HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-03-17, Page 4CROSiilE BIDER R-HEIATISM
Altai Happenings fix Rig Republic
Condensed for Riley
Abraham G. Heyman, a New. York
m anufacturer, was run over and kill-
ed by an automobile.
Worse medicine, with the inscrip-
tion "Good for man and beast" on
the bottle, was tried by a Rhode Ib •
land man, whose funeral will be from
the house.
A Dakotas fanner janxped froiu a
second -storey window and walked a
axile in 20 below zero weather, wear-
ing only a nightshirt, without waking
uptrade Sam's big Sandy IIook guns
ui;ay close Coney Island schools, as
tests have so cracxed the ceilings
that parents fear for children.
"Arsenic rash," a fashionable dis-
ease of West Virginia women who
wear neck furs, is due to the. use
of arsenic in preparing the furs.
A one -legged athlete has made won-
derful records in basketball, baseball
and tennis at Butler College, Indiana-
In San Francisco three Bohn broth-
ers have married ied three Gregson sis-
American brewers are taking steps
to promote temperance and discour-
age prohibition by introducing into
America the charm and sobriety of
binuriish inns.
A Baltimore man escaped from the
Hanover, Pa., jail,. taking the lock
end key with him.
David R. Francis, former Governor
of Missouri, has accepted the post of
ainbnseador to Russia.
The refusal of the Susquehanna
Coal Co. to reinstate a German has
caueed e. strike of 1,200 miners at
1 ykens, Pa.
The board of aldermen of St. Louis,
Mo., has passed a bill reducing the
water rate to manufacturers to six
emits per 1,000 gallons.
The daughter of Captain 3. I.
Housman, a wealthy Staten Island,
N. Y., oysterman, '77, halted his wed-
dieg; with a nurse, aged 37.
Zy iliianxlt H. Follette, of Tonawanda,
N. Y., owner of the largest fleet of
canal boats in the State is dead.
Mahlon 1). Thatcher, Pueblo, Col.,
banker, is dead. His estate is esti-
nutted to be worth from $10,000,000
to $+20,000,(;00.
The will of Charles Reed, a bar-
ber, filed in Cincinnati for probate,
chooses„ •c).£ a $500, es ate. ee
saved the itaneey trona his wages and
tips and made wise ixvestmentd't •
Maple sugar caniAa-running full
time at Petersburg, Ind., are seri-
ously troubled by honey bees which
Unless Rooted Out of the
System it Grows Worse
and 't1r e,
Some diseases give immunity from
another attack, but rheumatism works
just the other way. Every attack of
rheumatism invites another. Worse
than that it reduces the body's power
so that each attack is worse than the
one before. If any disease needs eur-
ing early it is rheumatism, but there
are few diseases physicians find more
difficult to treat successfully. Wet
weather does not cause rheumatism as
was once thought, though weather con-
ditions may start the aches and pains.
Rheumatism is now known to be de-
pendent upon the blood condition and
'medical authorities agree that the
I blood becomes thin with alarming rapi-
dity as rheumatism develops. Main
taining the quality of the blood is,
therefore, a reasonable way of pre-
venting and curing rheumatism. That
it works out in fact is shown by the
beneficial results which follow a. fair
use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, These
pills actually make new, rich blood
which drives out the rheumatic poison,
and while the blood is kept - hi this
condition there is no clanger of the
trouble returning. Ifr. W. T. Pell,
Palermo, Ont., says:—"I was attacked
with n trouble which was ultimately
pronounced rheumatism. Often I was
• barely able to crawl into bed, and sel-
dom able to do. a full day's -work. In
this condition I doctored for a year,
absolutely getting no better. Then I
Consulted another doctor whose chief
consolation was that unless I could
icd o • the trouble I would be a
cripple for life. He prescribed diet-
ing, and I doctored with him for at
least six months, but instead of get-
ting relief I became weaker and less
able to get around. Then I decided
to try a doctor in Toronto, and was
under his treatment for about four
months with no better results. I. gave
up the doctors and tried other reme-
dies which were equally futile`. Then
one day our store keeper sent me a
box of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, saying,
that if they did not help me I need
not pay for then. I took them and
then got some more and found they
were helping me. I probably used
$10.00 worth before I felt fully cured,
but they did cure axe and were cheap
as eau -Tared with the other treattnents
whiff h did --not help me'. The cure was
made several years ago, and I have
not had a twinge of rheumatism since.
have been called put of their hivesTo-clay I am well and strong and I be their possessions, inevitably collapse.
actly the• :lame
That is ..precisely the question that
the railway managers of this canary
are now called on to answer. Tho,ni,eai,
employed in railway train service are
asking a 25 per cent increase in pay
for exactly the work they have Leen
doing, and under the same'conditions,
except as to pay. As with tho'farm
hand, the working conditions of rail-
way train service men have been con-
stantly improved at the expense of
the employers. Government statistics
prove that the hazard of their oecu-
pation has steadily decreased, This
is the result of millions spent by the
railroads for better roadbeds, heavier
rails, double tracks, block Signals,
automatic couplers, air brakes, Mech-
anieal stokers, oil burning engines
and many other safety and labor -say-
ing devices, for which the employes
made no investment and assumed no
financial risk.
The men who are now asking for 25
per cent. higher pay are and always
have been the best paid of all railway
employes. Their wages range from
$800 a year for inexperienced brake-
men to nearly $4,000 a year for en-
gineers on the best runs. The aver-
age wages of the 300,000 employes
who are demanding an increase are:
$1.,253.37 a year, an increase of, 40
per cent. since 1904. The 1,400,000
other •railway employes average
$684.78, an increase' of 25.2 per cent.
since 1904.
These are the facts, Mr. Farther.
Will you think them over and, then
say if you think the railway train
service employes . are justified ` in
threatening the prosperity of every in-
dustry in this country, of even the
very existence of individuals depend-
ent for food supply on uninterrupted
railroad service?
;Philosopher Discusses the After-Ef-
feels of Strife.
I Forget for a moment, hard tho h
,it is, all the horrors of war wxdtxs,
'orphaned children, maimed men, +'.:'the
'sad gaps in so ninny home circles. a
devastated countryside, and the like
—and consider what is the effect of
war on a nation, as a whole.
It is evident, and past experience
is the proof, that a nation is not the
sante after it has passed through the
awful furnace of war.
All ancient empires have, after, ac- ^---
quiring their possessions by war, lived and , Yui'
warred. prospered
s Thee is a national stag as niinastil, � d �o9 Elim
a pride, hardness, a virility, a some-
thing that it is hard to name core
rectiy, which dominates A. Iran•
which is repeatedly baptised in blood
and fire. And, judging• from history,
empires which, after much fighting,
rest in peace on their laurels and
work in the sane
,r: «r' , e c o.Nl ci
The Sun .' I C is f a a,,A
OGRESSWWE business methods, ds, backed by fatty;.'.
five years of fast-dealhr1g, have: achieved for the ,Suis LVe
of Canada during 1915 records that are nevi in 9:.0
Canadian life assurance field.
Assurances of over $34,000,000 issued and paid for in cash; Tot'1
Assurances in Force of over $250,000,000; Total Payments to Poi cy-
hoiders since organization of more than $52,600,000 ; Assets •in excess
of $74,003,000 ; a Cash lricoine of nearly $16,000,006 and an
Undistributed Net Surplus of over $7,500,000 --all are high-water
marks in the annals of Canadian life assurance.
Their achievement .Lrnaintains the established prestige of the Sun Life
of Canada as
A Leader Among' the Life companies of the Empire
The following substantial and uniform increases registered during the
past year clearly demonstrate the strength of the Company's position—
1915 1914 INCREASE
Assets as at December 31st. - $ 74,3'165,423 $64,187,056 $10,911350,:377629747 (;(115:51.:83i)))
Cash Income - - 15,972,672 15,0552,275
Surplus Distributed to F olicyholders 935,487 501,763
Net Surplus as at December 31st. 7,545,591 6,503,794 1,041, 797 (1 v" ,n )
Total Payments to Policyholders 7,129,479 6,1(11,287 908,19? (15.75-•)
Assurances Issued and Paid for in Cash 34,873,351 39,167,338 2,705,512 3.4 S'f )
Assurances in Force . . . . 257,404,160 218,299,835 39,104,325 (17.91i )
110,0 743
1,t -3,U3.1.09
$ 00,151.95
5,;3133,7 70.63
T. B. MACAULAY, F. 1. A., F. A. S., S. H. EWING,
,$ 1,(1%,2.7.1('S
7,1)39,878., 7
95,2O,tat 71
by the mild spring weather. .lieve I owe it all to Dr. Williams Pink Britain, with its long war of his-
F redorick Stalforth, a young Ger-
man bunker, was committed to the
Tonle Firvon in New York for re-;
fusing to answer questions put to
him by the special Federal Grand
Jury which is investigating the acti-
vities in the United States of Capt.
Rixrtelen, friend of the Kaiser.
Comparison Between British and Ger-
man Soldiers.
An intere.tin; comparison of the
British and the German soldier is
mail' by Bishop Mercier in an article
in the "Nineteenth Century":—
the. British he says: He has al
hiunan, healthy, elastic mind, irre- 1
pr° 'ib!y gay, tthie'h can rise above
the tone fatal perils that surround
him, anti can keep its balance spite of
all that might drag him into despair
oi• goad liini into savagery.
The typical German, he observes,
aims at being in all things pre-emin-
ently serious, rational and scientific.
Ile willingly puts himself into subjec-
tion to endives rules and regulations.
Itis very patriotism is manufactur-
ed accordieg to received formulm and
conseicttel7 paraded. How can such a
roan tatjoy real freedom of mind or
spirits or enentancously relax to in-
dulge in a lighter vein? To allow
himself teeth license, even where he is
is.eln':,.d to it, would endanger his
S e rued not be careful, Bishop
Mercier proceeds, to do homage to our
foe on the score of his conviction that
unbroken seriousness befits the busi-
• nesse of war. On the contrary, I be-
lieve it -to be the main cause of his in-
humanity, the prolific source of his
cruelties and barbarisms. His dark,
brooding intensity finds no relief and
feuds upon itself.
And his loss is no less palpable in
times of peace. For a nation which
lacks a faculty for laughing lightly,
irresponsibility and irrepressibly when
occasion proseats itself, misses much
of the fullness of which human life
is capable, and narrows the range of
his lnteliectuel as well as of its erne-,
tion:il activities,
You can get •these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail, post paid,
at 50 cents a box or six bones for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
What the Railway Train Employes
Are Asking.
I The demands being made by or-
ganizations of railway
employes 011 western railways for a
25 per cent. increase in wages, a de-
mand which affects Canadian as well
as United States railways, would
mean the disbursement of no Iess than
$100,000,000 a year. In order to ac-
quaint the public with some of the
faets of the ease the executive com-
mittee of the Association of Western
Railways has issued the following in-
teresting statement:
Mr. Farmer, once upon a time—like 1
the railways—you paid your employes
a fixed monthly wage. They worked!
till their work was done, no matter
how many hours.
Your farm hand followed a plow be-
hind a yoke of oxen, perhaps from sun
up till sun down, then did his "chores"
and was contented.
Suppose that when you invested
more of your capital in a good team of
horses, to replace the oxen, your em-
ploye had said: "These horses turn
more furrows in a day than the oxen
and hereafter I want to be paid by
the furrow, or the distance the plow
travels, but in case anything stops the
plow you must pay me for a full day
if I work 10 hours or less—if that plan
would give more,money than the plow
mileage amounts to.
Suppose that when you invested
more money in a wheel plow on
which your employe could ride at
ease instead of being required to
walk in a heavy furrow and wrestle
with a heavy plow, he said: "Here-
after I want you to pay me for a full
day if I work 8 hours or fess, with
time -and -a -half pay for over time,
either on a time or distance basis,
which ever will give me the most
Suppose, further, Mr. Farmer, that
from 1004 to 1914 you had increased
the wages of your farm hand from
$902.09 a year to $1,253.87 a year,
would you feel. like granting his last
'demand for more wages for doing ex-
Sure Thing.
"1V1oney doesn't bring happiness."
"Maybe not. tut it will help you
greatly in going after it."
Some men no sooner get a job than
they began to Mick for a day off.
- ice
tory, has avoided the fate of other
empires, inasmuch as just when the
critical peace period began to length-
en to the danger point, war again
To read a summary of our history
for the last 250 years, from the Dutch
War of 1665 onwards, is to read, with
short peace intervals, of a nation a
war. Has war• supplied something, to
our Empire •which after dissolved em'
pires lacked. It may bring a rush
fo caustic criticism; but it is a fact
that war seems to prevent national
decadence. The cost is tremendous;
the sacrifices great; but the fact re-
tains. Something, nationally,
gained from war.
Peace brings prosperity, and pros-
perity means wealth. Wealth means
luxuries, easy living, a rush of vice,
and the exit of virtue. These al-
ways are the heralds of a nation's.
decadence, and an empire's dissolu-
Look at France. Before the trib-
ulations of the Franco-German War,
what was her state. Outwardly pros-
perous, but -inwardly rotten. She -
lost live,, treasure, provinces; but the
effect of the war has been that
France is rejuvenated, and is vastly
different from the France of 1870. Shen
is sound, strong and has taken to her-
self new life, because she has bee
purged by war.
Russia was a barbaric Empire at
the time of the Crimea. That war
stirred Russia, and the Japanese War
woke her up completely. She has
made vast strides since then. And now
it would seem that, under the stress
of the present war, Russia's eurse,
drunkenness, is to be banished.
The gain in Germany will be some-
thing that only a German can appre-
ciate, The German citizen and the
German peasant will be entitled to a
place on the pavement! Militarism,
with its arrogance and tyranny, is
the load on every German's back. Ger-
many defeated will, at any rate, mean
Germany free! War is not all loss.—
London Answers,
Time sootier or later vanquishes
love; :friendship alone subdues time.
J'�Mrs. Gardiner, aged 71, residing in
Perth, were married recently. • This
is the third time the lady has been
married and Mr. Yule was a widower.
About half a century ago the couple
were sweethearts.
BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. The honorary treasurer of the In-
corporatedCorn Trade Association
of Leith, has handed to the Lord Pro-
vost of Edinburgh a cheque for
$2,500, the amount subscribed by the
corn trade towards the funds of the
Scottish Red Cross Society.
_____ .1' _
(recurrences In the Land That
Reigns Supreme in the Com.
tri ere ial Wort d.
Galashiels School Board are consid-
ering the advisability of closing the
old town school.
The Admiralty have intimated that
herring fishing cannot be permitted
onthe Forth as it was last year.
1 Nairnshire Farming Society has de-'
'sided that there will be no seed show
or public dinner this spring.
Dr. McNamara has stated that as
far as the Admiralty wore concerned
the •construction of a canal from the
Forth to the Clyde was not contem-
A class for the study of the Rus-
sian language has been started dur-
ing the present winter at Edinburgh
University, and also at Leith Tecl1•:
meal College.
The Executive Council of the
Highland Association at a meeting
, in Edinburgh, have agreed to peti-
I tion the treasury for the grant for the
teaching of Gaelic in schools.
The death is announced of Mr.
Robert Sins, formerly postmaster nt
Lossiemouth, at the age of 73 years.
The family of Sim have carried on
the work of the postoflico for 90
' years.
A young man named William Man-
nion was sentenced at Glasgow Sher -
riff Court to one month's imprison-
ment with hard labor for making a
statement likely to prejudice re-
While the inmates of 'Morningside
Lunatic Asylum, Edinburgh, one of
the largest in Scotland, were asleep,
fire broke out in the female section.
All the inmates were rescued with
A portion of Lochinch Castle, the
Wigtownshire seat of Major the Earl
of Stair, who is at present a prisoner
of war in Germany, Inas been con-
verted into a home for convalescent
to provide facilities
There is a proposal in Edinburgh
for the housing
and training in useful occupation
of Scottish soldiers who have had
the misfortune to lose their sight in
Lord Inverclyde, presiding at the
annual meeting- of the Glasgow Ship-
owners' Association. declared that
shipowners had done all in their
power to assist the Government at
the present time.
At a conferel).ce of the Scottish
Football Association and the Scot-
tish Football League held in Glas-
gow, it was decided to expel from
football any player or official who
bets on the result of 'matches.
Mr; Alexander Yule, aged 73, and
Some people always have to get
someone else to help them keep a
Some mein keep themselves poor
by trying to beat other men a their
own games.
Any woman may drive her husband
to drink, but she can not make :him
take water.
Of 2/ Billion Pounds Annually Con-
sumed Holland Comes Firet.
The people of the world annually
consume more than 2 1-2 billion
pounds of coffe. Three-fourths of
this is grown in Brazil, a country
that has become rich from its coffee
industry alone. Europe and North
America bear approximately the sem°
relation to the consumption of cof-
fee that Brazil does to its produc-
tion, these two continents using near-
ly four-fifths of all the coffee the
world produces.
Holland is the greatest coffee -
drinking nation on the globe. It
uses fifteen and one-eighth pounds
per capita annually, while the Unite('
tates uses nine and a half pounds:
Germany, five and once -eighth pounds;
Austra-Hungary, two and two-fifths
pounds, and the United Kingdom,
two-thirds of a pound. On the other
hand, the' United States uses less
I than one pound of tea per 'capita,
( where the United KingdonS u: es
1 nearly- seven pounds. Canada is
' about two thirds English and one-
third American in its use of coffee
anti tea; it shows a decided prefer-
ence for tea, but drinks less of it
than the mother country, making up
the difference with coffee. The :ier-
mans and the Austrians use Daily a
negligible quantity of tea.
If you want to peel oranges, pour
boiling water over them and let them
stand for five minutes. • They will
peel easily and all the bitter white
skin 5x11 comt off with the rand.
Breaded veal is delicious treater
in the following way: Dredge with
flour, clip it in egg and bread crumbs,
brown it in hot fat, then cover with
milk and cook in a very slow oven
until tender.
There is no dish more convenient
to have for dinner on wash day then
baked beans. Put into the oven in
he morning, add a little water to
'nrevent their getting dry and at 0
o'clock they are ready to serve.
rr >, I 11511 111111a I R � `�11II1lplllrry&: .171
(, a iiy u3 v✓ T
yj aItltllio
d •r isf""
A single bottle wii$
c)nvince you
itrrests Xrzflarnrrlation.
Prevents severe compli-
cations. Just put a few
drops on the painful
spot and the pain itis•