HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-03-03, Page 5'NEW Coal 31.1i1r1OSS I beg to an matinee to the 'people of .Zurich and vicinity that I have now on hand:a supply of the very best No 4 Furnaca and Ohestoat Coal and solicit a Share of you patronage. Sheds immediately in front of the old salt buil ling, Office Petty Block D.CIA117L011 Zurich Meet MARKET :DEALERS Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausegev, etc CASII -,,FOR SKINS & HIDES Tungblut & Deichertr Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, MO FXRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GRRAT WnsT PERMANENT LOAN CO, ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office 'Zurich 1 i I NBIZtON'S- 2IRTBH Ciiikilat A new shipment just in of Bon -Bons, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can buy A large variety of Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Lemlind 'Brands of Cidars. Neilson's Famous Ice Cream McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT 1 - 1 — LOCAL NEWS Ash Wednesday, Mar 8th. Mr Henry Wel er, and son, Harris, of Preston, visitad relatives here over :Sunday. Mr Elmore Oesch is fitting up a barber shop in the .annex to 0 Fritz's shoe store on Main street. Mr John Routledge, of the staff of the local branch of the Molsons Bank, has been transferred to the Exeter branch of that bank. He begins his duties there on Saturday. Winglatun businessmen will bold their annual Dollar Day on Marcia 0h. It is expected to be a great success as about 800 soldiers will visit that town on that day. Mrs Peter Brennerman has sold his house and lot in Blake to Mrs Caroline Oesch, widow of the late Joseph Oesch 14th, con., Hay. Possession will be given some time in March. 9,085 persons in Huron county signed petitions for prohibition to be presented to the Ontario Legislature at the present session. This is 74,8 per tent off the votes polled at the Ontario 'elections it/ 1914. We aro always pleased to publish 'any news items that may be of inter- est to our readers. If you have visit- ors or are going away yourself, or any ,out of the ordinary event takes place, let us kbow, we will appreciate it. Mr W II Talbot and son, Melvin, of Evergreen Farm, near Blake, left for Sarnia on Monday on business. they will also attend the big thresher - men's convention to be held in Ham- ilton on Mar ist and 2nd. War -1774W; A REPRESENTATIVE at one for Zt1OH and District for the OLD RELIABLE BONTHILL NURSERIES FARMERS Why aannatnlidle .all Winter when you .caea take up a paying agency? Choice list of varieties for .Spring Planting. Liberal 'Tarns Hand- some free Outfit. Exclusive Terr- itory. Write now for particulars Stone & Wellington The Fontbill Nuseries (Established 18.37) TORONTO asairmiwavammx=ememzis UNDERTAKING IZatioh, - 'Ontario 111101110MMINIMOIMMINIMEMIIIIMIN Prompt Service Moderaterharges Tailor Shop and Laundry NoSsitiverekrtilvivils. W. H. HOFFMAN instructions authorizing the ,magi - trate that "Where a man has been found guilty of an offence, which, in the magistrate's judgment, seems worthy of deCing leniently with, the sentence may he suspended and the prisoner placed upon his good be- haviour." Like an oasis to a thirsty traveler in a desert did this passage loora nP before the worried man. With lila best judicial air he straiglatened up, eyeing the prisoner sternly. Then in most solemn tones he addressed the prisoner at the bar: "Archie Mac- kenzie, you have pleaded guilty •to the charge of piracy an the high seas, as laid against you by Cyrus Jones. Under the criminal code of the land You have committed a very 'serious offence --one of the gravest the law is called upon to deal vvith. The sen- tence—and there is only one—is death." At these last words bis man- ner became exceedingly solema. Even the prisoner looked glum. Tho crowded listeners held their breath in anticipation of the denouement. Then in slightly lighter tone, but without relaxing in severity of .man- ner, the magistrate ..proceeded: "However, L: the present ease, I hardly think the act warrants this extreme measure, and I am going to exereise"—and here Carlson swelled himself up. his judicial manlier be- came grand, dignified, as became one invested with majestic power of the law—"one of the privileges which the law -makers of the nation, with great foresight, have seen fit to place in the hands of the justices appoint- ed to deal with such matters through- out the land. . . ." There was a. long pause, then: "I find you guilty of the charge, but this being your first offence, and as you have been long a peaceable and respected member of the community, I will suspend sentence. You may go." As we go to press, preparations are going forward. to entertain the soldiers in Zurich. Dinner will be served in the Town Hall by the ladies, and a rousing tneeting will be held in the evening. A large crowd is expected. Now is the time to select. and place your order for reading matter for the coining year. We club with all the leading daily and weekly newspapers and all farm magazines at close prices. Call at the,Herald Office and. leave your order. The judgment given in favor ; -of the townships of IJsborne and Hay by Judge Doyle in blaersuit of. Davis vs the townships of Usborne and HEW/ has been reversed in the hearingof the appeal at Toronto, and Mrs Davis now gets judgment for $150.00. The case cannot be further appealed. Mr Solomon Jacobe bas sold his 100 acre farm on the 15th con, to his son, Mr Garnet Jacobe, who gets possession April lst. Mr Jacobe bas since purchased the 50 -acre farni of the estate of the late Joseph Oeseb. Sr., also on the 15th eon., and gets possession some time in April. Our subscription list has been cor- rected to Feb 16th. We desire to ex- press our sincere thanks to the sub- scribers who have renewed for 1916. Many have done so, and it is a great encouragement to the publishers of a weekly paper when the renewals are made promptly. We axe very desirous of making our mailing list a paid-up one, and would ask those who have not renewed to help us by doing so at an early date. One dollar is not a large amount to be owing by one per- son, but when it runs into hundreds it means something to the newspaper n. n. It imported that hardware prices are advancing as a result of the War. Cutlery .that formerly came from Great Britain and Germany, cannot be had .and the supply conies from the Unitedfitates, where the prices are higher. 'Tbe articles that hays advanced uaost aro those in which copper is used. Brass screws and wire have advanced 200 per cent, Nails are $1.05 a keg higher than a, year ago. Glass, formerly imported from Belguim, now has to be imported altogether from the United States. Household cutlery, pocket-knives and scissors, largely imported in the past from British firms and before the war from Germany also, now are secured almost entirely from the United States. House Fo Sale I offer my fine property in Zurich for sale at reasonable terms. Large roomy dwelling, fine stable and good well on premises,' For further par- ticnlars apply to Chris. Eilber, Zurich FOR SALE Bell 8—octive Organ, Piano ease, nearly new, Apply to Henry Rau, Drysdale. PRAYING FOR A SOLDIER. LET PEOPE KNOW Good clean seed oats at 50.eents per Inishel, Apply to John B 'Meyer, Wagner's corner, up to Feb, 26th. For Rent—One acre of land, with orebard, of all 'kinds of fruit trees, house, furnished, also stable and goon well= premises. For further partic niers apply to Frank Bedard, 41 milt north of Drysdale. Auction Sale FARM /'11 OK, IMPLEMENTS. ETO Mr R. Boysenberry has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 27, eon, 15, Hay, known as the Joseph Oesch farm on Monday larch 13th, ti.t 1 o'clock sharp the following,: • HORSES:— 1 horse rising 5 years, 1 mare rising 3 years, 1 daring; mare in foal to Todd, CATTLE, ETC: -1 oow due to calve in gay, cow fresh, ) farrow cow, 1 heifer rising three supposed to be in calf, 1 steer rising 2 years. 3 yearling steers, 1 calf, 2 pigs 5 months old, about 50 hens, IMPLEMENTS:— Deering hinder, mower, combination seeder and cultivator, 'eta roller, 2 walking plows, gang plow.. gar g plow, set diamond harrows, nuttier, new Bain wagon with double box, spring seat and 'halving, hum truck, 2 gravel bore, 2 hay racks, pair bunks, top buggy ea buggy, Portland cutter, fanning mi 1, disc harrow, hay rack, horse power, cutting box, root pulper, galvanimed steel, water ttougl, 2 sets double team harness, single harness, new Superior cream sep- arator, churn, cooking stove with pipte, a quantity of mangolds, a few tons of hay a.number of cedar posts, chains, forks, some grain bags, a lot of small articles too numerous to mention, pair bobsleighs. TERMS OF SALE:— All sums of $5 anlodlluot,islcredit will be given on furnished approved joint notes. A discount of 4 cents on he dollar offfor cash on all credit, amounts. Hay and inangolds, cash. eiy no reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. Bossenberry, John I, rlier Auctioneer Chris Gaseho Executors of the estate of the late Joseph Oesch This One Has Very Prnctical Notions Iiegardiug Welfare. An organization of church workers in Toronto has entered upon the re- ligious duty of praying for the wel- fare of soldiers at the front, says The Toronto Star Weekly. Each member is given the name and. ad- dress of one particular soldier, pray- ers for whose welfare are to be regu- larly made. To each soldier a friend- ly letter is sent by the person ,ahe has undertaken to make intercessions for him, so that. he may know that be is not forgotten and that his welfare is being made the subject of prayers by somebody at home who never knew him. One Toronto lady having' written to her unknowu soldier re- ceived the following reply:: Branshott, Eng., Jan. 24., 1916. Dear Madam,—I was pleased to hear that you were the one who was elected to pray for me. I very often' think of you praying for me. Well, we had a line trip over here, but we have landed. in a deuce of a country, nothing but rain and mud, and the "eats" are something ter- rible, uneatable in fact. I would be very glad if you would. send me some cakes, cigarets, and candies from Toronto; it would be a real treat, and if 1 ever get back I would reward you to the best of my ability. I would also like some magazines, Life, Police Gazette, and Jack Ca- nuck; these are the only ones I would read, nothing anything worse would I read. Well, I must close now, hoping for a decent reply from you. If you have a nice daughter, unmarried, tell her to write, or in fact make her, as it would cheer one lonely soul who is broke in England. Well, with lots of love to yourself and daughter, and for God's sake do not forget the eats and tobacco. I remain your sincere soldier friend, P.S.—Address all parcels to above address. This soldier appears to be a most practical -minded man. Ho is one who thinks that faith without works is dead. 14e appreciates prayers, but he looks tor parcels. If it is his wel- fare that is in mind, he has very practical ideas as to the most bit - mediate means whereby it may be promoted. The lady who received this reply from "her sincere soldier friend" is, we believe, rather startled by his singular preference in reading and his reference to "all parcels" ao if he expected them to arrive in con- siderable numbers. But we would not be surprised if some parcels actually do result from his letter, New Units Offered. Recruiting is niosi satisfactory all over the DOIllini0a and offers of more troops are coming into the Minister of Militia. Regina has offered to raise 2,500 more, Swift Current has offered a battalion, and from away up Peace River Crossing comes an offer for a unit. Thirty-five students .of the University of Toronto have enlisted with the Forty-third Battery, which is mobilized. at Guelph. It has been brought to the notice of those who interest themselves in the men at the prison farm that a large num- ber of the inmates there would en- list for overseas service at once were they given an opportunity to do se. Many of them are keen to get a chance to serve the colors. Several families in ,.western Ontario have two, three, and in a few cases four sons in khaki. One family ia coe has six sous serving the colors. Decline In Living Expenies. Coal and wood were slightly lower last year than tn 1914 ancl rents de- clined, especially In the west. StOile tifinimmeitt We handle the inostimproved Stable Equip - :tient on the market. Farmers, iit your sin bles o a modern aid sanitary way auil you will oe veil repaid fur the extra cost by the inOrometi rosilltS. Get our prices on Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. We recently installed an outfit of stanobions and fixtures for John Erb, Bronson Line, and parties interested are welcome to inspect puma. We also install equipments of every kind See us about it Auction Said of .1,PARM STOCK, IIIPLENIENTS AND HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE Mr E Bossenberry has been instramt d to sell by public auction on Lot 20, N. B. Hay, 11., miles north of Zurich, on Wedues• day, March 151h, ILt 12.30 O'clock sharp, the following. Horses -1 team heavy horses 4 year old; 1 mare, 13 years old; 1 driver, 18 years old. •• Cattle -4 cows aged 5, due to calve soon ltheifer, in calf, due in April; 1 heifer, fresh; 13 steers, rising three; 1 heifer, risingl 2; 1 steer rising 2; 2 yearlings. About 15-6 hens; 2 turkeys, Implements—Deering binder, Deering mower, Deering disc nearly new, 2 -furrow plow new, 2 single plows • 2 scufflers, 2 wagons one nearly new, clover seeder, 2 harrows, 00 sap buckets, carriage, 9 bug- gies, bobsleigh, cutter, land roller nearly, new turnip pulper, fanning mill, hay rake, cutting box, wagon box, gravel box, pig rack, 2 single harness 2 double harness. block and tackle, incubater, brooder, in. side brooder, grindstone, forks, shovels, 15 doubletrees, and other numerous art- icles. About 30 cord of wood, lumber, and ten bushel of seed beans. Household Forniture 2 cooking stoves, 1 new, parlor store, coal or wood, kettle, 2 washing machines, sewing machine, lounge, 6 chairs, 2 cup- boards, 2 extension tables, 2 churns, and other articles too numerous to meution. Terms of Sale—All sums of $5 and under cash; over that amount 10 months credit. will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 cents on the dollar off for cash on all credit amounts. Positively no reserve as the proprietor has sold bis farm. E. Bossenberry, John B. Meyer Auctioneer Proprietor LOUIS PRANG ZURICH Cross Fertilizer Co. BASO SLAG I am taking orders for the aboyt celebrated brand of Fertilizer 101 delivery next Spring. I handled this brand last season and had splendid success with it. Basic Slag has been used w :1 greatest success on beans, etc Prices Cash $20,00 F. .0.! Station. $22 on 8 months time. Mr George McDonald, W roxeter, Ont„VWrites On '7th October, 1015:- 1 sold about half the car of Sydney Basic Slag you sent me and the people are well pleased with tho re - stilts. I had some difficulty in get- ting them to use Basic Slag and they would only take small quan- tities say from one bag to half a ton for trial. I used some niysolf in several ways the best result, I got being. on the root crops and corn One of my neighbors use 1 half a toll on his turnip crop without Man- ure and the result surpassed bis expectations 1 bave ali, opinion myself that I can grow turnips with- out manure. I expect to be able to dispose of a lot of Basic Slag this wintei) perhaps three cars. JOSEPH RAU R R. No. 2, Zurich, LondohLife Policies are "GOOD AS GOLIY' Why not protect yourself and family with a good life insurance policy; A1.1 the popular plans of insuranca written. For particulars apply to Andrew F. Hess, Local Agent sigszitamm, M.1":77M:-. • SiZEIMMINS t'Y -",T7 JA, N.11116- MAL • We carry a 17t.h4e stock of storm d.00rs, made any o,izeor style. Shingles, luinher. laths and products. Esmates given at planing mill. f, C. • NE drt mama sash and storm all planing mill d Ltracts taken. Office ZURICH 1 1 A $ The 5 ,st.ta , 14' Latr.110.."......11116.03[111*IITI HERALD Job Printf g DEPATrIENT IS FULLY EQUIPPED TO DO ALL KINDS OF Commercial and Society Printino. JI -We Print Ato, rel opes, Ntatenients, Letterheads, Cireitars, Bit !heads, Prodran1.8 Shipviaa POstei IrCdtliag .htvitations, Carcts, Gloat. Bok,i, Sac 'Bills, Etc. We guarantee careful workmanship and' oily charges axe moderate. Owing to tariff changes nearly all lines are advancing. Order now and save money. THE HERALD ZURICH - ONT