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Zurich Herald, 1916-03-31, Page 1
MOW. .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .••• VOL XV I ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1916, eb -0,•7 tea., foli4a) 71 § S0,1 - Lag.ta.- 0 • tt; 4fia, A Salo to interest everY wo nen who wt.nts a new spring Vo:/11 hIghly plea cci with thuspecial Showing: of new- p• rin; _atm th-rt,Nnt.vo find on .1 isplay in nr o wu Millinery - 4' 'motion on Ma r,..11 3 1st and Air it, fled the following days. • 114 1 n 144-41ttr‘i t, t 1» :11)1R g)H. 1' %VIVO. (10 ziflplence of the very ...Iola th t t vi1 1 ha shown on 11.130Se (.14yS. I1 bntS 13 At 1,00n it.'4•1 41 3114 h P: pu pH( ct, but wo suortatedeo, *1x R:) \V'4 I.nk very m•-11,1 11 IA fill -tb3 ex.flusivw 0 uharor4. t Va in 1 hi: whole «)11e 'tion lving Alerrarrmr,-,...$0-$04$0rxrcr.rmazar$00,-...-rx..-s-v 1j. tripip• •„1. y,r,;•• p>nip••1•"•••,9••••••0 •6• +.01,10,0,9*4., 4,P.C1, 41.01.41104‘410+ 4, 4"04, L 61) IT A P Mach sL ariEI. t L yo thinking of New Rug, 16060444$44,04 L • .1 • • ..1-f,^4÷84q.44.,1÷1.+4.4.,1•++.1.it,t44.4.44+ 1,1M, Watig• 0IR ROLL Why not use Er e hest eon'l SCRANTON C OA L • CheskoPut, Furnace, ElaCle-' smith: and esft coal. Go -cd oupply on hart& EAE GotAil • . NH SO H E N SALL, 1•.• * 1,,..00AL NEWS. 1 4. Best quality Formaldehyde for .111 treatit.., rain f.11. Smut for sale at Zurich Drug Sloe. LinGiei•fi ins or Cu rtans; Come here DE. E flatdie; dentist, will be at `1J'' the Dominion '1 iouso, Zurich, (111 Wed-, nesdo y, and 'Wednesday of the f4li.uw• ug The Dominion Government has T„, siu.,)'.;ing jugs undcr a, penalty of a fine of '`1r4.) O . ,alotakers and occupants are ri..quired m see that the law i enforced. Wo AT() rE11-1.1 V' w i t1 h;mse furnishings, g#nnino wd conniry riL's n 1 r, ello,LeLA to All gn.craukt.ed o.dor anti 0,1 i.ab..t 2,1-..!a; 11-, amoult of h 1n,st wear have 1, .1 ,4•?::. glirpriso con. with the hig stock tore is to e!1,,,,.„ (J. qn4.1. pr 1 3.) -I a.:10 the very lowettp consistent with the :•;ttneri.n. quality ..eara..en.......aa.r. • I • \ • • 11' • • . ..• . • • ,.',$••4'.s:'.4';;•: • •. „., It5;(•-,-:•.;,1•• • •;•••-• « . • • Ak 11-.1 5 We rase hiv3 jt-r3t (•• 1`1••••'g :LI 811 130• it of Loa -wail i 1ifl all. uii (1,3.;igns. Priv, s N't ryrc:asfillftble. ' kJ. ' [-I. A 11 I (1` 'rho services in the Lniheran •clinreb st) 4 next Indly will be condw Id i: i v 4. Mx Rembe., who pmached here f,wo 1Mertt• weeks ago. A congrilational raluting' 6-0 WInit will my wifo rneeive wilt N.... a•fte:t Lh 3 morning s,•;-, ;:7-‘1 ""! ";:k,,°;trer? 1'; V001112 11i ?JE1'z'r, r (..•`••”!;11,0 w•;•;e1.. ft0;:•1 1,:::;t:t 11 'Vt n t r t • gt+ p •A y n't'i.-.i si t.,11 01. 4 Ram alfarAmoN, Cr F.. F. Mr HURONS" :Andy w Prirte Tilos. Davidson TA) Ard vidson Mr•Briao Itlittda Johntoo. Witto isnext? You are wanted, boys. NIT: B. Wils.ou Recruiting Officer. +4.4i.+4++444++++.413.4.4.4+++.1.4.4. To,40A a,..3 fifirliff,„,„.„ 1,, du .4,2) Fads for f7,.marli:l.s who enlist for Overseas Service. 711A11 M;911 thinkina of Enlist,. ng there 11"cfive quest:tens he wants antr.vered, 11;ov eve: l) How lona atu T tser.ve? T7o er:Lii of f.1 -1A '41,"1:1,11 'al a SIX In:11101 rtriP.A• (1) What pay FIV`11 T pays ivc? Your yvvy s pt iwt.1 ti VI1+0 S 1.00 rrn., day 4.1.3 1 10 epnkt nnv.vn1ict,..4. "NtsiaPs Veil win r-v.piyn tut•'nl. ld sntsistauce rrom EleGovem- 11!', m9 ;•;-!n 7:ep y !oi 1 01:•• s. pri ; ,• h t •;;•,4i.,•=13. I ; • ;..;;; -.1.11.1 a 11.1 4 ..; • .; : • t V •,.' • :or h•:•-• t • ' ; • 1..11 it 011 !, 4•111.4 SI:,-It171.14C1 I • fra2,94.0,47.',,X&Lii?r,41:132.134 4$ (. Ni....),14 The leather market is on the rise. will be wise to purchase your footwear rIONV. You Our stock is well (mortal, new and up-to- date, and our prices very reasonable. • Come in and let. us show ;ion scme of the newest Styles for spring. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs fel in exd-ango for &hoes. 44-0 .... F4' Tzri Al Th p Horn., o od S1r'S ta. 4042?„,,-^szta4,01: • .1‘;'•; r We are new dis",12.1ying our new spring and StiMiller q can crier you, 1 : an.1 4;:.1r•( -1.s to inci‘e,; 1"1.1.7-1 T r;111 f 41. 0. 1.1e4r "Irk ,4471m 44 1(0 he varfd for ‘••• t L. 42,144 IA •-•,ral v. lir e 11 444 w„, 7 1 1 '3 1 ;11.; 41..1' 11 4l 1 {1:"Nf tt :11;111:: i ();14) oe(If 1,01..f •ri 81;,i 1, vo1 ox.,.4„t, (.4r '14'speal .11, 464! ti 14 1••••••:m. A kt:/t1:2 1 r.,,.ss yern, !e/11 44 4114 be. 11'41'1' "1. TheIti3,741 31Z.1 1 r‘F) rooni 41 4,1'1 lattoi U12(44444)444,t.4 t;,.! 111; , ••, • ..c., -.• ...,. • - aye goult S y larger -, t 7. : -.,...1 •7,.',:.•, i :•,.-,s.•1:.'• ;,f4IiI11'?-11::"l.:1;1:h::;o (r . c 414-7'i4,.13.T.,,floi...1 v,1: ,,:;.::,.,,-,,,,„!„,„:1y::,4:a,.:1:, tatei1% c•a1 in r • ....• A• T;• !.."14, 1.,•,1••••:17 IN- 1„..; ',l...,...;,.... i,:..,•:'•.• ::, I i e.,,,,.. : i,.1.1 7 . i'.- N-otr, , Pc i.!! ! . ' 11 f'..',. " :-%:. 1.1. ',.•.• 7,', •••,"°,....1. 717; zi•y:.7.; 1 :"..-1 •;,';.'... :;.'•..':.../1;:j.::, Fa . ''"1 . 4 liT'..!4; i; '.i. 4-...-!...41 .:" 1:.• L.'1'.',. --.."...‘i i cr,•.'s, ell ;'',.-;- 1"..'.:' 1.!...1,. .;-4) Ilt•ti+i.... ; . , •• . 1.'11,4.-• 1- !,::;101.1.,!,,'.'. ;in.,' i:.l.....: ,; f ,,,:-..!.,' , ,....,,A ,1.--.. i-,-, ,---,I •,:.T1 0 l» • , . • t - . ' . • ... •• '''• ' • -.... r J.; . • i ,....• . . -., .,,. ,.• • , -1 '11) 44:, VI! ', 7 • i'•-•1. T. ----- -;.--. - ";7111.171"`.-_1.1' 1-- '11'1 1.'1.•"";1111- ' ' - •• '3 : '7' i';'''.. ';"'' L.: '•:'• '. 1'1 I ,1 :•.'r % 1 :;,:.-. .. •..;.11% \F: t4.V1 r•Irt (CI r .r c::,; -it '',1',1• 1 ; ,,,,;,..:..e...i...:„.•;.-;;;....,..:,..;..•;;;,.;.-_,...;..;;.:,•;.-i.......;. -.:•:, ,,,, , ....,;,.,1-,•,.• k.;:f .-1 t, 1.t ,N.,. 4 ..'.1.\' 10:111,0 w;, -*.1 1,—,,..1,,13a‘ii•i,• ,--.1. A ,,.,ii.::r` 111:`..11 ' f i ..,. 4 1 z,....tr•,i.;,-.;;;,- 10 i.',.4.-. . '..'•H.,:-• '..i.. .. '., . 44 ,; ,..V•. •:1,•: 1:.•.•,.1. , 1i . . 1i3•.h'.,•4;,:S. 1A•a4 L'' 0111 .•.;• .• j . , L. ',:•,,'.. ,-•11'., '•:°.:, ,7..:.'. , "2:, i; "".t: ;- -,4 , •.,•. ,. .....:%,t ..'. ..."A of firt.iitiand1,e.11t o0g31:41c41 1 r li1w11111‘4711141T;••• Ac••.•, -t : tL,..•.• I- -.-:• .„•1.".41-; . •,.;... .•`..„,•Iti,. -.r,,...t,.• .•!tr • )rort,tripis fa tIttmo7y 41:01hSwor r .'1 lt14. 1•!1 UN..,.rL,yoLls 01 11rti ', '",,1•11V1 ; 1.;... ;.. E1i:.(.i1. 1,.•a171 ( 11 ANI. r4 i t 1 - - i Irtr.,....,;;;‘,1 fl,r1,111;',1 t,' 1 1 r,..,)1V, . .1., P 1 . .4 . 1. h, , h.,:, 44 ,1.1 41 1 741 . 1,,,,•,. • i ,• ,r4...e• tln cal1....••• 1 1 . ;',. . IL. . 1" ,11: 1•.•;T :!1r,11.:!:,.;7.:, .. .,1.: ......., i-14':.; .-.•• , 'rt..:1.;..•...1...;,.':e;i;.lvt.•-••:• 11.14:R 3GIaA1 134 31.441 4.344! '4 (4.1401)111Ig 3,.,.•:-.;--rttttiv ,,'....;- pNcAr...-r.:.-a...-•.,.%...sr.,tl.4i....x.,.,,v.• $ ,,Avt.i••• ..,-.•. ,„:.•••.•.$ $1,10-$:40-,,400k0,-$0,—$-,$..xm r....c..,...,.,,n,r,r$00e.104cwara$rx.r......r'rsv.....$00,..4.V... :"o4'eei4?t,i-L''"..i.1'. ' .,. i;';','.'•. s11, ):;,, t',,.s.,:1...,‘„•,st..:. 1 ,.': 2..., .,1„f, .1 ,, 0,,'. ',, i, A i „• ,,,,,.,...,.:. ,:,.,,t.t..,. ,;,.,i.t1t. it ., ,',..,.iI,':. r . - ,...1,. ,•.1...'g :. .• ..:.4.”. , ".1,1 ;o0.1.1,i.1•-C7, O"..,.1.,-?:`. :. 4,. ,:i! ,." . 1-•3• -t \ V. ie•?:.l.-.a, 'CIif77.14,...:•.:..'. :•......'.,,,1,:.: 1'.".., .'•1, ..1:: .7,1.:... ;."2•• t , :•:......-,: .1 . : , :I.•..,; , '',..1: -;:•.....,. -...o1ni1igW(IU t0 117;1It i 17111Il ItNr1t ELIST (1•‘'/ (.01IA ,t1 -,,„.„„„r 0„. 1„4pi.es 411 iT4l' old '8r-Iri11 (41 .4 at1vcl.e 11. )4,I 1,. 4. 1,4 ,,Ivi.s.Il tt dlaitZIEnt 1.1 I1t li !tit,t14 ioniqr 1o..hs ;.T'i. , •:''•,'..1.h:;.,-e:i. 111;4ii9 ntt1ra„, -," 1 c11310ne1041 t'r ;. ill..11.1 to tali.ali. 1.3 1' •,1,a,nd 1 •11-1..;I-'-,elvy tn4 4 To I Aiivon 1,r(431,saFe P iteltil • 111WC::).4 i ItZIttnthi Cei iv4-irst to 1 terAld illee. 5: irotCon 1hu1'tTW;;11 1 i.1 s1‘11 1 iv0 ,.; I 134„ 4 q1321a t : , ; i4r4p43 2, ,11i11 1 431. 0 : "4 4' ` -1 . ')•_,' ”-' !-1'. .E . ro,T-0..-1., ... ..•.,,1 .-. „„ Wt. ; "" s :31urrs . ANO 41., • ,, -,11(..45 snitti anti 41.41t4 t4411t44 L•Ct, • t.':t•':• 1', priefs, if 13144.3t-44 ..otw4.:Itt47„: '.`qa ,!,4:-.1. • .• ' ..4;•. yon t.j to t40 •„ t.” ', ''.. '.''... . • ,..,.....1,;. ;;,•,•,.••:.?•`,t,,,,,,,,,,.,..,t.,, i,t11,7,,,.r,i,„%,,. 4'f ,, 1•,- 3 .,••• ,,,,,,• '" 1 4 1 , oa0ait ,f i-nt,.1ica iI:1r,,,,,,, 0 1 114141artv,c JI r We ‘1yn1.1 /11i o1.i.1 4 i 4' i 41 10 41,11„ 1, 110 1 134 I y vi4 11 4 .44 ,,4111,1,144 sA'1••.; 1..i.:tr .111,..-ii•i; .4,, ....., , ,7 ‘,4,., 4;. ., ., ... ..1 ...1... , .•••,.••.4•,•. • .„,.,,••..,:•:;",., ,4rr••},•. • 1 ••••.., 1 ,,.,,, ,,,,,..A., -,•,i .: , pIt1, -1,t.f44 k*01 V,1-.!,.:4 .-. .•3C...;....1;.1 tIr4• . ',13 '',:,.''..i.'....•t..1,• ,:, ''., t,' 7.•"i,'..,1 .1 ,,,, .1 i'' , '''-''',•',,'0,,:''1",.''..''c;,''''.w.;•' ; .1 .•I.-,";'',.'•'„;• ' ',:'' .••" '7:.,t' , ,;,,',1 ' .,:" '"':.'. 'i. ,. -i7., , :-„.4'..,.',.','-....-',”. ' ,'1, , '•'•* '. ','''',,,''',- .' . . •,,, ,,,I.; ,, ,,'{,••,.-.„A:.;.....-1,..,,.t.1...!', 0 •:,,..,..,.,.-,1,; ;c‘1-;,;.;,.•.1 1'',.•,..:..•,.c:•1'.,,,i:si1.:t,';,;t1y.,,;,•'.,It,•;,,1.,,..', ,,,,.,!' . 1!1 , , . i ; 47 .4 , „ ,, 1.I:.%„.:•1. •-• .;U..1....3.4 :24. . t,i 1.• •1 • 1 Yn2 4 1i ,,. 44 t N 1 . , 1 .4 .L ,, f t11i,,.II ' 11e44 • 4; . a .... a.'.... .' ..... - • „. ,.. .,, ...„,...! oi....t,••.:.. . 1. ..... i....4 . ......:2 . . . i A. • . • , ; .:."t • , 4-' ,pf ;!I 2...A,.1,„ tilt; (Av. • rt. 1 14 k. rrt 141 '•,::4;1,;'4f 1116 ,41 4 , 4 1;11 r •0. ;1"..., -71 • 1 °•1 .1.1113 lirto or, 4 4 ' .• • ••1 "•••• 4'. 0 '0, :4;1 Z. • r LA, ,-T4, 0.4; on , 1 'I,' „,,,,22 ;„ „ 40 (3,,` tit/ 4t1;14,1,1.44.0 14 1401: 4.1304 :a . • • •• • 14 A.—a...S.,— a rim) tivi4.l; , r. 'iiii 4.te, leave ykr,,r ortlor 1,6 NV 4- ;: ai.„ .TCr.im...•,a••• v... 3r.3,aV,f' 31,a '1 ,,1.h11. 1. 1 ,- 1r.1' ,iw„, ,,11,.143 (4 4301 o , • 0 Ticgto th.1mild v ,.tnorrii d ost.v - liti llou flIn 11C 10 3 444 ▪ 1;,dae ourkowint-e asco\‘Cf1ted6,luau t:Twits for (,1,3,;114130,;I,i ,,,, q0e4.1,341 wn Pere 1.-:;-' • , -,;‘;, al', i'll0 tile ir.klreka :zpotItti. t. ilt i t• a • , / a... aFi' la, • 1, 3% ROLM' ar 4S0X9.) ill) %.,1 ri.1111 lial,'...1, tr3:10 0.3 for fi.`2,2:'i. eaco......"....r.r.,-,.. : t ',ft vrvatz•Airtm fte.•:-.,.., rrtw,-.42vranznwrtrantr..........rrekult-....0% /410...ti$ V? i 4 0: Ftrilli, .. ft 4.1.7.T r 444t, 0 1,1 (lit P./o.r t,-4 ; ,, rat 'ft:. 1.110, t t; UM,' '. trr, L. O• `2 75 ft.w. 2.'''';') L g'l -41 fg AN ,,,,:l Clitiliai. Lztjai Veil, . • • • - ' . :Ti.:":;1.7',3' (1'1: ''''' ' '...:,, A.7,i. rin 1).,-V.:1)131‘.•11, il..,.1; 7W, of '11;o4,111,11, 4, ,y BAY K MONEY olin f., ,- 11$ :.• RV% rt% r It ., ''rt 4.- ' ,h vo rt',,,, -.4., r.,1 ,A.,,,ir , rrw,;:q1 away at ' -le homa in titat lovol / 6 6 i All wool blanket s r,..,(hip.ed , 'Ants a ,1(1 gior•es will ,,f .. 4, 11 , ,. sst t-tortrdv. it, hll 1,,,,,in in ci,Itivrt, L 14, . d 4 .• 'y • otterost at...11'1;1,es! el.rcelit rates ' 1)011'01 tkIr WITI.:1 time, ITo WAS l‘nown I be vrol(1 ai, cost, i 4 i to malty in 1611 1,,-11, vi•I: irg ilille, 01.1011i 7 ur lea Um ritera • . - 0, -v,rA, it. 'tittle over a yr.11! ago. AI . I '1'.. t C 1.' ' '..',...- 0. 9 .. . ..• Z U R 1 C 11 ,k.- '4' .1, .1- t.,1 I 1‘' rl.'D It i 1 R F. S i ADE 49,140;440.4:44,,,..Y. • ' $ 'Z' 4.44.040 44.0 .t.1 0 •441:t044.'044`04''000 0414, twatvef,13r4a,1-0 ."1:11:26,10.,=?.=, ,,,,rxiAl V 'T.#3 tadit'it ID LZOITI,/.2.11 S.Itt ill te1:11,1en t 1 - •-• .ii 14 ht. A * ,:j t -I 1 1 "'Li 4 73 4tIalikager WO'. 1 et4cm Aurvivep 'him. TIT* remains' ..4 - -- -2---r---- b ('' . L . ' 1 020211:3====="41,117•471•1.110.:=.•••.•=401421).•••4••••%&/010 atr='.1•GX1,•••1.5./Z•aa' -..-.1,-.0..... ••• .4