Zurich Herald, 1916-05-26, Page 4DE LAVAL Cres S.eparat rs before you buy a separator see and try a De Laval. The DeLaval has received fl.athe bight honors and first prizes at every iinportant Exposition, Worlds Fair, ete, helt within the past 80 years. More tliai 1 ,750,000 De LaVai machines, many times all others eunahined,fiave been sold to date. . • • : The De Laval saves enough over an ,!!tiivty setting system in but- ter Fat, quality of create, sweet skim milk, labor, time and trouble, to pay fur itself every six Months. The Do 'Laval skim the cleanest, turn the easiest, are best construct- ed and easiest to wash, Why not buya De Laval now?. We handle pumps, piping, etc., of all kinds. P 1111EuP OREDITON ENCT • The Band are now wearing their new uniforme. They gave the. first °pert air concert on Monthly evening of last week. Mv Fretl Eilber is able Le be upend around4tgain. • Miss E (laiser attended the gavel stating emit eise,s at Toronto 'University last week, The store of Faisf Bros, was broken into a few nights ago and soinemoney, 'cigars and other serods stolen. ZURICH i7,457NesiZtordats7aatestesaaaes'aaas-al4aaiee.X.,...-assa...sees7acal7.a.X.O:47_Kesaaseral Add-A-LiduBracelets A fresh sup,* of Ge.id and Silver Add -a -Links just arrived. We engrave them to your order. 4. ;•••1', Lily Davis Inf London is a sesaor in town this week. 2 work of Mr Win Helds new residence. x Eri Th..e .70/1:4 are busyia.tthe brick . SEEDS OF ALL KINDS • Corn, Lugl«.:, Turnip and -carrot seeds A erteeeseful Ladies' Minstrel show • • Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, LTC, FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS inksouhaToc AuToziocam INSTIRANCE PRIVATE FIINDS TO LOAN AGENT 1'0R GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. A 0001/NTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich Groceries, REillr. DA Ski WOOD Owing to an outbreak of measles in our vicinit,y the Green Turf Club ba*Ve decided to postpone the celebration of )rd of June to, some future date. Mt and. Mrs • Norman Eellerman Allis A McDonahl and Me Elmore iller Vitro tot ed • to Bevil u Sunday.. :1-)r kr if Schism left Wednesday for London where he will practise. Mr and Mrs jack Smit] pnt spentSun- y 'town. Bliss V Brokenehire is in 1.010013 at•proven b. 1111. Nadiger is recovering from an attack of bronchitts.• , • • Messrs E Mcisaac and IV Musser left Sair y for Detroit: Mr Jake Willerb has purchased a Chevrolet one from Ezra Tiernan. . Mr Jack Hartleib of London spent Sueday town. Mr and Mrs Edgar Willis of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs .0has uenther. . . Mr e Jacob Kuntz is very ill at present. •,My and Mrs R Staae of Zurich vis - •111 ited the former's parents bore Sunday. • LTr Jaek Eidt spent Sunday in Stratford. Fresh. Gr.oceries always on hand. STOCK P001), Pratts and Royal Purple Regular pltg for Uric Regular 25e pkg, for 90e Calf a lb, '20 lbs fur $1.00, . V amomnommweamenrot -4 4. i*I LI EORGER. HESS ..,,,,z, CO 1....ki . y . ',..";• • JEWELLERS r Debentures for Sae The County of Huron offers S: -e.0000 ss! i;L.bentures for sale. Tho Dclenat- aleas are first class security and will be offered to the residents of tcarint • • COUNTY NEWS l-te - - .For partionlars apply to IZeilet. W Livingstone, Warden, W J R He& Mee, Treasurer or the undersigned. Dated May 10th, 1916 W. Lane, Clerk. Clinton has raised the poll tax from 1. to $8, • I Lorne Armstrong, of Stanley -town- !ship has joined the 181st, Batt., at Clinton.; i MORTGAGE SALE. I land contents of Dan McDonald, of tat, the time tinder and by virtue of a certain wort- lEaylield. The fire started in the kit- ag° whisk will be produced ichen but how it originated is a DI ystery. Fire destroyed the frame dwelling of sale, there will be offered for sale by , PUBLIC AUCTION' by Thokrias Urinary. 1 Auctioneer, at bhe Com t House at The Parkhill Rural Telephone Co. Town of GOderieh, on Saturday, the tii',1 • has been granted a charter and is v't.lueli own., Oho following property: Parcel 1. Pant of Lot number ten in the ato McGillivary Lowrie -hip INfiddle- lake Road Weat•Concession of the Town- ; sex county and East and. West 614 of Parcel 2. Lots Fifteen and ;Bain% a general telephone s.yetem. Sixteen in the 'Lake Road West ConcesAen in the said Township of Hay containing In a letter to a friend in Bayfield, forty acres more .or less; Parcel 3. Lots rl Twenty-threeiand 'Twenty-four Not•th of !LPL onutn relates many incidents of his fhty. of June, 19116, at the hour of twclve authorized to establish, own and °per - Campbell Avenue, :in the Village of ; work at Lemnos Island and afterwards tot Lot Ten ;Ake Road West Conees,sinn in :Suez canal and was now with six other jo,,eph: Parcel Part of tho South half 1at Alexandria, He had inspected »the the ,s-litt Township of Ray, l Canadians charge of a body of men On Parcel S are situate a six -roomed I& storey h.:tine ham 22x24, with stone form: , from Jamaica who are ill. He reports elation and 4 brick stores, 2 storeys. ,I3x70, i that the temperature reaches Lao total dimeusion.and an Parcel 4 there is :degrees, tt 3 storey brickfactery, 40x45, .1.• Or SALE.—Ten per cent. of tie purchase money on the day of the sale and the bals.nee4pon the delivery of con- veyance accurclit4r to condition of sale to lie read at the sale. For further terms .of the salo and parti- Oulars of the property apply to GIBSON' & GII3SON 4300 Traders•Bank Building, Turento,, Bolleitors Admiaisitratrix, A IIISSUillgt of mun ieipali ties interest- ed in the defunct Ontario West Sbore, Railway we held in Iiintaik G -oder- • ich, CoIVerne, Ashfield, Huron and Kincardine townships were interested, as well as Goderich and Kincardine. Mr T A Malcohnson, of for Mortgagee's Kincardine o r o has entered suit for $10,000 from the ?roe, RMLOIRAW & Toronto General Trusts Company, Barristers. eto., Klederieh, claiming the amount as overpaid by Zoronto May 5th. Mc Kincardine and Huron on bonds of the 25 GUNNERS WANTED • Offenders against the law in Huron daring the past year, May- lst, 19.15, be April 25tb, 1916, pay the full cost of enforcing the Canada Temperance Act in thiscounty In North Huron Tnepeetor Mitchell collected $905 in tfnee Gum ferty drunks and SI 050 ...m....mr...*....ro.Nom...kVmern••••....••••••rrt.rsas..o--.......—............., r all IV flY. Machine Gun Section 'Offers . . . fascinating inducements for ambit- ions young wen. Excellent chalices promotion. No Guard Duty nor Fatignes. 25 HAN• DYMEN WANTED -,,!'I;h1''Y violations piths C. T. A. .1 nith Ear= Inspector Torranoe tur na Barham needs raon ha n6y f collected $448 from twentsatwo drunks teal teoiglor the : and $1050 for thirty-one violations Pintieet,Secticu - o ' : f the 04 T4 A There is about '1000 la atrclus aftot. %tying all 000t, itiotA Wipe and Blaort Hotta Straw Hats e have received a large shipment o Straw Hats stiitab1 for everyilody, was held ii the Opera Mame last Fri- day venire. A Millt fe uine is threatening the rOinj a.xeter. South Ilie-on Sunday School As- sociation are holding their convention , at the -Thames Road Presbyterian Fresh Exults and Candies always oa bawl ,Tuot in, white canvas •lioes for men an women. .Also a full Bac cf gloves an mitts A few more pair of wometil pi.mip and slippers at a bargai n Elephant ready -mixed paints, all coior:a. , The paint that stays on. Agent for Crown Tailored Clothes, made to order. Pit guaranteed. MI prices, Hardware, garden rake, forks, sweat pads I handle thu. l'uti tan Oil latest and best at lowest price, Black VIM, lalree wire and chicken wire.. Shoe Repairing of an kinds .ALL KIN! )S PRODUCE TAR RN. fier.b. ..11 ,T) T (C.:I, c li dr Cif o. dity, Friday. a The tstruneil has presented the boys d s in Khaki from Exeter with wrist wat- thee and rings. Mr and Mrs John McMahon have. returned to their home in Hay town- ship af.ar spending the winter in Toronto. - 1 41oY ..A , .-\ Ti nniper of Dovei, rarieh, i has eereeienced his duties as rector of ITeivitf Memorial church. Mr R 1 Litips has resigned hit pos t leen a., lei papist of James St. church 1 . _ Phme 1 on SG Drysdale Store cIoeed every Tuesday and Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Laughter. Laughter begins either with the mouth or the -eyes. Then come the other muscular groups, and then come the vocal expressions or laughter, sucli as brays, cackles, sniggers, sirepers. glgglcs, snorts, grunts, foghorn rum- bles, yells, shrieks, gui.faws, trills, chuckles, sniilles and all sorb of pe - culler bir.l notes and musical sounds. information 'Wanted. "Wore," said the mistress to the new Servant, "we always want our meals promptly on the hour." "'Xis, mum. Au' if I miss th' first hour shall I wait for th' nert?". His Opinion. Mrs. Yeast—What would you call a man who agrees with everybody? Mr. teast—A fool. "And suppose it was a woman?" '"It Nit% possible that any woman would."—Zonkers Statesman. Eiack From the Honeymoon. She --Now, xny dear, we must face this problem. Shall we settle in the suburbs or the city? Xte—You mean live, darling. Don't forget that on my present Salary We can't settle anywhere. O*irr!es It With Her, eibba-2,1y wife never loses her tem- p,er. Dibbs—ilow 10 you account for it? Gibbs—she keeps it In such constant use 18 bete' Sin thaw° to get lost —Nnve XIAtsia easter. Using His Name, "Tho ngent who sold me (hie set of book0 told zne be wantto use my name With other citizens."' f'l's doing that, all right, .1 heard Zthrt'telli.PB AY: PDC lioW Ottay you Nerbm 7." HENSALL .1ht Drysdale is able to be out again after his serious illness. 4. Hemphill has boughta lot on the London Road corner. John McGregor, another of the pion. eaes of this section has passed away aged ti7 years.. He bad been living with. his daughter, Mrs J Ross, 2nd con, Hay. Mies Nona Sherritt has retrained front the West. - Among these who have recently en- listed hero ere P Rehm, J Collins, A Freneb Percy Clark, Alf 0/ark Ernie Meyer, it Jones, Art Clark, Herbert Clarke Hensel!, for its size, leads in reeruiting, • Oiir recruits have left for Clinton where they will train prior to leaving for London. The dramatic club played ''Cran- berry.Corniers", at Luoan last Friday night and will visit Clinton and Zurich next week. AUCTION SALE of Houeehold Effects at Bloke on Sat- urdey, May 27th at 1 o'cleek. E. ,I3.osen berry, auctioneer,- Mrs. Swayze proprietteSS, teftange...a.rouse.............spowimeems.weaftgarvan.estoreamay. Cross Fertilizer Co. BASO SLAC I beg to thank the farmers of this section for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past. • I ani now taking orders for fall delivery and will be pleased to emits you prices. SYdaey Dasic Slog has made good. It wee first introduced into Onterio in 1916 when 260 tons were sold. This, year twin Jan. 1.qt to April faith 8106 tons wer o void. This speaks for itself BALI 411, • •••,"'""X * =..."trollifilr:10 • ••,,, •••• 444 Relialility UR absolute faith in the Max- well car is due to two reasons: First, we have known that the Maxwell Company living up to. Canadian Ideals uses nothing in the entire car but the very best that money can buy. We have known that the. steel is scientifically heat treated, that the car is built under the supervision of able engi- neers, that every car is rigidly tested many times before it leaves the factory. Second, we have known that the big and well established company behind the car is building for the future, that they value a satisfied owner above everything else. Now that the Maxwell has set the World's Motor Non -Stop Mileage Record, by travelling contireaeusly for 44 days and nights—aveeaging .500 miles per day—you will under- stand the benefits you peresnally may derive from the Maxwell policy. Did you ever hear of any car going 22,000 miles without once stopping the engine, without any repairs or readjustments, with only one Im- perial gallon of gasoline to every. 26% miles? There is no reason why you shouldn't have a reliable, serviceable and economical Maxwell car. The first cost is low, the operating cost is low, and The health and happiness,' dividends are big. • Let us see you about this now, before our allotment is exhausted. Touring Car, $850 Roadster, $830 prizes F.-0, B. Windsor Completely Equipped VV. E. Oestrecher Crediton :DISTRIBUTORS FOR i.inidoiias. asexcr=s7.,.......111111101MerVINOMMtwarr,...=,...s=anct,'"gest.;:r iL Gailman9 1,11,;h „„r ses, %see pens MASSEY-EARRIS Implements Now is the time to look for seedia.,,.iiiiph marts. Call and inspoot our new Disc Mill with the all steel boob, • 40-ency for the well..known Ltuden t! :.ay track and litter carrier. r FL -TM Oessvmsesmararosism...genalsataossem....•fflosetemeoftwianto....,,..3.1--ara.anrr-mszawoonue We carry large sock of storm sashes and storm doors made all size or style. Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mil products. Estmates given and contracts taken. Office .at planing mill. Imverasoir.imNsuntal..0tilW•It.ne‘atnitstnImiltarairmenorkweemettsentemmimanrarre..ranyczia. fortatviuramx 119' ZURICH $. Ito No. 2, i Zurich. lin ormsnaimr ' anwassui malramiz, i ' asesilesisiewe Art