HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-04-21, Page 1Vol. XVI
414.44- °%:••••••,•••••441•••0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••
•Three busy weeks of
nFashion Displays are
e Irrestibly Charming
Easter .Preparation.
• Each season this store takes a step forward as fashion headquar-
• ters; each year our position as chief distributors of apparel of correct
*• style and exceptional quality is strengthened. Beautiful, becoming,
• practical—this sums up the reasons for the increasing prestage and
b growing clientele of this style -store. The conning three weeks preced-
4 ing Easter should be the busiest of the spring season and an attractive
•programme of sale events has been prepared.
Wonderful New Millinery
Small hats ad largeq
n hats; trite the newest hats of the season"
new and fetching, correct in the trimming, which makes them differ-
enb and fascinating. Hats with new wide bow; hats with gay posies in
2 spring hues, hats for general or batter wearand suitable for young • or
• old women, a great interesting, innomparable collection.
Sateen Underskirts
•:,•; •
4 reler hone No.'s► r .+ w Z 1.3 R C 1.41
4.'44,* 04444.4404040•0•44 •lr.4AO+bQk®...4• •R44riF• •
Three dozen only, fine quality sateen underskirts, with fancy
accordian—pleated ruffles at bottom, finished with tucks and stitching.
All seams d.-nble stitche3, in black, brown and grasn from $1 to $2.
House Dresses
A fine asaort►mnt of new house dresses with dust cap and apron,
complete at $1,25 each.
:Whitewear Specials
Ladie9 white cotton gowns nicely trimmed, good full sizes only $1.
Ladies white underskits, nice deep frill of embroidery, extra values,
at Nets to $2.00 each,
Ladies' Handbags
Special sale -of ladies' leather handbags, an exceptionally smart .
line; three different styles—in pouch bag with the leather across the
bottom, plain or fn,ncy lining, and fitted with coin purse and mirror,
frim 75c to $1.25.
They both agree on S. W. P.
Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints
The House Owner says:
S. W. P. is the result of paint lists covering a a
period of 50 years so its quality must be rigut. •
S W. P. is a scientdfic combination of materials •
all of which are prodaced by the company and not e
bought from outside sourcers, so long wear and fast 2
color are assured. •
S. W. P. includes the right proportions of lead., 2
zink and liuceecl oil which gives lite to the paint and a
prevent cracking and peeling whFn properly appli:d, 2
So it is the cheapest paint to u ie in the long run. ••
The Painter says: •
S. W. P. is put up in (part., half -gallon and gall )n 2
cans, so they can buy just the amount they need for w
each job and haven() waste. ' •
S. W. P. is ready to. apply right from the can so
they can save the time they used to spend in mixing,
S. W. P. in prepared with such exactness and is
ground so thoroughly that it spreads easily under the w
brush and covers like a blauket, so they can work faster •
and do more with less paint. ••
Ask for color cards if youhave not already received •
one by mail. •
• •
Why not use the hest coal?
Chestnut, Furnace, Black"',
smith and soft coal Good
supply on hand.
A !aa-a�eaea��7 1 �6
�sya�eye�eyen�.sz.ses :0.416.
A number from here attended the
horse show held at Hensall on Thurs-
day last.
Mr John Rout'edge, of Exeter, was
renewing old acqutintances here on
We have never had a finer or better
selection of shoes, See our display,
C. Fritz.
NO 40
161st BATTALION, C. F. F.
Andrew Price
Thos. Davidson
Leonard Davidson
George McBride
Milton Johnston
Daniel Bennett
Who is next?
You are wanted, boys.
Lieut. W. B. Wilson Recruiting
A most enjoyable evening was spent
at the home. of Rev. G. F. Brown
When the Women's Institute, Zurich,
Met on Friday' evening to convey the
good wtsbesof the Insiitute to Mrs.
Brown. An address was read by Mrs
Campell, and Mrs Minnie Fritz made
-the presentation of silver spoons. The
evening was spent in musical selecti-
Mrs C Eilber, of near Crediton, ons and the ladirs served lunch. All
visited at the home of her sister, Mrs joined in singing the National Anthem
W C Calfas, this week. `before saying good night to the host
and hostees. The address read as
Miss Lydia Faust has returned
from a pleasant three month's visit
with her brother, in Caro, Mich.
A. Patriotic meeting was held in the
Town Hall last evening under the
auspices of the Women's Institute.
Mr Ferdinand Howell, a student at
the Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, is
spending his holidays at his home here.
Dr E S Hardie, dentist, will be at.
the -Dominion House,.Zurich, on Wd-
nesday, and Wednesday of the follow-
ng week;
Rev G F Brown left Monday for
Pembroke, where the annual confer-
ence of the Evangelical church .is . be-.
nogg held.. :• x4 tit„3 honou:recd-.4y'-,ha,.,hrave.. boys Iv
Mr Wm Uttley, the veteran fireman khaki, -who have responded so nobly
at the flour mills, has been -laid off for King and Country. May they
linty on account of illness. His many make the word Canada, theland of the
friends hope to see him fully recovered Maple Leaf, stand for what is noble,
soon: pure and good, and that the mothers
Mans,of Preston, will and women of Canada have not been
Rev C C J nss., P es , _wanting to the call of the King.
conduct services in the Lutheran Kindly accept this small token as a
church hereon Good Friday and next remernerance of Zurich's Women's
Sabbath. It is expected that Rev Mr Institute.
Rembe will take charge of the regular We wish you, your worthy husband
services ou and after May 7th next. and family all: success in your
Mr and Mrs George Armstrong, new weld of labor.
Stanley township, mourn the death of Signed on behalf of the Women's
their nine weeks old b thy which took Institute: Mrs Minnie Fritz, Presi-
pia;e on Sunday last. The little one dent. Kati. Campbell, Secretary.
was taken ill with measles and later --+--
bronchitis set in which proved fatal. SHOW YOUR CUSTOMER
SENT TO SIHORNCLIFFE We have always felt that honesty
Zurich, April 14th, 1916,
Mrs G. F. Brown
Dear Mrs Brown:—
We, as members
of the Women's Institute, consider it a
great pleasure to,meet with you this
evening to show in a slight degree the
esteem in which you are held in . our
Institute. You have been willing to
assist in all our efforts, and have been
an example of what a truly Canadian
-mother means. Yon have been most
self sacrificing. 'We extend our best
wishes to your son in khaki. 11ay
'Canada be proud of our brave mothers
'`4* 4 tf 44ii0Nni'44 414101w614# ,b:agM
Your New Shoes
For Easter are here. Our stock is bigger
and better than ever before. See our new rime
of the popular Gypsy shoe, also cloth top shoes, in
button and lace for women. Also men's shoes- in
gunmetal and nut -brown made on torpedo law‘
the very latest.
Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done
Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes.
1 C. F Zurich
The Home of Good Shoes
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Noir On: Display
We are now dif;playiag our new spring
and x,41 ' odds' and can offer you
some attractive specials in
Ginghanns, Repps, Muslins,, Prints and Dress Goods
• at surprisingly, low prices
considering recent advances along those lines:
Also our new Wall Papers, beautiful
patterns at popular prices. our store is
filled with staple goods so that you can
a 7a as good a choice as in many larger
PHONE 11 on 82
1-Ii1111111111111111111111N111111111111114111111111111111111111111111111111111;i11i11111111Cs'! i VIII!Ililllliil`:i!IlRlgili4lil':i11'11",'1dill!",.1!?i111111111111111111111111111101lillUlllllllll!Illliilillll111111111111111Ni1111G1l11110
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The local branch of tba Women's
Institute is doing their "bit" towards
the comfort and welfare of the sol-
diers. They packed and shioped last
week the following useful articles to
the hospital at Shorneliffe, 1i:ngland:
Twenty-one pair of sacks.
Twenty fonr flay shirts.
Fifty eight hospital shirts.
Eighty-four hospital handkerchiefs
Ten rolls of bandages.
These comfm is are a daily necessity
n a Targe hospital and the wounded
,ol+lier bows at Sborucliffd appreciate
them fully.
Incorporated 1 855
96 Branches in Canada
A Genera, Banitint;
B.Isiness Tra:vincted
'annus Bank Department
Interest at highest current rates
Zuxic% Branc7
R. T. DUNLOP, ` `at►isiger
was the best policy. Take people into
your confidence if yon want them to
stand by you. The publisher should do
this in something after the following
"Dear Reader—We find that for
years past we have not been charging
enough for our newspaper. We have
not been receiving adegnat:e compen-
sation for the time and labour we have
expended upon it, to say nothing of the
fact that we have been actually selling
it at a less price than it costs. By
actual ealcnlation each newspaper
costs $1.74 to produce. This has been
sold at $1 00. Now, realizing that we
are not fair to ourselves and our family
we have decided to raise the price of
the newspaper to $ 1.50. We feel that
you will agree with us that the work
we do in the community, while not per-
fect, is generally in the interests of the
public, and that you will stand behind
ns for the $$1.50 weeirly, which deals
exclusively in your home affairs. In
our columns you find the matters of
local and social life, which are dear to
you. This is our field, and our columns
alwoyshave been, and always will be,
open to you for publication of all
matters of interest to you and to the
community at large,"
.g •i o°.3 : 3 l o” >rd.�, ; �, i 3 0° t 'H 3 F ^'r : o'r : d- ,fr i•••l •II4-
In future it will not be necessary
for a witness in taking an oath in
court to kiss the Thole, The legal
committee of the 0 itario Legislature
passed .an amenthnent to the Evidenef
Act, which p►rovidei that a witness
than be sworn by administering the
oaths while belies a copy of the Old
or'Nett '1'estat >ient in hl, hand.
Grasp the Qpportunity
Last fall I purchased many lines of new spring
goods which I could not cancel, and tho shipments
are now coaling in. They consist of
Suits f' n .' Men:, Youths and Boys
N fi ner lot ever- shown in Zurich
yvaeds, Worsteds, Chevoits, etc.
Well chosen forqurality and patterns.
,.d many other lines.. I have decided to sell there t
c the old price'§ while. they last. Nov is your
rtunity .
Butter and Eggs• taken in exchange foirgooas
4..1.44-1-0,-4,4-4-444-4-44+++++44+444 rt -44-444-4-44+44-1-4444444-444444a
•3.444.444fi 444
Special Valves in Horse Goods
Owing to the mild winter we are compelled to re-
duce our stock of winter goods at almost cost..
Here are a few values:
SOTS() jute, full lined, $3 00 for $2.25.
72x76 `` I ` 215 for 2.25
72x72 duck °' `c 2 55 for 1.75
.A.11 wool blankets reduced, Mitts and gloves will
be sold at cost,