Zurich Herald, 1916-05-26, Page 31111F -7777 - SECRETARYSHIP FOR OLD IRELAND POSITION WITH MULTIFARI. OUS WORRIES. Malty Famous and Brilliant Men Have Occupied the. Office. The rumored appointment of the Rb. Hon. Lewis Harcourt to succeed Mr. I3irreli Ile Chief Secretary for Ireland was followed quickly by the an- nouncement that he could not accept the post because of ill -health. In fill- ing that office the Prime Minister's choice will be limited to the Liberal members of the Cabinet. For Mr. Birrell, the late Chief Secretary, was, of course, a Liberal, and it seems to have been part of the terms of coali- tion that when a Minister resigns, the Minister appointed to succeed him should be of the same political party. Siiice the union between Great Britain and Ireland, something like half a hundred men (more or leas). have held the office of Irish Secre- tary. Many of them have held that. office more than once. Among their names are included the names of many famous and many brilliant men. But only four men who Have ever held that office have subsequently attained the Premiership. Those four men are the Duke of Wellington, who, as Sir Arthur Wellesley, was Chief Secre- tary in 1807; Sir Robert 'Peel, who held that office in 1812; Lord Mel- bourne, who, as the Hon. William Lamb, held it in 1827; and Mr. Bal- four, the present First Lord of the Admiralty, who held it from 1887 to 1891. One Irish Secretary (Lord Frederick Cavendish) was murdered. Several had years added to their age, one, in particular, the Rt. Hon. W. E. Forster, known as "Buckshot" For- ster, by reason of his instructions that in firing on rioters buckshot was to be used in place of bullets, being turn- ed into a prematurely old man. The Real Ruler of Ireland. The Chief Secretary for Ireland is not one of the principal secretaries of State—in fact, he is not really a Sec- retary of State at all. His full title is Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland. But though the Irish executive is formally vested in the Lord Lieutenant in Council, that is to say, in the Privy Council in Ire- land, the real ruler of Ireland, the officer responsible to the Imperial Parliament, is the Chief Secretary. Curiously enough the formal medium of communication between the Sove- reign and the Lord Lieutenant of Ire- land is not the Chief Secretary. Gen- orally speaking, the Lord Lieutenant's position is that of a constitutional representative of a constitutional Sovereign, but this position in some ways becomes somewhat modified when, as sometimes happens, the Lord Lieutenant is also a Cabinet Minister. The present Lord Lieuten- ant does not happen to be a Cabinet Minister. Indeed, when the Chief Secretary has a seat in the Cabinet, the Lord Lieutenant generally has not but when the latter has such a seat and the Chief Secretary has not, then the Chief Secretary takes a secondary position, in fact as well as in name. The Secretary's Salary. In any event, it is of the utmost im- portance that the Lord Lieutenant and the Chief Secretary should be in complete accord. The former is by far the better paid, receiving $100,000 a year, while the salary of. the Chief Secretary is $22,125—less than is re- ceived by thirteen of his Cabinet col- leagues. The Chief Secretary is, by statute, keeper of the Irish Privy Seat, President of the Irish Local Govern- ment, and Home Secretary for Ire- land, all in one. Ireland, it should be noted, still retains much of its own governmental apparatus—its own Privy Council, administrative officers, law officers (Lord Chancellor, Attor- ney -General and Solicitor -General), and law courts, the last being at pre- sent subject to the appellate jurisdic- tion of the House of Lords, although when the Home Rule Act comes into operation, such appellate jurisdiction will be exercised not by the House of Lords, but by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. The Reason Why. There had been a very forlorn ap- pearance about Mary Ann of late, and Mrs. Pokernose fancied she knew the reason why. At least, if she didn't, she meant to. "Mary," she said, "what has become of that nice young butcher who used to come round, and was ro attentive toward you?" Mary produced a pocket -handkerchief. "He got married," she wailed. "And since he got married he dont come round any more," "Married!" ex- claimed Mrs. Pokernose. 'But I al- ways thought he would marry you?" "Well," answered Mary, bursting into uncontrollable sobs, "he did." tnARR Calls Them One of Her Best Friends DAME BELANGER TALKS OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Tells How They Cured Her Rheums. tism and Made Her so Well She Could Work Without Fatigue. St. Amateur, Gloucester Go, I.B., May 22nd (Special,) ,—Cured of rheu- inatism, from which: she has been a severe sufferer, Dame Pierre Belan- ger, well known and highly respected here, is tellingher friends that Dodd's Kidney Pills ave made her well. "I considerDodd's Kidney Pills one of the best friends I have," Dame Be- langer states. "I had rheumatism and the pains in my limbs caused me a great deal of suffering. "I took six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and they made me well.. My pains are all gone, and I can now work without being fatigued. I will always keep Dodd's Kidney Pills in the house." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure rheuma- tism because ib is caused by sick kid- neys. Rheumatism is caused ,hy uric acid in the blood. If the kidneys are healthy and doing their full work they strain all the uric acid out of the blood, and there can be no rheuma- tism. Dodd's Kidney Pills always make the kidneys well. They take away that tired feeling by ensuring pure blood and good circulation. PEOPLE MORE POLITE NOW. War Has Wrought Great Changes in Men and Women. War has brought about an increase of politeness between men and women in France, says observers of life in Paris. It has introduced an entirely new policy in the relations of the sexes. The most cross-grained wife almost has ceased to complain, the most grumbling husband is mute. On both sides there are polite advances, an air of kindness and mutual . understand- ing which .each one very loyally is trying to create. This desire of social comity is not introduced by the wife and the hus- band into the home alone, but is shown in almost all their acts, towards in- feriors and equals as well. All those who come in contact with the public professionally, says a writ- er in the Paris Temps, "will admit that we have grown more polite since the war. Persons to -day are ashamed of little displays of impatience or of little deceptions whieb would have made them howl twaFty months ago. When about to make a scene for the most trivial motive, the most violent woman becomes suddenly calm, realiz- ing that anger has been mobilized like everything else and it must not be wasted." Footing the Bill. Mr. Newman had just recovered from an operation and was talking to a friend. "The surgeon," he remarked, "said he'd have me on my feet again in three weeks." "Well, he did it, didn't he?" asked the friend. "He did, indeed:," responded Mr. Newman. "I had to sell my motor car to pay his bill." "He who has health has hope, And he who has hope has everything." (Arabian Proverb) Sound health is largely a matter of limper food— which must include certain mineral elements best de- rived .from the field grains, but lacking in many foods. Gra„ e Nuts made of whole wheat and malted barley, supplies all the rich nourishment of the grains, including their vital mineral salts --phos- phate of potash, etc., most necessary for building and energizing the mental and physical forces. "There's a Reason" Sold by Grocers. Canadian 7'ostunt Cereal Co., Ltd„ Iiitind!aor, Ont. .:7144:..: Don't Live. in the its h e n— emancipate yourself from kitchen worry by learning the food value of Shredded " Wheat Biscuit You can prepare a most wholesome, nourishing meal in a few moments by heating a few Shredded Wheat Biscuits fin the oven to restore crispness; then cover with berries and serve with mill or cream. Lieut. Brandon, R.F.C. who attacked a Zeppelin at, a height of 9,000 feet. Photo was taken im- mediately after he 'landed from the attack. STRONGLY RECOMMENDS BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Alonzo Tower, Johnson's IVlills, N.B., writes: "I can strongly recom- mend Baby's Own Tablets to all moth-. ers whose little ones are suffering from constipation as I have proved then an excellent xnedicine for this. trouble." Baby's Own Tablets not only cure constipation, but they make teething easy; break up colds, expel worms and regulate the stomach and bowels. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. DUG UP CITY 7,000 YEARS OLD. Many Valuable Finds in Ancient City in Egypt. Dr. Clarence S. Fisher, director of the Eckley B. Coxe, Jr., expedition to Egypt, has just sent in his report to Philadelphia of the winter's operations Made in Canada. LUCKY AND UNLUCKY THINGS. They Are Applied to Every Possible Event in Life. "Lucky" and "unlucky" have come to be applied to gathering blossoms, to horseshoes, to the color of hair, to your manner of "saying things"—in a word, to every possible event in life. It is unlucky to "have a dead blos- som"; it is unlucky bo go out with your "shoelaces untied"—the latter we naturally believe; it is unlucky to bring "hawthorn -blossoms within the house''; it is "lucky to hear the cricket." The latter is, of course, sup- posed to bring luck into the house. Very lucky it is to find a spider on your clothes; it is called' a money- spinner in many parts of the world. Feather -beds should not be turned on a Sunday. If your teeth grow widely apart you will be traveller. If you have a mole on your back you will have money by the sack. On the other hand, a mole at the base of the neck shows that "you will be hanged." Caesar, Napoleon, Bismarck, and !others were not above the superstition of "lucky" and "unlucky" days. Thurs- Iday w:is the "unlucky" day of Henry VIII., of his son Edward, and of his !daughters, Mary and Elizabeth. Isn't I it strange that they all should have I died upon this day? But'it is a fact. Any -how, what is hick? 2 Minard's Liniment used by Physicians, Accidentally Sarcastic. Mistress—Bridget, I told you twice at Denderah, where he has been dig- I to have muffins for breakfast. Have ging since last November, as it was i You no intellect? impossible bo dig at Memphis during Bridget—No, !num; there's none in high water in the Nile. the house. Dr. Fisher confined his work to ex- cavating in the cemeteries adjacent to the ancient city, with the result that he got many archaelogical specimens, ranging from the second dynasty to the Byzantine Empire, or from about 5500 B.C. to 500 A.D. There are few places in the world where such results could be obtained in a single spot. Denderah is one of the mostancient of the world's cities, its origin being lost in myth. It became the seat of the worship of Hathor (Venus), the cow -headed goddess much revered by Egyptians. Traces of the earliest civilization were found in the graves. The most remarkable find was a necklace with several cornelian beads inscribed with the cartouche of Sesos- tris. These are the first inscribed beads ever found in Egypt. Sesostris, so far as the name' goes, is mythical, but he is identified with a Pharoah of the twelfth dynasty (about 3500 B.C., according to Petrie). This king is said to have conquered the whole world. pest, and many valuable lives may be saved. Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd. Gents,—I have used your Minard's Liniment in my family and also in my stables for years and consider it the best medicine obtainable. Yours truly, ALFRED ROCHAV, Proprietor Roxton Pond Hotel and Livery Stables. To Kill Flies in Houses. Mix two tablespoonfuls (one ounce) of 40 per cent formalin with one pint (10 ounces) of equal parts of milk and water. This mixture should be ex- posed in shallow plates, with a piece of bread placed in the centre on which the flies alight and feed. By an early and active campaign of fly destruction, great inroads may be made upon this The necklace was found on a ma- ture woman, who may have been a daughter of the great king or one of his favorites. It consists of several strands and is a beautiful piece of work. As the Egyptian Government claims half of all discoveries and has first choice, Dr. Fisher expected to lose it, but the authorities were $o impressed with the thoroughness of Dr. Fisher's work that they divided the necklace, giving the University Museum the larger half. The authorities were also liberal in allowing the museum to retain the bulk of the discoveries; but retained a remarkable lapus lazuli frog with golden eyes, some bronze pieces, in- cluding a battleaxe, and 500 pieces of pottery, statuettes, necklaces, bronze mirrors and notable stelae from the tombs of noted leen in many ages. These stelae are of great importance as bearing on history. They were placed in the interior of the tombs and contained carved illustrations from the life of the dead, with hiero- glyphic inscriptions telling of their deeds. In the earliest graves -about .34O00 years old—children were found taller] beside a cow or calf, ,evidently. to nourish the dead. One infant Was found in a large jar along with a' dos. Ask for Minard's and take no other Hobo's Idea of Breakfast. The hobo from the city has dif- ferent ideas from the fanner as to working hours. The Country Gentle- tnan says that a hobo gut a job from a fernier in the busy season. He worked till 9.80, then had his supper. At 4 thenext morning. he was called to get up. He ate a hearty break- fast, then started upstairs again, say- ing: "This is the best place I ever worked two slippers in one night and back to bed again." You will find relief in tem -Sisk It eases the Iluriltr , stinging pail!, steps bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, withZain:.. gfak, means cure. Wily not prove this ? .d16 .Zlrupetigs 8oe. xiatd Stores.-- boa sreste,. Why Not Private Jones, according to London Tit -Bit, was sulmmoned to appear before his eaptaixl. ",cozies," said the Writer, frowning darkly',, "this gentleman complains that you have killed his dog," "A dastardly trick," interrupted the owner of the dog, "to .kill a de- fenseless animal that would harm no one l" "Not much defenseless about him," chimed in the private, heatedly. "He bit pretty freely into my leg, so I ran my bayonet into him." "Nonsense!" answered the owner angrily. "Ice was a docile, creature. Why did you not defend yourself with the butt of your rifle?" "Why didn't he bite me with his tail ?" asked Private Jones, with spirit, A Reminder. Dealer—"This is the best parrot we have, but I wouldn't sell him without letting you know his one fault; he'll grumble terribly if his food doesn't suit him." Miss Fitz—"I'll take him. It will seem quite like having a man in the house." Granulated Eyelids, C, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dugan(' Wired quickly relieved by Morino sEyellemedy. No Smarting, just Eye . Comfort. At YourDruggist's 50c per Bottle. Marine Eye SalveinTubea25c. Fortiook eltheEyerreeask Druggists orR3urine Eye Remedy Co,, Chicago Her Color Scheme. "Her face is her fortune." "But you can't draw on that." "Why? She paints on it" Neap Minard's Liniment in the house It isn't difficult to retain your friends if you do not put them to the gold test. HAWK BICYCLES An up-to-date nigh Grads SieyeleiittedwithRollerChaiet, New DeAarlure or Hercules Coaster^rake. and' Hubs, Dela. citable Thor, high, grade equip. me Mt including Mud for FREE 1910 Catalogue, 60 pages of Bn rcles, Soutdet ae Rrjair Materna: You can bti your supplies from us at wholesale' 1'rteee. T. W. BOYI7 at SON, 27 Notre Dame St. Wcst,61ontreai, Opposed to Home Work, Public school teacher's in New South Wales are asking that written home work be abolished in all primary i schools. They also ask that no school be built on or close to main traffic ar- teries; that a domestic science college be established and that all reports con- cerning any teachers be opened for inspection by the teacher concerned. Tliinard'e Liniment Lamborsnan'n Friend erne: 1,37w:zero E1iD POTATOES, . TFLISH COB- biers. 7)eleware, • Carman. (1r der at once. Supply limited. Write for quotations. FI: W. 1 ..•so,,. Brampton - FOR SAL11. g7> nOISTERED HO r.sT A:1Ns, ALL JL ages. Some Nery tine bulls, Quebec prices. R. A, Gillespie, Abbotsford, Que. HELP WANTED, MEN HANDY WITH TOOLS FOR IYJ steel sash shop. Trusser! Concrete .t;teel Co., 'Ci�alkerviile, Ont, NyouLDE'lts — MEN 1(,CUSTO1VED 1F to general work, highest wages paid. Apply to The E. Long Manufac- turing Co., Orillia. Ont. �' P' ANTED, HEADING MATCHERS V and jointers, who understand No. 1 stock, Write or wire Trenton Cooper- age Mills, Limited, Trenton, Ont. QS7 ANTED, EXPERIENCED WOOD- `tl? working Machine Hands for Dru.n Sander, Trim Saws, and Boring Machine. Also Bench Hands. Steady work. good wages. Apply Hay & Company, Limit- ed, Woodstock, Ont. guar st,Pump,+�Toole 22.60 NEw82A?rns roes se -met 9 prtOFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOIE towns, The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Com- pany, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. Offices for sale in good Ontario MISCELLANE01773. iyenestsitOMrnsisa' CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. cured fFits, piIs - tlj internal and external, cured with- sy.pallingslG1,N,S, out pain by our home treatment. Write organyui,o,syea us before too Iate. Dr, Deiltnan Medical fres samslens by a Co., Limited, Coliingwood, Ont. ares sample of Or. Boors remedy, 5, t EE TRIAL BOTTTLE If you CUT our and HEATH THIS AS la four lett,,. Jun. ,reds of testimonials on fits. Give age and full particulars. lir. F. HARVEY ROOF CO.Dept.A AP Sta. N, NewYo4 56.00 a year protects your newt Ford Touring Car from loss by fire to the extent of $500, includ- ing loss from explosion and self - ignition. Covers fire loss while car is in any building—or on the road—, lower rates and more liberal terms than any other policy you can prooure. Write for rates on Ford cars up to three years old. Similar rates and conditions are granted to owners of Chev rolet cars. For Freezing ice Cream you get best results with CRUSHED r''55OCK SALT A more even freeze. Smoother Ice Cream, Takes one-third less salt and keeps Cream hard twice as long. Write TORONTO SALT WoBarS, 60-62 Sarvie St., Toronto, Ont. i=' v Money onhoofing �;. Get my prices, direct from m,il to you. 1 have Roofings for every purpose. Samples free. Address Halliday Co., Ltd., Ha Jnt,3 ;. SftVE highest in years. 9lcer, y old Jewel, and etc„ to us to re- fineget highest cash price, Canadian .Seamless Wire Co. Ltd. 198 Clinton St, Toronto, Ont... America's Pioneer Deg Remedies BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 118 West 31stStYeet,NewYork F.0 WILt.tAt1S. NANAeINS DINECTOR HEAD OFFICE -J3 s coT4 TOROwTO a 4 IiFrY ForSa' V' ze•.:lhhck Engine, 150 U.P., 18 x42, with door e lki3iln driving belt 24 ins. and l)ynmo 30 K. WV. brit drive. . All in firs class c! nttlon. Woold be sold together or serrate- ly also a lot of shafting at a very great bargain as room is rehired immedi- aticly, Ole Frank 2 ons 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, 77, Why Had The Extra ,ltardella The burden of friction means a shorter life for horse, harness and axles. GREASE kills friction—makes a perfect bearing surface. .Derlcrs .Bvcryu+ltcre The Imperial Oil Company Limited na.i: oats IN urn orlms El). 7. ISSUE: 22-4(5.