HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-04-07, Page 1Vol. XV I ' yQC ZURICH. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 7, 1916. 4400 4 9ti9A•vvrrrov�•*•,..wy, .0•Ot•r.4.0004'!••••••4.O . • 0 • 0 • • Three busy . weeks of • Easter ''} re arationo a • 40 40 • Fashion �,r'splays are .40 Irrestibly Charming •• • • • • Each stason this store takes a step forward as fashion healquar- 2 ters; each year our position ns chief distribut .re of apparel of correct : style and exceptional quality is strengthened. Beautiful, becoming, • practical—this sums up the reasons for the increasing prestage and O growing clientele of this style -store. The coming threeweeks preced- •int, Easter should be the busiest of the spring seasoo and an attractive • programme of sale events has been prepared. 40 ;, _;. onderful New Millinery 40 b o Small bats and large hats; gusto the newest hats of the season 2 new and fetching, correct in the trimming, which makes thein differ • ent and fascinating. Hats with new 'wide bow; hats with gav posies in •• • spring hues, hats For general or better wear and suitable for young or b • gid women, a great interesting, incomparable collection. • Sateen0 40 Underskirts • • • • • Three dozen only, fine quality sateen underskirts, with fancy e • accordian—pleated ruffles at bottom, finished wilt tucks and stitching. • • Ali seams double stitched, in black, brown and grain from $1 to $2.: o • •go . • • House Dresses • • •••� LOOK! • m • 0 • e O • • 0 0 • 0 0 0 Why not use. the best. coal?' SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. 'a• '•' MPlete-at 11 5 ch. -10 , ,a, - - A;fixle-asscrriment 01 new h auso dresses with dust ca,,p ax►"d apron4, s • hitew C. t ■r A E & SON PIIOH 35 H E N SALL �:c ae..4-aeadto _ al tae 7 LOCAL NEWS EIS 6" , gs. r6.Y E.,. td� a ea?J Y.ir ,,4a) A number from here attended the Kraft—Hey wood nuptialsat Dashwood on Wednesday. Ice Cream every Saturday. Lettuce end Parnell's bread on hand.- S Kuepfer,Zurich. Best quality Formaldehyde ` for treating grain for smut for sales- at Zurich Drug Store. Mr Daniel Bennett, of this village, has enlisted with the 161st and will join the Military Band at Clinton. The directors of the Zurich Agri- cultural Society Chet last week and revised the prize list for the . 1916 show. • ITONOR ROLL 161st BATTALION, C. F. F, "THE HURONS" Andrew Price Thos. Davidson Leonard DavidsonGeorge McBride Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett Who is next? You are wanted; boys. Lieut. W. 13. Wilson Recruiting a Specials' o • • • • Ladies white cotton gowns nicely trimmed, good full sues only $i_ • e Ladies white iii,lerslcits; nice deep'frillof embroidery,- extra„.1!alues, • • at GOcts to $2.00 each, Ladies' Handbags • • •' Special sale of ladies' leather handbags, an exceptionally smart • line; three different styles—in pouch bag with the leather across the • bottom, plain or f tncy lining, and fitted with coin purse and mirror, • from 75c to $1.25. •• • • • 44, • 0 • • • • • • s Sherwin-Williams Prepraed Paints They both agre3 on S. W. P. • The House Owner says: ow 8. W. P. is the result of paint lists covering a 3 period of 50 years so its quality must be ri ;nt. •• S W. P. is a scientific combinations of inateriais .e all of which are produced by the company an 1 not bought from outside sourcers, so long wear and fast color are assured. •• S. W. P. includes the right proportions of lead, ,•� zink and linceed oil which gives life to the paint easel r prevent cracking and peeling when properly appli :d, Z `o it is the cheapest paint to use in the long run. •, 44, 41 • The Painter says: • e•► S. W. P. is put up in quart, half- gallon and gallon * cans, so they can buy just the amount they heed tor a each job and have no waste. • S. W. P. is ready to apply right from the can so • they can save the time they used to spend in mixing. • S. \V. P. in prepared with such exactness and. is 40 ground So thoroughly that it �;preads easily under the et • "brush and covers liki a blanket, so they can work faster • and do more with less paint.. • Ask for color cards if you have not already received • • • • • • • • Z • • 0 • • • • 0 s • • • • s 4 • • • 0 • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • 4 • 0 • 0 0 0 • • 0 • • 0 • 0 <4 4 • 0 • • • • • 4 0 4, • 0 a • C4 Dr E 8 Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion douse, Zurich, on Wed- nesday, and Wednesday of the fallow- -mgsveek . `' it Jacob,Meyer and family moved, 5tbis week -to near 1'+etersiaurg, where Mx Meyer will engage 'in, , truck Officer. farming. The mereha'rts are getting ready their stock of dutch setts for spring shipment. ent. T1fe q'uailty isnot e as -in other years. Mr It. F. Stade has purchased the fine hone in Zurich owned by llfr W. H. Bender, who is nowt/ engaged in business in Detroit, ' We have all the popular shapes and colors in new shoes forrnen and wom- en. If we have rot in stock what you want we will • get it for you. C Fritz At the cong•ee,ational meeting held in the Lutheran church last Sunday, an unanimous call was extended to Rev 12r Rembe, who asked for a few week's time to consider the matter. Mr E Bossenberry conducted a very successful sale for Mr A De�jardine, near Grand Bend; recently, Cows sold from $75 to $107, and good figures were also obtained for the horses. ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT NO 38 ^a fi�w t sti ft Ott ty tt4~ 1i+D• s f ROO11i IV The following is the result of the :March Examination and shows the relative standing of the Candidates. Entrance: 12 subjects, Total 950, Fass 570, Honours 713. Margart Hess 763, Susie Deichert 742, Graham Merner 740, Jean Camp - bel) 733. Mildred Hoffman 657, Pearl Ducharme 613, Ward Fritz 471, Ruth Hartleib (absent). Jr, Grad: 16 subjects, Total 1100, Pass 660, Honours 825. Irene Pollock 922, Lorne Manson 852, hazel Fritz 789, Lennis Callfas 711. Hr. grad: To he ready for report next week. Mr. George Sparks bas sold his farm in Stanley township to Mr Val- entine Gerber, Jr , who gets possession at once. Mr and Mrs Sparks will i nave to Blake to i eside for the pres- eut All goods, belonging to the woman', ln.titnte, made for thesuldiers,, must he left at the home of M rs M Fritz no later than Saturday evening, April 8th. The committee, of rs 13 Camp- bell, Mrs 0 Fritz, Mrs J Preeter, Mrs W O'Brien, Mrs tI Ew n and Miss K Campbell, will meet next Monday evening at the home of Mrs Fritz to 1.raek the goods. •G, ,•Toward, principal, The following is the report for the month of March, room II, The names are in order of merit. Sr• II Veo'a Hrar, Pearl Gall- ag.e0Fya.=-Fee, .Mary. - ldittelholt; LuellaDecher, Milton Hey', Lfoy Hey, Cecil Ewen, Gordon Rau, Herbert Neeb. Jr II:—Ruth Brenner, Madelena Meidinger, Flora Uttley, Greta Merner Frances Mittelhollz, Gerald Bedard, Ethel Hess, Austin Schwalm, Elda Callf as. Sr. Pt. II:—Agnes Zettel, Iven Youngblut, Edmund Bedard, John Henry Kochems. Jr. Pt. Ii:—Irene Decher, Dorothy Brenner, Arson Kellar. Sr. I:—Wesley Cafes, Claude Meidinger, .Leonard Wagner, Anna Mittelholtz, Austin Hey. Jr. I:—Enuna Bender, Francis Deitr ick, Alice Deutz, 1lfeggie Zettel, J. W. Veitch, Teacher, Your New Shies For Easter are here. Our stock is bigger and better than ever before. See our new line of the popular Gypsy shoe, also cloth top shoes in. button and lace for women. Also men's shoes in gunmetal and nut -brown made on torpedo last,, the very latest. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. c� P;ITZ,- Zurich 3 The Home of Good Shoes •fes+at e;0o eti 411as tf+ f+ a<++ar�s+ 11111118111!III1118111111111111111181111„,„„ 1811811111IIIIIIIIHI8811111I1„„„.11118811!888811111818111III18111„„„„,118111818i1i�,i8181118111 „„,,ii,'88i111111111111111111181111111N1flllllllllilllllflli!!}illllll NowOnDisplay HAY COUNCIL Met April let. All members were present. The Clerk was instructed by resolu- tion to apply to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Bortecl to have By Law No. 9, 1915, and NOS, 1916, hydro electric by-laws of the police Villages of Znrich and Dashwood respectively valedated by the Board. The council decided that, all by•iaws be numbered consecutively instead of starting to number thein for each year. A resolution' was passed to the effect that ell subscribers of the Hay Tele- phone System are required to buy the batteries regnired for telephones and that no more batteries will be furnish - Incorporated 1855 ed by the system, this rule to begin on The April 1st of this year. '['he fntlowing tecnunts were ordered O LSO N to he t : Bell Tel o., ll toils for t� ' lrelr., 2Q22; Ilett `t'el C,n., for 1100 BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,860,000 96 Branches in Canada 4 one by mail. `� A Genera, Bsnkinz Business Transacted 4 PCULAR GhTrTEt;�Or 012.EiaiT a BAN1s. MONEY oa1)ER • �'i.las Bank �Ient • 14 P ,• J. E trte,est at,:i est current rates 0 y ?uriell iiranch • r e 1 tt & h .0 .n e N o. 9 « .. ,2 LI R 1 C R. T. i3 `I.+DP, i actager +•••00a 0004.0.4 00000•0>•0 0e •4'0444.44,444.4444 ,4,aA,*4,4 #+A'4.G We are now displaying our new spring and summer goods and can offer yore. some attractive specials in Ginghams, Repps, Muslins, Prints and Dress Goods at surprisingly Iow prices ,considering recent advances along those lines. Also our new Wall Papers, beautiful patterns at popular prices. Our store is filled with staple goods so that you can cT a.s...;g,q . achoice assn many.larger towns. R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 82 BLAKE a- �11TIi11111111111811111111111111111181111111111111811811181111111111111111111111111111811111111111111111111118111111111111111111811111111111111111111111!;1 lC'lli M11111118811111111111181881111188881111111RIt1U IG8N 6l IJ� directories, $75; G'1' R £might, $8.10; Northern Electric Co, material, ,$110.- 75; W G Hess, 8 ►north's salary, x:300; P McLoioe, 8 months :salary, $250; F Capli.ng, gravel, $1.20; W fl world, st labor, $5; 1llirnicipal World, supplies and subscriptions, $2'1.88; Herald Printing Co., printing 516 25; L i?rain,;, ace $1; T J1ur�loch team for soldiers, .� 4; N 1? Weenier alittn, 4;, S Wilmer, wood ;8.50; Township clerk, Bart salary $50; W Armstrong, expenses re child, $88.50; P IticTSiLOO, freight, and express, $2,25', 6 Hey., Ste., r +ta euater toad $2 50; 0 ?demon., gravel ai>iI work $1.3.25. 'Council will meet -again on Saturday • the Gln day I Ju r ivt 2 o'clock, p. tit. 1+' Mess Sr., Clerk. +++++++ "4.'1g•D�44`'q 4-1-4-4-1-1-4-14-1-1-i- +++++++++++++++41r40+40+++4•0•41 G 0= err -• , ,•II II"�,1.;g 44.7. t"II"++ g. �.+ Q t q 414. 1.'D. tg„t,%'Y.•I..l'.e'r : '•,i'g,l ++++.1.. 'L°' .�C'G.g.a Grasp the Opportunity Last fall I purchased many lines of new spring goods which I could not cancel, and the shipments are now coming in. They consist of Suitsfor Men, Youths and Boys No finer lot ever shown in Zurich Tweeds, Worsteds, Chevoits, et . Well chosen for quality and patterns. and many other lines. • I ha Q e decided to sell them at the old prices while they last, Now is your pportunity Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods E. APPBL - ZURICH Special Values in Horse Goods Owing to the mild winter we are compelled to re- duce our stock of winter goods at almost cost. Here are a few values: Regular 80x80 jute, full lined, $3 00 for $225 ” 72x76 , i < 2.75 for 2,25 " 7272 duck " " 2 55 for 1.75 All wool blankets reduced. Mitts and gloves will R.f� !■�/�t■�b■e�jsold at cost. F. Y ADE ZURICH