HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-08-18, Page 1Vol. XVI I ZURICH, FRIDAY MORN1N� AUGUST 18, 1916. LD N06 mieniammemomsaimaaramormurmailmisammommornmarraimmommoommomagiaireomma A.utomobile tugs and Dusters We have put in stock a fine lot of automobile rugs and dusters. Many pretty patterns. Call and see. these goods, Langford Collars Highly re- commended horses inclined to sore and galled shoulders. by those who have used them on their horses.. A fine line of Single Harness. Prices Right. Sw eat Fe d•, Curry Combs, Axle Grease, Gall Cure R. E. STyADE _ ZURICH . fi4...A",.' .'g" "g'. " .. "'.444.' .'g., .. +++...' .hL' .4.4.+4........+4.....'�y.'g.. "p '.q,s�,.�.'t�.'�..;.'�.'�'di +. 4. a. : Clearing of Men's and Boys' 4. 4. 4. _4. 4 -4 _.4. .II. . 44, + 4 All woollens, serges, clothing, in fact all lines of men's ands boy's 4 wear have greatly increased in price, owing to the war. ..,i; .0aza2 4. -,g'1`., We are givi ng special discounts on all lines of Summer Goods $ to clear. 4. All our goods are the best that money can buy and are fully •.,i, guaranteed in style and quality. All at the old prices. + Just now we are showing Straw Hats, allstyles; Men,s and Boy's 1 Clothing, Underwear, etc., • Summer Wear ((it reduced prices.) Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods THE HOME OF BE'TT'ER VALUES 4.444+0144•1444444.44+444.44444 +H+++++++++++4++++3 4÷44+44, e mratarar.►ca •4's4' 04x.4 s w / LOCAL NEWS p 4. 4. fi 4. 4 Messrs P. Lamont and H. Young blut visited relatives in London, over 'Sunday. The time of the Fall Fairs is at hand, Toronto Exhibition op- ens next week. Mrs. J, B. Dennis and two sons of Galt, visited at the former's father, Mr. G. Holtzman, the ,past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preetex; and children, visited relatives in Ber- lin. Stratford and Tavistock .for a few days this week. Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wednesday, and Wednesday of the following week. The Zurich School Board has en- gaged Miss Watson, of .Seaforth, as teacher on the staff as succes- sor to Miss Walker, who resigned to accept a position as teacher in a school !near her home at Mays- ville. A handsome new porch has been erected to the Lutheran parson- age to ta1te the place of the old one, and this greatly adds to the appearance of the dwelling. Other improvements which are nearing completion will make the parson- age a modern Iho•mle. • JUDGE HOLT ILL f1',he manly friends of His Honor, Judge Host of Goderich, wi 1 egret to hear that he suffered a stroke on, Tuesday of last week. The right side is .affested and the judge has lost his speech. He is show- ing signs of recovery. FARMS SOLD Mr. Samuel J. Spencer has sold his 100 -acre farm at St. 'Joseph tol Mr. Louis Denoanine, the consid eration being $5100. Possession. will be given in February, 19L7. Mr. Julius B1oc3of :town has 0,1'Fitt" ine-71ar n.-i,e' i etlm, Bttti- ted an ,the Goshen Line south, to Mr. David Ducharme, the present tenant, for the sum of $86C0. Pos- session will be given some time next March. • Four weeks from Saturday the 4. #0*i i; tte4flw14tewM 41111M Jif ti tt t Ontario Temperance, Act will come j intim force, when the whole provin- ce will go dry. w A'Ir, Milton Bt;ssenberry, of Sar- nia, formerly of this 'place, visited at the home sof his uncle, Mr. E. BossenberrY, o� 1VXonday. One of the finest patches of corn in this section .can be seen, at the ` farm of iMr. J9s. Foster, Jr. T3ab- ylon Line. stall- pulled on Tue- sday fneasured"Io• feet 10 inehes.inl length. '11 can be seen at this office, • 4. J, J. Coughlin-, barrister, of Stratford, 'hap been appointed as Judge of Kent county. Judge Coughlin. le ta7tative of Huron co- unity,,'•beinlg barn-sn Stephen town- ship and Jattemling Mt. Cartmel sep arate school. As we are only acquainted with but a small pc,r centage of the people liviugA0 this fair Dominion do not blame us for not mention- ing their, pmrnes` if you have some visitors the ,Past two weeks. Give us their ,tn;are4ss and: place of resi- dence and we ca:in manage the bal- ance. asance ommorpronsm Incorporated 1855 ■ The M0 LSONS BAND CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDER . e `fit 4 etiar, Interestghest current rates Zurich Branch R. T: DUNLOP, Manager Bargain in Working Shoes tit A lot of ladies every day good working shoes, tan, worth from, 1. $2.50 to $3, while they last 2 goods Only $1.75 Big Reduction in Prices Of all Summer Foot wear. It will pay you to see our and get our prices, Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. e. E':ITZ, Zurich I The Home of Good Shoes 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IlGlll IIIIIIIIIIIIyIWIIIIIII 111111 111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111N11111111111!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII{III!IIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIL'611flllll!Il1lg1` 73 DO YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A BEST? Of course youdo• Well, we sell only the best that money can buy in all lines we carry. This week we are reducing our prices on ---- --.7.- Canvas Canvas aid Spring Shoes, a Straw- Hats, Dusters, Fly 1 Nets and other lines that 2 you will require for hot weather 1 Highest pricesfor Farm Produce Friday Store closed Tuesday and 1 ridgy ni•ghts at 6 PHONE 11 on 82 7111111111111N!111111111111111111111111111ilifillil!IIIIii!VI1 PP!III!IITIIIIIIII 14OAlt;4 BLAKE flllhIll111ihIlnnllllln IIIliilllitlN18111llllllllllllllllllllllllllill!I!nllillllln!11111{ villiIIIfllinD011ll11111IIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIINIIIInII�I $dr••4 44+44++++++,:,+4+ +4+•.3 +4'+4+4+44.4 F:-+ .1 + 4.++++3 +4+4 4.4.44+,t+++ 44.4444++++4,!H4+44 4-1- 4.43.4 ?4 4.4-4:44+++++++++++++44++++4 �+++44+++++++++++++++4+4-4.44 THE GREAT AU. GUST. CLEAN -U. P S LE •• 4. •• �- Of Ladies', Children's and Men's Summer Near. Aremarkable series of sales that will continue throu ®f .T: 4 ghout August with bargains in reliable wanted goods, that will'make present purchasing a matter of greatest economy. Preparations have been made to give he biggest bargains this store has ever known, aamassmmegredereamitLcalieleSoummetnaluiceDmicrioalome ;;LL, 1 • 4. .t• -4• -;r -4• 4 •.4•• '44 .41, 4. • .•; y .4 Children's rompers from 2 to 5 years 50c Boys 2 piece wash suits to clear at Children's linen summer coats, regular Ladies' cambric drawers, regular Men's & Bos' Clothing Men's Summer Suits, sizes 36 to 40 regular $8.00 to clear at $4.00 Boy's Suits, regular $4 and $5, to clear at $2 Men's fancy Summer Vests to clear at 75cts Men's and Boys' Straw Hats to clear at HALF PRICE � s Ready -to -We { r ad�e regular regular Ladies' white lawn cambric under skirts, and voile waists, G6 $2.00 for $1.00 1.00 for 60c 1 50 for 75c << 2.00 for 1.00 regular $2 50 ,and $3 for 1.25 A nice line of house dresses with dust cap to match for onl at $1.00 0 Also a nice line with cap and apron to match, y 2 linen wash suits, sizes 11 and 16, 4 regular $3.25 for $2,00 1 only wad" dress, size 16, regular $2.50 for $1.50 1 " 1c G is Middies, Etc Girls whitemiddies, trimmed with blue, -6 to 14 years to clear at 50c Girls all white middies from 6 to 12 years to clear at 75e Girls tan middies, trimmed red and blue to clear at 750 Ladits' middies, all white, sizes 86 to 40 to clear at .756 -fl a tIt it regular $1.26 for $1.00' 75c $1,50 for 75c $1.25 for .500 GROCERIES 3 lbs best ginger snaps 25c 3 cakes oatmeal soap 100 2 bars Home soap 25c Eng Cream balking pwdr, with sealer reg 25c for 20e 5 Ib bag Moody's odorless llenzine 35 Pure cane granulated sogar $$.50 per 100 lbs Lades' Hose Line of colored hose, regular 25 and 40c to char at 2 pr for 25o lob line of black fine ribbed cotton Bose, all sillies to clear at 15e a pr Job line of black plain ladies' hose 81 to 10 2 pr for 25c The new shade of Champagne hose, silk boot, 50c a pr GIRLS' TERRY HATS Line of girls terry hats, regular 44 44 .14 and felt hats' regular Highest Prices for Produce 12, $1.50 for 98c 111•1111.1.10101•120M11* essilaseen.M=Riesenell•MLI•••• Children's Dresses, Etc 4. .3. •s- 44 .3. 4. .3. 4. :3, A. line of children's dresses, dark patterns, sizes from 2 to 6 years to clear at 25c 10 only print dresses with belt to clear at 5010 Girls' wash dresses from 4 to 12 years - 500 8 to 14 year regular $1 for 75e .� Children's white lawn dresses, embroidery trimmed at 350 '�` ,t ttand lace trimmed at 500 75c for 50c 500 for 25c Children's white all over embroidery skirts to clear at ei �� i, ,4 ii " to clear at 750 $1.00 '` ,4,. 0CORSET` COV'1RS, ETC Iti.ric Ladies' corset coyers at 25o '` Corsets regular �+ °° CI 14.;1 for 25e .1;Fine white dress embroidery regular 60e for 65e ' " $1.25 for 750 << ca rr rr 41S1.50 for $1 .g, Muslins and Vestings, reg 25e to 50e for 10e a yd 3 40 yds Xitnona print regular 15e for 100 a yd 4•4411:4++++++++++.+41i brit'!' '4.1-: 1 :1 4 1 .4.4**14 e f.+4, --1-+++++4.44‘k. +++,1++i++3«lr•1•+ ++ **rt++++++&+t44++II+d•+F++ fi4+^II++++ 4++II+4 +1+4ap44-+i+*S»II+,+4+`+M+vr+++++'I4+4^444.4aX•#'+++.1-4° Phone g