HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-03-10, Page 375 TONS OF LEAD TO
Walter S. Hiatt Tells How Sup-
plies are Transported to the
French Army
Walter S. Hiatt, special European
correspondent of the Railway Age Gaz-
ette, contributes to the current num-
ber of the magazine an article des-
criptive of the methods used in
transporting supplies for the French
army. The task of carrying food
supplies and munitions to an army of
4,000,000,000 men 'concentrated on a
line of 000 miles long by twenty deep,
he terms the most complicated of the
"It does not begin bo give a concep-
tion of the vast transportation prob-
lems involved," he says, "to say that
daily 25,000' tons of rations must be
forwarded to the soldiers, that 1,000,-
000 ' quarts—a veritable river — of
rine ust reach them, that seventy-
five tons of lead must be shipped for
each German killed or wounded, or
that the cost of war material forward-
each day is $10,000,000. One rail-
road alone furnishes more than 3,500
cars a day for army transport pur-
poses; 100,000 automobiles and 600,-
000 wagons are required to distribute
the shipments at the front." .
The system of transportation and
'distribution in the confused conditions
obtaining just after the outbreak of
the war, he says, was much like that
of Louis XIV., or Napoleon. With
time and experience, however, the sys-
tem has been developed into a regu-
lar graded series of stations and sub-
stations, from the station-magasins,
or central supply stations, of which
there are about twenty located from
fifty to 100 miles behind the front, to
the gares de ravifaillment, the local
stations situated from five to ten miles
behind the front, from which supplies
are transported in army wagons, mo-
, tor trucks or by narrow gauge roads
to the artillery and trenches.
Provisions for Emergencies.
The central supply stations are the
clearing houses for all army sx3pply
consignments. They are situated at
strategic points within easy reach of
seaports and other important cities
and•usually possessing unusual freight
facilities. Each forwards supplies
for 50,000 or 100,000 or in some cases
more men a day. From one to three
trains are despatched every day to
each gare regulatrice, or regulating
stabion, where they are classified
and forwarded to the gare de rav-
itaiilinenb. The gares de ravitaill-
mrnt keep ten days supplies on hand
to guard against congestion. It is
roughly figured that the daily require-
ment of an army corps of 40,000 men
is forty carloads.
The. central supply stations are
equipped with the main bakeries for
the army. There too the wine and
coffee: are received in bulk and ap-
portioned for reshipment. The wine
comes in tank cars not unlike Ameri-
can oil cars and is distributed in
small barrels The coffee is roasted
in the centres and sent out in bags.
"There are eight tracks, each 1,600
feet in length," Mr. Hiatt's article
says in an outline of the methods of
making up and distributing a supply
train, "laid to care for the trains that
are made up daily. Bulky supplies,
hay for the horses, bread for the men,
shells for the cannon, whatnot, are
carefully put into the same car, while
the small groceries, the petits vivres,
the meats, coffee, sugar, tobacco, salt,
pipes, cheese, are put together, per-
haps in the same car. This distribu-
tion is made to prevent confusion in
deliveries and disputes as to quanti-
Sometimes Brave Shells. -
"When the cars are duly labelled,
bills of lading made for their contents,
the train made up, soldiers and of-
ficers from the various departments
represented board the train, and it
pulls out, to the main track with the
' right of way.
"When it reaches the gate regale -
trice, where dozens of other such ox
trains are centring, the trains are -.
dered to such and such a destination,
perhaps first broken up and part of
their load sent one way, part another,
according to the needs of the day.
"As a train from the gare regalia -
trice reaches the third and last stage
of its journey it drops off a car of
supplies' here, another there, as the
orders run, if a battle is raging at
the front, the engineer may receive
orders to wait until night before ven-
turing along the danger zone, or if
the need is pressing• he may brave the
shells and proceed"
A word of sympathy timely spoken
is balm to a Wounded spirit.
There's one thing about the grippe
—it takes you mind completely of
a lot o: 'other ?,roubles.
Just a Straight
and Si ple Story
They Cured Iter Kidney :!'roubles and
Other Sufrerers Can Learn Froin secretaries~;, the Archbishop of Cane
Her Experience Blow They Cart rind terbury live.
a Cure. Prince John has .an edition of "Rob-
Paquetville, Gloucester Co,, N.B.— inson Cruteoe," the cover of which
Information About Well -know a Man
and Wonien.'
The Prince of Wales has already six
god -children.
The wine collars; at Welbeck Abbey
are the largest in. England.
Sir Edward Eiger often writes his
musical compositions in bed.
• The Bishop of London has three
cost no.
Mar. x —
M 0th (Special) Simple and •
straight to the point is the statement General French ryas on the point of
of Miss Justine Blanchard, of this retiring fromthe Army before the
place. She has tried Dodd's Kidney hoer War.
Pills and found them good and she The principal New York papers aro
wants everybody to know .it. Miss now regularly taken at Buckingham
Blanchard says: Pall ee. .
"I suffered for a long time with my Lady Iva \` iieon has five grandsons
kidneys. I used Dodd's Kidney Pills in tie A end Navy. She is a eitc-
and they cured me completely." ter of the :(:to Duke of Fife. -
One simple statement like that is Ding Manuel has in his possession
worth a dozen learned dissertations on a letter from Meg George, thanking
Kidney disease. It tells the sufferer -lxine for hie offer to serve in the Brit -
from kidney trouble just what heor isle Army at: the outbreak of folie.
she wants to know—that a cure can At the German Court it is against - ' -
be found in Dodd's Kidney Pills. etiiltiett' for the Emperor to shake Cause and Effect.
For Dodd's Kidney Pills are no hands with anyone who is not of royal The. corner policeman found Naybur
cure-all. They are purely and simply rank leaning against a telephone pole one
a kidney remedy. The reason why they Since King George's accession, night about a month ago. "Well,
cure Rheumatism, Lumbago, Diabetes, Queen Mary has purchased over two wall, how'd you happen to get into this
Bright's Disease, Ileart Mutterings, dozen pictures by English modern- condition?" he asked as he helped
Dropsy,Pain in the Back,and
r home. \ifer
h just left f'r
diseases is that all these are either It is not yet certain whether Lord tacl.hix, explained the patient. It
Kidney diseases or are caused by dis- Crichton is dead or a prisoner of, war; was just a night or two later that the
ordered kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills he was reported missing several .,time policeman found Naybur lean -
cure them by curing the kidneys. months ago. ing against the same pole in the same
e._.0._.. condition. "What's the excuse this
WASTE NECESSARY IN FOOD time?" asked the cop. "She's back," slue would use nothing else. They
A Canadian Mother's Answer.answered Naybur, are for sale at all druggists or by
Because our ancestors ate coarser mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
---- waste with their food they developed Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville,
a long bowel, mostly a muscular tube. Those Dear Girls. Ont.
This muscle was not intended for Alice—I take half an hour's beauty
digestion purposes, but to carry `f sleep every afternoon.
waste. We have inherited this mus- Marie—You should make it much
miler tube. Waste -containing food is longer, dear.
as essential to its proper function as
light is to the eye. Because modern
foods have little waste the human =nerd's Liniment cure,4 Dandruff
bowel muscles have weakened from A Strategical 9iove
lack of exercise. Constipation and
You Can't be Neutral
on the food question.
You have to decide between
mere palate -foods that con-
tain n0 nutriment and foods:
that repair the bodily waste.
Shredded Wheat Biscuit is
both a palate food and a
muscle builder. You can
keep in good health and at
the top-notch of physical
fitness by eating this deli-
cious, ready -cooked, whole
wheat cereal for breakfast,
luncheon or any meal.
Made in Canada.
Money in the Caroline Islands is Card
ried on Poke.
Iron, stone, and earboard money
is being used in various parts of the
world at the present moment on ace
count of the war, according to the an-
nual report of a well-known financial
In one of the Caroline Islands, for
example, captured by Britain from the
Germans, extraordinary stone money
is being used. Each "coin" consists of
a large, thick stone wheel, ranging
from one to 12 feet in diameter, and
having a hole in the centre through
which a pole can be put to carry it
Iron money has been used in Ger.
many since last October, when one
hundred million coins of the value of
one cent each were issued. In Mexico,
where everything is also in a state of
war and chaos, cardboard money has
been issued, while tramway tickets,
entitling the holder to a ride, have
been ueed for small change.
lgi31C1:10 'AZ&rIC',MEM
1.7) Mere, Deleware, garrnarl. Or+
der at once. Sup iy limited, Write tom
quotations. 11. W. l:awson, Brampton,
" BD/GRE E) t:. 131' 'tgfJlT}Ix,r,�
puppies for sale Alec T'
man kittone Ut `4 f, illeap>e, i1botsK
ford, Quebec.
it. foxes, trade for used ear. Reid
Bros„ Bothwell, Ont.
SEL$' WdI27fEr
'' spinners and weavers. We win,
pay inexperienced help while learning.
weaving. Good wages paid in all these
departments, and steady worst for
months to come, For further pak•tiet4..,
lars, apPlY to the Slingsby Manufautura
ing Co., Ltd., Brantford, Ont.
FEWS12li.7E18S I'03 811Lcl.
Offices for sale in a ,od Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
ofppalilcaboino sWilsFnlPnfosmnC.
pang, 78 West Adelaide St. Toronto;
Wsla m o
flour and sugar bags Write offer.
Ira Evans, Ft, William, Ont.
FOR THE CHILDREN C internal and external. curedwith-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
ute before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical
:firs. Laura Jackson, Brantford, co., Limited, Coliingwood. Ont
Ont., writes: "I have found Baby's
Own Tablets such an excellent remedy
children that I have no l esitation
in recommending them to all mo-
thers." Thousands of mothers say
the same thing concerning the Tab-
lets. Once a mother has useci them •
"I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier,"
I didn't want him joining in the
But I'd taught him not to shirk when
when right meant danger,
That truth and honor greater were
than life.
I didn't dream I'd make him don the
I never thought that war was
the plan,
But now he lies in France with many
And yet I'm very glad he proved a
. man.
in indigestion have resulted. , Dr. Jack-
son, who practised for years as an
intestinal specialist, has devised. Ro-
man Meal, a food which has plenty
of waste to exercise the bowel mus-
cles and is also highly nourishing. It
prevents indigestion and constipa-
tion. Most grocers sell it.
Made by the Roman Meal Com-
pany, Toronto, Canada.
"I didn't raise ray boy to be a soldier,"
Bub I'd taught him to hold women
in respect,
How could I stop him rushing to the
When Britain tried the weaker to
When liberty and chivalry and honor
Were crushed to serve a mighty na-
tion's plan.
"I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier,"
But oh! 1 am so glad he proved a
"I didn't raise my boy bo be a soldier,"
I'd merely taught him liberty was
The hatred of oppression which he
I'd given him as I had given food.
To keep his right of manhood and
of honor,
He felt was part of Britain's usual
"I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier,"
But oh! how proud I am he proved a
• man!
Acquired the Habit When a Boy.
If parents realized the fact that tea
and coffee contain a drug—caffeine—
which is especially harmful to chil-
dren, they would doubtless hesitate
before giving them tea or coffee to
"When I was a child in my mother's
arms and first began to nibble at
things at the table, Mother used to
give me sips of coffee. And so I
contracted the coffee habit early.
Truth Crushed.
\V ifie—How do you like
Hubby—Well, my dear, to tell
the truth---
Wifie—Stop right there. If you're
Mrs. Close—I'm writing to ask the going to talk that way about it I
Browns to meet the Joneses here at don't want to know,
dinner, and to the Joneses to meet ,
the Browns. We owe them both, you
Close—But I've heard that they've
just quarreled and don't speak.
Mrs. close—I know. They'll re -1
fuse and we won't have to give a din- I Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Rinne• Lye
ner party at all. ! SateeinTubes25c. For f3aoiselllbeEyefreeask
my new
Granulated Eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sun, Dust:m(1 Wind
quicldy relieved by Marine
Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. At
j Druggists or Rlurine Eye Remedy Co., Clamp
Fair Hostess (entertaining wound- NOTICE TO STALLION OWNERS.
ed soldier)—And so one Jack John- It is a long time
since Peter Pinder
son buried you, and the next dug you The inspection of stallions under wrote: "Care to our coffin adds a
upagain and landed you on top of a the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Act nail, no doubt, and every grin, so
brn. Now what were your feelings? will commence March 23rd, 1916. merry, draws one out."
Tommy --If you'll ' believe me, Stallion owners will notice that horses ___.._
insnecbetl in the Fall of 1914 do not 311inard's Liniment Relioves Neuralgia.
ma'am, I was never more surprised) require to be iniectecl at this time
in all my life, but all other horses inspected previous
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns,' Etc. to the Fall of 1914, which were nob
then eight years old, must be inspect -
His Number ed in order to be enrolled for 1916.
"I' want a pair of pants for my Application should be made at once
sick husband," exclaimed the woman. to the Secretary of the Ontario Stale
"What size?" asked the clerk. lion Enrolment Board, R. W. Wade,
"I don't know, but I think he wears Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
a 141/2 collar." . "`
AI narcx's Liniment for sale everywhere
Not to Blame.
Customer (indignantly)—That par- 0
rot you sold us hadn't been in the but
SAS 4 ' u z;
The salesman tn,;t works .'eery day
end night during the year, :renal for
catalog "l'"
ai. J. sem. corn Co., rail.,
5'1 'Toronto Arcade, - 'Toronto
PETROGRAD OFFICERS' CLUB. house a day before it began to swear
Cheap Apartments and Food for War- dreadfully.
asked me for one that
riors and Families. would be quick to learn, mum.
The Officers' Club, of Petrograd, is
probably the most elaborately housed We have been using MINARD'S
organization of its kind in the world. LINIMENT in our home for a num•
It occupies a large palace in one of ber of years and use no other Lin -
the principal streets of the city, built invent but 113INARD'S, and we can
around three sides of a spacious quad-
. recommend it. highly for sprains,
• bruises, pains or tightness of the
Spiviim or Th + •oughpin
you can clean them off promptly with
Dog Remedies
:1c D
And How to Feed
Mailed free to any address by
the Author
118 West 31st Street, Nett York
An up-to-date iligh Grtade
Bicycle fitted with.R((icrCkaif,
New D be tore or f rtrcult
Coaster rake dud 1Inb:c, Peder.
chahle Tres, high grade equip.
In en L, including ':,u1-
guavds.remp,,: Tools eee ..0
;;dFREEE 19l6Gafa!tgoeq
EO lr a r; of Retre'ecs, $,arelree�
and b ,zrrMaf'rral. V' r:nil
buy your supplies from us al
why ai e Prices.
27 A'etre naive Si. West,riesltreaf,
S.S. E,u_TETStr-OZAT•T u I•,
frr•tL Nev. Viol; \l„r.•: 15
ELS, 38vANGLY.zini ,r,,;i fr.•tn
, li drat h '1 e s
r �. : e.: tt,..::. .
11. 0 PeT.,i'S88 Gen. Agent.
<...•-0.1 `+.S. xdn, , 1.'a,ite,.
4 it longs• �f.. Toronto.
,•r :.r.t ti,r.�t ngcnt.
tangle. The enormous bulding is chest soreness of the throat, head- ,betu
and you svork the horse same time.
Does not blister or remove the
hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered.
Will tell you more if you write,
Book 4 M .free. ABSORBINE, JR.,
the antiseptic liniment for rnankind,
reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured
Musetes or LigamN't,, Enlarged Glands. Wens.
Cysts, Aiiuys pain 9unkty. Price S1 and i2
e at druggists or „ettrcred, blade In the U. S. A. by
maintained largely at the expense of ache or anything of that sort. 44'e will 14 F. YOUNG, P. 0. F„ 516 Lymans Bldg„ Montreal, Dan.
the State, and during the period of not be without it one single day, for ilbsorbtne and Absorbine, Jr.. ars made In Candi,
the war it is open, practically with- we get a new bottle before the other
out charge, to Russian officers quar-
tered elsewhere than in Petrograd,
and to their wives and families.
The huge reception rooms are de-
corated with oil paintings and fine
"I continued to use coffee until 1 engravings presented by various regi -
was 27, and when I got into office meats, and many of them by the Em -
work I began to have nervous spells. peror himself. On the floors above
Especially after breakfast I was so are 150 bedrooms, ranging in price
nervous I could scarcely attend to my
correspondence.” (Tea produces about
the same ill effects as coffee, because
they both contain the drug, caffeine.)
"At night, after having had coffee
for supper, I could hardly sleep, and
on rising in the morning would feel
weak and nervous.
"A friend persuaded me to try
"I can now get good sleep, ant
free from nervousness and headaches,
I recommend Postum." Name given
by Canadian Poston. Co., Windsor,
Postern comes in two forms.
Postum Cereal ---the original form—
Must be well boiled. 15e and 25c pack-
Instant Postum—a soluble powder
dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa-
ter, ancl, with cream and sugar, makes
a delicious beverage instantly. 30c
and 50e tins.
Both forms are equally delicious
and cost about the same per cup.
• "There's a Reason" for rostrum.
is all used. I can recommend it highly
to anyone.
LaHave Islands, Lllnenburg Co., N.
from 30 cents to $2.60 a day. For
the lowest priced one is provided with
a capital bedroom, electric light and
hot and cold water. For the maximum
figure an officer or his family can
have a sitting -room, double bedroom
and bathroom.
A four -course table d'hote costs 40
cents, which is remarkably cheap con-
sidering the high prices which at pre-
sent rule in Petrograd. The club has
been so popular that there are at least
12 'applicants for each vacant apart-
The club also operates the immense
"army and navy stores," where Rus-
sian officers and men can buy all ne-
cessaries and luxuries at practically
cost price.
"Do you know where Johnny Locke
lives, my little boy?" asked a gentle
faced old lady. "He ain't home, but
if you give inc a penny I'll find him
for you right ori," replied the lad.
"All right; you're a nice little boy.
Now, where is he?" "Thanks—Pin
--sold by Grocers, hiln."
Just Like the Pig.
Two clergymen met together one
evening, 0110 of them was smoking,
a practice to which the other ob-
jected very strongly. "Is it possible,"
said the non-smoker in disgust, "that
you smoke tobacco? Even a pig
would not smoke so vile a weedl"
"Then I suppose," asked the other,
"that you do not smoke yourself ?"
"No, indeed, I should think not!"
"Then, n'iy dear brother," said his
companion quietly, "who is more like
the pig, you or 1?"
You will th d relief in Zain-Quk 1
It eases tie burning, stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zorn -
ea, means cure: Why not prove
this ? du Drugq{.vd3osebox. ares Mora.—
The Ideal Winter Resort
Beautiful Drives, Saddle Riding.,
tt,,ie, Tennis. Yachting, Fishing
mai Sea Bathing. Present Gar-
rison of the. Ottawa (36th) 'legi-
niet: '.
is open from DBCEMBx.R to MAY
Situated on the Harbor of
Hamilton. Accommodates 400.
Rates : $25 per week and upward.
Bermuda is reached by the steam-
ers of the Quebec S. S. Co.,
32 Broadway, New York.
l'atore plac-
ing your order for
seeds, see our 1910 Oolt'l-
en Jubilee Catalogue it is ',ree
tiov't Stan.
No. 1 Red Clover $18.40 & $17
No, 1 Aleyke 1.3.00 ;:
No, 1 Timothy ... e.QS '
Allow 30,E for each cotton bag
trioand pay O uOn-
tario over 62"a. O
,, tit t11i 1-1e
Notice to Stall=
loot] Owners
Tho inspection of stallions under
the Ontario Stallion Enrolment
dot, will commence Marek 613rd,
1916. All applications for en-
rolment and inppeetion, naeoln'
ponied. by the proper fee, lomat be
in the Seoretary'0 office, Parlia-
ment Midianite, ToroiltO, by March
13tia. In chic of avalioatiane re.
waved after Aitaroia 19th, Wipe*,
tion will only be rondo et inareexed.
oxpenno to ownere. Address all
oonuuauSoeaideuta to B. '9'. 'ante*,
Secretary. Ontario 'stamen neva-
u ofmeat Board, far talent ppilllixsgtt,
huts new life in your
arness. Keeps it from
drying up and cracking.
Makes it soft, pliable and
strong. Contains no
animal or vegetable fats
to become rancid. It
makes harness last longer.
.DOcaers J?lvervwhot'e
The imperial Oil Company
$ltG.NCRES YN ALr, 0151115
venetivravilsonEMINVOWNWOMPIROMMetIPIRWRISOMV a° i +Ac cm i$SCT : 1