HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-03-24, Page 4IRMIRMICOMETIOLI :: .,;�:' .L.: •:": ,!,:i:.tJxV�4� ��r,xC 3... a{, )',!.Ix�4 t� W'M' �'n'P Tfln 0 tom. , c+manTo train.. A 1 11 acct, STS fthe ever heid in the (ounty. ®l L D Y 1 D E AND THIS MONSTER SALE WILL COME TO AIS END, r are. still .hammering down prices. The Reduction Knife has cut deep. For a few more days there will be more sacrifices. It is now a race .against dine. This is a genuine Sale and Cost does not enter into consideration when marking .the prices. a "I L: r ,. .52,^•vx 'ax�.,.n �+tUf{7i .*•4A9,4•Pm•,; .: .•?'d1�'.. <ws,!rl:5�t:i% 1t'i xYnzoGh e"F.'.-.1:. A:. .S eh kWt. 4i5. r%l. ..N. ;n,ncc:: .n to i. ,hj$tl .F ,:u:; Saturday, !Wad'. 25th of 813 a m A Surprise Package Sale. Values' in all packages guaranteed from 50c to $2.00. tremendous IBZ Cto ung vra Q�1 Your choice for 25c. Tuesday, Mai. 201 , the last day of the Big Sale, you will find a dollar bill attached to each Fur or curl lined coat all at Sale Prices. Special for rSal*-=F a}hhy. and Tuestlay Ladies' Jack'ts . Men's Suits $8.00 `,,r 98 10. r) few i?,98, 3.08 16.00 for 11.29 Child' Jackets $6.00 for 98 8,00 for 1.98 10,00 8.08 Dress Goods New Shades 50c for 20c 60 for 44 65 for 44 72 for 44 . 1" '', } for ti 79 12.50 for 8.49 Boy's Suites Special $4.00 for 2.49 7.00 for 4.98 8.00 for 5.85 Mens' Overc'ts 12.00 for 8.49 9.00 tor 6.98 CO RE BPoN:DENOE�� DASI3 WOOD Miss Ora Roffman of Tavistock is visiting relatives and friends here this week. Dr N F Schram and Ehnore Willem spent Saturday in Parkhill. Miss Pearl Wurtz, who has been visiting at the home of Mr J Keller- man, returned to her home in Zurich. Several of the young people of town attended the skating rink at . Exeter Thursday night, A Red Cross quilting bee was held in the basement of the Evangelical church Thursday afternoon. Mr Dau Mcisaac of Crediton visited here over Sunday. Several from here attended the fun- eral of the infant son of Mr and Mrs Leonard Wurm, Sunday, at Zurich. • Mr Fred Baker is on this sick list this week. Messrs Jos & Valentine Gassman and Mrs Hiiliger of Port Huron and Mrs Wni Westlake, of Stratford are visiting their mother, Mrs Fred Goss - man, who is seriously ill at present. BARCAM IN SHOES oT reduce oiu • stock we offer the following; Men's Felt Shoes, reg $3 for $2,.50 ac " ct ac $2 for '$1,65 " hvy 2 bkle rebs $2.75 for $2.25 " high laced " $8 for $2.50 Ladies felt shoes, $1.75 for $1.50 " [C slippers Bye for 65e " Rubbers 75e for 65o « overshoes $2,25 for $1.75 Boy's rubbers 75e for 65e la M::n's overshoes • $2 for $,1.65 ca �' x;1.•75 for 1 50 A lot of ladies shoes4 fol; 0.15 'Butter and ergs taken in' exchange, CDD fD CP CD 0.41 CJ t®P g trl to Little Daisy hose, all shades, t7 values 3Oc for 19c, Everything in Groceries ovi g up. Get your supply now. s tD 49/a Be nl e erg TIE 'HE P -10q -TY qAVFnS PFAFF DASHWOOD o Shoe „l enchant` G R,A D BEND The Ladies' Red Cross .-.Society of G rand Bend,have: forwarded the fol •' lowing bales to the Red Cross Branch at London since the organization of. this Branch -in November 19ifi. - 62 Day shirts, 97 pair of socks 12 mattress covers; Money received for Red Cross Grant from Stephen Council $25.00; Patriotic Concert $92.10; The young people's Red Cross Dance $17.50; Red Cross box social „+44.80 Donations from friends $6,25; Total amount $184.15; Money paid out far Red Cross $147.83; Balance on hand $37.32. Miss Ibiayme Craford, Secretary. Miss Florence Gill, Treas- urer. There was a social gathering at Mr Robert Pollock's on Sunday evening. Lieut. Tyffo of Strathroy is here drilling the soldiers, the number being tw elve„ racTi '+ d•.:3sa The old pioneers are passing ay one after another. It is our sad duty to recall the death of the late Chris- tian Zaphe, who passed away on Fri- day evening, age 88 years.O, The re• mains were laid in the Grand Bend Cemetery, on Monday. The funeral was largely attended. . The family has the sympathy of the community. Dir Jonah Pedlar, who has been visiting° Fat the home of Mr Joseph Gill's, went to Dashwood on Thursday to visit friends. NEW;r,MILLINERY IN GRAND BEND Miss Olive Green has opened up a new millinery business in Grand Bend with a large stock of new and up -to date Millinery. Opening will be held Friday and Saturday, March 24th and 25th and following days and ex- tends a cordial invitation to the ladies of Grand Bend and vicinity to call and inspect her. stock. Satisfaction Guaranteed. DIXIE Dir and Mrs Thos Kyle spent an enjoyable time visiting friends in Chiselhurst. Mrs Nell Latimer visited her son Edwin, in Hensel]. on Friday. Mr Nelson Desjardine, who has recently been staying at Mono 1Cnepfer, has returned home for a short visit. Mr Tsreal Kuapfer spent Saturday on the Town Line, Good Chatham incubator and bre oder; nearly new, for sale, cheap. L, Prang. BLAKE The regular meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs Oonsitt on Tuesday afternoon. The President called the meeting to order and the usual business' • was tronsacted After the roll call, Mrs. David Tough gave a splendid pa1er on, "Measles," and Mrs R N Douglas gave a paperon What to do for burns and scalds." Miss Jessie Tough delighted the audi- ence With a Scotch reading. After heartily thanking Mrs Consitt for her hospitality the meeting was closed by singing "God Save The King. It was decided at this meeting to collect old linen and cotton for the Red Cross, Any contributions by outsiders will be thankfully received by any member of the Institute or bring to the next meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs Geo Sparks on April lith. All ladies are welcome,, Mr and Mrs H Zapfe and family attended the fuzieral of Mr Zapfe's father at Grand Bend on Monday, DTr J A Douglas, of Hyde Park, visited his brothers and other friends in this vicinity, last week. Mr and Mrs Aaron Erb have moved to the farm recently vacated by Mr Ed Boyes. • Mr Wni Douglas spent Monday with friends near Brucefield: Quite a number of friends and neighbors assembled at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Boyes on Monday night of last week to spend a social evening with them before leaving for their new home near Brucefield: IC Mrs Robt McBride gave a quilting bee to a number of friends and neigh- bors on Thursday' of last week, Mr and Mrs R B Manson, who spent the winter with Mr Manson's mother and other. friends, • left -last Friday for their home in Arizona: HENSALL Thomas Laing, a former resident of Hay township; died at Winnipeg last week in his 77th year:. 111r and Mrs Percy Madge have left for their new home in the west. William Jones; of near Kippen, has purchased the farm of Webster Buch- anan, 3rd con., Stanley, and getsposs• ession next fall. Miss R Eilber„ of. Zurich, has taken charge of E Rannie's millinery depart- ment. A Military carnival was held at the skating rink on Monday` night. The proceeds will go towards fixing up the EXETER. H J White, manager of the Canad- ian Bauk of Commerce ab Exeter for nearly two years, has received the ap- pointment as manager of the bank's branch at Moncton, N. B. Mr A, E. Kuhn, of the Crediton branch, is his. successor here. The Exeter Canning Co. has pur- chased the 80 -acre farm of Mr Gillies, just north of the factory. Miss Nena Mao, daughter of Mr D McCurdy, Stephen, was united in marriage at Centralia to Trooper G A ll Hurdon, of the Overseas forces at Hamilton, son of N D Hurdon, of Exeter, on March 4th. Mrs Keyes, formerly of Exeter, died at the House of Refuge on March 4th, aged 88 years. The basement of the Central Hotel, Exeter was badly damaged by fire and 'water last Thursday night. On March 15th 11Iiss Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Jas Jewell was united in marriage to W E Bradt of this town. They will re- side in Thedford. Melville Martin, M; P., of Regina an Exeter old bey, is spoken of as the next premier of Saskatchewan, to re- place Premier Scott. A Patriotic and recruiting meeting. was held in the Opera House on Tues. day evening. Rev 5 B Nelson, of Hamilton, was the speaker. James Dennis, a former resident of Exeter, passed away a few days ago. Tie wag a wagon maker here for many years.. BORN Kelierinan-At ?on wick on Mat 14, to ltev and Ma•. I1 A Kellerman, a t;u,.T)wight Etrrinannel, DIED Lew n - Iaa tiredrten, on "% rob 18th, Thomas I3 Lawson, aged 45 ,years, 1 month and 8 days. MASSEY-HARRIS Implements Call and see our new Low Down Marur SpreE with all latest improvsrnents. Now is the; time to look for s :ecdi.lag implements. Call and inspect our new Disc Drill with the all steel boot. Also have a number of second hand drills and cultivators at reasonable pieces. Agency for the well-known Louden Hay track and litter carrier. `I A no c lent 1916 f ax eHH $850 Lompkete Owing to several economics we have been able to perform, owing to the fact that we have purchased a factory; site -for the building of elle complete car in Canada at Windsor, Olt., we have been able to reduce the price on our touring cars to $850 and roadster to $830 for t he; coming season. 'You shou'd buy a Maxwell because :-- lst. 11; Meets any car an economy of gasolene consumption 2nd. 0j}Tires low as any. 3rd. `' Price of Parts are low. 4th. License cost is reasonable. ai' Call on the Maxwell dealer and ask about our ser- vice tor ask cur old customers regarding same. Try the Maxwell out before buying, for "Power on hills" "Sand or Mud" A`'car made in Canada, over 100.000 production of 1916 Maxwell with our many improvements. One man top, mohair. Demountable rims. Electric Lighting and starting system. Made and guaranteed by the Maxwell Company and all the conveniences of cars costing twice the price. ,ise Let us prove to you the advantages over all other makes produced in this the er 1 an, al o e 25 � lA E. �� estreicher, istn `,ter, Inc ! PLel bra k0;PiiMrr'et Ridij4 We carry a large sock of storm sash and storm doors, made aLy size or style. Shingles, lumber, laths and all • planing mil products. Estnaates given and contracts taken. Office r at planing mill. cf, ' OKA Pt1i)NE 9 Horneseekers Excursions to The Land of Wheat Homeseekers' Excursions to Western Csnadta, at low fares via Canadian Pacific each Tuesday March 7th to October B1st inclusive. Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent, or NV 13 Howard, District Pas,acnger• Agent Toronto, Men's Sox IOc a pair at . Tiernan & Edighoffer's Big Sale. Have you renewed your-subscripti• on to the Herald for 1916? NEW BARBER SHOP I have opened 1.11) s, barhrar,shop .in F ritz's; _Shoe ,Shop, opposite the Post Office, Give ire a trial, liner Oesch,