Zurich Herald, 1916-03-17, Page 5:WARNS AGAINST
Wisdom of Preparing to Meet Possible
Menace Strongly
"Reason for a long time has whis-
pered in the ears of Englishmen a
sea power for granted. History
teaches us that hungry vigilance is
the price of sea power."
James Douglas, naval critic, in an
article in a London daily paper, dis-
cusses the possibility of the German
fleet being equipped with 17 -inch
guns and in the course of a lengthy
article sounds the warning note
quoted above. He continues:
"I think it will be admitted that we
are putting most of our energy into
the organization of vast armies and
that in consequence our navy is rap-
idly receding into the background.
If this navy were to fail us an army
of ten million could not save us. We
nevertheless assume that the navy is.
not subject to any unforeseen vicis-
situde. That theory may bold good
in a short war. Does it hold good in
a long war?
Did It on Laud,
"The question I desire to raise is
this: If it was possible for the Ger-
mans and Austrians to establish :'
lead in heavy field pieces before the
war and to clo it without the know-
ledge of the present allies, is it not
within the bounds of possibility that
the Germans may establish a lead
in navai guns during the war? It is
not enough to be told that we may
safely trust to our secret intelligence
branch and to our experts. Nations
which have been caught napping once
may be caught napping twice. After
what happened at Liege, Namur,
Warsaw, Kovno, Novo Georgievsk, themerchant ships were to nen
The Bread Problem is
not a problem in the home
where Shredded Wheat is
known. The whole wheat
grain is the real staff of life,
and you have it. in Shredded
Wheat Biscuit prepared in
a digestible form. It con-
tains more real body -build.
ing material than meat or
eggs, is more easily digested,
and costs much less. The
food for the up -and -corning
man who does things with
hand or brain—for the kid-
dies that need a well-bal-
anced food for study or play
—for the housewife who must
save herself from kitchen
drudgery. Delicious for
breakfast or any meal, with
milk or cream.
Made in Canada.
British Mine Sweepers Prevent Many
A racy account of the part the
trawlermen have played in the war
was given in London at His Majesty's
Theatre by Mr. Toni Wing, M.P.,
who formerly represented Grimsby.
Lord l;elborne, president of the
of Agriculture and Fisheries,
who presided, told of one young
trawler skipper who had had two
boats blown up under him while
trawling for mines, and was now in
the hospital for the second time re-
covering from his injuries, "And his
one great hope," added the Minister,
"is to get on to the third and even
better boat which he has had pro-
mised him when he gets well again."
"A most potent auxiliary to the
navy." Lord Selborne described the
trawling fleet. It was almost entirely
due to the trawlers that the fleet and
and elsewhere, common prudence tells to and fro on our seas with so few
us not to trust blindly either to es-
pionage or to experts.
The Shells at Dunkirk.
catastrophies. Ile did not know how
many mines the Germans lied placed
but he was prepared to risk the state-
"Doubtiess it was a very stupid act' ment that there were very ninny thou -
on the part of the Germans to reveal sands.
by the shelling of Dunkirk the exist -1 Mr. Wing said that if at the last
ence of a 17 -inch naval gun, but the j great. naval review at Spitliead there
Germans are constantly doing stupid had been, say, 2,000 trawlers, people
things. It is possible that they used' would have • complained that it was
this gun to persuade us to believe leaking the • spectacle ridiculous. If
that it is a field gun and not a naval at the last army manoeuvres there
gun, At any rate. there is no •doubt; had been a quarter of million min-
as to the existence of at least one' ers, people would have said, `Well, it
German 17 -inch naval gun. We may doesn't add color.' Yet fishermen and
be quite certain that Kru.pps have', miners had proved as essential as
manufactured more than one of these 1 any in the great struggle in which
guns. We may even go as far ' as to t we were engaged. They were the
assume that they have manuactured . men with the real technical knowl-
many of them. It is significant that' edge which had proved indispensable.
the 10 -inch howitzers used by the' The men who manned the trawlers
Central Powers are Austrian guns i had swept the Channel and the North
manufactured at Skoda.- What was Sea practically clear of •minesand
Essen doing while Skoda was turn- submarines, and in the Mediteri'an-
ing out its heavy howitzers? Clearly, can thousands of others had been clo-
the answer to the question is that ° ing the same.
Essen was turning out heavy naval, "His Majesty has had occasion to
guns.. It may be said that 17 -inch realize the size of their hands and
naval guns are useless without bat•• ' the warm grip they can give," said
tleships or battle cruisers in which to Mr, Wing. "One burly fisherman who
mount them. Here, again, we are at , had received a decoration said after -
the mercy of the expert. wait that he could not believe that
What of the Hindenburg? he was °actually in Buckingham Pal -
"It is known that several Gerntaz ace and was to be decorated by the
capital ships were due to be coin- I{ing; he thought it was a dream un-
pleted several months ago. There til the King shook hands with hien.
may have been more. The fog of And when he found the King grip -
war hangs thickly over the German ping his great fist he was so anxious
shipyards. One of the new ships, the to snake sure that it was real that
Hindenburg, has undoubtedly been he took firm hold with his other hand
completed. Has the Hindenburg been also, and really `help up' the King
armed with 17 -inch guns? Have other for the time."
capital ships of the same class been
aimed with 17 -inch guns?. If not, STOPPED SHORT
what was the gun which fired on
Dunkirk made for?
"The expert may declare that it is
impossible to put .17 -inch guns into a
::hip which was not designed to carry
them. Here, again, I say that the
expert is not a safe guide. If you
can pelt ti 15 -inch gun into a moni-
tor, you may be able to put a 17
inch gun into a ship designed for a
15 -inch gun. And there is another
possibility. The Germans may have
out -monitored our monitors. They
may have put their 17 -inch gun into ily," writes a young mother.
inonil'oi•s o1' into some new type of "My friends became alarmed be-
:hip designed to convoy and cover cause 1 grew pale a21c1 thin and could
transports. Have we got an effect- not :eleep nights. . 1 took various
tive answer to the 17 -inch naval gun? tonics, bub their effects wore off
Please forgive my hungry vigilance." shortly after I stopped taking thein,
My :food did not seem to nourish me.
Not au Exacting Girl. "Reading of Gra 1e -Nuts I
1 dieter -
"Your love," he said, "would glue mined to stop the tallies and see what
t1 s the strength to lift mountains," . a change ofdiet would do, I ate
"Dearest, " she murmured.;"it will Grape -Nuts four tinges a day with
• e:it1y be neeesaary for you to raise the ,creani, and drank !Wilk also, went to
• 011 ." bed early after a dish of Grape -Nuts.
------ "In about two weeks I was sleep -
Both. Surprised, int; setindly. In a short time gained
I„•.ill trccotrilirAiig farmer se.l'varlt. weight and felt like a il'' e2'ent vvb-
—Weill 1'on in prison, Henry? Well,hrgiii. C;rttpe-Nut'S incl :1°i'esh air were
tun surprised), the only agents used to .accomplish t
So was I, nla'nm, or I shouldn't be the happy' results. Ther e e a Rees- n
here! oil, Name given by :. Canadian 1
POStllm Co., Windsor, Ont:
Xlver read the above letter.? ,A new
:Q1ui koi9 hae no friend like guilt. one alspenie #rola thee to thee. !they i
bii.ity, abtex nine, true en full of /mama • p
Taking Tonies, and Built up on
Right Food.
The ariistal e is frequently macre of
trying to build up a worn-out nervous
system on so-called tonics.
New material from which to re-
build used up tissue cells is what
should be supplied, and this can be
obtained only from proper food.
"I found. myself on the verge of a
nervous collapse, due to overwork
and study, and to illness in the ;fam-
Some Characteristic Utterances of Six
George Reid,
Right Hon, Sir George Reid, the
late High Commissioner for Australia,
who has been elected unopposed to the
British House of Commons, for St.
George's, Hanover Square, London,
will be a distinct acquisition to the
House, and is already' being referred
to as the "Member for.Anzac.” His
first speech as M.P. was characterise
tic of the man. "I have only three
planks in my political platform," he
said, with his usual bluntness. "The
first plank is bhe war; the second
plank is the whole war; the third
plank is nothing but the war."
Here are two characteristic utter-
ances which 'have fallen from Sir
George, Nearly a year ago, explain-
ing the secret of his unabated vigor
on his seventieth birthday, he de-
clared, "I have aimed at health ` and
happiness, and when confronted by
a formidable obstacle I have. just
tried to knock it over; failing this, to
get round it, if not, then under it;
and if all these manoeuvres failed, I
have been content to lie down in its
grateful shade, lauding it as a beau-
tiful blessing in disguise."
The other utterance was the mess-
age he despatched to Australia when
the story of the heroism of Anzac
was known. "The whole world knows
to -day what I always knew: that
Australians ai'e true to the core and
loyal to the backbone."
Are Worth Their
Weigh l� Col
New Brunswick Lady Feels It Her
Duty to Tell Women That Dodd's
Kidney Pills Are the Best Remedy
She Ever Used.
Miscou Harbor, Gloucester Co.,
N.B., Mar.' 13th (Special.)—"I think
Docld's Kidney Pills are worth their
weight in gold." This is the state-
ment of Mrs. James Brown, well
known and highly respected here.
"I think it would be "ungrateful on
my part if I did not tell what a bless
ing Dodd's Kidney Pills have been to
Dr. Henry S. Souttar, in the tours
of a lecture, declared: -
"If you have to be shot, the best.
place to get the bullet is in the cheat.
And the next best thing is to leave the
bullet alone. I have several friends
walking about, in the best of health,
with bullets in the chest.
"Of course there are patients who
want the bullets extracted, in order bo
wear them around their necks. Even
a surgeon cannot always explain hu-
man nature. But otherwise, if the
wounded man is kept quiet for twenty-
four hours, he will be pracbically out
of danger. Complications may arise,
but they will be usually due to too
much hurry to get the man to a base
The cross fretful baby is a sickl
baby—the well child is always happ
and smiling. Mothers if your baby 1
cross and cries a great deal somethin
is wrong. His little stomach an
bowels may be out or order; his teeb
troubling him, or he may be bothere
with worms. The mother should im
mediately give him Baby's Own Ta
lets. They never fail to relieve th
baby. Concerning them Mrs. Ronal
Hurley, Gilks, N.B., writes:—"I kno
of nothing so good for cross, fretft
babies as Baby's Own Tablets and
am pleased to recommend them
other mothers." The Tablets are so
by medicine dealers or by mail at
cents a box from The Dr. Willia
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Little Pauperism in England.
The record for pauperism for En
land and Wales during the past ye
is. the lowest ever reached. Compa
ing 1875 -ith 1915, the ratio shows
decrease from 29.2 to 15.3 per tho
and, a falling away of practically 01
heli. Pauperism in London separat
as not declined in the same prop
n, nevertheless the percentage
''this period been cut down fr
7513 to 18.0. As compared with 19
last year showed a decrease in ev
division of England and Wales of
702 persons, or 11 per cent.
own medium priced
made In Canada
contain alum and
all Its Ingredionto
on tho label..
oa?az'aievs Nr AO°
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
for Croup; found nothing equal to
sure cure.
me," Mi's. Brown continued. "1 wasame- YHaVTIcShaw, N.B., Sept. lst,,.10
in bed three weeps with headache and
sore back. Then i began to use
Dodd's Kidney Pills and I found them
the best remedy I have ever used."
Mrs. Brown is just one of the many
women in New Brunswick who are
telling of pains relieved and health
restored by the great Canadian kid-
At a British recruiting meeting re-
cently the speaker, having got his
riey remedy. Dodd's Kidney Pills are audience in a high state of minus -
suffering women's best friend, because iasm by telling them of the ninny
they act directly on the kidneys. They brave deeds performed by our sol -
tone up the kidneys -and put them in diers in France, suddenly espied a big,
condition to do their full work of strongly built man at the back of the
straining all the impurities out of hall. "My men," he cried, "how is it
the blood. Nine -tenths of women's that you are not at the front?"
troubles come from diseased or disor- "Oh, it is all right,," replied the
dered kidneys. There is abundant burly yokel; "I can hear r•ver'y word
evidence on every hand that Dodd's you say from here."
Kidney Pills cure all Kidney troubles.
—''.'-"'-'-'--- , 1Nltnard's Zininieat Cities Eanerla
It Was the First Time.
The Kaiser 'VTi11 Never Again \tear Jones was a past master of the
a British Uniform, habit of careleesne s. He dropped
"Together with the keys, I give you things around in any old place and
an order bestowed on ole by your afterwards never remembered where
sovereign, the Order of the Red Eagle that place was. One night he ro:;e
which. I could never wear again." 'from bed to get some medicine and
With those sad words Jean Dolling, swallowed his collar button in mis-
Mayor of Mulhausen, the pioneer of take for a coughdrop.
the profit-sharing system for em- "Mary," said he to his wife when
ployees, handed over the keys of that the 'awful truth dawned upon hint. "T
Alsatian city to the Prussian conmran- Have swtilioived my collar button."
der in 1870.
"That's all right," responded wife
A very different spirit urges Wil-
helm II, to declare that he will never
in a tone of evident satisfaction.
again wear a British uniform. Yet ``There's nothing to. worry about."
there is a spark of bitterness behind "Nothing to worry about?" return -
this decision, for no one loves a uni- ed father. "Do you—"
form mare than the Kaiser, or possess- "That's what I said," interrupted
es a greater variety, rr little wifey. "For once in your life
For every official office that he you know where you've put it."
holds in Germany—arid they are in- :
numerable --a special uniform is de -
Good for children.
signed, and, together with the various
"Because," replied Alfred,
in the book, 'Having lit his
sat down On his chest.' "
Caller—What a tiny little chap your
brother is.
Elsie—I guess that's 'cause he's
only my half-brother.
Minard's riaiment Relieves i'I),uraigla.
Better think three times before ex.,
tracting a dollar from your pocket
to invest in a get -rich -quick propo-
L'ED i'oT.Tf01 i, !trail (')B-
biers, Delaware, Carman. Or-
der at once. Supply limited. Write. for
quotation:;. H. ly, C..wson. Brampton.
'Oix ser
&�I I)Iu1tEl lr Ni7t•VF,)TJNDL tNl1
Temples for sale. Also few Per-
sian Mittens. R. a. Gillespie, Abbots-
ford. Quebec.
Rom etzae.arraxrl
foxes, trade for u: -,.ti ear. Field
Gros., Bothwell, Ont.
T.S Ir II C A,SS NURSERY 1 b"•J'oc".Ii --M
f! buy:;qct sat`., middleman's profits;
d' write for catalogue, Dominion f:ur,curie,S
l t smith, Reed & d'n. 1 t• Catharines. Ont.
.tDY ('0 , til Nti iLIN lit ccrL_
lett in 1111' h'euli1 . 1,un,1ii10
i -t R'r,rke, TCri'r:,rr.
1-1 I4lEWS2,.�a£,L�,$ ;;'01( SArr.el,
-pLzeiIT-SIr1KIN(N1 tie. ANL JC?$
- Orfices for sale in F'.od Ontario
_1 Towns. The most useful and interesting
of ell businesses. Full information on
1'j application to Wliron Publishing Cern'
e, puny. 73 West Adelaide St Toronto.
�) internal and external, cured with-
_± out pain by our home treatment, Writs
us before too late. 1)r. Rehman Medical
Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont.
1$ nwrlc3'^
Ds f fenwiiics
pipe tthe
.7 a
9 Rt',> r«auL.rtc:ti
u 1.y ea inflamedhy exp.., qua
9, to c Old '.'rods and dust:
t33_ cs,
,c "quieltiyrelieved b, ?duritie
�,,,lie.JEye Remedy. No Smart-
ing, just 1 yo W:= ° At urflvrgista'
rOOeper Bot tie. ;vlu inuEye ,ad.,aiaT- br:,;2ue,
Fox Bonk of the I'';ve Free write
rel ai''.ito '+c'ra'w I'atitod Camoeni', 7Lii eegti
"Do you mean to say you only paid
;i50 dollars for that frock?"
"Ycs; but that, of course, was
without the trimmings."
"Hew much were the trimmings?"1
"A hundred and fifty."
ileinaru's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto,
We honestly believe that the man
who tackles the beaut'ful snow with!
a shovel will make more money than
the one who writes poetry about it:. J
rl A. Bt°�ins.yourfor
see.is, set, our i^if, Gold-
en Jubilee Catalogue it is free
Gov't.Stan, Rus.
No. 1 Tte.I Clover 2P':anrpi3121.111
(til No. 1 tlsi•ke 19.01
\ti No. 1 Timothy ... , . 5,612
Allots 10o for mole r•ettee hags
. yTo pay raiitvay freight iu ien-
honorary positions that he holds in 11lotlrersl Physicians ogre,' that Ei tart° and Queboe over $L'S.Ga
over European arm and nay flavor' and the body building: .1o_
y e I S' y — ments of grains lie in the dark pert; `1" �''r c'7+i
barringPrance---the number of his ,r �a��„,�y,
uniforms total three thousand, usually thrown away. So also tin the a 1" ,st w
A special valet, with a large staff lime salts which your child needs to -"" •
of assistants, has charge of this very harden bones and teeth. Children fed
important section of the Kaiser's ward upon coarse dark corrals develop greater
robe. Apart from the enormous resistance. Witness the Bulgnrs and
amount of care bestowed on the gar- Serbs. Roman soldiers who conquered
ments, each n1a11 has to be an expert the world fed upon two bands of entire
on military uniforms and know the grain food a day. lair. Jackson's Rennin
correct accessories for each suit. Woe 141ea T is ,t. setentitleally balanced ration
betide those who allow any inaccuracy made from several entire grains. It's
to creep into the Kaiser's martial ap-
delicious, easily premised in a variety of
pearallce, ways and nourishes better than creat.
Beet Mare to Get the F3uilet Xs In the
That is the first 'question that comes
o the lips of those at home when
ews arrives that a friend .or relative
s out oft the fighting line and in hos-
pital. Even to those ignoranb of sur-
gical wonders, the idea prevails that
t is better to be wounded in some
arts than in others.
It's a natural laxative. \lost ri•°rers
sell it.
Algae by ltmna.n Meal Co., Toronto,
Canada, .
111) to Date.
"You seem deeply attached to your!
little playmates.
"Her doll saved my doll's life," ex-
plained the doctor's daughter.
"llow was that?"
"She consented to a transfusion of,
l9ittasrdl'w T$niinent for sale eiVerywilere
me, eets
The Ideal Winter Resort
Beautifui Int Vex, Saddle Ttlai:lw•.
Golf, 'fent 1:,, Tttelathtg;, Iriehia,g
and Sea loathing. Present tIaa•-
rison of the Ottawa t9Sth) Regl-
PringPrincess Hotel
le o)aeat from miaca1eamieie to nee
Situated en the Harinaa' of
lfannllton. Aevetnlfndates 40e.
Rtes : $25 per week and upward.
HOW +& T\;JonoGeFt,
Bermuda is reached bi the ster.,ta-
ers�w of the Qtaehee 5.S.
32 Ilrt.adwai", 1e''w
..Q.[f a:•L essu.
.And How to Feed
Aldred free to any address by
the Auther
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hllt.At,1 JOi S,Di'i
Li .._..cl, 440 S. Paul
„`t. e.' Montreal,
Ship all yeur furs
tier;, and •obtain full
"We furnish Taus. "1,.1.' rxi,r0Ns rlr..r es
and guarantee highest l,r•ic,•is
Stn.. EMT OR sous
Write for 1:::,rtie::l,ir::.
Reforan°• s
flu; Se k r
c.3opt W)
a' it9T,
He \void!! till you that he
can da lots more work
when the 1vr,gon wheels
are greaaed with
aro 'a :,
Alt VS
teatigai -
I 'Your C T
Mica Axle Grease fills the
pores of the axle. Makes a
perfect besHog surface, Re -
dimes friction to a minimum.
Deniers Jsrow?: ors
The imperial Oil Company
xl:,lr0Hns 1N Ma. 4.1Tr18s
''ii). 7.
ISSUE, 12-= lf. ,: