HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-04-07, Page 8On Friday March 31st and Saturday April 1st and following days. All the seasoos newest shapes and styles in hats and trimmings on d epla' , Miss Theil is again in charge of this department. We p�rdin ly invite you to attend these openings. NEW DRESS GOODS LOCA ! l: i.r+'TS Oorreetec1 every Tharsday, ]suttee. •w•wvw,ww.M. :•..,,.. Eggs 1)riecl Apples Potatoes, Now Sarg es in black, navy, brown, etc, Garbaidtnes, silk eopiins, youry Wheat laald• priors of these vaat ions lines are steadily advancing, and s Juts goods late le will be htarl t� prolnre in t illicit wheat requirements early. Bran Shorts l.u)w Grade Live Hogs fab Ilensall p he fu tare. so i w t ould pay to chose WASH GOODS A fine lot of new summer dress rnaterals on hand, striped ,a, d fie v.ired voiles, silk crepes, marquisettes, piques, middy clothes etc. Ne trouble to show goods. N ,ems., Laces and Enbroidersies A large range of laces all widths in white, creama id b'ack. Flo a.no- ins and corset cover embroiding in new designs. Prints and Ginghams Our stock now complete in these lines also shirtings, galateas and a fine lot c f crepe cloths at 12w cts, per yd. Men's Wear A fine lot of men's shirts. just arriqed, Prices from 80c to Alio new ties, collars, rain coats, suits, hats, caps, underwear, Sh )u[d you rev Are an 7thing in these lines we can supply you at prices. Extra prices i a, men's suites, come and see. EVJW I Papua 1.75. etc. rigLt Now wall papers on hand, a large assortment of papers to chose from We have Oatmeal papers in different shades of green and brown with borders and panelings to match also varnished the papers suitable for bath rooms, kitchens, eto, Como and have a loe''k thrc ugh one sample bcoks. Fr Groceries always on hand. Flour RUBY and GASCHO Township Of Hay Nntiee is hereby given that a By - .1,0w e paseed by the Council of the ':iownsl,ip of Hay on the tach day of t'ebruat'y, •A. 1') , 101.0, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount '.20 of $5068,37 for the purpose of guar - 20 05 ,1nleeitag payment for hydro Electric 100' Rowel' to he installed in the Police • Village of Zurich and that Fitch By, Law was registered in the Registry Office of the Granby of Iletron, on the 10th day of I+ebruary, A. D., 1916. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be L8 t)ta made within three month after the 825 001 fiat publication of this notice and IO.ro cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 2213d day of March, 1916 Fred Hess, Sr., Clerk. .`$O ,9 8ti• 40 50 55 70 8 00 8.60 $25 0(l Girls Wanted WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE ELUGFlT GIRLS AS EnIt tuS and Learners FARE PAID TO CLINTON Clinton Knitting- Co. LtL canton: Oat. • Local News Pte. Thomas Foster, stationed at Hensall, looked up old friends here on Sunday. - See our window display of the new- est in ladies and men's shoes. dust in. C Frits. Cream and Eggs i W A N TE D Will pay highest cash price for Cream. and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zui•ieb, at any time during the week. 0 I. HUDSON, Pone 5z ZURICH § Township Of Hay Notice is hereby given that' a By - Law was passed by the Council of the Township of flay on the 4th day of liiareb, A. D., 1910, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $1768.00 for the purpose of guarante Bing pa5•mentfor Hydro Electric power to be installed in the Police Village of D Fhwood, and that such Py -Law was registered in the Registry Office of the County of Huron on the 8th day of March, A. D., 1916. Any rnotion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must le made vtithin three months after the first THE STOVE. UEST1fl I's easily decit: cd if you buy a nloUlary Kitchener Range, This firm has leen making stoves for 60 years. OE' a Superb . 'tvorii e, made in Sarnia The third genera! fol generation of this firm is now m tking stoves.' i',ow if yn'1 bay one of the above makes of stoves, you will not make a miss s -hot, bttt bit the goal` every time. -And then -for cheap less we can knock out any da pal tlnental store in Canada,. Cook Stove, with reservoir Bums wood or coal for $1.8.OQ' oPi' Look .at til cut of the above range with reservoir warming closet, tile back in closet and hernioneter, highly nickeled,, guaranteed in every way fore--� CO case. liun,trecl o" people of Zu ich and vici'ni'ty tesify that the best stoves ure'aD wads sold as Hartleibs. publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 22nd day of March, 1916 • Fred. Hess, Sr., Clerk. Mr Lorne Weber, representing a oil ,company of St Catherines, -called on the trade here or M))nday, , Alli parties owing me mast settle their accounts by April 10th, 1016. G McBride. 'M:r--Iahn:'L[-eyer :Laud Inmily left' l as veeklor: en �uv311• take :their future home. - - Loafs Prau g hal resew* received la' carload of the celebrated Gray buggies, also a carload of Deering farm. iutt de- ments. ., �Q�..tW.i 4.-„�ioc\ S4%.S ' O lift `:;L".Tie'. L. .�� 0".t.` k :aY.n.'rr� 4t rKsS.,er l t�3 ti No War Prices on any Goods in our store ( lose prises on watches, clocks, jewellery, spectacles and musical goods. FINE REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY GEDRGE R. HESS as. CO., JEWELLERS - 'S a:. a... a.,ti�'2 MC a�'.+Zg ?_rn.CZC4,vc 7 Z u .c�.Rc. ti'•ae<KCC'-S*Mt w j 1 IL• J � °. ,.y.pia a � aI�'k a s � s sy�',�. � „ `c� w `i'"s,t"`6 ♦ .'” A � � .s ZURICH b Uncle Tom's Cabin was presented to a fair sized audience on Monday night in the Town Hall here by a travelling company. - ME t OF HURON Face tin issu3 RUMMY -Yourself You are vfantarf 11011 to Fight for Your Dino and Country -A Year from .flow may be Too Late. The Stupendous Issues of the War Now Stand out in a Blaze or Light Before the Whole World. To day the call (oanes from those who are holding the lines in' Prance, in Flanders; holding the lines against the mightieet armaments the world has ever yet borne on its surface: and ttie call to all who will hear is t— C E—•ENLIST TO DAY .loin the 161st, Huron's Own Ileatalion, .;and dhow by. 'vow - example that Our Country is mit a laggard in •:the Overat .Fight ,fur Fdmun:. Township of Stephen Nitice is hereby given that a By- law was passed by the Council of the Township of Stephen on the 6th day of Mal cb A.1), 101_6 providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $1,682.00 for purpose of guarantee- ing payment for Hydro Electric Power to be installed in the Police •Village.of ,Dashwood,, -and . that.,tauch, 33y laworaaregistered icribellegistery 1Offrecifo " S ivslsion, .Oona e~E ron;ain thee&1h ny of 1 ai'eh .A. 1914. tatu1- m to wash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first puhlieation of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 29th day of March A. D. 1916. Henry Either, Tp, clerk. HEYWOOD—KRAFT A pretty house wedding took -t lace at the home of. Dir and Airs Peter Kraft, Dashwood, on Wednesday, April 5th, when their second daughter Lucinda L , was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony -with Victor A Heywood, of Exeter. At twelve o'clock to the strains. of Lohngriu's Wedding March ,piayed by Miss Lila Saunders, cousin of the ;room, they entered the parlor at, tended by her sister Miss Dora Kraft, where the groom attended by lir D. 13 Saunders awaited thein. The bride- was handsomely gowned in white Duchess satin with overdress of chiffon trimmed with satin . ribbon and seed pearls and wore the usual bridal veil caught art with orange blos- soms, and carried a booquet of roses and carnations. The bridesmaid wore a lemon shade silk with over dress of Georgette crepe with rosebuds and bead trinivau:ng and tarried yellow daffodils. The Rey Mr Graupner performed the ceremony in the presence of about one hundred and ,fifty invited guests. After hearty congratulations the bridal party led the way to the dining 'room where a sumptuous wedding dinner was served, the table denotations' being yellow and white. The groom's gift to 'the Bride was, a handsome solid gold ueciclet with pearl pendant; ;to the bridesutaai•1, a gold brooch set with rubies .and b+il Hants; to the groomsman a .gold tie pin set with pearls; and to the pianist a gold brooch set with briiliauts. A large assortnieut of beautiful gifts testified to the esteem la which: the bride and groom are held, atuitag i there being a one -hundred dollar cheque from the groom's father tad mother, also a beautiful mantle oletck presented by the groom's grandfather and grandmother, which bas been desi•'I guated'as a "Gr.andfza,ther's clock," this being the fourth presented by Mr+ and Mrs Samuel Saunders to their, grandsons on the occaasttou of tlseir i tnatriage, The happy couple left on the even -1 frig train for a sort honeymoon to i London, .Ingersoll, Woodstock • Audi t then mztsta rat points. 'ti+llit y 'Will he 14,11a guests of Mt 3. A. S.,stentrs ivbl15 II to Woodstock.. £toss Fertilizer (C1 o. BASIC SLAC J4IIRTLE-IB, iuiiicra HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE am takitrg orders for the above celebrated 'brandof Fertilizer for delivery to xt Spring. .1 handled this brand last season and had splendid success with it. Basic Slag has been used with greatest success on beans, etc. irrtccs Cash $2I.00 F. -O. B., Station. $22 on 8 months time. V41a.o.� o.e�.� cw �•�J G d 4 4 4 d •l!•17�1!•4 U, •.7 O•!'•O•G' •4.O'•4•G ° Stock must be sold by April lath �i \), 000. I have joined the l.6laslt>rluron Battalion and mug 4Qd r pat t i or duty by April 10th. Frr. n; now until that time I will sell my stoc't of FLOUR,.FEED„ OCERIES, SEEDS, .Ery.., 4 j at reduced.prices. Get your supply now. til k� Terms—CASH SOD cOP �OQ G. McBMDE Phone 23 - Z 1, J: t;l, ti Alf�Ooo 0000�vv.v�io•��-� N4/ X41 M r ThonaasConsitt, Hill's Green, Huron Oo. writes ou 14th December, 1914:—"Sydney Basic Slag is good stuff. I got half ton in 1913, and applied it to five acres of Fall Wheat and had more wheat off the 5 acres than en 15 acres that had no Fertiliz er. Last Spring 1914 I tried Slag alongside at, Mixed Fertilizer that cost the ,82 per ton and tate Slag gave me much better results." JUSEPU RAU R R. No. 2, - Zurich. The Land of Wheat -lioaneseelcers' Excursions toWestern Canada at low fares via Canadian L'aeiie each Tuesday March 7tli to October 31st inc'losive. Particulars from ally (Yanaadiaan Pacific Agent, or W l3 Ilowatd, District Passenger Agent Toronto, New Ads in this Issue 3 'teeter, 0 Ritz, 0 Hartleib, faint ad. - ***** *** 0 ll O O O MILLINERY OPENINGS - , BORN Hoffman—Tn Hay toarisbil), on March 29th to Mr and Mrs :Simon Hoffm n, a soli, Stade—At Zurich, on March 80th, to Dir and 'Mrs Rudolph 1.' Stade, ai, son.. l tl1 y —At Zurich►' tin April itt, to i)lr gild 4ttt 1:1JJ) tbtiay;,' u a ,a1 hi9L on Friday and Saturday, March 31st anal{ April 1st and following day;. Our Millinery Department is in charge of Miss. Lanes. who has just returned from attending the openings in Detroit. All newest and best in Ladies' Hats, etc. You are, cordially invited Now is the time to order yonr Spring Snit and Over- coat. We handle the oele• t.a ..ted B ad wa r Styles, Fit guaranteed. We give away free with every ordered suit or over- coat one of W term's special Neck ties. Men's New up to -date Spring hats just arrived in Blank, Navy, Grey and Brown, also Spring gloves shirts and ties. Fresh 3+•9f`a sok, HO'NE e .3 A few Bargains • left in Men% Suits and Overcoats. 9 only Boys' Sweater Coats 450eaoh.• ire also mut in stock a line of Ladies House dress• es in big sizes 40 and 48, at - 31.50. Aprons at 50o in li gilt and dark also children dresses and Rompers. Call at the store and get a Now Idea fashion Sbeet Free, it makes no differ enoe wh?ther you are ti customer or not Free to everybody, .orders for Pat• terns send away every Monday. - A big stook of Print, Gingbaarns, laces, Lrnbroicl- oTq, Race curtains and tain goods. at all tnnn,s ZUFICH . µ w Y- -' o 1 -***-ifs