Zurich Herald, 1916-06-23, Page 4LCrea• eparati ore you hay a separator $e n1;1 try a De Laval.. The DeL:a,va1 has received all the highest honors and first prizes at every important Ex iosition, Worlds 1, .T'air, et,c, held within the past 80 , years. More than 1,150,000 Ile S,u.val machines, many times all others combinod, have been sold , to, date,. The De Laval` saves enough over any gravity .setting system in but er far;, quality of Bream, sweet loin milk, labor, time and trouble., o pay for itself every six months. The De Lava,lskim the cleanest, 'van the easiest, are best construct. Ed acid easiest to wash. ;Why not buy a DeLaval now? Ye handle pumps, piping, etc., of all kinds. ZURICH LONDON, ONTARIO September 8th to 16th, 1916 IwE TEONT2FJlo's I P°PULAR EXHIBITION ART, MUSIC, AGRICULTURE & AM JSE1VIENTS AI+ine Combination at London's Exhibition A. Real Live Program of Attractions Twice Daily Two Speed Events Daily Fireworks Every Night New Process Building Every Suildind FnlI of Exhibits SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto SPECIAL EXCURTJON DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretau THE HERALD issued every Thursday afternoon from. the. HERALD Pl lNTING OFFICE Victoria St. Zurich, by ANDREW F. HESS and CHESTER L. SMITH SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 5.2.00 A YEAR U. $' subscripton $1.,5o strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. Rates for display and contract advertisements will be even on appliation, Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soci etc., so cents per line lot first insertion and 3 cents me for mat subsequent insertion. 'Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which +admiss ion fee is charged or a special collection tak .a 'will be charged for at the regular advr..rtistng ra Voticcs of religious or other meetings, the object 'which is the benefit of the cormmunity and not for p anal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerfu 1 / terted free. :Advertisments without specific directions will be icserted untitl forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- %Seit advertismenrs must be paid for io advance. le*stray advs. $z for three Insertions, 1Qo paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. v?hanges for contract advertisements must be in the 06fiee by 6 Ps. m. Tuesday, ntherwisel they will be left saenx until the following week. .Address nli communise ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, JUNE .22,1916 COUNTY NEWS Rev John Richardson, pastor of ltippen and Hills Green churches, 'who has accepted a call to Brigden and Bear Creek charges, will bo inducted the first week in July. John Torrance has been elected president of the Clinton branch of the War Auxiliary in place of Rey J if ' l airful, who recently enlisted, While attempting to alight from G R train No 219, near Dublin station 3uncan McLaren, a farmer, aged 60 wears, was almost instantly killed being ground under the wheels. Both legs were cut off and an arra broken. Mr McLaren had been -to Drumbo, attending a live stook sale, and was -returning to his home at Cromarty, Ribbert Township, The train stopped at Dublin and had only made it start Iron) the station westward, when Mr McLaren tried to alight. Why he did toot leave at the station is not known alnd no one witnessed the accident. The late Mr McLaren was a wo11K kaiown fanner and is saryived • by *iridQW and family, • Debentures for Sale The County of Huron offers $60000 of debentures for sale. The Debent- ures are first class security and will be offered to the residents of the county first. For particulars apply to :Rob(, W Livingstone, Warden, W J R Hol- mes, Treasurer or the undersigned. Dated May 10th, 1916 ' W. Lane, Clerk. THE WESTERN it't7tAR London, Ontario Septeanber 8th to 16th, 191 Tim management of the Wester Fair, London's groat Exhibition is der busy preparing for same. Within th next few days, thousands of prize lists hangers and maps will be : nlaile throughout the Country. The ve generous prize Iist of 1915 has bee added to very materially this year Several new sections have been added in the Horse and Cattle Department and a new class entirely for Maroc Jersey Swine, A new class has beengiven for a Wool exhibit and also one for an exhibit of eggs. The manage - men( realizes that the success of the Exhibition depends to a large extent on the. Live Stock and Agricultural' Departments aria aro putting forth every effort to give the Exhibitors in these department all the consideration possible, Prize lists, entry forms and all information given on application to the Secretary, A. IV. Hunt, London, Ont. 6 n y ry n STRAYED AWAY A steer calf, about 6 months old, red with white patches on flank. In- form Herbert Bender, Phone 1 0a 84, .� Zurich, New Ms in this issue D. A. Cantelon R. N. Douglas Strawberry Social Western Pair S. LI. timid � OREESPON PR ONESS There are Gold days coining Prepare for them now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated D. & H. Lac.ka wana'Anthracate Coal We have a supply of all sues: Egg, Stove and Chesnut. D. A. Cantelon Hensall Phone 10, House Phone 10a DASH WOOD Mr Albert Weltin of Radision, Sask., is visiting his parents here at present. Miss Leta Guentherhas returned home from Stratford Normal. Miss M B Blue, who has been mill- iner for Tiernan iC Edighofiier, return- ed to her home in Dutton on Friday. Mr J Kellerman made a ' business trip to London on Monday. Miss Lydia Brown of London visit - ' ed ether hone here over Sunday. Mr and Mrs Herman. Eidt of Forest visited relatives here a few days this week. Miss A. McDonald, who has been milliner for Kellerman & Son, return ed to her home in Woodstock Friday. Mr Harry Hoffman moved Dr Schram's household effects to London Wednesday. An account of the day's sports held here Tuesday will be found on page 8 of this issue. SOUTH HURON LIBERALS MEET South Huron Liberals flocked to Hensel' on Tuesday, to attend the annual meeting of the South Huron ..lain street has received a heayy Reform Association. The attendance i coat of oil. ENCP' II:ILLSGREEN A Strawberry Socialnnder the auspices of the Hills Green Red Cross kn.cieby will be held at Ilillsgreeii on Monday evening, July 8rd. Ice cream and other delicacies ab booth, Ad mission, 25 and 16 cents. Every- one come and help , a good cause. God save the Eing. IIENSALL The Anglican church, the first church builtin Hensel., has recently been renovated and painted. This section has been visited by heayy rains during the past week. A strawberry festival will be held to. night on the. ]awns of Carmel church. Hensall is arranging for acelebration on Saturday, July 1st. The main attraction will be horse recces and a ood day's sport is promised. Hen - all Band will be in attendance. Nellie Horsley, daughter of Richard Horsley, Hensall was buried at Clinton last week. The little girl had cont• ratted measles a few weeks ago and this developed in pneumonia resulting in death. During the heayy thunderstorm which passed over this section last Thursday the young son of Mr Ed ward Datars narrowly escaped being killed by lightning. He was near the conductor pipe leading from the barn roof into the water tank when an extra heavy roll of thunder took place. The father, who was working in the barn, carne out to sea if any damage had been caused and found the ladlying on the ground with a severely bruised leg. It was a na! row escape. EXETER. at the meeting was large and consider, able enthusiasm was shown. The principal business was the elec- tion of officers and organization, but ti , proceedings ave'e.enlivened by a stirrThk address from Thomas Mar- shall, M. P. P. of Monek who spoke on various tluestions, such as education, hydroelectric and temperance. Resolutions of utmost confidence in Sir Wilfred Laurier and N. W. Rowell M. P. I'., were passedunanimously. The officers elected. were: President, ` Mr Smith of Exeter, ,who has held' the once for six years; 1st vice-presi- dent, III McGinnis; 2nd vice-president Mr Finland, 3rd _vice-president, W Mnrdie ef,Brucefield; secretary, Mr Sheldon of Exeter; treasurer, Dr Moir of Hensen. Groeerios, Etc1' Fresh Groceries and Pruits, Field. and Garden Seeds, Corn, Diaugalcls,;etc. Summer flats Men's Stylish Panama Hat at popular prices, Imitation Pennines from 50cts up, for men and boys: Everyday hats :suitable for everybody Shirts Fine Neglegeo shirts something stylish for young nen. Ties and Tie pins Summer Underwear For hien and boys. Men Wom- en and children's hose SE[OES White Canvass shoes just in, Call and see our new stock. Shoe Repairing of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. L. BRISSON Phone a on 86 Drysdale Store closed: every Tuesday a• nd Friday evening ab 6 o'clock. At a bargain, for two weeks only, I will sell the well known Deerin Manure Spreader, 55 bushel capacity .for. 111.0.. L. Prang.. , Corp. M Pfaff has been successful in his recent t xanzs at Loudon and has been awardecl the three stripes, that of sergeant. Rev A A Tramper attended the Anglican synod held at London last week, The Soldiers' Aid Society recently made a great sale of flags for the Con• valestent Hospital Fund and disposed of 1000 flags, receiving therefor over $108.00. Mrs Goodwin and children, .cf Rochester N I are visiting the form- er's father, Jas Willis, of Exeter north. Lieut W J gnight, an Exeter boy,. has been decoratrd by the -King with the Military Cross for gallantry and devotion to duty. Sam Hicks of 'Osborne has purch- ased the residence of the late T D Carling on Main street. Mrs F S Rickbeii and two cnilcdren, of Canada, N D,, are visiting the form- r's parents, kir and Mrs 5 Hardly ti resent. e p • CREDITON John Fanner has purchased a Chev- rolet car. The officers elected ab the Sunday School convention held here last week were as follows: Pres., Rev FB Mey- er, Zurich, Vice -Pres., Rev J C Mor - lock; Secy., R M Geiger; Zurich; Treas. d' 11 Holtzman, Crediton. Tbe local branch of the Red Cross has contributed $25 towards equipp , ing a Hospital at the front, Art Benedict has secured a position as engineer and fireman in Berlin and leaves for that city next week, Mrs Won Sambrook is recovering from a recent Operation, This is the season when foolish peo • ple rock th•e boat or go in bathing where the water is deep without the knowledge of swimming. Of course the undertaker is not far distant, if the medical loan's services are of no avail. The wonder is that there are not 10 deaths recorded for every one when the risk is taken into account but warning appears to fall on deaf ears in many cases, Have taken the agency for auto trailers,, They are made to order and are for allpurposes for any snake of car,' L. Prang,, , t Handsome ar. vSiTHEN you pay several hun»' dred dollars for an automo- bile, why not get a good- looking one—one that you will be proud to own, proud to drive and proud to take your friends out in? Maxwell owners have a just pride in the handsome appearance of their automobile for Maxwell Motor Cars have the same attractive lines, the same graceful design as the higher priced types. In addition to good looks you want, of course, a reliable, sturdy and economical car. But there is no doubt in your mind on these points since the Maxwell a short time ago established the World's Motor Non - Stop Mileage Record. Any car that can run continuously for 44 days and nights, averaging 500 miles per day—; 22,000 miles in all and without once stopping the motor—is bound to be a .well designed and well made car. Any car that can perform such a 'wonderful feat on an average of one Imperial gallon of gasoline to every 26/ miles is bound to be an eco-, nomical car. We have such confidence in the Maxwell car and the company behind it that we have staked our judgment and future on the ability of the car to: make good for you. It will; we, know it. All we want is a chance to prove it. Phone us today, while you have' it in mind. er- Touring Car, $850. Roadster, $830 Prices F. 0. B. Windsor Completely Equipped NV E Oestre chere Crediton DISTRIBUTORS FOR N. Oat snail, .Dealer MASSEYHARRIS Irniolements Now is the time to look fr;i, good Mowers, Rakes and Hay Loaders. Jolin Deere Corn Planter, almost new, for sal at a Fargain, e envy for the w.ellmkl owa aoul en1 Hay track and litter carrier. g 1 I N.i i Nti MILi L We carry large sock of storm sashes and storm 1 doors made all size or style. Shinglei, lumber, laths and all pJt nirg roil • products. Eslmates given and contracts taken. Office at planing mill. J\ F. ,gyp Li'' .Ci.JA Pik ___1