Zurich Herald, 1916-05-05, Page 4DE L AL learn Separators Before you buy a s eparator see and try a De Laval. .The DeLaval has recrived all the highest honors and first -prizes ki,i; every haportant EKposition, Worlds Fair, etc, held within the past .80 years. More than 1,750,000 - De Laval machines, many times all others conibined, have been sold to date, The De Laval saves enough over any gravity setting system in but- ter fat, quality of cream, sweet skim milk, labor, time and trouble, t. to pay for itself every six months. The De Laval skim the cleanest, turn the easiest, are best construct- ed and easiest to wash. Why ot buy a De Laval now? We handle pumps, piping, etc,, of all kinds. L PRA G ZURICH DOWstnrjekedrA4.2,,‘:4NXVInfaXMCWANIZYMOMMOZOSOrtiCA"ra Add -A -Link Bracelets 1.11211mmallia....•.%.1.••=1,162•3.103.114.n.1 A fresh supply of Gold and Silver Add -a -Links just arrived. We engrave them to your order. _C2E0 R GER I-1 F SS. try. JEWELLERS ZURICH D 117, S 1)A LE Mr Chas Meyer of Blake. has „the i contact of brick vaneering M ICor- riveau's new. kitehen, Mr Pete Corrivoau and his staff of MEM have started 'to frame John Ducharme's barn. Mr and Mrs Leon Bedard of St Joseph were the guests of Mr and Mrs Joseph Dueharxne. Mr Joseph Rau unloaded another •carload of fertilizer last Tuesday. Mr Ed Laporte is hired with Eli Gelinas for the summer months. Have you renewed youi subscripti- on to the Herald for 1916? Groceries, Etc, Fresh Groceries always on hand. STOCK FOOD, Pratts and Royal Purple Regular 50c pkg. for 35c Regular 25o pkg for 20c Calf Meal, bc a Ib, 20 lbs for $1.00 SEEDS 07 ALL KINDS Corn, Mangle, Turnip sod carrot seeds just In. •• ' CARHARTTS OYERALLS. SHIRTS, and SOCKS for men and boys. SHOES Fresh Fruits and Candies always On. band 61 Juot in, white canvas shoes for men and 30 NV .-nn en Also.a full line of gloves and mitts, A. few more pair of women'f pumps 'SI and sliprers at a bargain, - e; • 7 4;17,* 1-:' 4:7 • 1 t =1 '3/4 • 34 Elephant ready -mixed paints, all colors. The paint that stayson. Agent for Crown Tailored Clothes, made to order. Fit guaranteed. All prices, Hardware, garden rake, forks, sweat pads I handle the Puritan Oil stoves, latest and best at lowest prices. Black wire, brace wire and chicken wire. Shoe Repairin of all kinds -.ert,1,-nant,szr•ravwstrctKIIW. L. BRISSON Phone 1 on SO Drysdale ." ' §41,01,ttse- ' AtItr.A.RtHIP r AIN or 110 L-ain the cause before the farmers of Canada is re clear as it was last %-; year—tht:y raus: produce abundantly in order to rreet the deznan.cis that may b rrmde, and I believe this to be copocially true in regard to live stock-, the wo.ld's suPrl7 of must be particularly afie.cted in this .vast struozIe."—Hy. 2:`27217 .13U.LfiELL, .4jricul,ture. 71.-V..;1 1--01,,LOW;1101 fr...-rft,TE.N.'71:1-4TS PJ !ASD ON RIF.POIZITZ3 CONTAINM IN 1916," DV THE CJL1UE, OT -5731W;, ONT. 7 : . .‘.10.1.t, a ,:t"••,1'. flt-4:11i'11(1 cs.Ir t far,lat:t'S u1,1 thir; in mind. (i-c2J;4dr,-ttt it 1:111,1 c 1„ tl:: Oth: 4'. 1.4j: .s fre,ra 'tt,ii.:',111.11 Vitt! t.f AT1 f".„,r fro7en hr f, . rat;!cr ti colit,g give 7 . ;. 7.7 17.1?0:01.7(7.1?; re:714'f !in: tfiiu,z,luter and cheese has incr:m4.(1 c.f 'Ile war demands for clivez4o have been unlim:ted, The Canadian chee,,e exports from. !Jot:Areal in 1915 were neatly (3',10,000 over :Ii. hides at ;Taran.47 to 17 ccni 6 ; 1:110, 1:q.j.! to 1Siii cents. Butter : January .11:1I, 24 to :28311 cents ja,ta,ary 1..)16, i2 to 33 em.0 rinGS.—Canada pr)dured P30,000,000 worth of • in 191Pi tiz.;1iiclpe<1 out Cirt.,...t in the Aortrqfe. Shippers as well as producer:, have a duty and on opportunity in holding a place in that market, .." .0F," TO YOUR • ;I.: •Or,'; rt,t.:tt. 11 1 -the coa 411711 MA11%,,r1T,A.LS ?Ralf 11-4.5.;7".i7 ;11.10t,' EPTICIE.P.11 SPEND .1fON.E1 WISZLY TF PA b7, 7,*crCA fil•;31,4:i 4 ARTIVIENT OF A CI; LT Li P.F,, 114 E 1DEPAliTI'VIENT OF FINANCE Wift:WitkSi, Ate; " , ss DASH WOOD Mr J. Nadigor of Clinton visited le in town Sunday. Mr Chas Guenther spent Saturday in St Marys. Several from here attended the or- gan recital at Zurich Monday evening, The Green Ted Clnh iuiend celeb rating 8rd' of June again this year. Pte and Mrs Wilbur Pfaff of Exeter visited with the foriner's parents over Sunday. Messrs Alex Zimmer and Norman Kellerman received new Overland cars this week and Ed \Yelper a Hudson. Mr Jaek Eidt and fainily spent Sunday in Zurich. Mr Ed Willert lost another valuable horse with distemper last week. Pte Austin Nadiger of Clinton visit ed in town Sunday. Mr and. Mrs Norman Kellerman vis- ited in Zurich Sunday. Rev JH Grenzeboch and family leave for Walkerton next week. Rev Meyers of Pembroke will succeed him. A most pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs H Grenzebaeh last Thursday when members of the Lad- les' Aid held a surprise party for their president who is about to leave for her new. hcime in Walkerton. After the address and presentation, Mrs Grenzebaeh made a suitable reply expressing her gratitude and sorrow for leaving. Mrs Routledge being in the chair called on several of the members to give short speeches in which all expressed their regret in los- ing their president. After the program consisting (f choruses and duets lunch was served which was enjoyed by all. The address: Ers ,T 11 thunzabach Dear Siste,.:—We as members of arlies' Aid the Evangelical church ssembled at your home this evening how in a slight degree the esteem in wh on are bolo in our socioby. For a num f years you have been associated with n the work f our blessed Lord and Mast s.riaathim time you have always lived ne whose heart. was right whose aim hi eading the forces under your charge reater activity and nobility of life. TI ou have most admirably succeeded resent condition and growth of the A learly shows, and for this most admira tandingyour services as president of t adies' Aid are duly recognized and sin ou are now severing your connection w he Aid, owing to your removal to oth ek a of labor, which we all deeply feel a gict, would you kindly accept this s a slight token of aopt cciation uncl ot bl.at e mean thereby to den tonstiate ou the valus of your set viccs 1m t only remembered by those who have kart: lova and apiirceiate your services. :May Crud bless yon :Ind your family at ntinue to make you a g to ye inch and surrounding wherever the co renee sees host to place you. Signed half of the Aid, D Tiernan vicepres, Mrs G Eclighoff • Mr Norman Kellerman has pnrch d a beautiful black trotting s attic ich will be held for the improve tit of stock. The big clearing sale of G Keller n Ni:' Son being held at the Shipli nch close 00 May 18th. Thefollowiug is the standing of th sees of room I of Dashwood Publi ool after the Easter Promotions. r. Pt. II to Jr. II. Luella f3 tire Cy Kleinstiver, Verde, Baker, Reg Armstrong, Edith 0 nenthei• Rinker, °sear Miller, Euinn moor. r. P. IT to Sr. Pt. Ir. Clara, Ben - Alice Grigg, -Victor Tyler; Pearl Lorne Tieman; Ethel Gebel. 1. II b to Jr, Pt. II. Harold Kel. tan; °Lomeli Arnetta Stein - en, Alineda Miller, Eddie Bain:tell- La 1.3 0 1 p L v the ILVO to ich ber us er. as to nit the id ble he ce ith er nd ug '0, to to ed 01'n - in er 11 • a e fi re a be to co blessli ch fe be Mt se ase c .111 ille 117 na I bra wiil cle Sch . Per gie nia i11 J der, G al lern hag er. Sr. 2Pt. T to Pt. 11 b. Emma Greunner, Wealthy Schroeder, Edna Wilds. Courtney Ifurnieister, Lettle Arinst tong, Walter Stire, Jr. Pt. 1 to Sr. Pt. I. Leonard Bender, Ethel Hartleib, A. Finkbeiner, teaeher. Ilaptirt of rtconi Peshwond Pide Ho iN.0inu arrInLeti fig:cording ( Noir, J11,), •Prdtl, V: tdr. Id, !lp (to!y;:t. r. Veld, 1 fir. 11 to Ti 111 Ednin ;flintier, 'Melia Baker, All ert Eveland,7loward Sehm eder. Mem n Tiernan ltarnet Gostanan Yawl ntlaW il ort, brah m Vincent, Anna Vineen Ilnsella Isi Czar SteleiniXon, Willie Bender. Jr. II to Sr. 11, Harry Ilrukr, 1eiiTieber,.Guentbor, (Marlin Sno11., Freda Stirp, Grace Raid, Teacher. ANADIAN roads demand power. It is important. You want an automobile that will carry you through mud, sand and snow, and do it easily. You want a car that will climb hills, that will get away quickly without laboring and straining its every part. Not all cars can do these things;, but you know that the Maxwell can because you have the proof. When the Maxwell stock touring car set the World's Motor Non -Stop Mileage Record a few weeks ago, it encountered all sorts of unfavorable conditions—rain, mud and hills, over country and city roads—yet it cov- • ered 500 miles per day, day after day, for more than six weeks. Power, plenty of power, unfailing power, is absolutely essential to such a wonderful performance as this. Let us give you a booklet telling all the details of this record breaking • Maxwell car. And let us take you for a ride anywhere. We have the very car you want ard we will prove it to your satisfaction. Dail' t put it off. We have a few Maxwells now, but we may not be able to supply • you later. Touring Car, $850 • Roadster, $830 Prices F. 0. B. Windsor, On:. Completely Equipped 1 a W. E. Oestreicher Crediton q DISTREEUTORS FOR 4.1 ..09rof AT'O'Cr 48)"4/. Trr-ttttayt t:trzim. , uai MAS BEYffAREiS ,I;Mriy) g.11 Now is the time to look for soeding implements. Call and inspect our new Disc Drill with the all steel boot. ligeacy for the welfAnown Londe Hay track and htter car.rwro prtet '11 tr7,1 1Le13 EriLlr..3/4=-1,3 j TUVITD IT YI NI7Irsi C "1- AT„,..,,t 7 ..,?:r,,v. ,t , ,,, , ,...„.. ,,,, ,, , , .., API !I 1 , ' , r \ . . .1 .r.,...i.J' v.i. V ( ,i4..•'...1: '.1.3 el ,„-, cqr?„1- largo r4or.:k oL t.01111 d001..land0 lAylit„ . _ aud all mil prodnets. EStniates given and contracts taken. Office • at planing mill. 13twnsitttMICstralmantUrtitzer.ropotottlx..v.tiattr.nitml1rxtvg,m3umvarancastAMsolinorr.ltLtazt ffA.,0 n LILI4g,,.,Lnl. ® 111111 zuRlc;ti t+35,