HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-04-07, Page 4TUl3; TriERAL '
issued evehg"rlxursday afternoon fegih the
- RALD PRINTl'Nl't WIP.f it• tl
'Victoria Sr, Zurich; tly
,sA.NDRltE t' F. Hess and Ck6EStlttl2 L, 5)11:1tri
P$YBs U'rxODi PRO 'WOO A 'YM1,13
LT,'S• suscripton $x,6o Strialy* In advat;oc,
ApirZ T1siNG R117s,
!tants for display and controttsavettisetttente will be
%Wen tin appliation,
'Transient notices such. atlegai, bar oi'ate^n, sod
tete., i, cents per line fox fitst't•e ertirn and t cents r
.11ib for eat.a subsequent itts:rtlan,
Notices of entertainmenti,•sacials etc, q`t which
lichniss ion fee is charged (spa speciateolletion tan • a
Will be charged for at the regular advert tstng.ri
i•fotices of religious or dti:•r meetings he object
Which is the benefit of'the oommunityar-1 not fur p ;
t,nal or sectarian Interest .or gain, 'Wil•, be cheerfu . •�
alerted free.
Advertisments without specific 'iii-ections µi11' eo
Asserted untitl forbid anti chargedacrordiugly 'i'xrr1-
41cat advertismenrs must be paid for'in advance.
Lslray advs. $x feed:tee insertions.
*To Taper disceritl Cued until ali•arrearages are p, id.
..eluutges for coottact advertisel3't is must be ie. the
lance by 6 p. m. treesday, otheritise they will 'a4left
cyst until the following week,
At:dress all cont:nunics ions to
THE HERALD, Zurich, (1t -t.
'THURSDAY, APR. 6, 1916
Among the irb portant prapo,ass to
lee laid before the Ontario' Leglature
ley Hon T 'W 'Ale( -tarry, ••provincial
treasurer lire a . provincial loan of
-$4,000,003, ,a penalty tax• of six per
tent on all portions of the "provincial
-war tax unpaid to the •treasury after
January 16tn' each years an increase
in the amount of drainagedebentures
nnunicipalities-tmay issue, ••'-a change
in the wolf bounties and a wur tax of
a mill on the'dcllar, sheenier to the
tax levied last ;'rear,
A bill beforelthe Ontaria.Legislature
this week, if passed will help to strength
len some of tho•fratesnal societies in
Ontario, while others may lose their
charter. Ther -bill compels the com-
panies to •naintain 'tlier present
actuarial conditions and to raise their
Tates if necessary -to maintain this.
Where a company neglects to main-
tain its finuncialstanding;•the license
shay be cancelled. • In Osinadian so-
-eieties fromnk013 to 1914 there has
leen a decrease of 31,000 members.
Jogt the' Editor
The $1.00 ttweekly newspaper in
Canada will soon be a thing of the
vast. Alberta, Saskatchewan and
Manitoba heve'•put the price up to
$1.50, and 'British Columbia, for
fiome time past, has,been selling the
-weekly at $211;.0. 'This gives'the pub-
lisher a bettetemargi:n and .will help
lieu to finance lenoreeeasily. The re-
ault should beta, better newspaper. A
poorly paid efiitor is'like a poorly paid
preacher, Livin ,t from hand to,xnouth
Zoos not get t:]tiebest out of a • man.
When your newepaper goes up to$1.50
if it does not sllit,you tell the ..editor
Bao and give hisnipoin.ters as what he
is missing that ds.,of,oital interest to
you and your neighbors, It will do
'aim good to jog hia-aalong and it twill
keep him up on .thee: bit. Often alipoor
newspaper cousin ibe made a flood
xlewspaper if its patrons were candid
with the editor axidl.t41d him he ,bad
rallen into a rat. Show him Tors
-have the right to e eeeive value fifer
your money. If yon. do this you will
tee helping the community as well ;ae
yourself and the editor,
Lost, strayed, for sole, ,anted, found,
to rent, card of thank,, and ail want ads,
for insertion in this coltamnn..aa•til be charg-
ed for at a rate of 25e eaehtins,e-•tion prov-
iding they don't exceed .5 payable
•6trictly in advance,
Seeds For Sale
Some alsike, No. 1, and same 0. A.
C,, No. 72, oats , to clear Oilh producer's
price. Oscar Elopp, phone i1,,° (en 93,
House For Sale
offer my property in Zaariegs for
sale. Good frame dwelling and stable
on premises. For particulars ap, fy
;to Elmore Thiel, Zurich.
Hotel Property For Sale
11,ldown as the Dominion House,
Zurich. Must be sold before May,
let, 1916, otherwise will be closed by'
that date. For particulars apply to
'm S Johnson, Zurich.
House and Lot For Sale
House and three acres of land, with
stable and woodshed, for sale. Good
apple and plum trees on premises,
also good well. Situated two and one-
half miles north of Zurich. For
particulars apply fto Andrew F. Hess,
Auctions Sale
Of Farm Stook, Ii,jplements and
(louse Furniture on Wednesday, nesday, Apr
3,2th, near Blake, at 1 ,cielock, E
Dossenberry, auctioilgpr; to Bren-
ettcrnian1 proprietor.
Ur Henry Villert made a business
'Cie to Berlin on Monday.
Miss CattehrineTinlibeiner is onnthe
sick list.
Mr and \14i•rs -L Hasmacher visidlgd in
Parkhill -S land ay.
MissiD'ora Kraft'Of Clintonislhome
for a few weeks.
11Irs Percy Httrnble of Sarnia is vis-
iiing her parents here.
-illrs N' Kellerman is visiting her
grandmother'ttt Zurich, who is serious-
ly ill,
Wedding belie: aro ringing; in our
burg this •week. •Particulars later.
firs B Stacey visited ofr'iends in
Exeter on ' Tueedoy.
llir•and Mrs Thos Klumpp attended
the funeral 6f the formee-s•mother at
Crediton 'on' Ttuesday.
Report of/Boom II Da'ehwood Pub-
lic Schoorior the month of March:—
Jr 111-- Myrtle Koch,' Jno Rader,
Rose Guenther, Gladys Guenther,
Verdi 'Fassold, Clifford"Pfaff, Louise
Granpner, Matilda Hamacher, Edna
Camere'n,i Percy Willertf °Garnet Will-
Sr.:IBarnet • Gossman, Edwin
Rinker, Mervyn Tieiinan, Lucinda
Willa rtIl enosella Koch, Gear Steinhag-
en, Abraham Vincent, Idella Baker,
Albertl•Eveland, 'Anna•Nincent, Willie
Bender;'Howard Schroeder.
Jr.' II Harry- Rader, Jno Guenther
VioletkBieber, ' Charlie Snell, Freda
Stire. GraeetReicl, Teacher.
Tbeqtillowing is the report of Room
I of Dashwood public school for the
month.bt'AMareh. •The report is based
on attendance, diligence and general
Jr. fII.—Alice Rodman, Lillie
Willert,•Leo Eveland, ,fuuule Willett,
Courtney :E.idt, . Zimmer,
Henry Bieber,• Harry iZiimm.es, Sol-
omon Beiittehen.
Sr Pt;H:—Percy Kleinstiver, Reg-
gie Armstrong, Luella entire, Edith
Guenther, Minnie Rinker, Oscar
Miller, E•tnaer Zimmer,,Verda Baker.
Int. Pt. s II: iJictor =Tyler, Clara
Bender, stifle ' Grigg.
Jr Pt III:—Pearl Gabel, Lorne
Tiernan, Ethel Gabel.
Pt II (i );--Harold i dllerman,
Almeda Miller, .Loreen Baker,•Arnetta
Steinhagen,!•Eddie Hamacher,i'Emma
Groupner, • Courtney Baumeister,
Wealthy Schroeder, Edna Wilds.
Pb II (, .):—Lottie Arnas:trong,
Walter Stile.
Pt II (W):—Leonard iBender,
Average Attendance 33.
,A.;Finkbeiner,, rteaeher.
Daniel Mellseac has purchased !the
undertaking l,auuiness owned by ithe
late T Lawson.
A patriotic meeting was held there
on Monday night.
At the parsonage, Credition •on
March 21st, Rev .Iefferson united tint
Marriage Sherman \Willis and Oscines
!Ding. They wills fireside in Graaiidj
Vi(,sew, Man,
airs J, K. Schro'atider:and daughter!
have left for Detroit, 'Mr Schroeder!
iratends moving in a few weeks.
L. ill'lky and son recentgy disposed
of tiled:c ne dairy herd of Holstein
cattle iii ,order that L. Day, Jr„
might loin the 161st Batt.
G. L. Gsayham of Parkluill has
been transferred to the local branch
of the Bank ,cif Commerce. Wilfred
Northcott has been transferred to the
Winnipeg brf;vnggh..
A lemon meast:ring 12a' by 101
inches was grown here by Mrs G.
Easterbrook on a tree about three
feet high.
David Mawhinney who recently
sold his farm in Stephen, has come
to Exeter to live.
George Crawley has sold his livery
business to Wm Hodgert, whe recently
moved here from Usborne.
The remains of the late Rev. Jos
Gundry, one of the leading Methodist
Clergymen of Canada, were interred
in the Union cemetery here on Mon-
day of last week. He was formerly
pastor of Janies Street church, Exeter
and was one of those instrumental in
bringing about the union of the differ-
ent 11/41li'tl1.odist churches In Canada.
The members and adherents of
Goshen Methodist church met at the
home of Mr and Mrs W L Keys on
Thursday eve, March 24th and pres-
ented them with a purse of money and
a nicely worded address. Mr and Mrs
Keys and family are about to seyer
their connection with Goshen church
and move to their'nsw home in Sea-
forth, and in appreciation •of their
faithful services the congregation took`
this opportunity to express their •es -i
teens and the sense of loss which 'they;
feel in lo sing such faithful and valued
members. The tient wisbes ,df 'their
many friends will follow them to.their.
Rev and Mrs A W Brown of Varna,
were in Toronto last week attending
the big Temperance (Convention.
Miss Annie Armstrong, who 'has
been living in Bruce'field for sometime
is visiting at the sold 'home.
Goshen School has been ,closed :for
two weeks on account •of measles. A
number of families 'have been,pnaran
Miss Ann Curvin las been `visiting
friends in Stephen.
The measlesare spreading rapidly
through the township, Every,preeau-
tion is taken to stamp out •the disease.
Dr Rogers closed ,the schooliin ''No 5
Section for two weeks.
Rev Mr Brown took the -service in
Varna Pres church Sabbath morning
while Air G S Howard of Zurich took
his work on Goshen as well as the ser-
vice at Blake supplying •for •Rev Mr
Johnston, who is still gnarantined.
Greer Bros shipped .a'car of horses
from Brucefeld recently. This is
their third this Spring, There have
been several ear -loads shipped from
this neighbourhood bythe several buy-
ers and still farmers havetrnore to sell.
The price of ga,soliineiin ;putting a
damper on the Auto trade. Ma,ny'in-
tended to purohase+one abut will have'
to drive the old nag ,this year :again.
Farmers are busy making ,maple
The houses in Hensall ,are being
wired in readiness for the ,eoneing
of hydro.
The Hensall Spring S&tnch Show\will
be held on Friday, April 1.4Th.
Six Oddfellows of the 1Bnucefield!
lodge joined the Rebekta,hs here last
Mrs Geo Todd bad the as iefoatune1
to slip on the floor last week :and'
fracture her leg in two places,
Peter L. McArthur of the west,
attended the funeral of his sister, the
late Mrs Bell.
Dr. Alex Moir, of Lenore, Mane
will open an office in Hensall.
Dr H G Malloy left for the west'
(last week with three stallions.
Those who inlisted here last week
were; Geo Jackson, Wm Sheppar0,
Hanson Petty, Art Jones, R Johnston
\W Pfaff, Percy Clark and David
lfe;afd and Daily ,Globe $8 75
Weekly Globe 1 75
Daily Mail and Em-
pire 3 75
Wesly i` ,ail and
uToronto Daily Star
t� ii Daily News
Weekly Star,.
" London Free Press
i`forning Edition—. 3 50
Evening Edition,,,. 2 90
Weekly Edition,,,,, 1 85
London Advertiser
Morning Edition,,,,
Weekly Edition.,,
Farin & Dairy
Weekly Sun
Farmers Advocate
" Montreal Family
Herald and Weekly
Star .... , , ....,, 1 85
6t it Weekly Montreal
Witness 1'':35
1 75
2 85
1 75
2 90
1 75
2 40!
rt Canadian Country
anan, 15f1
141r N I3oyes is visiting hie 1 Tothor,
Mr Robb Boy'•es, at present,
Mbs A J McDonald has returned
after spending a few weeks with
friends in Soaforth,
Mr .and Mrs Quackenbush have got
Battled on'tbeir farm, which they pur-
chased "from Mr John Moyer. We
welcorno them to our neighborhood.
Q'tiite'a number in this vicinity are
malting syrup but report a poor run.
Aliss'Flossy Capling spent the week
end under the parental roof.
Mr and Ars John Johnston of Hen-
sallare visiting friends in this vicinity.
Mr and Mrs Boy Consitt of Hills -
green spent Sunday at the home of
Mr H Zapfe.
Mr Len Sparks of Hensall called oto
friends in the village on Tuesday.
Mrs and Mrs Peter Capling left on
'Monday for their new home in St'
Marys. We regret losing old noigb-
bors bub hope they may long be spared
Ito enjoy a well earned rest.
Mr and Mrs L Foster have moved.
to the farm recently vacated by Mr P
Capling. We welcome Mr and Mrs
Foster to our neighborhood.
Mr Peter Cord veau is busy cutting
wood around the neighborhood.
A good stock of men and boy's Wat-
er proof shoes on hand. Give us a
call. L. Brisson.
Mr Leon Bedard, our onion King,
disposed of his last bunch in Dashwood
on Wednesday.
Mr Dan Denom,y has been hired as
clerk at Brisson's untilseeding.
Kitchener wants more men. Enllsl
David Kipfer visited at his home
here on Sunda ye
Mr and Mrs Geo Strong of Soafotttl'
visited at Thomas Kyle's, also Mr
and Mrs Jacob Meyer,
`Nelson Desj'Lrcline and Miss Ella
iKipferspent a social evening with,
Hensall friends recently.
'John Vollick has been laid off work
owing, to wet weather.
L.:B•urkholiler has completed his
cantract of cutting 100 cords of wood.
Dayid Blackwell has enlisted at
Ezra Kiefer visited friends in Sea -
forth on Sunday,
'8C11100L .REPORT
The:folloiving is the report of S. S.
;Nofi, Hay, for the month of March,
based on work, conduct etc during the
month. :Names are in order of merit.
Sr, IV—G Witmer.
Regier, A Steels.
6r. III -11 Dabus, T Smith, V Grab
x71; II_I— I' Jeffrey, G Wildfong, A
ihibus, W Widmer, S Snaith:
Sr. TI—L Martin, 0 Greb, A Wit-
ness., H Witmer, D Smith, C Farwell,
ID Regier, G Regier.
Rose,, 0 Farewell.
Pt,, I1—E Greb,, L Dabns, L Far-
'V 'Volland.
Pt...it—A Region, L Regier, L Wit -
Noon Ro1131. Average Attendance 22.
Mrs W Hey, Teacher.
Yesterday the annual Spring Horse
Sinew was held at Clinton.
Hugh McKay, of Bayfield, has join-
ed the 161st Battalion at that place.
H II Johnston and family hays
Moved to Bayfield from Talmage,
Sask. They formerly resided in that
Frank Welsh. of Goderich Town•
ship, bas moved to J C Reid's farm,
lot 14, cent, Stanley, which he has
leased for a year.
Robert Thompson, a fanner living
near Wingbesn, had his barn burned li
Monday evening with all the contents.
The cause is unknown.
L 0 Charlesworth, of Blyth, recent-
ly returned from the states, where he
bought three fine horses. They are
"Mac Thistle," with a track record of
2.041. "Cecile Star" with a trotting
record of 2.10, and Philis Admiral,
a black nrier°, highly bred.
Violet McArthur. beloved wife of
Robb D Bell, Tuekersuaith, passed
away on Marcia 24th, in her 82 year.
She was a daughter of Mr and Mrs
Robert McArthur, of Hensall, form-
erly of the 2ncl con., Hay, She had
been ill for some months the sinned-
iate cause of. her death was diabetes,
hrgr„husband flilk tt young sou survive
Call and st9 out; new
Wn are,
with all latest improvsments.
Now is theAtime to look for , .;edin,g implements.
Call and inspect our new Disc Drill with the all
steel boot.
Also have a number of second hand drills and
'cultivators at reasonable prices.
'g<etey for the well-knownLouden
Hay track and litter carrier,
1916 .Maxwell $850 Complete
Owing to several economics we have been able tea
perform, owing to the fact that we have- purchased a,t
factory site for the building of ilio complete car in
Canada at Windsor, Ont., we' have been ab,e to reduce -
the price on our touring cars to S50 and roadster to.
�` 830 for tate .conning season.
1st -
You. should buy a Max -well becauEe:—
Me=ets .any tar cn economy cf gasolene cersumpticiii.
Tires low as any.
nice of Parts are low.
License cost is reasonable.
Call on the Maxwell dealer and ask: about our sea.
or ask cur old customers regarding
Try_the Maxwell out before buying,_ foi•
66Power on bills"
"Sand or Mud"'
.A car made in Canada, over 100,.000 produotioi:
of 1916 Maxwell with our many; imp] overent s._ •
One man top, mohair. Demountable rims. Electric
Lighting and starting system. Made and guaranteed by
the Maxwell Company and all the conveniences of cars
costing twice the price.
Let us prove to you the advantages over all' othe-
makes produced in this the
1 Wonder far 1
H. Gellman, Dealer,
Phone 25 Zurick
W. E. Oestreicher,
Distributer, Crediton.
W carry a lar.; -3 sock o! st orm sash and storm
do orsmadeaii p-iiz.3 or s tyle,
Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mil
Estmates given and contracts taken.
at planing mill.
sigazti AMMO
ZU I I-1