-
toba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $8.20 ;
seconds, 37,70 ; strong bakers', 37.50 ;
Winter patents, choice, 37.00 ; straight
rollers, 36.20 to 36.40 ; dn.. bags, 32.90
to 53.00. Rolled oats-Bbls, 35.36 to
$5.56 ; do., bags. 90 lbs, 32.55 to 32.65.
Bran, 324.00. Shorts, 326.00. Middlings,
328.00. Mouillie, 331.00 to 334.00. Hay
-No. 2, per ton, car lots, 317,50 to
318.50. Cheese --Finest Westerns, 18 to
184c ; finest easterns, 173 to 1710.
Butter -Choicest creamery, 32 to 321c ;
selected, 38c ; Noc'1 stEggs-Fresh,
ck, 32c.
sh, 250 ;
Winnipeg Grain.
Winnipeg, Aug. 15. -Cash. quotations
-Wheat-No.' 1 .-Northern,. $1.5.1/ ; No.
2 Northern, $1.49r No. 3 NoYthern
31.444 •,3
No. 4, $1.403 ' No. 6, 31.348.
Oats -No. 2 C.W., 4940 ; No. . C.W..
fee ; extra No.. 2ffeed,, 480.30 Barley-
a lley
feed,d 4790 ;
No. 3, 790 ; No. 4, 760 ; rejected, 66to
feed, 6650. Flax -NO. 1 N.W.C., 31,90 ;
No. 2 C.W., $1.80.
'United States Markets.
',finneapolis; Aug. 15. -Wheat, Septem-
ber, 31.49$ ; December, 31.491 to 31.50 ;.
31.501 to 31.538 ;568 No. 2 No. 1 Norther, Northern..
to $1.519. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 82 to
83c. Oats -No. 3 white, •434 to 433c.
Flour, fancy patents, 37.90 wood ; first
clears, $6.20 ; other grades unchanged.
Bran, 319.00 to 320.50.
Duluth, Aug. 15. -Linseed on track,
32.13 to 32.134 ; to arrive, 32.18 ; Sep-
tember, 32.13 asked ; October, 32.19
asked November, e4t dmbr, 32bid. $2.144 asked
31.531 ; No. 1 Northern, 31.614 to 31.52 ;
No. 2 Northern, $1.48 to 31.40 ; Septem-
ber, 31.50.
Live Stook Markets.
Toronto, Aug. 16. -Choice heavy
steers, 38.15 to $8.85 ; -good heavy
steers, 37.75 to 38.00 ; butchers' cattle,
goto od. 37.6�O to 0';do., $8.15
common, 36.35 to 367,25
80 ;
butchers' bulls, choice, 37.25 to $7.50.
Letchitsky's d good bulls 36.65 to $G.75 ' do rough
wards along the Stanislau-Lemberg
railway, the Teuton forces are hotly
pursued in the. direction of Halics,
another important railway town 15
miles to the north. The capture of
this town is believed to' be only a mat-
ter of hours. '
o' 34,50 to 35.00 ; butchers' cows,
choice. $6.86 to $7.10 ; do., good, 36.50
to 36.75 ; do., medium, 35.75 to $6.10
stockers, 700 to 850 lbs, 36.00 to $6.40
choice feeders, dehorned, 36.30 to $$7.00
canners and cutters, 33.50 to $4 50 ;
milkers, choice, each, $70.00 to 3490.00 ;
do., corn. and med., each, $40.00 to $60.00;
springers, 350.00 to 390.00 ; light ewes.
37.65 to 38.75 ; sheep, heavy, 34.50 -to
35.35 ; spring lambs, per Ib, 110 to 1.11c:
calves, good to choice, 310.50 to 311.50
do., medium, 39.00 to 310.0,0 ; hogs, ed
and watered, $12,50 to312.65 ;
weighed off cars, 312.75 to 512.86 ; do.,
f.o.b., 311.75.
Montreal, Aug. 15. -Good steers, 38
to 38.25 ; fair at 37 to 37.75, and the
lower .grades clown to $$ to $6.2.6 ;
butcher cows, from 35.25 to $7, and bulls
from 55.50 to 37.25 per cwt. ; lambs at
310.50 to 311 per cwt. . Sheep, 36.50 to
37.26 per cwt., and calves 41 to 7c.
Hogs at 312.75 to $13, and snort -run
o1.per ow rough
approaches escaped. Fleeing north- l hot already acomplished. . A despatch from London says:
-- ---_ --• Arthur Henderson's new position as
I o t-wi labor adviser to the Government wall
a A ,i 4 be made •regular by legislation. In
w�^������� �'i �ALL GERMAN -OWNED PPO
__ _ labor circles it is understood that the.
"' retention of Mr.._ Henderson in the
Cabinet will mean the - creation of a
Ministry of Labor, the problems of
labor and trade after the war Tender-
ing such a step desirable.
r a:
This Action Is to Ensue in Retaliation for the Execution of Capt.
Charles Fryatt.
A despatch from London 'says:
That the British Government is con-
templating the confiscation of all the
German -owned property in England
in retaliation for the execution of
Capt, Charles Fryatt of the English
liner Brussels, was revealed in the
House of Lords on Wednesday by
Lord Lansdowne. Ile stated that the
Government was consulting with fin-
ancial houses as to the advisability
of taking the step. The Gorman pro-
perty in Eniilatld runs into many hun-
dreds of millions of dollars.
A despatch from Salonilci says: -The
heavy allied guns of the Entente al-
lies have begun a bombardment; of
the Bulgarian positions at Lake I)oi-
ran, in Greek Macedonia, it was semi-
officially announced here on T'h'ursday.
The bombardment was of great efface