Zurich Herald, 1916-03-24, Page 3e
Eat Slowly.
Man is an oinnivorous animal and
cannot afford to permit himself to be
harried at meals. It is impossible to
bolt such food as the average person
eats without injuring the health. •
'With the animal kingdom the sense
of smell, as well as the sense of taste,
enters largely into the enjoyment of
the meal. This. should be the ease
with mankind.. Odor and taste,
properly exercised, have a tendency
to stimulate the fluids •• essential to'
proper digestion.
Chewing the food a reasonable
length of time should assist us in en-
joying the taste and flavor. One of
the essentials to good digestion is to
eat those things which we relish Am -
less the contrary is indicated by well
established scientific. and empirical
knowledge. Civilization has dulled
our instincts in this respect, but it
survives to a. certain degree in our re-
lish for certain foodstuffs. This re-
lish should not be mistaken for the
inordinate fondness for certain things.
Every one can distinguish between an
occasional intemperate indulgence and
a natural taste and relish.
The proper Slow of the digestive
fluids is essential to good digestion.
A liberal portion of fruit is suggested
by most dietitians, and it is a com-
mon belief that fruit is a wholesome
food, It should be remembered, how-
ever, that acid fruits are often irri-
tating to the mucus membrane, and
if the habit is long continued on a
naturally weak digestion or with ba-
bies, it will still further interfere with
digestion. Almost every one who is
using grapefruit or other acid :fruit
for food, makes a mistake by eating
it before breakfast or at any time
on an empty stomach. It should be
eaten after breakfast instead of be-
fore as is the habit.
Colds and Their Cure.
He eels Like a
Young Fellow
After Experimenting With Other
Medicines Max I•Ianjook Found in
Dodd's Kidney Pills the Cure That
He Sought.
Pleasant Home, Man. March 20th,
(Special) -Mr, Max Hanjook, a well-
known resident of this place, who,
after an extended period of ill -health
is feeling strong and hearty again,
is spreading broadcast the good news
that ha found a new lease of youth
in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"I tried all kinds of other pills, but
they didn't help me very much," Mr.
Hanjook says. "But Dodd's Kidney
Pills have made me feel like a differ-
ent man. I feel like a young fellow
again. I 'want everybody to. know
that Dodd's Kidney Pills have done
for ine everything that has been
claimed for them."
Dodd's Kidney Pills make men and
women feel young again because they
spread good health all over the body.
Dodd's Kidney Pills act directly on
the kidneys. They make the kidneys
strong and healthy and thus put them
in condition to strain all impurities,
all the seeds of disease, out of the
blood. The cleansed blood circulating
all through the body gives new
strength and energy everywhere.
That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills are
popular all over Canada.
The Average Price is More than
During the past year, Canadian fish-
ing interests have taken steps to re-
lieve the shortage in Great .Britain's When baby is ill no other medicine
fish supply arising from the restriction will so quickly relieve him as will
imposed by the war on fishing opera- Baby's Own Tablets. They- go right
Exposure to. cold and wet is a tions in the North Sea. The serious to the root of most childhood ail -
usual cause of sore throat, and it character of the shortage is indicated mems -those derangements of the
may be of rheumatic or gouty origin. in a recent 'United States consular re -
Local irritation, as from drinking hot port dealing with the yield of the stomach and Dowels which cause dif.-
Scotch fisheries in 1915. In part the limit_ teething, colds, constipation,
drinks of inhalation of noxious gases, report states:-- vomiting and simple fevers. They
will cause an acute catarrhal in- The total quantity of fish oilier cleanse the bowels and sweeten the
than shellfish Landed in Scotland in stomach and drive out all cause of
1915 was 2,297,318 cwt. (of 112 pounds) illness. Concerning them Mrs. Wm.
valued at $9,972,530, or an average of Evers; Gilks, N.B., says: -"We always
$4.34 per cwt., as compared -with 6i keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in
926,241 cwt., $14,475,843, and $2.09 in the house as eve have found them an
1914, and 7,267, 328 cwt., .$18;168,320,tt
and $2.50 in 1913. The shortage le excellent medicine for little ones.
the catch as compared with 1914 thus The Tablets are sold by medicine deal
amounted to 67 per cent, and in the ers or by mail at 26 cents a box from
corresponding value to 31 per cent. The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
while the average price was more Brockville, Ont.
than doubled.
The greatly reduced landings of
herrings were mainly respcnsihle for
the decreased herrings representing 61
per - cent of the total catch in 1913
and 63 per cent. in 1914, and only 30
per cent. of the markedly diminished
total last year. The actual, figures for
herrings are 4,449,321 cwt, in 1913,
4,383,285 cwt. in 1914, 699,389 cwt. in
1915, with the corresponding values
$10,160,050, $6,516,419 and $2,138,175,
The total quantity of whitefish, ex-
cluding herrings, mackerel,. and other
pelagic fish, landed during the year,
was 1,522,471 cwt., as against 2,435,017
cwt, in 1914 and 2,735, 2462 cwt. in
1913; the value was $7,714,128, as
medicine. First a gargle. This may against. $7,819080 and $7,945.386.
A oI1arMeaI for Five
Cents—The most expen-
sive foods are quite often
entirely lacking in food
value. They do not build
muscle or supply energy.
Measured by the . cost of
most foods, a breakfast or
'luncheon of Shredded Wheat
with milk and cream is worth
a dollar --and the cost is not
over five cents. Two biscuits
will supply all the strength
needed for a half -day's work
or play.
Mrs. S.• Barton French.
An energetic worker for the cause
of the allies, has been compelled to
move from one of the New York
hotels, where there were many Ger-
man sympathizer's on acceeint of hav-
ing' her mail tampered with, and
from having -received threatening let
teas, one written .in German and one
in English, both conversant on the
private life and also on Mrs. French's
activities in the cause of the allies.
One letter cautions "Have a care."-
are.'She has been contemplating a lecture
tour for the relief of the Serbians,
Belgians, and the Lafayette fund.
flammation of the mucous membrane
of the pharynx, soft palate and uvula.
Going out of doors when very warn,
not protected by wraps, will cause an
inflammation in the throat. House-
keepers run out into ethe yard to hang
up towels, etc., and nine times out of
ten never put on a scarf or coat, and
then wonder why they suffer so fre-
quently from attacks of sore throat
and cold. Much of the ill -health we
suffer from can be traced to careless-
ness and heedlessness on our own part.
It is contrary to reason and good
judgment to sit down to cool off, when
very warm, where the wind will blow
directly upon one. The many thought-
less things one does every day will
cause a sore throat, which may he
severe enough to result in a fatal ill-
The treatment for the symptoms,
such as chilliness, fever, stiffness and
tenderness in the muscles of the
neck, soreness in the throat and pain-
fulness when swallowing -the hoarse-
ness and dry, hacking cough -is by
be one of potassium chlorate, used
three tinges a day; or a gargle of
bicarbonate of sodium -one teaspoon-
ful dissol=ed in a teacupful of hot
water and used (when -warm) every
five hours. It is best always to re-
main indoors for 24 hours, and pre-
ferably in bed, whenever suffering
from a beginning cold or sore throat.
A laxative medicine (whether sutlrer-
ing from constipatioi or not) should
be taken. A bottle of the efferves-
cent citrate of magnesia or a dose of
castor oil. If the pain in the throat
is severe, cold applications are sooth-
ing --cloths wrung out of cold water
and applied to the neck, changing
them as soon as they become Warta,
Sucking small pieces of chopped ice
proves grateful also. If the fever
is high and there is an unusual amount
of restlessness and irritability al-
ways call in a physician.
Got IIer Holiday.
This pleasant tale of matrimonial
methods happened recently. The wife
was negotiating with the husband
for a holiday that would cost ,some-
thing. "Jane," he said, impressively,
"I'd like to have you do it. I'd be
glad to let you go." The wife looked
her doubts as to whether this was
quite the right tone for an affection-
ate man to take. "Yes, I'll be glad,"
he said, with conviction, "But the
feet is, I can't do it, I have to take
tip a note for $20,000 next week, and
1 can't spare a cent." The wife look-
ed him up and down. "Very well. If
you think the man who holds your
note can make things any hotter for
you than I can --very well, Josiah."
She went for her holiday.
"When is a partnership like a
I en ? When there is not a split in it."
Increased Capacity For Week.
Many former tea and coffee drink..
ers who have mental work to perform
day after day, have found a better
capacity and greater endurance by
using Postum. A woman writes:
"1 had drunk coffee for about
twenty years, and finally had what
the doctor called `coffee heart.' I
was 4aervous and extremely despond-
ent; had little mental or physical
strength left; had kidney trouble and
constipation." (rrea is just as injurious
because ib contains caffeine, the
same drug .found in coffee.)
"The first noticahle benefit which
followed the - change from coffee to
Poston was the improved action of
the kidneys and bowels. In two weeks
my heart action was greatly improved
and my nerves steadier.
"Then I became less despondent,
and the desire to be active again
showed. proof of renewed physical and
mental strength.
"I formerly did mental work and
had to give it tip on account of cof-
fee, but since using Postum I am
doing hard mental labor with Iess
fatigue." Name given by Canadian
Postum Co., Windsor, Ont.
Postum comes in bwo forms:
Postum Cereal -the original form
--must be well boiled. 15c and 25o
Intant Posture -a soluble powder--
clissoles quickly in a cup of hot wa-
ter, and, with cream and sugar, makes
a delicious •beverage instantly. 30e
and 500 tiers.
Both forms are equally delieious
and cost about she sable per cup.
"There's a Reason" for Postum,
- solid by Grocers.
Delighted She Called.
Jessie, aged 12, was alone in the
house when a visitor called to see
her mother. She smiled hospitably
as she held the door wide open. "Oh,
Mrs. Johnson," she said brightly,
"mother will be so pleased! She hoped
you'd conte this afternoon!" "Is that
so, dear?" asked Mrs. Johnson, much
delighted. "Then your mother is at
home?" "011, no," answered Jessie,
just as brightly; "she's gone out shop-
ping, and won't be home till late to-
Wfinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
C.P.R. Officials Viewed Silent Drama
to Stimulate Movement.
A realistic moving picture filth in
the interests of the Safety First
Movement was recently displayed in
a specially fitted car at Windsor Sta-
tion, Montreal, before Vice -President
Bury and a number of C.P.R. of-
The film was produced by Mr. Mar-
cus A. Dow, general safety agent,
New York Central Lines, and tells
the story of a railroad man, Jack Fos-
ter, whose carelessness endangered
the happiness of his wife and home
until his friend Jim Stevens, a boost-
er for the Safety First, convinces hien
by demonstrating awful examples that
it is worse to gamble for life than to
gamble in any other way. One man
loses his leg, and other accidents are
realistically portrayed in an exhibi-
tion at the Safety Rally to which Jim
Stevens takes Jack Foster -such as
the shopman who loses an eye through
not yearing goggles, the carpenter
losing a linger while working at a
buzz saw without the guard, the
brakeman being run over while run-
ning between moving cars, the engine -
man being killed while boarding the
footboard of an engine in motion,
Particularly impressive is the picture
of a collision 'Clue to slowness in nag -
In order to promote the Safety
,First Movement in Canada, Mr. Bury
has secured a copy of the film, which
will be offered to moving picture
houses at divisional and other import-
ant railroad points along the line of
the Canadiah Pacific Railway.
Too many glasses May make tr,
tumbler of a man.
Made in Canada.
Jenkins -"It is a poor rule that
won't work both ways." Wilkins -"I
don't know about that. You just say
to a mother that she looks so like
her daughter you could not tell them
apart. Then try it on your daugh-
I have handled MINARD'S LINI-
MENT during the past year. It is
always the first Liniment asked for
here, and unquestionably the best
seller of all the different kinds of
Liniment I handle.
Taking no Chances.
Squee-Can you tell me where
Codger hangs out? I haven't seen
him for several days.
Gee -Who 4in earth wants to see
Cadger ?
Squee-Not me.. I just wanted to
know what places to dodge.
Murine is re•
pared by our Ply
sicians, ea used for
many years in their
1 practice, now dedicate
=1 ; ed to. the Public and
R y
OUR byYour Druggist
W R TryMurinetoRefreah,
Cleanse. and Strengthen Eyes after exposure to
Cold Cutting Winds and Duet and to restore
healthful tone to Eyes Reddened and mode Sore
by Overwork and Eye Strain.
Some broadminded Physicians use and recom-
mend Murine while others perhaps jealous of 10,
Success, talk and rush into print in opposition;
those whose Eyes need care can guess why, es
there Is no Prescription fee in Murine. Just hand
your Druggist 50e and you have a Complete Pkg.
Eye Book--Murine-Dropper-and Cork Screw --
ready for tree. Try it in your Eyes and in Baby's
Eyes for Eye Troubles -No Stnarting-Just Eye
Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye Free.
Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago
Modern Life.
"Wife, the baby is restless and
won't go to sleep."
"What can I do?"
"Well, you might put a lullaby oil
the graphophone."
ninard's Liniiner:t Cure. Dandruff
He Meant It.
In speaking of the girl to whom he
was engaged, Harry Longsight re-
ferred to her as his "financee."
"You mean fiancee, I suppose? It
is pronounced fee -ami -say."
"I don't care how it is pronounced;
this girl is my financee. She is
worth $25.000."
Purely Herbal -No poison-
ous coloring Matter.
Antiseptic -S tops 131 d=
poisoning, festering, etc.
Soothing -Ends quickly the
pain and smarting.
Heals all sores.
50c. Box. Ail Druggists and Stores
Dog Remedies
And How to Feed
Mailed free to any address by
the Author
1181Vost 31atStreet,NewYorlt
.L u u •to•fiitto iftggh Gvedd
73icyci titledwithereoJl�oi'Aafni
(Way Dr dr ante for "vole
Cosner , lrmtt nerd .Natio, .Deter
gqxlabtsThea high g�recleaqulit
gun tanda rami,&'X000le 024.6
for Ftt6E X416 Catalogue
59 pages of .fptr,9atea, s'rverdrie4
aryl RrdalrMaara a4 'Yoncq
bay your ettp fes front tie ai
w0tolesale Prue&
T, W.1i1QYtI) & SON.
Russians Already Planning to Give
Preference to French.
The Russians are already planning
to boycott German watering places
after the war, says the Paris Figaro,
and as a means to this end are even.
now sending out information concern-
ing French resorts. An information
bureau has been established in Paris,
and soon a party of. Russian physi-
cians will visit all the French water-
ing places outside the war zone.
The propaganda just issued states
that one of its reasons for existence
is the harsh manner in which Russian
visitors at German watering places
were treated 'when war was declared.
It says that confirmed invalids were
treated with a severity that was quite
Although this movement appears to
be independent, it belongs in a general
sense to the proposed anti -Teuton
trade alliance under which the En-
tente Allies intend to give one an-
other the preference in all dealings
after the war.
Flaxseed has been known through-
out historic: time to possess wonderful
food and medicinal properties. The I10 -
mans fed it to slaves to keen thein in
condition and health. The eivillzed pal-
ate bas generally rebelled at its linseed
odor and taste. It has remained for a
physician to discover a method of driv-
ing oxygen out of the linseed oil by
electricity changing the nil into a resin,
odorless and tasteless as starch, yet
leaving food and medicinal properties
unchanged, This is 'now used in Dr.
Jackson's Roman Meal, claimed to be
the most nourishing food sold and a
positive relief to dyspeptic and consti-
pated. Most grocers sell it.
Made by Roman Meal Company,
Turttnto, Canada.
Quite Pliable.
Peck boasted of his iron will,
But, married, he did find,
The iron in that will of his
Was of the softest kind.
=Ward's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
Legere plac-
ing your order for
seeds, see our 1096 Gold-
en O'uhileo Catalog -no it is free
Gov't. Stan.
No. 3. Red Clover (1'anry)2'16.15
No. 1 Alsyke 18.00
No. 1 Timothy 5-46
AIlow 00c for each cotton bag
We pay railway freight in on-
tario and Quebec over $35,00
Muskrat Handier
is the old firm of
Limited, 410 St. Paul
St. W„ Montreal.
Ship all your furs
there and obtain full
Llalig liatorproof
all charges pre -paid,
Colors, Fawn, ,r•.,
Black and Blue.
Styles Raglan, or set
in sleeve with belt.
We sell direct frau
manufacturer to con-
sumer. No agents, no
middlemen. If you
don't like the garment
send It back and get
your money,
All garments guat'-
anteed waterproof.
Mena Waterproofs, t#
all Styles, $3.50 tip.
Write for Pros ,Catalogue. !d'apo
Measure rand Samples of Cloth
The afitenehetster Water-
proof artci 010 -thing Oa.
P.O, Box 1744, or 319 James St.,
Mrs. Exe-Your new maid seems
very discreet,
Mrs. Wye -Indeed she is. ,Sbe even
knocks on the closet doors before
opening them.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Fortune knocks but once at every
man's door, but misfortune usually
crawls in at the open window.
S71'ti POTATOES, 1111011 c:)l1-
biers, Deiewa.e, Carman. Or-
der nt once. Supply limited. Write for
quotations. 11. \i". l' tiesnti, ):ranrpten.
SILVER 131.ACK. 0,.100,$ ili3l:D
fares, trade for used car. Reid
lime... Bothwell, ..nt.
NURSERY B'l'ocer
Jll,ii. buy and save middlem t:n's profits;
write for eutaingue. Dominion Nurseries
(Smith. 'Reed & Co.) St. Catharines, Ont,:
Ala'1 Olt YOUNG ,MAN TO t'4)I.-
11.4 legit in their locality. Dominion
Works, Toronto.
1).A ..5 -_WILL PAY CA .Sif ]'OE. A.T.n
hour andsugar bags. Write offer.
leu. Evans,. Ft. \\ Mien). C)l:r.
NEWS'?-t.'EES roil SATE,
fl ilce'i•'1r-31 AKIN Cr NEWS ANI) .LOB
offices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Full information on
applica.tict to Wilson ;F'ublisbin5 Com -
nary. 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto..
and Finishing DeBartments;.'
good wages. Apply Kingston Iloieee-y
Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont. •
�/ internal and externsl, rnred with-
out. pain by our llonle treatment. Write
us before ton hate. .Dr, Bellmrttt ltiedi.rn2
Co., Limited, Urinegwood, Ont.
tittle application Ittnr.R
;di :aIltes and prevents
their re -appearance dur-
lttg the season. Keeps
fowls free from ) , l}' .
llmc.. Malys Sealy lege'
bright- and clean. 'Keeps
lard. pastry and sweets
free frtnn ants, Bedbug*
will give no trouble where used. veli tet•
day for special trial price. l3ockiet free.
iit[arehall m Marsluvrl, Niagara, Foals. onto
Distributors for Canada.
rhe Ideal Winter Resort
I3cautlful '?rives, Saddle Biding.,
C6olf, 'se.t.::l5, 'Yachting, lt'ishina
and Sea Bathing. Present, Gar-
rison of the Ottawa (.39tli) Regi -
Met t.
Prhlless Hotel
15 open from 1raICII ii1U1 to MAY'
'ffituated on the Harbor of
Hamilton. Accommodates 600.
Hates t 928 per week and Upward.
Bermuda is reached by the steam-
ers of the Quebec S. S. Co..
37 Broadway, New York.
Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles,
Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula,
Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness
and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts;
Bruises, Boot Chafes. 11 is a
Does not blister or remove the
hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use.
$2.00a bottle, delivered. Describe your case
for special instructions and Book 5 M free.
ABSORUINE, 3R., antiseptic liniment for mankind, re,.
duces Strains. Painful, knotted, Swollen Wino. Concert.
trated-only a few drops recurred at an application. Pries
$1 per bottle at dealete or delivered.
W. F. YOUNG, P, 0. F„ 518 !ymans Bldg., Sonnei:, Gan,
astatine Rud Absorbine, dr.. arc merit in Canada..
Do You Consider
Wear and ear
en your harness when you
;figute you profits for the
year? Ordinarily that's a
big itetu but you can make:
it negligible by using
Keeps the leather soft and
prevents cracking, Adds
years to harness hie,
,dealers Every tuhere
The Imperial Oil Company
• Lfenited
swrinins IN ALL OLT1541