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Zurich Herald, 1916-03-31, Page 5
triol Hn , wr)074„..'filf 1r71.% 171•419, Capiial 11:4,001,0k Sall -dor. Pt/71 r v ()leers $11,116,127,23 rim.; yonr bar» zIgai oat (imago by win.] or lona:do tor 40 cant, per $100 for 13 yt•ttra, anti pot:. honsa for 13() 0:111`a por 11,1,i100 frr 8 Yews. No propiinn note an& bu extra, a,44assimnit .ciaarantal. rA la TO !t4, "It175P'' 44.,2 11 ."1411) . Dealer in Li 111triicag Pods .11 .1•4 AP'FT s„'1)1•1‘1,vats - Fre-Ah end Salt IV ent.s Pcl-cfrr. .c.41..trftr; efe • I FOIL ,i I CCAL NEWS • 111ri141y, A. oil 1.4', .4 13' i's 1 . llov•• in il mot t i•uar ow alto', nnon fo its togithr 111; MSn iit1 Co;04y •ttg 1,1 Irotbar, .N1r Cy MS Colotdiy,ut pri•aopi. 'Ay I fonry (., al 'Ina, 1, , ha •••. • 4nny- a1ny, i, 1 ivitul n. big (14 a far (his Mr Pei.^r hag pr•flyea 1)14 oatmoy of the, rimy 1),”•1; ant•umbila, roan tt fat:tuna:1 ir Oh a th an% v ;1 (1 r'ri ;v1 ol 1) orl 4,4 ,iRro 1 I.'. o 7•41virli.1 root f bninr hold ii Fvaligelical alto, 'Arca7,1(7s s(74n) to be -preTalant ir) l!mins• 't'441)474 ne OW:v43. ;1 la;(1 I -1.4!1;7•;. has boon gutrantitted in th's +rib ! a .1: Mr It ,giA A Derwin:Bo, of the 11t1; 1,111 iho IA .4...); 11 • , - .1.-,..., - - 1 tla,y to, Ititv) hi 4 c )'.1or n -v), • flat,,:tn, , ,, 1 throug11 a runaw.ty no:flaunt. ,..„„ ••!-F. g'.40. '4,71 I ' 11 A 1 ''..11 i , '.,-, — • ' I Tun til!.w Alla ra; • :$1 $ he 1 o...•31:rni.o r .,.. 1, i I f1i1 W 111k 3.1.5113 OP 0151-14 1,f 1313,33, .1.3„,,,; i,/.1‘4,1:, 1;,,,,-1:,, • .5 113 :3, 7,1...C.'..3'1.1.... ,,i,,,,..t., „.„ i-, ,,,,,,.r,i y 1,:4,, ;'...3•'.',37:,„" _ t., "I f.:11.;.$;-,0: •') . 1, • • 771 '$;:;,;,.; ,,,,,;, g fp ,1 1 e4.11;11•P 1) ,1rur florvl .d if, 01, vi1!,,,2-0, 1,7 -;,-,;-•,,,ro 1.•,..„; Ir....„:*1;..1,....,..E .,„,....„,,•:.._ • • 1, 5 • 1,P 111 31 5 1 a 1 NV ..-1. (1;11• r...r..# •.• .;:i._.....,•.....t.0 $ 1. 1711 !lei lal anallige Wag CallIKIa, howaver. , ....,,,,.3. ?, „.....„1„,,g, ;0 ,,,,,,,, ,7,1_, i,i11 0113,1 if., •;ii.,A., '‘' i,..1, a ;.- 1; . i la ...\., 1.; ("ay a! it .1 , to, oi ' . "inte-I al.t.*sy-, 11aVv." 1 . -..... ...,...„,... — A hill 11o4i4rua1 i• • n-o•oat. Ow a., f7rr J. J. r.11. -i, ,...3..•:)s3 or is t'it'll'''"4 k. . o ov1.1ea.:1 rot 1 t. '7,41,7;....•.;-; th.p Ti..1113,.• ..s 11koly t ) bo 11 33;...,,,i,,1-3,., Me., _ . .. ......... , 1 . 1 •e•F (14.:;13, ift h 3.1 i•t•,,) 1.•5111731,11'1'13 e 9 „,. „. , '., ' '; ' ',...,'" • _ ,..,, ' ''' : N; w:is lb,. ti ye g„ ;.,,,;.(•t, 3 3. 1.1:,116.7.10 Cl...".r. Cr Cf0r1111.,..1. ;3 in n, ..,„...... 11.111j,lin$1 13 17,11,y;•,rit.. To n. ro, -;.7,;;1.1.,,,,v,.,„,'.',' '-',„,,':. t.'„....7..,.,,,,..:a.'...,..j.,..'.. -„., L,i• ot eur f.r ;4•;;C.t g 11,11!(0 1,1 1 1 4 1.11..11;"1;11 l'. 11 -1.t, Cr 1..;7"! 7:.•-r:cr.r1:**.r.:::*: T. •". 1,1•'!... Yr1i3- N1'1 r 111' IA; 1* 1jt 17rt.4.:1 1;7 :.i.• (.7. ,:-.:**1*.,. Co,:r.-;:t...-: I 1 ...:, *";:...2) 7.1,7 1,, pik4;4;,, 34:7-4',: .;*,,yr77r, :.1.. i.' ,;7; 1 1.,.711 47,7*... 7.77,, :*. 771 ...-"red 2:.r.r1:1-::,..-pr7. 7;1.13 I'77.,...- • • 3, vi, t be I 17...it, r.1.;".7.7 u. ttrr:: ..7 :„-. ':14.( r •::;,.*ii:*, r .77,. Lilo: a vk;r s'....:1:k:Ez vittrZar- :7 7777.7-77.77-717'77.7 ....._._ ... . .. . . . . HAD 1111•;'.V 1$1+.:4 our. _ ,..._._ 5len Wb Am!, a 3,'' +o•:,••• 0 v•,• -.•?seas • g7 -,y,,,,...,„„: :,,,i ,i, 4,,, 1 1 .., • . '00 U ii ilk fe41'' 14414E* -,131 111111111 rail „,.. ...._,... ,.... ... 10,.,t, p,„,,,,,,,,,.. 7ii -1;21 1711:40,1,11,,.1. I %,,,,,, 1 a „, I ' 1 c' ct,:5, 271.• l„,. 3 7 i --.,,..---7.,..44,14 $--7.•..,--_,, 11t:Juruit:/Q; ,7,,,L.:1 .7.3.. 11.1.1 .11C31;1;1, 11 Isri-11 $ ; . , 1 T,1 I •1 r ‘5. ti 0111111.3 41413 1,011 1111;a1r,(;(1 ht, „, 10 F.•011p 1315a ag,".1 at. tho affie.+: of. the A131(11 1- , „..,........i...,.............-.,.... ..............,;,... ..;.....),..•,. i ., Pat 4;11 i 1.0 14 ihrl,t 1, Fa /,'1' • 51, ki: your stillli .1-1.,1.1 Le10011 1.7.1 Tomato, whon two ,nt311 who stood 3,:.1 tho cf.11.1a avaalnal :ileir tura at tb:, al-Lc:1ra' COliff11r1.1 utli,;.traly barian to oxoiatne. eau, 1ther aerionfily ','„! ? wl.eLicrar, VV7a tel.," Oatri tors, ;1•101 vi Gym> .1%,;',,31," ,,, i;:'..4'.. r7.:.;, Litt e; Cbrnie,r 3, wi 3 all "tittraly, I've soen you before," ..tuci)ktiOT, K.11.1.t,1•,,AN & cvs,l'ili. •• , aticl. 0110 of tile Mee. ellott it: •5511. °fn. f., Ull OW 15\1413-te %I: , i, 74 (4.1 4 y im.„1,,i,(.1 tin (-• tC. "Y(.13, rAnd 1 an. evrtain that I have t 1 • 300/1 .:,..) 11," 4:aid L71 .t oti.or. 1...../.r la: ..11; Hi, riii i tr.a "Wasn't it in a Lattl_e 141 the l'hilip- pava 0 6,04418 t,, Joan at 10,,a,,, t „ram, ,1 .>, i -441 1.x ' tiri.ii 1 or 41.14 T. of 14tan .Broip4ou /Ines?" ":3um anntmh. Wc inoL O. coup( r. I'Lt..trost7tor, h. 1,..1. ,1, 1., n.,111,,A,am„, Line anti Partiek, iaternatod. T but, i'v.ati 'al :. v. k.y floygt. Mori ca • 101.,nr.4 t ) lia.jli COIL of. ::•..1...tailr.." and Corp. 13.3..ziaossen S'Cinf,V. ;.,(1 ;:".).*:r :1A..l.r.17r1,...t.rtira -1,7:r yak..s of strip: .1u. Narron 'was an ex:pert 1.:: 1 :- „apher, working on. a prt,s3 vii', v hint lta auccu:.al..a,1 to 02 oull.of ad- ien.l.Lie. Elt er,y 711an, lrls had. bin p'3772,1"14.13 n(ITS 11111. 11,17c; Or•171Y 11, 'a 141 to , 44(4 44.0i, 1-7; 1 '73 (1'4th t ). ilt 141. 1141 • ti t lor.t ,..1' 1 3ra 3r.r. . :1. 1.o Le worm-. 1' '1 11111 N. Y. Laie 11..•::',Mani ri1.1.1 .....,:a ,:?. fai.r.31: (,•: :+,-....... scry N.,..1,014 ..4 . ;1 oli, Phys..ciao, ':',Innithttio. :‘1,114•1(! 1 343 tc1d a a•,1 tilt, A'„7:1x.. T1, . 1',. 110, pi tal N. kv. eit„ , 7,,,,i4„ -,,i 1.•, ' '„:•..,,...:':',41.;',..,';,, tici'';-;,...::;:.!„‘,.,,i,s- ';:•,.'il„.(,,;,-;:1"Ii:.:.,:• ;I 4:41:..c. Shin, Ne AV T.,1 l'a,:•,,,,....lilli: ,•,;„li,„ :ty 4.,1.410 C.. 1. 7,11,11,. ,'..•••,t lealdlCal 1.k.A.1( '44 n 41q Ill : PI AL 1 '')13.• 1 • • • , 4) f;.11r; (111..:r. C. -:-..".;i1 1.. !.f.1 Ini A i 1:41 *t 11414, in connection- 01.11oe Znlial, 7 s't 7.fI, 7 C21 T'n ,:l.„, f:', "7'.:,-'::. • ' 11.• ''' ' r:.;': 1; tk.:.::: ^7,17 •!7.•''' Ili,' Itt1.:rjr flf- 11 •ii ''',.;* '..;*• ..7, AI Sr a a'.i....:5,...a',,,*; 1 ) ti''''•:. "•••''-'*. Wd ,;.' t 12' ;•;41.:•1.1.".;' :, • :1 a,i....1 twent,,,-c:n•...• Uot. o •..-1.,.•.,-. +, ar•t3 1.; ,,,,!-A7::'; 4-r43. 1 !I') f,I ''+' ------ ----. ------- ----- - -----. 44. It 1110'4,111 111,141 15.1; UO.17 Mi.:, /Iva u w ;:d0 144,11 . 131.1i lor OP, x'..ta 0)s!, bL. y A L., '4% DS rt.: 1.11444. (41 4 111 Pt i(.1341 1-1, .1. 1) Coa7i.1.1. 1,_111 1r. (.1..ohe wil111.1 in 11,11,01 on Fri7.3,33- 411.4) ttcy cud) Nit.DICAL (":41.ilDS . • , • 7 ft Ei; CI t S a A A : 44, • • • r, )1.1 A. J. )tat;EI-NNON late .1•.;, ...,.:;,(:,;:\:.-"'r ,.'••i7r - -,, .''-• -, ,---- ;1 t vi,', 2:v kird f:;:;•,.,f:,:lf,;: ,,J..:‘-.. ...1' - ,' -. ‘.' ' .•.' .,„4 .., 11 ",.. ',. •.;'• 4 ; 1 :: ''' t * .I. . - * , i7 er; it t"; 44 Li +1 f-tl'oraio 1.s.t P ) o," 1.41s 1,113 1 IV" Et -„,..ja Sorgeon Ilotwo 117:11,-4:e•tao k• * * • • (If V 14it41, . 31, r.o 4,1 a, , ; :ty ,„1 1 (31 1 1 1. ,f -h, it 41'1.111y, (1N pros.; •,.4: y 1,0 elti•rc 1U10('14' illto 11' pl'lrn'4 1 —. 14,1l 7”„. 1.+:440.14 L.1441 • 9.4"1:.13 .0; 111, 11,e4•o -1.1,1 T191.1 -111.1: i 3, 1 41 1 .+I•Loi•ol.o. r, •.••-`1 hovo ...51,31f1 I, ; I • if 44.44 "1. 1 111.11:: 11.:031 Of g'3:35g 119'y. IT1115 faoar4141 of .1,,!,t; A. , ao • or A 111 '''41 1 1. 1 '0 T.1••:no, 54 T .1-7% If Iv w 1, 4 •It.••,1 tho ft, ,.11 17,41 ,31 '41-t.).17.1 T'170 (} 4 4. f'1. 1, I. .1 co.1.1.1•4'llv 3•1•1'011'.•. cr.,•frt, 1 3.1=1. 4144.143'. • . 44374-4"141,/ T'1' 141333.3 44. r":+,1311.43.41. 4:f iv•+r- riot, A lbw tn., um) 344 1414 at+•.k • Itil.to; it. :o• 4 111 (11 1 i , ;_,, Ii)C+11;01:;•,. 1. la,/•,:,...,7.••, . I illi' b14,-4 tAtattt ina.,.i.. y kaan A 111'5.:S1 Va. 161y 01 C01,1it4. 1, Pat Posi 1 C ,t11 Nr..• H134,1 b tAe 7,103 Hog arno, 11 1.Pati;i41+; of ; t 1 r „4.i'i' Tt 11,1 ••••••, •• 1,2 x'..fo. RE. 5 r .1;1 A NI. • rCT.,*;,717.3 t:441liT 4,7; .4- tl*:1 7.... ; • . • ' (),T.7!) 31.1.;‘, i.T \ 1' 1' ""°.°1 1310 4:••••," 1 FA13,,'1%.411T14'f4! Nvi,)- rot') ilil 1t,11e all da..tiara in j'0' ,;4(' r1.13.,3"';` • :t„ ot•..7. „ , - i ..„' m) ,1 1 l•t,i, ,t's,, , ,.• ',r1' , . ..:i.k;t- .1.-.•7,.s.1-`.I.• •• •:..!•.v 1: -• ' ! ,: , --.. •; -. .•11. ",:,•,-1'.t,..•a-1 ii..;.... .1. ,.."”- os tr %%1Ivaco 4 faa to4e, a f i,, a (.ri, l, -,, i„.., . T. , ,--17*7 -.1:'::1:leri,± Iyi14- 7.4(4 111.1lho ,,on401,,ist.,,-,..g31• 7. ,. .(! 1*•.1" .1 4 Ilte., li•i0, 4:'.414'1-4:'.414'1-'41'"'.r.. 1.4 '144T' 017 "1:c7.,'l a nr**t I. s 1 * - • 11,7 i:. k .3. ..1.17;.:1 ;,,(•11 1 .1 ).,D,f l1 n,a -o-t7 tv.. 7:.a7."'-"77‘l•4T!-il•lo•.. a;f.-.•v :- a t7..; r * .;•7 . 1 I •_- 1 .14 FnC:•147-. "1t.er-1• 1' 1 ('44) hs nail 2::.:et: o • 1„14.0 la r; 7 111.41 ct !tt 11.st1411'1331 11 hy Th!if:* cf tit* 1*T;i • 1 P*5 1 ,74 F. c'r 114.11 C4/ . rte:st 7171:.!) •, 1741, val 5y ttrrt , ye 1, 1*,. 41. 7.. 1" T.1 Iv • 01' ::, 1411- irrid 3a tha Ti will 'ho r?rem1ra '1..,4. 1 9-3,'r` =11') 1'gr41 11 1 1:17 0211,.1 P>11 9,) e1i4 r1111"4 "1 4) rt' ▪ rw PAt ;A cln ,p„4.;.NT71A' is 7 A: ',Iv`1'4`:t'z1y4t. 1;k4, :1•...11.'7: 1:.•'-. 11" 1 1;7.1 ;444 1 • 12011•1111.1.1 1441•:1 •,: • • 4. Pinr,s..ry1414414-7.41444 ; 1, \(.11:41'14' 1•i 14.11;_;'1 Y. 1- l.( , 0•1,'0,,11. 11 5 :r) •+••! ( 117 •;-7 t ". t. • 1• k a10 • 7; 53 f) 1.fl 1 .•1;4,4 11' .14 kp 0 •,. 1 / ,• 1 1'.3.,,: , v,r ; 5 .3•7•; ;- .r• 1 :, ` / ;•:,.•.' ' • c: w7a1 113 410:17141:1' 14 Layo•1;tvkarn ac131•i*.:;!h (9-7- 111 '1 X?3,":1,:/ f:, 'if • 3v3.10 C •1 ,11:; 11..5 , Vs P 141441 1. 3.11Joral 4.11:-.4 111(4(1• "4.1•'„s--".! - • • ' x,;773 -;*.:7* 4 11 fre,) 0.0 lit. blxf.tiosivn Tarr- ,41111.1(1'' 0'1,1 '11's vv" . .70.1.t. wo,..A. •t'k.o!**: OW11 1;:S1;1_1.13f ry,.. nlaincet k' 1:1••tv ' • • I'Vrito nom tor pot tianTors th t':e T 1?,-,1,teyn V011!p1rry42k4li14•ii. A let t'7v+.•.1 1;1 anetb-r Towl- Toronto man 4)::t4e41 two 14,14144-3•:4 trf cr=_„„' it -011 - 4,1103/A int in "1.11 'LOP PO11111511. .`1 .1 •.• y 1141(04(1 ft •ventIP 1.13spois.31,cly • /7,1 1 •, T P '.l',4 )'"i") ..3.7.) .oronto, nd thy !miter 11'74tthe:lki1,1 ir1 n 111, ,17 1: t1 '. . al! ;.`4 -r a lo th 1,48. n,t1111:4 Rt. 144343,14 ,,3 ;•1 i.1 1,•7 lithe gover 01)3001 onalys/ o.11 '1414 "4 , Z,71•1•702: -1--1"Z:,'; rif•-•:,,riri-•:,e;:i.Ktlatrt;;"2;t1•'ra; /7 ,vor mc nib !).4ft,r.?, a. 1-...,+)1k..• 17 419 i.11 7:77 7 "7 '7,7 '? 7'7 •...;;.! •;, • 17 - • •:' 7,1 7; ( 141,1111-', I. . 1 (, .9 3 1,3;1 ite 1 I 1 1113114 1 '‘'.3,.,441;0 l,:••••it 1444,• 1 .atiro • I -•• ••;• r•,) '91 5...."tk.41131 1 c•ply b lo r,,eu;v, • • • + 11 ,„. • • 1 ; ...•• • a 4' -1, (ha r,,•,11 .• 1')'44(1.4. - ; • , : • 01' Ilto 1 ';()or 1.441141.;:t ft.und that 1144. ptint. 1 *,, I • ZA X". .1,1 4, + 1111- -4'3011 \sill 1)1 '41414). pt+Oa .041 131111 15'0 4:41 111 131.kt3 3115 113i1 14,11444'44' 'P Er ton 14't•lopany.-.,fatc•lt '4' 1 ; 1'6* 4'')1,1 ; 1 Ti -1 .1:41r.115 215111, 31 :kr 4'.-... "1. : , ; • ' • 1 ; 1 • 11" ..7.:1, 1 13.,..1 , , .4 ; .1 • ..../ .. 1- Jjy'., . ;;., 11 •.:.*:',$1 P ;1;$ ';•70:::.!,:;' 7k-'7 .1.7' EV1.7.ti'q P'll.rtEl..7,ATS .‘„.0 e ..........; kx 4 I ...•.•-:f*,. P-4 a... .!••,,,i:-.,.,,-,... , , ,•• - - . .. . 4"t -r 0..-, r.......••+:0,:o •„.•,-+•. : 7 .17 •• '..:1.. C 1 1:31- ;i1 ,,,., A ile..tm,it)Impy Storm .rer:4::41 Is 1,..„. .. fu.•,,,3 :%.41,f3 7 1:1 ! 1. 1•1 fo 1'. ',1.la colitel1.1 on 1,1111 111t, 0, 3.(41 41111 11>. 41j 191 ii., (.... 4 11,,,,...;;;.:....• ;,•;•!...- •,-, il PrOrn1.7 t., • F..4,-q--.7ic a ;:_i : 3- • - .m. 1.).101 to• . .",;! : • • 7.` v.c 1,1 • • • • 4.; v3410 4 114 '4' .1c1 Tailor Shop a nd La u r ftr6'.11 if' - Ontario ., , • ,.. „. '••• Tho tn-:,j.;o:•.il.11 .01 •,,1;,, 10.•,tr, 1,:b.,... z , :, ,, , , , , g., 1-1 145 14144 *44 14 Eorth mod "444 4 io oo •tl., i ;,;.: „, .;,, „ , , .,, ,,, : i • ,1 ,,, .., 4.,„1., ; 1..1, 4;1,1 4,11.11 1.1111 Ni4•0•1 on 141*0 14i7;#1•1 1 -21, .‘ . 11., - 7, 1 ": '; ‘ l''' ' I .....4, 't 1.134` 4.14.33331)illi4+1 (9 41I)444a11,1..4.., of -,,,r,,,,;,,.:„ : ,,, 1 1. '* 1* * .1 T.,t . . '1' "1 + a 4.+'4,...3 ? 1 ,' 04 'IMAr th,44+./c (1 . .4'43 17 +," •./ '4 ° k+ ' '-•-,•' ; i 1 110:11 Strf 4)ilat 1,11(t l',,,r .. ...,, . ._,., .„„ ;;,,..1 „,,,, „.„, , , ,..i, „. ,, .,,. i;4 this ta-rioil. 'Phis 1;4 a 1,nan (11 pl-ohat.1., ;,-11,.1 .41 t, 't ,;:1, , c''',„ z.„:,a ,,, ,,...1 storm and Wt•31,1/14T notivi;y that talg,t: It ,r rx,:1 1 111,qi , to 411 (414,41) th.) it; tarnst awl wre.ch 1411 1: ) new; of nit oar roatlors, We pretliel that stlit-y condition.), falling 1:)14ntn04 44 or, i.larnto:+ittg .111,11,3,4 4040 atoktill of ni i 4., , A-i(ia nii 1 1.1)117,410r, will kult.t.% 11;1 g,'1 0 Idly dori If; i ilia 1 011,4 1... mill ha \Viso (14) ant ioi 1)il 50 44414."L4414T14 ;•i•ow.n + 1 out sof la ill at th.g :ime. Ix); li oo 14,1101414 1-11, 41;y, II,Itool..y t1.1441 T41t•:443,14•, i1t4P.1% i:Pr tg g ill Tli a 4,p foz:-...k..e.' al J:3,1 ., Id ‘.411, 1 i 4•0' 'a TiciiCif.E ElL:73a1ONS iln, laEr afflt,noting it) 11414.3 flu, 1 oatotti....:4 linto: ,,, „.1.3.• ,•.. ,.!, . 1.3. Viestern Cniaric.'a Gil Pi,t:.1 nails p!"1"1"111'ilY 1:2 'I a 414-i +11r1 %1111 l'sn'tr 1: .3 ; : '' ' ,"t , , 4. 'Irao t*.e11711:,ey 4'','',4'14471 ',7,' free 7,* 7%* only t.hro, a•;:"..:::.1 1:1 la all 1:o,vca• than 23:O.'Jo- 41441'U1.111olta:•:,.•...°•lo ao.3. 1014, :;'3 4 101 1 It,' 1. 1( 14)143,1,11 4..ts, go) it 4`‘',10-•"; ' 7,6 14». ./44 f; 1(1 itflt. 7/f*,;;, Ir., 1,4,04,44 4,1 ,1 X' '1,4 f.!:,.4,1,t V;11.17..;. z•,,,1:.17:`,,' 1.. 11'..1, • .• • ;••,,++.•1 • " 1/4".; ; 4 • ' • , • 7,1;414:..1• • 11.1,,11 il1(• .. • +- 144,1 , 1 Cnalt•.1:).$ 14144:1.00 enema. 1.101:4 101X ' r *••.7 7*. - - ; ,••••' 7; •; 14 1 . ! .4' •',1'f • , • • , .- • „ •., l, ! -,3',...14 , . L. • -;+,,,,,.. - . .:,.: 11 . ,.0 • 1 ' ..1 1. '•'1. ' n •. .i> ',., ..L.. . .. ' '. ,..''-'. '. 4 ......11 Irl • I 11 : 12.......;{. 1: ••1•:' ':*••• .....' ./ : : ' '•';' '1 ..., • . •••••.. la....41 ...as. •''i •, .,•••„,,., 1 -.-''., .47 , 4• '''''." .,11 ,,- ' .1.' -1.....,1.,.''!... 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We have Senour's Floor Paint in 1.1 beaufful colors, sui,1.21)1,) ;1'or floor in i17...0 house from kitchen to Come hi fcr a ef:„1.-.,r co.oy of our cute...tabling 'Written for chi1:1-n, "04 ":7;.1'' fttn out to 4••114l: • 414