HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-03-03, Page 8IAL REIIIUCTIONS DITS COATS IN L We have a few Ladies' and Children's Coats still on hand, which must be sold, so now we are offering them at greatly reduced prices. These are new coats, up-to-date in style and made of good serviceable materials, We can save you money. fere aro a few prices : 1 ., brown Tweed reg $16 50 for $18 (1 only fur lined, reg $$35 now for $25 1 „ boavy Melton cluth $12 for $10 A. few girls' and children's coat:; at 25 per cent off. 6 only ladies' cloth coats to clear • at $4 each. 11 1 „ ies if 1 1 1 1 blk Arabian lamb 22.50 for $18 „ blown Eng Tweed trimmed with black plush reg $20 50 for $16 bik Zibeline cloth $18 for [$$16 „ striped „ „ $18 50 for $15 Furs, Lr r s, uffs�u c $:C. rige v-ercoats „ $10 50 for $9 50 1 only hveay, lined astrachan lined, marmot collar reg $$25 for $20 „ blk astr'n lined $15 for $11 59 „ heavy cloth reg $12 50 for $11 „ „ $11 for .$9 75 4 „ boys overcoats size 33 to 36 2 to clear at $3 50 each 1 1 doz boys toques reg 250 for 150 ea 1 STA I, M AT We have a lot of stamped mats again in st ck iu different patterns and sizes. Prices from 80 cents to 60 cents. Fresh Groceries always on rhand RUBY and G-ASCIIO PHONE 11 `3E3R 3:01f aF-►F raral8F3* At_az a3+3.1.0F3 .e- ( 0 Cream and Eggs 0WAN-Th I) 0 Will pay highest cash price for Creain 0 and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, 0 at any time during the week. 0 HUDSONPhone 5, ZURICH ilaL 3zm3 3cw3�3e i F't +'3 ti o War Pric 1 on any Goods in our store ftmnomminmlarammummoasAnn Close prises an watches, clocks, jewellery, spectacles and musical goods. FINE REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY cs� } GEORGE FL [ ,I ESS & CO • JEWELLERS. .. ; ZURICH +1r+4.4'+4.++.II•.t•+++g„l4+4.++++++4+•l• +++++++++++++++++++++.24÷÷4 To new Subscribers in Canada we will send the Herald to the end of 1916 for 75 cents. ++++. '.g.'Y.'x^x'.1.°'4”P+'7i'T`,"i-'i,44+!i:'i'+:E;:..i..1. t+++4.+++++.p++++4++++++4 Huron Count The following Stiminary of the results f tions asking for Provincial .prohibition Mnnioipality Nanes on Votes p 1914 list 1914 TOWNS 1 Goderioh ......I836 9 498 577 2 Clinton 567 . 301 51h 3 W ingham .... 639 518 419 064 4 Seaforth527 c2 28u 4 s 1. VILLAGES 5 Bayfield 144 11:3 6 Brussels 243 197 7 Blyth ... 200 171 8 Exeter .. 473-4u 9 liensal1 . 210 800 155 10 `Wroxeter .. .. 102 86 11 Ashfield 654 12 Colborne...,.. 467 341 13 Grey .... .... 818 000 14 Goths -rich ...... .... 602 447 15 Howiok .... 985 817 16 Hay 780 641 17 Hallett .. 748 544 18 McKillop... 592 484 19 Morris. .. 666 578 20 Stanley .............. 523 333 21 Stephen ....... 975 789 '' 22 Tuckersmith . 641 486 23 Turnberry .......... 523 447 24 Usborne ..... ..... 606 517 25 Bust Wawanosh . 458 406 26 West Wawanosh,, 507 431 Total15132 12237 8839 11994 From the abeve figures it will be noticed that 72 1 5 per gent of the number of votes polled at the last provincial election have signed the voter's petition, and 1429 more have signers the petition than voted for the Canada Temperance Act on January 29, 1914, the vote at that time being 7415 for 4807 against. many oirou,e+twf, of the peti• '.f iuti•rest to our rF aders, 11" 1 .15 Supple - Petition rnentiry Petition 83 124 119 380 104 58 478 368 5i8 387 654 280 452 313 367 333 527 389 295 457 352 343 114 810 220 4.68 208 111 564 4u0 728 457 792 338 572 405 466 413 682 509 353 563 407 403 LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran Shorts Low Grade Live Hogs fob .93 41 50 $.26 24 05 75 .95 42 55 65 3.25 3.90 $25.00 28.00 35.00 Hensall 9.35 Local News Good apple butter for sale. T L Wurm, Ed Axt, of London, is visiting at his home here, Have you renewed your subscripti, on to the Herald for 1916? Good Yellow Denver Onion seed for sale, Wm. Schwalm, Zurich, Mrs George Innes, who has been visitng relatives and friends in this section, Ieaves for her home in Moose - jaw, Sask., on March 6th. Arnold Heideman will be in my office every Saturday up to Mawr 11th next. All parties indebted to me will' call and settle by, cash or note. J J Merner. 1IONSTER DEMONSTRATION A monster demonstration to cel- ebrate the marvellous success of the petition signing campaign will be held in Toronto Tuesday and Wednesday,' March 7th and 8th. It is expected that there will be over 25000 in the parade and each County will have their own delegation. All citizens interested may secure tickets which will be sold at. single fare plus 25c on March 7th and 8th, good to return up to March 101b. Two or three hundred are wanted from. Huron County, let alt go who can. HOCKEY Hensall and Zurich senior hockey teain's battled on Hensall ice last Thursday night for forty minutes. The play was fast and furious and the excitement at times was high. Many of the stalwarts at different •stages of the gaine were laid low, but the ice did nob suffer much. Soon after the beginning of play one of the Hensall players was hib above the eye by a stick and one of the Zurich players was laid off to even up. The referee caught a few of the off sides, but only a few. His bell happened to fall on the ice once in a while and the players throught he rang for a foul. The scope at the end of time was 6 to 3 in favor of Zurich. Ur. Zurich team was composed of E Howald R Weber, Lee Hoffman, A 13ossenberry, Clayton E1offoan, R J Kalbffeisch and Clarence Hoffman. oil Monday night the *Zurich jun- iors walloped the Dashwood juniors on the Fleusall rink to the tune of 10 ,to 1. The game Was an interesting ono, but the local lads were too fast for the youngsters from Dashwood. GAUPS MAGNATE. Martin N. Todd is President of a.ahr Erie and Northern. The town—beg pardon, the city -- of Galt has, among other human he, ing products which have done her no small credit, grown at ]east two not- able railroad men. W. B. Lanigan, of the C. P. R., is a great big traffic chief out West. hides in bis private car, and has any num- ber of alert servetors on the Iron Road to whom he says: "do this," and they do it; and "don't do this," and they obey just as blithely anti beautifully. Martin N. Todd, the other man, has kept the noiseless tenor of his way, without the newspaper or the maga- zine paying him much attention. Not that Mr. N. Todd, in his chosen field of railway work, has not achieved things scoring as high as the thing• scored for W. B. Lanigan; but be- cause Todd is modest and unob- trusive and never ranked as a past - graduate spell -binder and born hum- orist, while Lanigan—But, no mat- ter. The other day they made Martin N. Todd General Manager of the Lake Erie and Northern Railway—a cor- poration whose enterprise is as yet in the constructive stage and embraces a line of railway from Port Dover on Lake Erie to—well, north as far as it can reasonably go. For the time being, Galt is the terminal, or, if you take in the announced fusion with the Galt, Preston, and Hespler road, of which Mr. Todd is the administra- tive head, you get to Belir; or again, if you include the Canadian Pacific Railway, with which are directly af- filiated these electric lines, you get e stretch which the reader is invited to figure out for himself. At any rate, Mr. Todd. has become the controlling genius of the amalga- mation, which affords a straightaway trolley system from the country town - of Waterloo to a charming lakeside resort and natural harbor, and inci- dentally links this country closer up with the rich coal fields of our trans - Erie neighbors. The L. E. and N. is to be completed with a rush and elec- trified—so as to be in operation for freight and passengers by the oncom- ing fall, and is expected to fill the proverbial long felt want and to be an all round winner. Mr. N. Todd is the son of a father who had big visions in all his under- takings, and of which one was tue swinging of Galt and Preston Street Railway, many years ago. The then primitive concern has developed into a fine substantial, profit -yielding ser- vice, the status of which may best be Understood when it is known that the American Official Railway Guide gives the G. P. and H. rank among the steam railroads of the continent, an honor enjoyed by no other electric line in the country. President Todd has done well with the legacy of a progressive sire. The C. P. R. relationship of the road em- phasizes this. Ho must needs be a capable man and pusher for that is the only sort of men the great C. P. R. takes on its managerial list. Precious Paintings Lost. Among the valuable treasures which were destroyed in the Parlia- Ynent Buildings fire were the pictures of the Fathers of Confederation, of the departure of the South African troops, of the Imperial Conference at Ottawa, and of the burial of Sir John Thompson, which hung in the Commons Railway Committee -room, 'Wears `,War Service" i'tadg o. Mr. Arthur Henderson, the labor member of the Cabinet, wears one of the Civil Service blue and gold badges inserned "On War Service." THE SHOVE QUESTION Is easily decided if you buy a McCiary Kitchener Range. "ibis firm has been making stoves for 60 years, Or a Superb Favorite, :Wade in Sarnia. The third generation generation of this firm.is now making stoves. Now if you buy one of the above makes Of— stoves, you will not make a miss shot, but hit the goal ,.every time. And then for cheapness we can knock out any departmental store in Canada. Cook Stove, with reservoir burns wood or coal for $18.00 up. Look at the cut of the above range with reservoir warming closet, tile back in closet and thermonetor, highly nickeled, guaranteed in every way for $88.- 00 cash. Hundreds of people of Zurich and vicinity tesify that the best stoves are al- ways sold at Hartleibs. e. I-IARTLEIB, lick HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE ���a�vt��-�`�•c�•o o•eo•o.�•o•o.a.o.o •O.4•C7•�!•O.O•c7.4O•lllJ•O ��ll p•rJ 4 O d 0 0 p p �n/j, D OG ov .Extra! Extra! Extra! 4G; 4D A large Shipment of No. 1 �Q 0 Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seeds OQG 40 just in, also other seeds, Prices right. 4G 4G 4 Q WE SELL:— 4 G 4 D 0QQ� Vio1311IDE 4V0 4UD av International and Royal Purple Stock Foods. Also Flour, Feeds, etc. 0i) v o Phone 23 Zurich \o 0 �Q 0 ��Ooc»coo •tc0o �C� �QQp.�p�Q�p,O.O p V 0 c�.'4lJ•O OO''O•d•O•P o'•4O 0.110 0`•CJr l7•l! pp p p " p*********************** What ab t prin Suitt This store has the agency for the celebrated BROADWAY made-to-order clothing. Also * spring overcoats, special trousers, etc. Come and let us show you our hundreds of ° samples, fit guaranteed. MEN'S NECK TIES 'ALEN'S SPRING FATS We have a big assortment in these lines. LADIES' DEPARTMENT We have a nice line of aprons and house dresses, 50cts and $1.00, while they last. DRESS GOODS Our stock is complete in this line. Give ° us a call and be convinced. In order to have our store up—to-date we have put in stock the New Idea Patterns, and the Woman's Maaazihe. Price lOcts, and a New Idea fashion sheet tree every month. Come and call for one. We send away every Monday for patterns, so hand in your orders and get an up-to-date pattern, only 1Oc. Dr. HESS' STOCK FOODS Don't forget that every package of Dr. T -Jess' Stock Food is guaranteed to give results. 12 lb pkg $1,00. 7 lb pkg 66c. 5 lb pkg "Panacea 85o. Fresh Groceries at all tones *. T % PHONE 2a y ***** -* * * *h*ri** RCH'