HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-03-24, Page 5FARM FOR. SALE. 120 acres, Lot 24, N, 13, Hay township, „adjoining villa o' of Blake, about 12 acres fine hard- wood busb, well.rtnderdrained and 'well fended, overflowing well and good spring wells itt house and barn. Good frame horse and large bank barn, 50X•90; on stone wall, all in good repair. Good clay soil and in high state of enitivation Also small orchard on farm About half toile from public sobool half mile from church, about '4 miles from Zurich. This is a very desirable farm and will be sold . on reasonable'Por ftitlier par - tattlers talars apply to 3. 0 Reid,. Varna, or Andrew P'Efess, Zurich; Zurich Meet ET ;Di:Ai.ants iN� Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc CASE ,FOR SKINS i HI DES 7iuig'blut Deiethert Coal •,usness 1 beg to annohucc+ to the people of Zurich and vil;iiiity That 1 have now on hand a.sitjliily of the very best No 4, Furnac,r, and Chestnut Coal and solicit > sharer of your patronage. Sheds immeltliately in front of the old salt bnil ling'. Office Petty Block De A. C1T LOT Aiti/i6N1 1'1 A new shijainent just in of J I Bon -Bons,. C,hochlafes, etc. 1 ' The best that . money can buy A large varrayr,of Comic, Patriotic,Seeni,, ,. : etc., Post OSI Cards, all prices,. _ We alsei''.l ave the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Leading Wands of Cigars. Neilson's Fanfous Ice Cream McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT A REPRESENTATIVE at one for ZURICH and Distriot.for t he OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES FARMERS! 1Yhy'i4eurain idle all Winter when you oan take up a paying agency? - Choloe list of varieties for Spring Planting. Liberal Terms Hand- some free Outfit. Exclusive Torr. it ,rye Write now for particulars Stone & Welling -ton The Ponthill : Nuseries (Established• 1837) TORONTO UNDERT Prompt Service Moder .temrha'r'ges Tailor Shop and Laundry It HOFFMAN ` u.r i eh. - Ontario 1LOCAL NEWS. Tuesday was the first day of spring Mr Henry Price has returned' from London hospital, Pound ----A ladies' muff.Owner can obtain' same from Dr B A Campbell. Fire destroyed the marble works of J Rupp, Forest, recently. Mrs Herb Smith, of Grand Bend, visited friends here on Thursday. Seargt W 0 Goodwin, of Goderich, renewed acquaintances in Zurich for a few days this week. las Step- hen Samuelhas joinedstationed at wasthe M few ci a ed pres- ent. is asS 111r Alfred Melick and family moved t week to their neje home in S n townsbi.p,'near Crediton. Dir George McBride, son of Mr . McBride, Sr,, of town the 1G1et Battalion, Renegue Dir W E Oestreicher, of Crediton, looking up prospects for axwell car in this section for a sis last week.. Revival meetings aro being coeduet- iii rho Evangelical church at p Rev Mr Becker of Crediton ist!ng Rev GI' Brown, Mr 13enry.Sienion, son of Mrs S n of this:villae, has enlisted Overseas forces in Saskatchewan, and is now stationed at Ottawa. member of the engineers corps. Recruiting officers and soldiers w busily engaged in recruiting in t section during the week. Many good prospects were obtained and it is reel. that the required number men will be obtained in Hay Town.- ship, ow p' The members of the Luther Leat; he .Lu`theai.•an church enjoyed them- selves heartily at sleghride party to the home of Mr and Mrs Lot bfieisch on Tuesday evening: evening was an ideal one for such and ,the young folks report ha had a very pleasant time. The precedent set last autumn of al- lowing solders in training for overseas ce to be "drafted'' temporarily f ening operations will be,agaiu fol- lowed next spring. Major-General S EInghes is issuing orders to divisional commanding officers to in their: �comuiands, whenever ci tances warrant, to obtain leave ce at seeding time so as to assist sparing tba largest possible aver- age this year's crops. VALUES OF FARM LAND r the whole of Canada the aver- age of farm land held for agric- ultural purposes, whether improved uanaproved, and including of dwelling houses, farms, stab- les other farm buildings, is re d as �3t3.90 per acre. Last year average value was returned as 1. By provinces the averages reg range from 122.48 in Nejj Brunswick to about X12,5 in British Columbia, the values for the other ccs being as follows: Prince •d Island and fruit growing. HECKER TOURNAMENT The first annual tournament of the rich Checker Club was held the st week. Fourteen wise players t in open battle and the warlare ntinuod merrily until only one play - remained to view the slaughter of stalwarts. Many brave ones fell the wayside early in the struggle, d by much inferior talent, so they ught, but the best planned works sometimes. Generally in great es or other big sporting events a tic horse" makes a specially good wing. Such was also the case in tournament when Me Yungblut, e from behind, as the saying is, made Wni Brown feel as if gibed er seen a checker board before. he following is the draw for the round, Naives marked with an rick wore the winners of the rotund, irst Round. is J Kraft Ferd Hess'` Hess* E Miller a Koehler''` Alfred Pfaff Hoffman W H Hoffnxan't' ungblut'` Dan Koehler Ruby'" Dan Gaseho eaver W Browil* condRound Koehler . W 11 Hoffman'` Ruby''` A F Hess rown 11 Yungblut'' HOS., a bye, tied Pound I Hoffman'' W S Ruby trugbltrt Ferd Hess nit. if- s a,l a prize has, been purchased o become permanent ownox of it yer Trust Win it two times. • ie- ino with the He is a were his pro ex- pecof n. shi League of t m- sely heldlis Tial The even an outing v. ing seryl or harvesting l- low0 it -Sato the allow hen r- cnns of absen in pr f • $37.64; Nova Scotia Quebec �, 51.3G; Ontario $52.49; Manitoba �i30.36; Saskatchewan ,�24.- and Alberta $23.15. In British Columbia the higher average is due to ding Po value _ aaltui 1 or u the val ne an turnsr the H, per acre r Bruns Colut provinces Edward $25; Manit 20 Colum orchar 0 Zu pa me Co er the by an tho fail raw "da she) the Cain tad nev T first este F Lou AP Ezr L W iI Y Ws E B Se Ezra Ws WB Ford Tl W I TT Y,. A and t a pla STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 6th day of March A D 1916 at 1p na. A1lniem.. bers were, present. •The minutes of• the previous meeting were read and adopted. Webhliawbinney "That the 'clerk notify thecontractor of the aonstric: tion of the Oen trails Drain to complelt, bis contract as soon as weather permits to meet the last report of the Town ship engineer." Carried. The clerk reportecl having received the official result of the voto polled in the P V of Dashwood on the 14111 of Feb from Andrew :Musser, the D R 0 being 55 for and 1 against the bylaw to authorize the borrowing of $16;82.- 00 by the issue and sale of Debentures to provide for the cost of a plant to distribute electric power to be supplied by the Hydro -Electric Power coin min . Neessiob Lofove:Ontario"That by law No • 227 to authorize the borrowing of $1.682. 00 by the issue and sale of dehenturea to provide as aforesaid he now rend the third time and finally passed and signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the corpo"ation attnc>herl there to.” Cairiecl. It was resolved that the Mnnieinal Conncil of the Township of Stephen respectfully potition The Honourable, The Minister of Militia to establish a Mobilization Clop at Goderich for the training 'of four or more Overseas Battalions; this conncil being strongly of the•opininn that, the camp around at Gorlerich offers n very suitable place for such camp and in every way con- venient for the Officers, N 0 O's and Men serving in the Battalions raised in and adjacent to the County of 'Huron. ..Weeb-Neel "That• the auditor.' report be received and filed with the clerk." Carried. A. number of accounts were passed: The ennncil adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, .on Monday, the 8rd day of April next at 1 p m when Pathmasters, pound keepers, fence viawers and inspectors fo enforce the provisions• of the eow tag by law for the ensning year will be appointed, Tlonr•y Eilber, Clerk. ST. JOSEPH. The continenns cold weather has enabled the fishermen to catch a large quantity of fish. Mr Louis Jeffrey and family have moved to the house recently vacated by DTr. L. Nigh. Mr. N. 1\T. Canbin spent Sunday tai his home here, Mr. 0. 0, Smith and Sol. Baechler of the Bronson Lino spent Sunday and Monday with friends at Arkona. Mr J Overholt has ordered a new thr0,1,1.,,' machine from the Wats, boo Mfg. Co. Mr. J. Sch wartzontruber and family of Blake spent Wednesday with friends' hers. CREDITON J F Brown fell a few days ego 01; the sidewalk and broke his arm. Mrs Bertrand and family have de- cided to move to Detroit and will leave for that city soon. Thomas B Lawson passed suddenly away on Match 13th, after an illness of only three days with pneumonia. He was born in this township and has been identified with the business in- terests of Crediton for 15 years, first as a butcher and in later years as nn- dsrtaker. His wife and one daughter survive him, The funeral on IVednes- day was largely attended. COUNTY NEWS William DIcl\lillan of the London road, south of Brucefield, has sold his 100 -acre farm. to Henry Leboau, of Bear Clinton, for $7,400, A sitting of the Supreme Court of Ontario was held in Goderich last week, The docket was small. Among the cases tried was Smith vs Dale was an action for malicious prosecution, The defendant, Victor E Dale, a farm- er of Stanley township, had the plain- tiff, Alex Smith, implement agent, of Hensall, arrested last summer on a charge of stealing a horse. Smith was tried on this charge in the County Judge's Criminal Oourt and found not guilty. He then took Ibis action aga- not Dale, claiming damages for expen- es he was put to in defending himself' nd also for injury to his reputations The jury returned a verdict for the de- endant, and the plaintiff was directed o pay the costs. F W alai -bum Exeter) for plaintiff; J 111 Best (Sea orth) for defendant, s a t f II L 'Classified ! a C1 ll,ai{:4' rg t•,I tlac IuL Lt•t �... — .- 1 ; ' rale lc ru and Sar• ,',,r LEGAL M , a, ,;:,t t I.ar' i , :'t fcbiena, 41i4 ti wig lEOLTIANOT, KILLO1tAN, & (Y1t/4E. ` >s'>:1£tkires, Litter 1'cttni .:• Ga. etc. tarristors SoliciLort,, Not au•,, 1'ul,lic we. Office, on the *etu r3 dour from Iratniiton Li. (,•c(,1'011 Priva+o funds to loan at lowf,,,t ,c.:u- i W.-PitOUDFOOT, K. C. .1 D. KILLuatAr, H. J. 1.. C;OURIE. Air. Cooke will be in H.en�ul[ or, 1.'r' and :9nturday of euc1, talc, T. ir=11 a 14111il.a- prrelt wilt lilt. „t:•d,l MitDICAL CARD ,11 A. J. MacliINNON le�t Surgeon, Erie 0(•titl<. .Buffalo N. Y. Late ass,;tanl 1' d=int Physician, Iranhat',a'i Flospitai N. Y. city. Late 0' t.1,. house Staff, New Yuri> Pr.' :Medical School and hospital. thut store in connection. Office. Ztrricl Ont. bi' N. F. Schram, Late tl Surgeon and House Pit‘•,0 of V to is hospital, L Glad' te of I+anulty of lc'djt• t, \\`e>•trro Universii'V, Lund (ID, Maii> Oflic'e`at Dashw3oi, On Visits Shil ka Monday ..^.itcg. con each week. BEAVER MEADO Retool lit port, for ,F S No 12, Ilnr•. for 1'') 1 runt y. ISn; cd on • mice and l.eliaviout and pclfeet wed.. The names are in order of Merit, S>. 1 V—N Gascbo, T tteinbracle Jr. I\.---0 [Foster, 11 Seidl be, :.. Wither, A 8chilbe, L Pa't'e Sr. 111--I Livinggood., L Sitterns 0 rS'teinlur0h. Jr. 11I---11 Foster, A Wilano1, Schatz, i' 1'file, U Flei:eheuer, A Walter. •Jr. 1I-- 11 Poaler, .1 Neste, '1' Algid inger, 1+'le schauer, 11 Barad, 1' Dad our, 11 Schoch. Sr: Pt. 11—E 0 ascho, A Faiic 1 1 (II G Schril r. N ilei clinger, Jr. 1st. II --L Bader, L 12t tc•. 1 Witmer. S3' Pr -1 Schoch, Sel1i!he1 Walter, E B Jr, Pr \V Scheel], lfness, A Aleidinger E G fiebilbe, 1' adoul•. 0 Miller, F; \Vatter.. \NNWT.';, \ 1 :':.\ !F3>." Ai alfa✓' rxa gill i lr Torrance Sokol, Guelph decorated with "Neu -Toner'. 6 and. • '• c. t' ernt y inste,lctl t -i, Stan .:' „r„11,xturr- • t, Er„utir>tt rs• d ):art e 1•00 <. i•, , volt -lent) to ! . 1110 aLsc .,.�I•ittd1 equipments 0t every kind See us about 1i aFl�,nitt,Pr,<r9/,trul �a, /141.91!1:444z.-...: -ries Ever 7 ` wee r,. , i ',,-,.o c;' to 0.tel` l ac- ' Every Wednesday Dail .n Sca 3ot?t t F.1.72:1� � w:. Somewhere o t ora t1 e prc:a , :'r ere 1t, ,r Canada's Greatest • you. i.:3 �e../rod .:.�.�G''' ' %s `-• roses r� L� Vad: ei will take tl' 3-�'� cr". ^1 ? ila� •...Fo.anat.on about the best places, cod b,elp }•eta to .wc :._s. Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent, or write 1V. B• Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. L '` fad \ __- '1,7111 friri8n n; 0ro,fA lir la r Home in Montreal, decorated with "Neu -Tone” 0 llie 9 Church in Nova Scotia, decorated with "Neu -Tone". PZ ft is so easy and so economical to have a beautifully decorated home, with "NEU-TONE" Flat Finish. The soft, restful "Neu -Tone" tints will delight the woman and man who appreciate refinement and delicacy in the home. When you "Neu -Tone" the walls, you save all fuss and bother of washing and scraping the plaster to re -decorate. Simply apply another coat of "NEU-TONE" in any shade or tint desired. "NEU-TONE" is cheaper than wall paper. It is truly economical—absolutely sanitary—can't fade, scale or rub off— AND IS WASHABLE. Soap and water cleans a "NEU• TONE" wall and takes away dust, stains and finger prints. Marble -he Flobr Finish will withstand all the wear and abuse to which a floor varnish is subjected ; it can be used on hard or soft wood floors every can carries with it a money. back guarantee. "MADE IN CANADA" Writedirect to the Martin-Senour Co., Limited, Montreal, for their 1916 Booklet, "Town and Country Homes", showing many new color schemes and giving valuable paint information, CHAS. HARTLEIB, Z'':.: RICH, Ont. 6712 mvAltivistes `�Z "."7 1