Zurich Herald, 1916-05-12, Page 5r� ?/4,1 i74 -7.7-/z1 Arz Yee HAY 00UNCILL The regular tri tuthty meeting of Ilay °owlett( was hotel in the Tuwaa t :1 U Hall on iurttutday. t111e session proved cl ye Lll ly ,o le and rod ly )otters were dealt with. A Court of Revision of the 1`J1G Assessment Roll wit: be hili on 111ou day, aline 5th at 10 o'clock, a, in. Owners of property wbo are sub- scribers bo the Hay Telephone System and who dispose of such property anti purchase another property, must again X1 and .fl RAs rt`rtr"nln 6tv1 'will have one installed ou Cue 'fiesta: terms. The debentures issued far payment shall remain on both proper- ties. Leave was granted for the following new telephones: 0 Eilb ir, Orville Taylor, Lang Politer. The reeve and t'rmuier ware auth- orized to borrow $10,003 for cm r'ut 'expenses, to be repaid when taxes are due. A grant of $200 was made to the Huron War Auxiliary toward recruit- ing expenses. A special meeting of the c moi will be held on May 16th for th, par Mose of renewing the agreement exist ing between the Hay Tt:lspbone oyst em and the 13e11 Telephone Go. Thee following orders were passed! Northern Elec. Co. supttiies $8'2: Glaclman & Staubury, costs re Davies suit $325.13(3; N1 Nesbitt, fur 0 Rupp to June $139; G. T. R., freight $2.55; Municipal World, supplies $1.25; Bell Telephone Co. L D tolls March, $24.- 10; Women's Institute, meals for sold- iers, $40; £'I'Deitz, repairing McDon- ald bridge $24; C Eilber, work C. R., $15.75; T Kyle, work side road, $8; Jos Corriveau, culvert, L. R , $2.25;. .Ino Jeffrey, work con 14, $8.5,0; J P Rau, work Goshen line, $4; Jos Surer - us, hlg the $1.75; Pet .r Badonr, hig drag $1.75; Hydro Radial delegates ext 'ases to 'I ronto $26; grant Huron Weir Aucialary,203; Ctunoil will meet again on Jiunday, Julie 5th at 10 a ln. F. HIess, Sr., Clerk. NOTICE Saturday, May 13th, will be the las; day that I will be iu business, x111 xc :ounts must be paid by that If nit settled will be handed oy.tr to my solicitors fur collection. Atten .i to this at ones and save further ex- penses. G McBride, Zurich. Debentures for Sale The'Coun by of Heron offers $60000 of debentures for sale. Thu Debent- ures are first clads security and Will be offered to the residents of the county first. Por particulars apply to Itobt. W Livingstone, Warden, W .J' R Hol- mes, Timmer or the undersigned. Rata :lay 10th, 191G W. Lane, Clerk. [1assitied ALdc J ' LEGAL CARDS. P.EODUFOOT, lilLl.OBAN, & C00KE. Rarristurs, "Solicitor, Notaries Public &c. Ofi'tce, ou the Square, 2nd door from Hamiiton St. Gederioh. Privato funds bo loan at lowest, rates W. PateUD700T, K. 0. J. L. Icatr,oBAN. H. J. 1). Co0EE. Mr. 'Cooke will bo in Hensel]. on Friday and Saturday of each week. MEDICAL CARDS LOCAL. NEWS II Mr John Johnstpu, of 13encolield, was a visitor in town on Monday, Rev' and Mrs G 1r Brown left for their new home in 1+ l it a this week. Mr G 11 Moss attended the funeral of a r'dativo at 1tlalrgrovo, Mich., last week. Bev G F 1'31'o"ll'n ,drn�ellPi1 1ais fare- ` rw • . a..: "•idlers with the Assi ,ri,ee Lcft'r'e the date of Seirtiu,., .ala tty, ltr;e at... such Meeting': appreciative andieue s greeted hire ai both sell/ices. Word has been received sere of the death of !Mfrs Gns Demuth, of Ashland, Wia. Deceased hail been ill for some ;,iter. She is a sister of Mr Oswald Fisher, of this place, Notice to Cred,toars. IN Thad IV] ATT Ot' i\.ii'OLIDON A. t. AN TIN. 01stTHE VILLAGE tek•ST. JOSEPH, IN PH III titrlUNTY &J ,. � Y lvIAPT INSOLVENT; 1', •U .LO 1: L ll i U.N• 150 , l N U J.IGk� .th huretly given L ,a► the above 0ve named has. made Ott assigrrtrtent to me un- der ft, S; 0, (1914), Chars, 134, of all hie estate and effects foe the general benefit of his creditors, A meeting of tate creditors will be held at the oiiice of t?roudfvot, Killoran & Coolie in tate town 'of Ooderch, on Saturday, the i OBBI. clay of May, A, D. 1616, at twelve u'uluok noon, to receive a statement of affairs, to appoint Inspeotars, and fur the ordering of the esto generally. (; editors are rt:queeted to file their ti eI1 a L ti rind l jtitltl 15 herehy given that after thirty days from the ditto of said meetiug, the asset:, will be diet ribuCod elnong tit parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have then been given, and the Assignee will jot be liable fur the assets or ant punt thereof so distributed to any person or persons tf whose claire he shall not then had uotiee Dated, at Urxt rich, this 10th day of Mate A. v. 1910, Thus Guedry, auctioneer. Owing to the illtlags of Itriv P B Meyer, Mr li 111" Ueigtr will have change of the services io the Evangel- ical c'aurch next S.tnitay. His sub j let iu the evening will be "A Gior• i .115 Sunrise but a Sad Sunset." A. splendid r cruiting meeting was held in the Town Ilo,ll here on Wednesday night. The large autiieueo was addressed by Lieut Hall, J E Tow, Corp. Clarke, Lieut. 'Wilson and Rev Mr Smith. The last call for volunteers to the )ging min was made and the appeal surely will nob go un- heeded, if the word, of the speakers are considered the least bit. Boys, the 161st must be filled. P° A, 3. MacKINNON late (louse Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyolinie Medical School and Hospital. Drug, store in connection. Office, Zurich Ont. r N. F. Fara Late House Surgeon and House Physician of Vioto ia, Hospital, London, Graduate of Faculty of 'Medicine ,of Western University, London. Main Office at I )asliwood, Out, Visits Shil•ka Monday aftetno7.0 of each week. Zola ' 6 l 4 B E DI.At,ltdtti l::j. Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc CA.SIi FOR SKINS 3t IIIDDS urtiatgbkat & �jtq er dei BEr1VE tt, .&IEA..DO CV Mr and Mrs Roy A]eruer have the sin- nere sympathy of a lame circle of friends in the hese of their only daughter, Vera Elizabeth, at the lige of almost three y ars. The child had been aitiugfor some time and its cletnise was not altogether nu expected. _ The remains were interred in the Lutheran cerneteiy ore Monday after- noon, Rev. JrD. Rembe officiating. Mr Sam Gaseho spent Sunday under the pateetal roof. Mrs Alf Ings speut the week end with her parents, Mr and Airs J W Korner. Messrs Pete Eisenbitch and Garnet Schoch were Suud.,y vi,iturs at ebisel- hurst. ,Ir Albert Geiser was a visitor in our 1)urg• on Sundt y, A. very enjoyable evsnid ; w Li spent n t the home of Sir and Mrs Con Ttuenrner, when tlis members awl friends of too l''n'. church gatbored f u• the•purpose of ked i •g adieu to their pastor, Itev. lx V• toad family prior to the r ref1avul b , h hair t. au 'ing: the cou.ree of the evening an i nx- prumptu programme consisting of instru c• Give dull iuteraatita, a:i l.c•e.esae u,y Ste, •J E Tnin, I. P. S., of t.uderich, and Mr !toy Geiger, of Zurich, songs, chore -es and violin selectiuus, was rendered, A speuial feature of the evening w the presentation of a purse of gold too the paster, who in well clic sen words thanitet1 the friauds for theirg;ft and also tuany kindnesses sbowu during his pa ate. After the partakin e of refreshments, the gathering dispersed by singing "God be with you till we meat ag.tin," The fellowiug addre.:s was read; To key. (.: k' Brown. ])ear Pastor:— • Tho time limit of five year3 allotted a minister en remain on u field of labor having expired thus uecos- sitatiug your removal from our midst. we, the members and friends of the 14th Con. flay Evangelical church fell that we can- not let the opportunity pass -without ex- pressing our sinters appreciation for the faithful and untiring et:forte you have, at all tunes, ehuwn to advance the Welfare c•. the church. As pastor yet exerted yo :r best efforts in the upl;uilding of the spiritual life, which lay wee ear and dear to your ht -art, unci in matters tomperat you too.c a sleep inter st, spat ing neither time n•lr layer s,• that the var'ous projects were ever crown, d withsuccess, proving thereby brat you were nob only a kind friend but else tin able counsellor met a self sacrificing odic ails Especially indebted are wo for the nervines which you have so cheerfully rendered in Sunday School work. We :lookeipon these services as special, works of love and tua Duey prtmtie•tl lessons w e have learned, the noble thoughts which you have imparted, cannot but help to !wove es onward and upward, to lead truer and nobler lit -es, and the instruction daft the younger sehollars received will, we believe, in years to come prove fintitful of good results. .And since you acro about t0 sever your connections with our society to work tor the itluster in another field of labor, we desire to express 'n some tangible way our gt aiitudo and apl,reciatioe f or your kind services and cordially request you to accept this gift as a sight token of our united love and esteem. I.lav Almighty God accompany you and Mrs Brown to your field of labor and entice you a blessing to many. Segued on behalf of Zion Evangelical Church. AUCTION SALE Of Ilarncsx, Trunks and Valiseq on Sainrlay, May 20th, 1016, at one o'clock, Everything must be cleared out. C. Ilartleib, proprietor; IL Bus- senberry, auctioneer. The plot of land owned by the B R Johnston estate, across the street from the Evltngelieal church shed has been laid out in lots and these will be off era for sale by Public Audi") on Sat- tuirlay,. ay t , abp, m. Terms: MORTGAGE SALE. L'uder end by virtue of a certain mart- gage whit h will be produced at the time of sae, there will be offered for sale by PUtiLIL AUCTION by Thomas Gundry, .tuc"ioneer, at the Comb 1-lsouse at the Town of Goderieb, on Saturday, the 3rd day of lune, 1916, at the hour of twelve o'olocir Croon, the fallowing, property: , Parcel 1. Part of Lot number ten in the Lake Road West Concession of the Town- ship of Hay; Parcel `3. Lots Fifteen and Sixteen in the Lake Road West Concession in the said Township of lay containing flirty acres note or less; Parcel 3. Lore Twenty-three and Twenty-four North of Campbell Avenue, in the Vt1sge of tit. Joseph; Parcel 4. Part of the South half of Lot Ten Lake Reed West Concession in the said To vnship of Hay. . Un Parcel 3 are situate a six -roomed 17� storey freine house 32x'24, with stone fenn- dation tied 4 brick stores, 2 storeys, 33x71, totatdimeusions; and on Parcel 4 there is 0 3 storey brick factory, 40x45. TERMS OF SALE.—Ten per cent. of the purchase money en the day of the sale slid the balance upan the delivery of con- veyance tweet ding to condition of sale to be read at the site. For further terms of the sale and parti• milers of the property apply to, GIBSON & GIBSON tins Traders Bank Building•, Toronto, Soliettors for Mortgagee's Admiuistratrix, nr 10 Pn.ornsuo'r. K.u.r.ortee & Cooir r, 11 trt'istn 1.1, etc., Goderich. Toronto, May 5tb, 1516. The following i, the result of the Promotion Examinations of S. S. No. 3, T1ay. Names in order of merit. Entrance Class. Vitra Forrest, �� i1 - lie Blackwell. Jr IV to So IV . Orville Smits, Annie R.icbtrrd.on. Sr ELI to Jr IV. Mary Forrest. Jr 1I1 to Sr III• Grant Love, Clif- ford lt.dmoud, Wesley Redmond, Lena Iieliney. Se IL to .Jr III. Greta Forrest, Wes- ley Rirhardsou, Gertrude Love. Je 11 to Sr II. Billie byre, Rus- sel Consitt. Jr II, Margery Richardson, Bona Blackwell, Luella Jarrett. Pt 1 to Pt II. Glen Iowa, Roy Kyle. Pb 1. Greta Blackwell, Florence Armstrong. I3. Petty, Teacher. Tee following is the report of tke promotion examinations held in S. S. No. 11, Hay. Sr 1V. Herbert Kaibfleisch', nel Hendricks. Jr IV. Lloyd Hendricks - Sr III. Edmond :Hendricks, John Schatle, (Mara Kalbtl►'iscb, JJ(-ou,trri Sareras, Richard Jeffrey, Mal\ hitt Schade. Jr. lit. Agnes Nigh, Mazy Over- holt, Sylvester Nigh, Zifhe Oharietto. Sr II. Norman Charrette. Jr II, Mabel Sebade , (xertt u le De- vine, `inetta Dueharnie, Erwin Sella - de, Donald Hendricks, Exior Nigll, Lawrence Gverholt. P111 Victor Taylor, Paul Du-Auxi ° 1 t I Sr. Eleanor Charrette, Lilian Ducharine, Emerson Overholt, Francis O verholt. Jr L Leonard Overholt, Clarence Schade, Rufus Turnbull, Maty Nigh, Mildred Kalbileiseh. E. M. Stinson, Teacher. Reportoot the Promotion a'xanlin:t tions held April 18 and 14, S. 8, No. 11, Stephen. The pupils aro in the classes for the new term asreprosented below, Those marked ^' have failed to obtain the required 60% of the total marks. Sr 4. E ton Lafond, Otto Stephen on trial, Albert 131alte. Jr 4. Merrill Willett, Lucy George Hobbs. Sr 3. '~`Myrtle Willer!, Erwin Alec Moir, Amos:Stephen. Jr 13. 1Vilfred Ad anis, '''Susie Ad ams;. `Adel Lafond, '"Gordan Willett. Sr 2. Ruth Willed, 1llillvernn. Willert. Jr 2, Harry Greb, Pearl Lafond, *Clifford Link. Examined by weekly examinations and daily work, Class 1. {'llaeen Willett, '`Bruce Willett. Sam. - Grob, Grob, w +. ,'ff f��4_ .rayi � C"�t��';f'.� .i�•�iv...'y, n,., .�.. .. 'ppm r a��✓..,t3'+a�w GL1+4,4(,•n+,,f +ij. & .,..y tii„J ,: f/ .r � , Electric lace Lighting � r r i b' glop ... �. Demountable Rims ire E. 0,13. CHATHA114 Spcciiicaticns Model 5.%. Touring Car In deep sand d or g roti el c hand drive;trol ; center cylin- dIr motor cast an on the hilis; in softmud.; wherequick acceleration is needed in traffic 1, driving; on the smooth highway wberc speed is desired—these are the places where the power of the Gray Dort motor can be really appreciaterd. Your appreciation of Gray Dort sturdiness grows as you drive your car. The price, 8543.00, with electric starting and lighting, puts the Gray Dort within reach of the average family for every member to enjoy and use. PILIKROPP A 'J Z RI'i...� F Wee ; circulating splash lubricating, Rest ere; titc rano- sen en cooling c: tate; Conde tic'!t ,nl.t rn: gr : ty fzv1 g hie system i 1 cowl;s lrrt- LVe t' tr1oImt cion; 3 speeds is (.,:ward and rte: ^r three -num ter fleeting retr axle;in- ternal e, -sanding Cud eetslrhxl cot. r acting bras a demountable rims,3n'c':417 h tiros; tioit•^l.idtread r Hear; 5s) -inch fall ca til xrr springs 1.1 rear,cfront eeei 1f , i stream 1:n•t t h ample 1-g room to both c ,mnort- m-ntR Liss i1 h nhcel hoe stadardelip- ment includingelec- tric $ .iter, el . t c generator electric 1: flits throagho 1 ona- man top, speedometer, g3501tae gringo, electric horn nrd complete teal equipment• st; %-tel r Fioors Need i'• Paint preserves the• wood. Paint keeps floors sanitary and healthful. Painted floors make the rooms bright and cheery. Painted floors are easily' cleaned --a damp cloth keeps them free of dust and germs. Paint your floors and thus them always Spic and Span. I 1 s. ciUh Y Np a} V �1 ear'-•:�••.,• t.�. i "MADE IN C XNADA" is all ready to brush on—anyone can apply it evenly and smoothly. And it gives a hard, durable, lustrous finish, that stays fresh and bright, and wears, and wears, and wears. It costs less to use than other floor paint, because i¢. rovers more surface and wears longer, We have Senour's Floor Paint in 14 beautifill colors, suitable for every floor in the house from kitchen to garret. Come iu for a color card, and a copy of our entertaining book, "The House That Jack Built" Written for children, but "grown ups" get a lot of flat out of it. Free to our friends. CHAS. �- ARTL I(B, 4 ' !i fi IC , Ont. 64 t. Report of S ;8 No 8, Hay. r; sults of the Easter Examination April lath and 14th are as fnll,,'w - The ''letter p after a nameuls.a bI lr3 b 2 trint:ecl:tend r paeans Review, c1Aere it ,1 r Ill ,. i Adams. Thirty days when deed twill be deliver- Primer A. Leslie eft rrraiged ass they yvill bo lr.f'td' ' .. ed. 1 ' Bossenborry, auctioneer; Asta,t,c I Will�,rt, *Clinton . Adams, Amin, holed issues$ Aro to 0144of rack, • +E. Joppou rovnotorji. 5 p>ae a L 0.13.01404, 'al llaev. .Tr, Cr-- r.' hemi„ 0 Trf•.,nlocr. 1 Tv TTI-- Fi 13ar,t.r.t. ?fir. Tv' >'11 WeigAnd, W Zilel- p, E Sr r, 11 Wiegni,rl r�. 1lto,l, .1r, If --t Rene, r, r, tl icor 11, . ?e. 1lfnur')Pr r, E ATessnor ', phr•rt„nril0r rr, -k f,t tido 17. 1' 11-firIn•ra.tl'p. "':»' 11) 1" 1 E Tlroder'c k p, V Tui TT.-- 11 l 'iei*r,nd r, I+i 1is6l11.r, er 1'1 p, Har'irrn p. A Festelrlr' , ,, tr ?biller p. �' Bender Pt Br. X--�s.13:�3; l�esslaer r, I I3el�d . yx ,n, "A Bender ln. ir, L Esau l t' Ir' Ltrl neo " �ig1'.