HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-07-28, Page 5• e LEGAL °ARDS. PKOUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE. BarIti$PerS, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Banniton St, Goderich. Private hinds bo loan at lowest rates W. PROITDFOOT, K. O. J. L. KILLORAN. H. J. D. Comte. Me. Cdoke N,Vill be in Henel! on Friday and Saturday of each week. tomeareamoomlowiwomar:orammemserfamml.s.......••••momemsomemorm* • MEDICAL CARDS DR A. J. MacKINNON late Hot's° Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Ivlaternity Hospital N. Y. city. Lab of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich Ont. • t. Zurich Meet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Es.usiges, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool - CASH FOR 'SKINS & BIDES Itintoblut Deichert The Home Insurance Co. 4.:4*••••••••togr•omsoomm.........tof... ;What abont Zurich's civic holiday? , • ,. krarmers in this section , will soon be into the wheat harvest. Many people are under the ime presSioin that tIee honey season is a big one this year. Such how - ON er is nothe,fact as it was good for only about two weeks and stop ped suddenly on July 18th. While Working on the roof of Mr. E. ZimlmermainPs stable the other day W. F. Browgot unto some rc tten boards in the sheeting and fell through. Luckily Mr. Brown escaped sericu3 injure but he scared the cow so badly that it hae not fully recovered yet. Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177,25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for 3 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. G. HOLTZMAN Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods umssmallom"1"1"1"." UNDERTAKING The c.dr.stimption cf acholic liquors in Cana: a drcpped irern 873 per capita to .745 per capita, in the fiscal year just I ; ended, accOrding to returns iszued by the inland revenue department. The consumption was about three - of a gallOin 'per capita for spirits, for beer nearly 5 gallens wind for wine, .0625 gall ons. Tele co.nstureption of tobacce alio -nowt; a falling off from a..1.7 pounds to 3329 pounds per caplta. That this section is the earden of Ontario has been many times peoven by the growth of grain and hoe crops. Oats, barley, and timothy have bean brought to this ,office which has grcwn to such a length that they must be seen to believe. This fact has been still further emphasized by a stalk of corn' w,hech was brcught tn. on TlleSday C' f this week by Mr. Andrew Mittelholtz which measured 7 feet 6 inches. Who can beat this. !AUCTION SALE Of Furniture, et., at Darrows Hotel, Bayfied' on, Saturday, Aug- ust, 5tee. 'IL Darrow, !Prop; rietor E. Bcssenberry, Aection.- eer. .Prompt Service Moderaterharges Tailor Shop and Laundry THE CANARY ISIAINDS, In Mcient. Di4y. They Wire ThoOphll' to Fervii.tho Real ' eiisaestn,. • YOI know, °reverse, that the Canary !elandt. are northwest of Africa; and that they belong to Spain. You may bappeu to remember. too, that ,three' very interestbig things have been giee en to the world by that group of is- lands-Canaryewine, the•Canary dance and the lovely little yellow song bird that has a place in so many, homes, To be sure, they are the Canary Iolanda, because that is where canary birds, come from, But hold! The horse ls behind the cart. The birds got their name. from. the place of their nativity, 'and the group of islands took its name from the largest and most important mem- ber, Gran Canaria island. Curiously enough, the name means "big dog" in- stead of "little bird." There was a time when these Islands were of far more interest and impor- tance than they are now, a time when they called forth a special government edict. It was the senate of Carthage that passed a law forbidding the citi- zens to unite those islands the objec- tive point of their =sutitmer vacation. From time immemorial 'the world had believed that somewhere beyond' the pillars of Hercules there was a group of islands so beautiful, so replete with everything to Make men and WO - men. happy, that they constituted the real heaven. They were _called "Is - hinds Of the Blest." *hen the Cain thaginlan tieet returned from its first expedition to the Canary islands there was danger that all the population of Carthage would emigrate to that realm of Song birds and tempered sunshine. hence the edict.- 41t,,talree a lot• of happemingS to fill th000' celnlitai -cleft „week and make- toterestIng to the gen-, fellelieeP'„ Miss some. it- em that you ion,ew of, then thel %1.t le, iyonrs not ours -you. didt (pint ,:ne ktnioy, We want all . the inPigS,'i but if Mre. S. crowns the rOtf,4 021 "see' Mrs, .1;„ or if Oharley Black goes doon the road'and ea:10 fl.i6 faiV-Piac SUn4PrikwePing that is his -busipess, not outs or ante other pereon7s and consequent • ly it is ipot pews. We want aU • the tneWS that is news and yon can il3Ap is out. STRAYED 'Unto my premises. Stan ley Towpship, a white and red Steer calf; .about eigiht months • °let Owner can, get same by proving. ownership and payieg expense% James McBride, R. R. No.' 2, Zurich,. W. H. HOFFMAN I Zurich, - Ontario IIIMISMISIONI01111111111111.111111111MI Wall 21W A REPRESENTATIVE at one for ZURICH and District for the OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES FARMERS 1 Why remain idle all Winter when you can take up a paying agency? Choice list of varieties for Spring Planting. Liberal Terms Hand- some free Outfit. Exclusive Terr- itory. Write now for particulars Stone Er Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO Eggs That Can't Be Found. The eggs of some common birds of the present day hare never been found. There is the robin snipe; its eggs have never been seen. An English zoologist kept a man going up and down the coast of Labrador for weeks purpose- ly to get a robin snipe's egg, but It was in vain. The bird is known ,by thousands of people, but it breeds so far north and so remote from any civilization that no scientific observer can ever get to its nest ere the young are hatched and have taken to wing. The frigate bird that is so commonly seen at sea on the Pacific and off the West Indies is such a solitary bird and is so seldom seen in its nest dur- ing the hours of daylight that its egg es rare. FOR SALE- Bake Shop and ;Cone fectionery, situated in the village of Dashwood, consisting of mew bake shop, with up-to-date enprovements, all in good con- di'.ion with confectionery 'shop and and business in connection. Will be sold oin reasonable terms, owing to ill health. For ;particulars. apply to owrner F. Dearing, Dash- wood. BRONSON LINE One person was killed and three badly injured when two freight trains crashed together early on Wednesday morning, A Cyclone near Ingersoll on Tues- day levelled silos, razed buildings, up- rooted trees and destroyed orchards and crops generally. Hall and rain rain accompanied the storm. Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING,' ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE G LASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LO®N CO. • ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ' ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich A Terrible Affliction; At an exhibition of paintings a lady and her daughter took muck interest en a picture which' r4iresentdif sot. dier with hollow cheeks and staring eyes. It was called "After the Attack of Lutzen." "What is 'Lutzen,' Mary Anne?" ask- ed Mrs. Crockett in a whisper. Mary Anne admitted that she did not know. "Well, anyway," said Mrs. Crockett, with conviction, "it's a terrible disease. I can see that easy enough without anybody telling me." - Youth's Com- panion. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hendrick were the guests of Mr „and Mrs. 'Woe, Becker on Sunday. Miss Lucy Karecher is visiting under the parental roof at present. Mr. add Mrs. R. Baker, Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Belber, and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restmeyer, spent a very pleasant evening at Art Weber's recently Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry Walper and Mr. and Mrs. Nosh Seiraras and family spent Sunday at the Sauble Line, Mr. Alex Mosseau has treated himself and family to an auto. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Restimeyer sriSit- ed at D. Snider's on Sunday. Mr, George Schroeder has pur- chaeecl an auto. " . . PREPARONESS • Tiler° are cold days coming Prepare for them now by sec- uring your supple. .of the celebrated D. & fl. Lacka- walla Anthracite Goal We have a supply of all sizes! Egg, Stove and Chesnut. D. A. Cantelon Hensall Phone 10, House Phone 10a esisis0000vsseoossoossoossoso• erois Fertilizer Co. • BASIG'SLAC bog to thank the humors of tbi sedan] for their liberal patronage dm- ing the past. • I am now taking orders for fall delivery and will be pleaded to quote yon -prices, Sydney Basic Slag bas made good It was first introduced into Ontario in 1913 when 230 tons were sold. This year from Jan. 1st to April 25th 3108 tons were sold. This speaks for itself JOSEPH RAU R R. No. 2. •Zurich:, osmseammemasegasamr .1.•t":.+0`r+++++++++++.4.4+++++++++ ki*.:•++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 1• 4:* JOB. WORK 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. I 1: 4. 4. I9I6 1$ 14. .±. 1* CLUBBING LIST .t. '4' i + ÷ . Herald and Daily Globe $3 75 " " Weekly Globe 1 75 -1. • “ " DailyMail and Em- pire 3 75 ' .“ • " Weely Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 64 it ' if it 6' Daily News 2 85 Weekly Star.. 1 75 , " " London Free Press Morning Edition.... 3 50 - Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition 1 65 " . " London Advertiser Morning Edition2 90 Evening Edition2 i.:0 • Weekly Edition 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 it it W kl Sun 1 80 • (4 The Early Drum. Drnms are probably an eastern idea introduced by the crusaders into Eu- rope. They are frequently mentioned in accounts of the first crusade. When Edward III. of England aud his queen made triumphal entry into Calais in 1347 "tambours" were among the in- struments which were played in their boner. Another of these was called a "nacaire," or kettledrum, taken, to- gether with its name, from the Arabs. The poet Chaucer also mentioned this instrument in his description, of the tournament in "The Kniget's Tale." The king generally kept a troop of these bandsmen or minstrels in his em- ploy, and we read that Edward II. on one occasion gave a sum of GO shillings to Roger, the trumpeter; Janine, the nakerer, and others for their perform- ances. , THE WESTERN FAIR September 8th to 16th. London's popular Exhibition prom- ises to be better patronized than ever, Ibis year. The management is plann- ing larger and better things for Sep- tember next than have ever been un- dertaken before, The new Process Building promises to be a hive of in- dustries and considerable space is al- ready taken. A new system of ad-. mission at the gates, will be adopted by means of new coin turnstyles Change booths will take the place of ticket booths and the publie will be ad witted by depositing twenty-five cents at the turnstyles, Children and those holding tickets will be admitted throu- gha sI, -'c; al gate for the pnrpose, If nlice of any hind. is required applica- tion shonld be made to the Secretary at °ore. Prize Lists and all informa- tion rm application to the Secretary, A M limit, London, Ontario. Little Things as an Index. "Here," said an observer, "was a machine upon which appeared the name plate of the manufacturer, 0 small and not essential feature. But this plate bad been set on true, and then the screws by which it was held in place held all been turned up until the slots in tbeir heads all showed in precisely the sante position, alike, uni- form. "Whoever put this plate on made a nice, finished job of it, and I should be inclined to think that a shop that had such pride in even the minor de- tails of its work would do good week throughout.". Discourtesy. Discourtesy does not spring merely from one bad quality, but from several -from foolish vanity, from ignorance of what is due to others, from indo- lence, from stupidity, from distraction of thought, from contempt of others, from jealousy. -La Bruyere. Kiss Producers. "1 wish mistletoe were in season all the time," said he. e.why,2711 "It means kisses," "Orange blossoms are tko skid, ee y " Farmers Advocate... 2 40 `\`. Montreal. Family Herald and Weekly Star 185 " Weekly Montreal Witness 1 85 44 Canadian Country - 4C rnan 1 50 4- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++4 +++++++++++++++ Tbe improvements in our print shop enable us to do any kind of job work at shortest notice. No matter how large or small the order may be, we will be pleased to quote you prices on same. Our work is neat and tasty and we can give your any quality of paper. Let us have your next order and see if we "make good". We sell,Appleford's counter check books, any style. Herald Press Zurich 4. 4. 4' 4. 4. 4. 4. ors 4. ate • 1959Wevrerw. .Electric Starting Electric Lighting Demountable Rims F.O. a, CHATHAM In the deep sand or gravel on the hills in soft mud• where qui* acceleration is needed in traffic driving; on the smooth highway where speed is desired -these are the places where the power of the Gray Dort motor can be really appreciated.. Your appreciation of Gray Dort sturdiness grows as you drive your car. The price, $850.00, with electric starting and lighting, pigs the Gray Dort within reach of the average family for every .roember to enjoy and use. KROPF Agent Z1111)1011 Specifications Model 5A Touring Car Five-passenger;left- hand drive; center control ; four -cylin- der motor cast en bloc ; circulating splash lubricating system; themmo- eYnhon cooling system; Connecticut ignition; 'parity feed gasoline system b covid; select- ive type transmission; 3 speeds forward and rtverse; three-quarter flostiag mix axle; in. ternal expanding and external con tr acti n g brake3; demountable, rlms, Vaninch tires; Isims-gkiditroad o n rear; SO -Inch full cantilever sat -lags in rear; front se.mi - elliptic; stream line with ample leg room in both compart- picas; 105 -inch wheel base; standard equip- ment Including elec.. trlc starter, electric generat or, electric lights throughout, one- man top, speeckimeter. gasoline gauge, electric horn and complete tool eluipment. neeeeeeeeeeeeefeeeeeee "PP' . A farig effge- 7. / .1%