HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-03-10, Page 8513 We have a few Ladies' turd Children's Coats still on hand, w1ic1i nittO be sold, so now we aro offering tbein at greitly redneed prices. These are new coats, up -to- date in style anti made of good serviceable materials. We Can sav \'OU t1DU. frf,.t.e aro, u few prices: brown Tweed reg $10 50 for St 3 1 only fur Ijnecl, reg $85 now for $25 1 ,, bmvy Melton elot1f:',::,12, Jor $10 1 „ blk Arabian lamb 22.50 for $18 A te ooats at 25 1 ,, blown Eng Tweed trimmed with per eunt if. black plush reg $20 50 for $10 6 ty*i.1::ilios' clot14 aotts to clear at 1 ,, blk Zibeline cloth $18 fort$1.6 1 ,, striped ,, I/ $18 50 fur $15 1 oaeh. • r 4 s, N '17t 4.4 peN rice. vercoats 1.110. 1 r, ., '$10 50 for $9 50- 1 only hveay, lined astraeban lined, marmot collar -rev, $25 for $!,0 4 a bays overcoats size 83 to .3ft to clear at $8 50 each 1 do% boys tonnes reg. 25c for 15c ea A 2 blk astr'n lined 1711e for :1,11 5) 1 a heavy cloth reg $12 50 for $11 1 IP / ip $11 for $0 75 MA Wu have a lof of .q,Ampea inats ga .11 •0k iliirefetat pa' t.%!ens and sizes. Price.; fr to 60 cents. S Fah Groceries always on hand •aMmr•=..IACSCYISJtii=tlsW=,a2.asIIatMl.ZAMZrn.......NMRSMOSW.Z• RUBY and GASCHO PHONE 17 -31c.aal3f73$ i"›-CC:Ikmagtssati Cream and. Eggs WAN TE D Will pay highest cash price for Cream and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any tiine during the week. LOCAL ML1ti/.118 Corroctod tivery Thursday. Butter I?4ggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Cats. Barley Backw heat Flour Bean aborts Low Grade, , • 4 Live Hogs fob Hensall L HUDSON-, Phone I.,. ZURICH §§ an..G.vm•u.= 3:C.S./3TC 02/18C2* vZ38=zENE:38:E:355:T..3-3453:1=4 31:E0tr:si OM* ,R4 $ i..,5 IX 1N I:4 t... 4.,.! 41; M •:, FINE REPAIRIN: OUR SPECIALTY .i GEORGE R. HESS & CO , V I 11.:..i: JEWELLERS tog ef ta ILO P1C:I':+:':+ • : : ' !t•',.... 0 r hices 161 41 F ,1 I, .4 /7;11 C:$ reamaarzerwiramearnorricaarenewaregeaosmeromecaommansamvsun.smcacararneorserrotteemele...m %1 o n7 Goods m our sttre :4 el Close prises -)n watches, clocks, jewellery, spectacles and musical goods. =7. ZURICH $.26 24 05 75 .00 .02 40 41 50 55 70 8.25 8.00 $20 00 28.00 85.00 .0.00 Girls Wanted NVIP, CA N GIVE '101PLOY3lI1INT To A FEW MORE BRIGHT GIRLS AS and Learnex5 FARE PAI TO TO MIN VON Minn KAKI C Ltd. Canton: Ont. Local News 01 .•,V k...'. t:74 •-• t:'...1 i q r:f I. 1 t3.1 r-.0 V ei .:.` il 6., . —7,—.. ,-- ,,-;.7•;7-'•-'77,,..1%,,,,V*7;teV.42,CCef:4 ;;A:14S4.:Dit.,;°%.,... 1 ,.. - -- Good apple blitter for sale. T L \Sturm, Mr and Mrs Jacob Battler al Lin the loss of their infant son. Mr Wm Lehman, of London, visited his mother here over Sunday. Have you renewed your subscripti- on to the Herald for 1816? Mr 0 S Davis of Exeter, has taken a, position in the Molsous Bank. Inspector 3 E Tom paid an official visit to the Z P S on Wednesday. Messrs S E Fauss and J F Moritz were in London Wednesday, on busi- ness. • . -111r Alban Smith has returned • to Detroit, atter a pleasant visit at his home Mr Robb Green, Parr Line, has been under the doctor's care with an attack - of la. grippe. • Lient's Hall. P Grieves, W B 'Wilson and 2 Torrance were in coM- mand-of the soldiers here on Thurs- day. A sewing meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Ewen on Wednesday March 15th All members aro invited.. Arnold Heideman will be in my office every Saturday up to Mater 11th next. All parties indebted to me will call and settle by cash or note. J J Merner. Mr W L Keys has sold his farm in Stanley to his son, Artie Keys. Ile intends moving to some town to re- side. 44++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++4.4.4.+44+ To new Subscribers in Canada we viii send .the Herald to the end of 1916 for 75 cents. t++4,44++++++++++++++++++++ lalst BAT rAmr, C. E. F. "TUE HURONS" ihwiikon Who is next? Yea aro wa1 1ie11, boys. W. Recruiting Officer. .1....4.4.4++++++44. 4+44+44444 MILITARY DAY Alamt one hundred soldiers, inP111 lie14 Of the 161st Battalion stationed at Raptor and Ilensall, under comm end 1.f their dicersonarched from the latter plAce to Zurich last Thursday f, renoon. They wore Tont a few miles out by 1110 school children, carrying thus. and also by the besine.s mon I n 1 prominent eitivms of 1.110 section. The Pinion Militnry liana had 11 1• v0-1:or iil the 11111%)ii.glma they ,11:0 \routout to inaat the boys in khaki, When all too formed into lino and they marched into Zurich on tbe main road, it was an imposing ,:ight, and the crowds of spectators that lined the streets cheered them heartily. Aftorniarching around the main block a munber of times, a hall was ealled in front of the Town Hall, ah're addresses of welcome were de- livered by 11 11 Ne.eb, reeve of Hay, and J J 'AIN ner, M. P., for South Mr on. The soldiers were then served wit h dinner in the hall, and after their wants bad been attended to, din, ?Tor was served to hundreds of people Lunch was also served in the evening land the proceeds of the meals will be ;tapered to the Red Cross Wind, Most of the soldiers returned to 1 II cnsall in the Ft f i GM 0011 to meet the 1 five o'clock train. Capt. S N Dancey delivered a short address from the Commercial Hotel balcony in the afternoon and his re- marks were well received. The meeting in the Town Ball in the evening was largely-atiended, the hall being much too small to hold the gathering,. Rev G F Brown acted as chairman and filled that position ad- mirably. 3 3 'Helmer, 111. P., was the first spanker and in his remsrlis stated that the government, of Cenede, was in this war to the finish and would see it to a successful, end. Capt. J N amain followod, and Ili!, 'remarks were well chosen and to the point. Prussian Militarism had to be wiped out and this was only possible by the united action of the people of the British Empire to pal forth every effort and every available man. Ger- many started this war, he said, but Britain would finish it. Rev Mr Fotheringham was unable to be present, but his place was well filled. by Rev Mr Hibbard. of Wing - ham. The reverend gentleman gave a short history of the beginning of the great struggle, and his plea for recruits was moat eloquent. Carib Dancey then followed and be held the audience spell bound. for over an hour. He is a returned sold- ier and intelligence officer, has gone through fourteen battles in the pres- ent war, and has seen the methods and barbarities of the German army h Belguim. His story of the great struggle, his personal experiences in Germany and war ridden Belgium, the sights he witnessed of slaughter and pillage, and the terrible sights of ruined towns and. homeless tbonsa.nds, is a story that will never be forgotten by those who heard him. Iris remarks about Pro -Germanism in Canada were to the point aDd made a deep impress ion on his hearers. Ms appeal for men to help in the fight for freedom and liberty was a stirring ono and no doubt made many points much clearer to his hearers. Songs by Mr Pipe, and a number of boys, cornet selections by Mr D Ben- nett, and music by the Military Band helped to made the meeting a big suc- cess. . After moving a vote of thanks to the ladies of the community for providing the dinner and hinch, . the meeting closed with singing, • "God Save the King." Mr Wm Finlay, of near Blake, recently visited old friends at Ripley, Kincardine, Royal Oak, and Pine River. • Messrs Henry Price and Sampson nolosky left for London on Monday, where they will undergo operations for runtme. A good time is expected at the. sup- per and concert to be held in the Hillsgreen church to night. A good program has been prepared. During the thunderstorm on Mon- day night, lightning track the house of Mr Go rigs Tbeil, 141h con., demol- ishing the chimney and damaging the roof to some extent. No fire resulted, A writ was issued last week against A T Cooper, of Clinton, by L Dancey nn behalf of Wm Bender, of Zurich, for libel in the publication in The Free Press and Advertiser, of Lon don, on Feb 24th of the statement that Mr Bender was out on bail on a charge of perjrtry. Mr Bender states that no charge of perjury has been preferred against him and claims $5,000 dam- ages. The Baker fortune, which is valued at $700,000,000, is one of the largest in the world in prooess of settlement. The (abate consists of over six handred atrasuo ,the heart of Philadelphia, 100 aeres in Fairmount Park, 276 acre-, in the Zoological Gardens •et Ph iladelphis, 02,000 acres in North Oaiotina, a largo tract of land along the Delewere River and over one mil- lion dolla.rs in cash. There are about 100 heirs. in the • old generations, among the heirs living in this section is Mrs Peter Bender, of Zurich. • tRk.!ided if you buy a 1‘,IcC;ary hitehener Range. firm- has been making stoves for 60 years. . Or a '8uperb Favorite, made in Sarnia. The third generation generation of this firm is now making stoves. 7:4ow if you buy one of the above makes of stoves, you will not make a miss shot, but hit the • goal every time. Aa111{sit2n( infoTaiaeliivn mess we cahnock out any dePartm.ent Cook Steve, with reservoir hums woeti or coal for $18,00 up. L[mk at the cut of the above range iiili reservi i warn:ling closet, tile back in .closet and thertnoneter, highly nicklird, guaranteed in every way for $8.8.- 00 cash. lis unoti.edastoirfaTlb. esof Zurich and vicinity tc!if y that the- best stoves are al- wayse 14:1, R PHONE 13 b9 ZURICH JO'S LARCEST ,CC?ftgiSh3-4.,1' TO .STORE •seaecirlorzAsmsamor..04 t,,,N.Atz,„...,,,,::,,.‘,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,'‘""•...N.N.L. tv,;`^"_lc-i--."•:_.-'," :>12''''''''''''''''''''a gl .1-.11=4:5:1",,..'....-71F-7.'1,,e''.47.*.e."-'.e..-1;:::;°4-, ....:1`,';"*G:"'"2.-7.45P.,•G'r.:77'.C7 A i-c.p Vg Extra! Extra! Extra! VP P VP 9 - , Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seeds just in, also other seeds, Prices right. P , WE SELL: - 4 V gp International and Royal Purple Stock Foods. p V Also Flour, Feeds, ete. Q T v 1.trep Phone 23 - 61-avich T 'P s.•....,,,..,„,..,....,..,...,,...,,,,...,,.. .......c...,.., .s....„,,..„....,....,,,,..,::::„....,,e4, . ,C=.-G=...:=,,,=7..::::......C=..<=.......,471: C......'7:-.• ,...-.1.-^-C-Z•••••-.40.1ft- <=...:=..C.-..=.. s .G'"P'•.c7.."•4::;"..t.7"Gi'"G'"G' •z7 ...-, ...:-• •,-**G"•,::::'''''..•G''•,".44..-r.,,clve.4:7•ev'''G' . , A large Shipment of No. 1 ^ to New Ads in this Issue J Preeter, P Haberer, G 8 Case & Son, Clinton Knitting 00, Valentine Gerber, Vi ti Keys, Canadian Paeifio R Lilway. Ulf 0 0 0 pat tververa.crecat-anys,Mraio* This store has the agency for the celebrated BROADWAY made-to-order c3o thing. Also spring overcoats, special trousers, etc. Come and let us show you our hundreds of samples, fit guaranteed. MEN'S NECK TIES MEN'S SPRING HATS Wbave a big assortmEnt in these lines. LADES' IJEPARTMENT • NA, e have a nice line of vplons ,and house, ares.ses, 50cts and $1.00, whih, they last. DRESS GOODS . Our stock is complete in i.his line. Give us a call and be convinced. in order to have our stoi-e up—to—date we have put in stock the New id,par Patterns, and the "SN' oinan's Magazihei lads, . and a New Idea fashion sheet free . pry month. Come .and call for one. We send away every Monday for patterns,t.,q't hand in .your orders and get, an up-fo-date po-tern, Only 1.9c. Dr. HESS' STOCK FOODS Don't forget that every package 01 11-, Bess' Stock Food is guaranteed to give results. 12 lb pkg $1,00. 7 lb pkg 65e, 6 lb pkg Panacea 85c. Fresh Groceries at all times To L ICH * PHONE 28 *********4A************* 0 0 0 0 0 0