HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-03-24, Page 8• -On 1? 'rid cy 11atr�th 3i r and Saturday April 1st and following days.All the seasoes ziewest sl'apes and styles in hats nand trimmings on display. Miss Theil i>• ,a,gtsin in charge of this department. We cordially invite .yon to .:trend these openings. NEW DRESS 000Da New Merges in'tela, k, navy, brown, etc, tlarbaaidines, silk toplios, plaids, prices of these v.trions lines are steadt.v telvanoing, and gouda will be hard to procure ici the future. so it would pay to chose your requireme nts early WASH GOODS A fine lot of new summer dress materals on hand, striped and : trwa:sd voiles, silk ores es, rllarquisettts, piques, middy clothes etc. No 'trouble to shwa.). goods. New Laces and Ernbroidersies A large range of ;ens all widths in whits, ()roam black. Florin o- ing and corset ct ver , ..rt idiot; ;n new designs. Prints and Oinghams Our stook new ems :rte in tl.ese lines also shillings, 'alateas and a fine lot sof cycle ot.tths ear• )2i ets, per yd. Men's Wear A fine lot of men's shirts just arriqed, E'riuty frt m 80c to 1.75. Also new ties, collars, rain coats, suits, haw, caps, underwear, etc Should you revaire anything, in these lines w;: can supply you at right prices. Extra prices in men's snites, come and see. New Wall Papers New wall papers on hand, a large assortrnen1 of papers to chose from. We have Oatmeal papers in different she o" green and brown with borders and panelings to match also varnished tile papers suitable for bath rooms, kitchens, etc, Come and have a look through one sample books. Fresh Groceries always on hand RIJBY and.- SCTIO PlION +' 17 ix ', 'ri ase -.:3 i #3+ c s es isL :.3r Cream and. Eggs ANT D Will pay highest cash price for Cream and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week. 1 uOT'lt)�� ZURICH i) •• a s em"-s`=3M.Zi " $ra ira7s> o ar Pices on any Goods in our store ,lea Closen ises on watches,clocks Seweller '� �• 9 J y9 .� . spectacles and musical goods. 3' a:t FINE REPAIRING OUR • SPECIALTY GERER. HESS 13f, CO, JEWELLERS to r ZURICH IRON Face to leu SQURL'-'yourself You are wanted NOW to Fight for Your King and Country -A Year from Now may be Too Late. The Stupendous Issues of the War Now Stand out in 'a Blaze. or Light Before the WI. ale World. To day he call conies from those who are holding the lines in 'France, in Flanders ; holding the lines against the mightiest armaments the world has ever yet borne on its surface : and the call to all who will hear is COME --EN LIST TO -DAY ,)'ea the 161st, Huron's Own .Battalion, • and show "by your asetmlile alp, Out Country is root a laggard . in the- Great Light • for Freedom. « irls Wanted WE CAN OWE EMPLQ7s'1171 N`,L` TQ A. 71'1tW MORE Btu 1IT e1ELs ,Ars Luitters and Learners 11FJ PAID TO CLINTON Clinton. Knitting Co. Ltd. canton: Ont. Local News Only a few more days for Tiernan aC Edighoffer's Big Sale. Mr Robert W Williams is recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. I have a quantity of potatoes for sale the property of Merner and Bender. T. L. Wurm. Mr .lacob Meyer, Sr of Wilmot Center. ,-isited relatives here for a few days this \vicek. Miss Alice Johnson is visiting in Gocerich, at the home of her uncle, Mr Oliver Johnson, Lost—In Zurich, a purse contain- ing a sum of money. $2 reward off- ered for return to Robt McBride, R. R. No 1, Zurich. Messrs Rudy and Jacob Schwartz entruber, and Mr Rudy Oesch attended the funeral of their cousin; the ]ate 11Irs John Erb, bold at Wellesley last week. Lieut. A. J. Grigg, who has charge of the recruiting station here, has a son who is a member of the 88rd Battalion, who is now on the ocean on his way to the front. \Ve have Formaldehyde in billk which we can sell much cheaper than put up in small bottles, bring your bottles and get the largest amount for your money. C. Hartleib. Mr and Mrs Leonard Wurin mourn the death of their six months old baby which took place on Thursday of last week. The funeral was held on Sun- day, interment taking place in the Lutheran cemetery, Rev Mr Rembe officiating., The members of the senior Y P A of the Evangelical church recently held their annual election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Muriel Preeter; Vice-Presi dent. PearlWur'tz; 2ndVioe-president. Erna. Fritz; arc. vice-president, Flossie Hartleib; 4th vice-president, Milton lleyrocl=; Treasurer, Earl Weido; Or- ganist, Leila Siebert; assistant organist Mira.nala 11rown; Librarians, Emanuel Koehler and Will Siebert. On Tuesday March 7th, the people of Shiplka and surrounding country were greatly shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mrs J E Hamacher, formerly Mrs Heitzman, in her 54th year. She was in her usual health until about 5 o'clock on that day when she suffered a paralytic stroke from which she died in about an hour. She was a most amiable woman and res- pected by everybody who had the plea- sure of her acquaintance. She was buried in the Crediton cemetery on on March 9th. Rev Mr Corriere, who officiated, spoke in the highest terms of the deceased at her home where a short service was held. In religion she was a Presbyterian and ' Scotch by birth. She leaves to mourn, her be- eaved. husband, .also three sisters and one brother, who have the sympathy of the whole community. Rev. E. D; Becker,' Creditors, Who is assisting Rev. G. I+'. " I3'rown, in the' rev) ail se'rvioes being held in Evangelical'' Cburch, Zurich, at pros, oat, HONOR ROLL 161st BATTALION, C. E. F. "THE HURONS" Andrew Price Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson George McBrire Milton Johnston Who is next? You are wanted, boys. Lieut. W. B. Wilson Recruiting Officer. .:-.:-.4-:-+++++++-1•4444144+++++++4 Township Of Hay Notice is hereby given that a By - Law was passed by the Council of the Township of Hay on the 5th clay of February, A. D., 1916, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $5668.37 for the purpose of guar- anteeing payment for Hydro Electric power to be installed in the Police Village of Zurich and that such By- Law was registered in the Registry Office of the County of Huron, on the 10th day of February, A. D., 1916. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be Made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 22nd day of March, 1916 Fred Hess, Sr., Clerk. Township Of Hay Notice is hereby given that a By - Law was passed. by the Council of the Township of Hay on the 4th day of March, A.D., 1916, providing for the issue of Debentures to the arnount of $1682.00 for the purpose of guarante- eing payment for Hydro Electric power to be installed in the Police Village of Dashwood, and that such By -Law was registered in the Registry Office of the County.of Huron on the 8th day of March, A. D., 1916. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made «ithin three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 22nd day of March, 1916 Fred. Hess, Sr., Clerk. • Notice to Creditors. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. IN THE ESTATE OF LOUIS DEdNO \MIES, DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and otheas having claims against the estate of Louis Do,nomies, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Baron, Fanner, deceased, are required to deliver or send by post, prepaid, on or before the 1st. day of April, 1916,.to John `Laporte, h. R. No. 2, the sole Execcutor of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their names and addresses, a full descrip- tion of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. AND NOTICE is further given that immediately after the 1st. day of April, 1916, the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the clams of which he shall thea have received notice. DATED this 14th. day of March, 1916. Proudfoot, fCilloran & Cooke, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the said Executor. Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG I am taking orders for the above celebrated brand of Fertilizer for delivery next Spring. I handled this brand last season and hacl splendid sucoess with it. Basic Slag has been used with greatest success on beans, etc Prices Cash $20.00 F. .0. B., Station. $22 on 8 months tune. Mr Thomas Consitt, Hill's Green, Huron Co. writes on 14th December, 1914:—"Sydney Basic Slag is good stuff. I got half -ton in 1918, and applied it to five acres of Fall Wheat and had more wheat off the 5 acres than on 15 acres that had no Fertiliz er. Last Spring 1914 I tried Slag alongside a Mixed Fertilizer that colt me $32. per ton and the Slag gave me much better results." JOSEPH RAU R R. No. 2, - Zurich. New Ads in this Issue J Preeter, E Appel, G McBride, Ruby & Gascho, T L Warm, Tienzan & Edighoffer, EI Gaallnlan,,C 13artlaih, Bain t ad; Bylaw Registrations, 'Dog Lost, Andrew Desjnkdine, William 8 Johnson. 'All'parties owing ice. iinst settle their accoun i:s by April 10th, 1916, G 1oBrido, THE TOVE QUESTI Is easily decided if you buy a Mc(Jlary .Mtchener Range. T11s firm has leen making stoves for 60 years. Or a Superb Favorite, made in Sarnia. The third generation generation of this firm is now making stoves. Now if you buy one of the above makes of stoves, you will not make a miss shot, but hit the goal every time. And then for cheapness we can knock out any departmental store in Canada. Cook Stove, with reservoir burns wood or coal for S18.00 ups. Look at the cut of the above range with reservoir warming closet, tile back in closet and thermoneter, highly nickeled, guaranteed in every way for $884- 00 cash. Hundreds of people of Zurich and vicinity tesify that the best stoves are al- ways sold at Hartleibs. @. 1IARTLEI HUROt 'S:LARCEST COI] ZURIPHONE 3 CN i:'•ATION STORE -� (,%...c,' c.000000..,, . .:t:' '':,.....a.,. �•000•o odvooo .a., -e..., •� o c•0000 oo • 40 0 o Stock must be silo id byApril loth, as�rv' 0 a I have joined the 161st Huron Battalion and must. q 'D report for duty by April 10th. % e From now until that time I will sell my stock of cg Q FLOUR, FEED, GROCERIES, SEEDS, ETC., 400 pe at reducad prices. Get your rupply now. • OQD e. Terms—CASH BUD a . s aL`i 4D aP40 v • Phone 23 - = o o° ** or o*r ***.°� ****** °r :°�. ° *** ° 7C*or *** MILLINERY' OPENINGS * * 0 0 * on Friday and Saturday, March 31st and April 1st and following days. Our Millinery Department is in charge of 11Iia Innes, who• has just returned from attending the openings in Detroit. All newest and best in Ladies' Hats, etc. ;u' are cordially invited Fresh .Groceries Now is the time to order your Spring Snit and Over- coat. We handle the cele- brated Broadway Styles, Fit guaranteed. We give away free with every ordered suit or over- ooa,t one of Worm's special Neck ties. Men's New up-to-date Spring bats j•nst arrived in Black, Navy, Grey and Brown, also Spring gloves shirts and ties. A few Bargains left in Men's Suits and Overcoats. 9 only rive' Sweater Coats 41; oa,als. Vire al;., nut in stook a line of Lao. ; a House dress- es in bi,>• ei- Th 10 and 48, at $1.50. Aurone at 50o in light and dark also children dresses and Rompers: Call at the store and get a New Idea fashion Sheet Free, it En.akc;s no .dicier• en00 whther you aro a customer or not Free to everybody, orders for Pat, terns send ttwa'y every Monday. A big Steck of Print, Ginglrfl, ;1s, 1; dies, Ernbroid- eyys, 19 u°., tsrz tains and our- tain goods at all tiiiies * PIHON 2. 0, 0 ******** 0 vzc * 0 A^ yA7 171..: