HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-03-24, Page 1Vol. XV i ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1916° 44®•••4 �oatl9�4 Ole? it s, �:- n� a w 416000+4.<,04i4•®4"1lP®•44••••0 • • 4 4, • • • • • 0 ♦ • • •• A Sale to interest every woman who wants a new spring • hat . Youll be highly pleased with the special showing of new • • spring Hats that you'll find on d isplay in our own Millinery • •• section on March 31st. and April 1st, and the following clays. 0 • It is a plesure to be able to speak with oonfi dense of the very • • smart models that will be shown on those days. It has not been • easy to plan these hats at a popular price, but we succeeded • admirably, so we think for every model has all the exclusive charms, no two in the whole collection being alike, • • reeter's Millinery • 0• ening 8 e March 31st and April 1st. 1 Are you thinking of New Rugs, L i n o i eu Cis or Curtains; Come here • We are ready with house furnishings, genuine old • country rugs and Linoleams too, All guaranteed colors and capable of giving the greatest amount of honest wear. We have • bought heavily, we will surprise you with the big stock there is to chose from and prices are the very lowest consistent with the superior quality -s • .• -• • • "► • e • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ • WALL PAPERS We also have just 6 received a large ship- inent of new wall papers in all colorings and designs. Prices very reasonable. INIHAMS • • • • • • • i • T • .• • ,• • • • 4 0 • • • • 4, • • • • • • • • • t 1. • • 5. e • •. • • • • • • •• • • Ginghams including Zephyrs and Ohatnbrays, We are pre- • pared with a much larger range than for many seasons past all • in good washing and wearing qualities, including the Kingoot • • Ginghams. The patterns include many neat little stripes and • checks in very pretty colors for better dresses and a large sel • 00 action for house dresses such as children's wear, 27 inches wide 0• 12fr to 15c per yard. • OXFORD SHIRTING 0• •• A really •fine range of qualities and patterns. light or dark • •stripes, in fast washing colors, stripes for men's and many • 0 suitable for boy's sults .or shirts ; 29 inohis wide, 150 yard.• • a • APRON GINGHAM • • In thoroughly reliable make, old dyes, and values away • ahead of present market prioes many old favorite mrkes at the o • prices we have always sold at different sized ohecks in navy and • •• white ; 38 inches, 150 a yard. • •• MEN'S SUITS AND 2 • —talnevotmatammoseminversmaamowmparmaismomaimptreammuse • • • • • We still have a few men's suits and overcoats "left which • we are clearing out at half price, if there is anything you need o •• in this line, we would urge you to take advantage of these prices • We have just received a oar load of sugar -cane sugar and • • owing to the price of sugar advancing, we would advice you to 0 • lay in your supply as soon as possible.• • OVERCOATS • x a • ♦ • • O 0 • • as • • We have taken into stocka car of the celebrated • Peerless wovei.fencing which will sell at close • rices also Coil Claire at ..,,,ni,. bottom prices. . • • • • ® SAP PANS, Etc. • e, WIRE FENCING 2 • If you are in need of anything in. the line of• sap buckets, paras, and etc. leave your order now •• andhave them ready ,when the sap season comes. We:have the celebrated Grimm. sap spouts for •• sale this year, also the Eureka spouts, • Jo • • a 1 elep.hone 1Io.9 • EEFER • ZURICH 4, • • a 4, • 5. 4 4, 0 • 4s 0 6 4 0 4444444.44.4,0"4e4444.4m• •oo•am •ea•e•0.0400044••0a•04 LOOK! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black= smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. a. F. CASE & SON PHONE 35 H E N S A L L 4x0 V4" LOCAL NEWS. *leraya mc�s� .psi Our new wali papers are now in. See sample books. T. L. Wimp. Best quality Formaldehyde • for treating grain for smut for sale at Zurich Drug Store. Private Oliver Johnson of the 161at Batt., Clinton, spent a few days with. his uncle, Mr Thomas Johnson.. Dr E 5 Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion -House, Zurich, on Wed- nesday, and Wednesday of the follow - ng week. Mr Louis Prang recently sold three De Laval cream separators in one day` The De Laval has gained an enyiable reputation in this section. The monthly meeting of 'the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs H Ewen on Wednesday evening, April. 12th. A number of. interesting papers will be given and a short program rendered. The roll call will be answered by useful recipes. More than half a century of stats _ . tics develops the; fart that 'only three'} men in every hundred are self-support- ing at the age of 65, and that the other ninety-seven are absolutely de. pendent upon others for the common necessities of life. A large proportion of this unfortunate situation is due to the failure of young men to establish a definate financial plan for the future For such a plan life insurance is the medium most available and depend. able. On Saturday eve, March eighteenth a number of ladies gathered at the home of Mrs J Snell to celebrate the birthday of her sister, Mrs 11 Demuth, of Port Arthur, who is at present visit- ing here. After spending some time in gauges and social chat, a clown unexpectedly appeared on the scene who kept the crowd in roars of laugh- ter. Next came a dainty lunch which was enjoyed by all. Wishing Mrs Demuth many happy returns of the clay all returned to their respective homes well pleased with the evening's enjoyment, RECRUITING OFFICE OPENED It has been decided by officers of the 18181 Battalion to open a recruit- ing station in Zurich in charge of Lieut. A. J. Grigg, of Clinton. As soon as a sufficient number of men are reunited they will be stationed and trained here until mobilization takes place. It is expected that no difficulty will be experienced to have the boys enlist now as they will be able to remain in Zurich for some time at least. 4.3111311(11110.C1=IRE1 11211.3i Incorporated 1855 The NS IMOLSINS B NK CAPITAL and RESERVE ";13,800,000 96 B '&v ches in Canada A (eiir,'i, Bankini Business Transacted otic rAaLXi'TT.EROF clagtlT BANK MONEY ORDER Savin 1 s Bask Deparhaieo IntasP:4t ut highest current rates Z.v .clx Branch R. T, DuNLOpy Ma>tkager tatfahliaitellnlatteleS $5,000,000. Represents the estimated loss by farmers through Smut in grain crops in Ontario in 1915. If you had a field of oats, barley or wheat you, no doubt contributed to the great loss. By reason of the preval- ence of smut last year the danger is rendered greater this year, There is one way to:,prevent this and that is to TREAT YOUR SEED FOR SMUT The method usually adopted is as follows: -Mix one pint of formalin with 40 gallons of water or 2 tables- spoonsful to 1 pail of water. Place the grain to be treated in a heap on clean canvas or floor Sprinkle the formalin sole tion over the grain then shovel. Repeat this until every grain is moistened by the solution; then cover the pile with sacking and leave for 3 or 4 hours. At the end of this time spread the grain out thinly to dry shovelling it over three or four times will hasten the.drying. Forty gallons of the formalin solution is sufficient to sprinkle thirty or forty bushels of grain, smaller amounts in proportion. Immersingthe e grain in a bag is sometimes practiced and is equally effective. Those. requiring further informa- tion apply to the Minister of Agriculture, Toron to, Ont. HYDRO RADIALS After many months of work the en gineers of the Ontario Hydro • system have finished their work on the sur =eying and gathering of data for eight Hydro -electric radials in the Province The Hydro Commission is now wait ing for action by the municipalities, as, with the exception . of the route through Hamilton, which is still "in tate air," the lines are ready for actual �o'nsUuctiorr. •ar*e' rhe/ routes selected by the commission: - (1) Toronto, Port Credit and Oak- ville to Hamilton, this line will connect ab Port Credit with the Toronto -Lon- don line already approved by the vot- ers of the municipalities interested; (2) Hamilton, Grimsby and St Cath- arines to Niagara Falls; (8) St Cath- arines, Welland and Port Colborne; (4) Dunnville, Port Colborne, Fort Erie, Bridgebnrg and Niagara Falls; (5) Elmira, Waterloo, Berlin, Preston, Galt and Hamilton; (6) Owen Sound, Chesley, Brussels, Sertforth, Woodham and Kirkton. This line will connect with that covering the St Marys, Stratford, Toronto line, and with the Toronto London line at Granton. Exeter, Goclerich and Kincardine is the eighth line. • CANADAN FIELD COIIFORTs COMMISSION, M00RE BARRACKS, SE;ORNCLIFF, ENGLAND. To Mrs - Chas Fritz, Women's Institute, Zurich, Ont. Dear Madani:-- We have received a box of jam from your Women's Institute for which we thank you very much indeed. This reached us on March 4th and we forwarded it to Canterbury, where there are many Canadians in a small hospital with very plain fare, who will very much appreciate some home fruit. We can• not send them to the front, so I hope you will be pleased that it goes to our wounded. Your's Faithfully, Mary Plummer, Lieut, C. F. C. C. March 6th, 1918. Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements, on Lot 7, L. R. E., 1 miles north of Grand Bend, on Wednesday, March 29th at 1 o'clock. E Bossenberry, auctioneer; Andrew Desjardi tie, prop rietor. Hotel Property For Sale Known as. the Dominion house, Zriricb, 11:lust be sold before- May lot, 1916, otherwise will be closed by that date. For particulars apply to Wm 5 Johnson, Zurich. 14:A.:Large heavy sot, fox bound, Color, mottled white, with black on lop of head, tan ears, large black spot behiil•d loft shoulder, two large spots on right side, one civet kidneys, also black on hips and extending down half of tail. Pinder please write, Jiin Heddle, 1enniiller, 1'.0, NO 36 Issas t4 4i — P 444 ffariRmoiNsf,z444 • The leather market is on the rise. You I will be wise to purchase your footwear now. Our stock is well assorted, new and up-to- date, and our prices very reasonable, Come in and let us show yota scale of the i newest styles for spring. 1 n r .r1 4 r Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in ee '�a J The Hannc, of exchange for shoes. 9 {good Shoes 8111111111!111111III11!!!!!!11111111111!111!1!8181818111i1!IR!815111111111!8J118.'•81fi8P11M111111I1 !. ; � 1i r+ ri , � iI ,t;ll �,;18111111B�:III1tu81111181111118;!,i,.18.�;o��,L,�:u6��„I�:,;.;,,,r.,;G81111!iilidlll811fi811!I!�!;;811d We are now dimpla;p = our new spring and summer goods aid can offer you some attractive specials in Ginghams, Repps, luslins, Prints and Dress Goods at surprisingly low prices considering recent advances along those lines. Also _our new, Wall Papers, ;beautiful pate .rns at popular pries. Our store is filled with staple goods so that you can ave as good a choice as in many larger towns. l��at N. PHONE 13. on 82 I!un Ui 1 'J'i:' u la 11110111UW11111111011NIGNIIININNHIINiIIGI1GiNGI1111111011 IHNNHf tlatilIMINiNHNGG6 s- BLAK E •i• • 0 4. and many other lines. at the old prices while I opportunity. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods bac Grasp the Opportuuit Last fall I purchased many Vliet of new spring goods which I could not cancel, and the shipments are now coming in. They consist of Suits for Men, Youths fl.ud Boys No finer lot ever shown in Zurich PWce ds Worsteds, Ch .evolts, etc. Well chosen for q .2 aumd l .a t,eutas. T have, decided to sell they last. Now is •E ® APPEIJ OR101 Special Values Horse Goods Owing to the mild winter we arcs compelled to re- duce our stock of winter goods at almost cost. Here are a few vaiaim. : Regular 80x80 jute, full lined, $3 00 for $2.25 " 72x76 ' F c 2 75 for 2.25 << 7472 duck " " 2 55 for • 175 All wool bl,} aikets reduced. Mitts dud gloves will be sold at cost, • R. P. AADS ZURICH