HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-03-03, Page 4M IICHIE1iuIFIIIIIIIIIIIIiNIIIgllTtllllUhlllprl[l�ii�iOdliVIHO NIII unuule =`fieOnly 6randPrizei 3 (H.i hest Award) ' ;r °wen t:), — 3 Diclio . tries at the Panama- = Pacific Exposition Wb'DSera zned/o iia i'y z ET'E' NEW r TERNATIONAU soa. P Superiority of Educational Merit. This new creation answers with final authority all kinds of puzzling questions such as "How is 1'rzemysl pronounced??" "Whore is Flan- 2 aersf " "What is a continuous zoy- O age?" "What is aho„•it:er?" What is, white coal?" "How is nkat pro - a pounced?" and thousands of others. I More than 400,000 Vocabulary Terms, E. 30,000 Geographical Subjects. 12,000 s I Biographical Entries. Over 6000 Illus- E trations. 2700 Pages. The only diction. any with the divided page --a stroke of a genius. s. 'Regular and India- yy Paper Editing, Write for speci mon )?)ages, 11 luetratiot., etc I 4t= r k"ree, a ec¢ of nFn Pocket Maps if you name this 1,a1x r.01. & MERRIAM CO, Springfield, Masa quince lgdasilulgrtRllNmUfIfl lttl15Il5Jumrti guasCRwriox PRICE $4,OO A YEAR 4rI".S'`snbscripton $1,50 strictly iu advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. Rates for display and contract advertisements will be Transient notices such as lei The Farmer's Institute Meeting �r�•�1..11ERALD Classthed ZRAL,D PRINTING OFFICE'IJ „E�isstted every Thmaday afternoon from the \ OORRBSPONIDENCEvctora SZurichby ANDREW F. KESS and CHESTER L. SI•IL1H � DASHWOOD given on appllation, gal, corporation, soc akc., ao cents per line rot first i+uertiett and 5 cents . was held here last Wednesday with Ice for eat,n subsequent insertion. which remiss ion •fee is charged or a special collection tat:- i illi J W Har dein of London pent Notices of or at i b flotices o1 religious or other meetings the object �• which is the benefit of the community and not for p Deal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerio.. / mberted free. Adverthsments without specific ditections will be pQ9ition. haat averted tismenrsmustbepad and nefo inadved an advance. T•he Misses Ada and Luella Brown Astray advs. Fs for three insertions. of Zurich galled on friend here Tues - No paper discontinued until all arrearages arepafd. day. a Urge attendance. Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at w ie 1 ed tor the regular advorttstng rat. • a low days with 1118 parents here. Miss Maida Routledge left alis week ,for Elmira, where she has a ,a'hangs for contract advertisements must be in the Mrs Wickens of Ingersoll is visiting o'' a until the following tame by 6 p. m. i'uesdaweek. otherwise they will be left Mr and Ml's P Fassold this week. - Mr Jack Routledge of Zutich spent Sunday .at his home here. Address all communlc:• ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, MAR. 2, 1916 ST. JOSEPH Messrs N A Cantin and J Massa paid a business visit to Godrich on Thursday last, The fishermen. are having good success at present some report having as many as 10 dozen in one net. Miss M B Blue of Dutton has ar- rived to take charge of the millinery department for Messrs Tiernan and Edighoffer again this season. On Tuesday of last week the soldiers from Exeter were entertained to din- ner by 111r Haratio Reynolds at Sarepta, After dinner the boys mar- ched to Dashwood and surprised the people. Rev Collins of Exeter, who accompanied them, gave a short speech and after going through their man- oeuvres, returned to Exeter. Pre- parations are being made to entertain the boys some clay next week. Mr A T Screenan had a gang of men cutting and storing his supply of ice for the summer. Mr and Mrs Louis Jeffrey spent Wednesday and Thursday in London, while there Mr Jeffrey attended the Clay workers convention. Mr Joe Cantin of Berlin is spending a few days at his home here. Mr N A Cantin paid a business visit to London on Saturday. The Snow storm on Sethi day was the worst experienced this. winter, where are the prophets of the open winter. Mr Noah Hartman spent Sunday with friends on the 14th con. The little son of i1r and Mrs R Jeffrey has recovered from his recent illness. Mr E Bossenberry conducted a very successful sale for Mr Louis Jeffrey on Wednesday .• COUNTY NEWS OREDITON A patriotic meeting was ,held here Friday evening. Mr and Mrs Garfield Lawson have returned to their home in the west. Miss M Brown has been engaged to take charge of Mrs Kerr's room at the public school owing to illness of the latter, - Morrnan Holtzman has accepted a ;position in Sarnia. 11 Eilber, M. P. P., is attending the Legislature at Toronto, which opened .on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Caves and fanily left for their home in the west lash week, after a three month's visit with ,the ratter's parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Sime. Rev A Kellerman of Fenwick, is this week assisting Rev Grenzebach with the revival services. Mis Lin Wolper of Exeter is spend- ing a few days here, the guest of the Misses Kraft. Pte. J. Moir of London spent a few days with relatives and friends here. Miss Lillian Stire of Exeter spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr Willie Stire had the mis- fortune to have his fingers caught in the brakes in the flax mill, Monday The Clinton Collegiate Institute has been closed for two weeks on account of the peeraleucn of n easlee among the cholare, A pretty wedding was solemnized at Toronto on Feb 9tb, when Kathleen youngest daughter of Mr and Mis Thos Stinson, of Varna, became the bride of Ernest Izzard, of G:ldericll township. They will reside in Mout- real, A branch of the Huron War Aux- iliary has been formed in Stephen township. Dr James Butchart, a native of Stanley township, and a missioearS in China for many years, disd ,at Nankin, China, on Feb 15th. EARGA1111 3 IN SHOES oT reduce our stock we offer the following. Men's Felt Shoes, reg $3 for $2.50 cc ca - {t 15 i2 for $1.60. hvy 2 bkle rubs $2.75 for $2.25 " high laced "t $8 for $2.50 Ladies felt shoes, $1, 75 for $1.50 .e " slippers 85c for 65e • tt Rubbers 75cfor 05c cc oversh':es $2,25 for $1.75 Boy's rubbers 75cfor 65c M n's overshoes $2 for $1.65 cc at $1.75 for 1 50 AY lot of ladies shoes $4 for $2.75 Butter and a*s taken in exchange EXETER. John Broderick passed away' at his home here on Feb 24 in his 75th year, following an illness of several months. He Came to Hay township at the :age of 20, settling on the Babylon line. For 12 years he taught sehool.in Bay- field and Crediton later taking inn farming. About six years ago:,'.he moved to Exeter. Besideshis'widow, eight children survive, four sons. -'aid four daughters, Mrs Swayze, Mrs Smith and Garnet, of London; Edgar and Evelyn of Hay township; Mrs Win Rennie, of near Blake, Marjorie at. home and John of Regina. The .fun'- eral was held. on Wednesday. Melvin Gould has sold his 50 -acre farm in Usborne to Luther Reynolds, of Exeter. A J Payne has teken a position with Jones & May. Lieut Thos Penhale, of ToroiAo, visited his parents here for a few days last week. He has enlisted with the Varsity corps. Mrs W D Clarke is still critically ill at London. Dr Rollins, formerly of Exeter, now of Mimico, underwent another critical operation at Toronto recently. Mrs A Swayze, Mrs Smith' band Mr Garnet Broderick, of London, and Mrs Wm Rannie, of near Blake, and John Broderick of Regina, attended the funeral of their father here last woek. Oo PFAFF DASHWOOD oot &Shoe Metchant n BEAVER .NIEADO W The Unique Club met last Thurs• day evening. A short program was rendered followed by a debate Resoly- ed that a boat trip has greater pos- sibilities of enjoyment than an auto trip," Both sides debated most elogen- tly, the decision resulted in favor of the affirmative. Mr Wes Surerus returned last Thur- sday from a visit with friends in Berlin, Hamburg and other points. Mr Peter Eisenbach spent Friday last in London visiting his father who is at present at St Joseph Hospital. Miss Myrtle Horner returned .from her extended visit last Saturday. The farmers in our vicinity put in their season's supply of ice last week, DRYSD)ALE, HENSALL Ads LEGAL :CARDS, L'ROUDFOOT, KILIARAN, & COOKE. Barristers, :Solicitors, Notaries Public 8cc, Office, on the Square, 2nrl door from Hamilton St. Goderich. Private funds bo loan at lowest rates W. PaoxrnrooT, K. C. J. L. KILLORAic, H. J. D. Comm 1tr. Cooke .will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. MEDICAL CARDS R A. J. MacKINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo 'N N. Late assistant resi- dent Phyelan, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, .. New York Palyclinic MYIedical;Sehool and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. . r N. F. Schram, Late House Surgeon 'and. House Physician of Veto. is Hospital, London, Graduate of Faculty of Mddiiiine of Western University, Lpndon. " Main Office at Dashwood, Ont. Visits Shipka 'Monday afternoon of each week. • 5,000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA The pnblic will welcome the new issue for ]916 of "5,000 Facts About Canada," the popular and valuable cyclopedia of Canadian dates, compiled by Frank Yeigh of Toronto, the well-known writer and. lecturer on the Dominion. No up-to-date and intelligent Canadian can afford to be without this "hardy annual," which is a revelation in concrete form of the wonder- ful growth of our country in a single year despite war conditions; indeed ib circulates all over the world, and as such is a splendid advertisement. Tho chapter of "War Facts" is, by the way, 'both timely and illuminating. Fifty other chapters are alphabetically to every phase or our na- tional life, from Agriculture to the Yukon, while several sketch maps are of high value. Copies may be had ',from news - dealers or by sending 25c. to the Canadian Facts Pub. Co., 588 Huron Street, Toronto Canada. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Lot 9, Con, 3, Township of Stanley, 8 acres of hardwood bush, 24 acres ready for crop, the balance is seeded down, 20 acres of new seeding, 8 acres of .Alfalfa, 4 years old, is well underdrained and well fenced, two good wells, one at the house, and one Mrs James Sparks is visiting her at the barn and water in the barn and daughter at Port Stanley for a few a good spring that supplies stock all months, summer with water. A good frame The remains of Roy Traq_uair, of house 26x86 feet with furnace, kitchen and woodshed, 1$x40 feet, both hard and soft water in the house, bank barn 50x58 feet, shed 26x52 feet, horse stable and implement shed, 26x52, all in good repair and on stone walls, hen house 12x26 feet. The farm is one mile from school, 2i miles from Brucefield, 31 from Iippen, 6 from Hensall, 9 from Clin- ton and Seaforth, _ Apply on the premises, Lot 9 Con. 3, Stanley Township, Co Huron or address. Robert Morrison, Brucefield P. 0, 1VIASSEY-HARRISImplernents Detroit, were intered in the Heiman Union cemetery on Wednesday of last week. He was in his 27th year and leaves his wife and a little child to mourn his loss. Contractor Mr Peter Corriveau has added another marl to his gang for the summer. Good luck for the fishermen has brought down the price of herring to 20c a dozen. Mr Francis Bedard delivered a speech in Drysdale, after his arrival ' from London. Quite a few of our local boys went ito Zurich when the soldiers arrived. Miss Beatrice Rau was a guest of 1Tiss Loreen Denomy on Monday. I A very pretty wedding took place in St Joseph when Miss . Values ' Laporte, and N A Cantin were united in marriage, The young couple are going east on their hon ey moon. We wish them every success. Hensall and Zurich seniors played heckey here on Thursday night re- sulting in a win for the visitors by the score of 6 to 3, Alex Sparks and M Woods recently shipped several cars of horses to the west from this station. A splendid recruiting meeting was held here last Thursday evening. Among the newest recruits are Leon- ard Davidson, E L Lattimore and 'H J Morrow. - Lloyd Steacy, of the Molsons Bank staff, Simcoe, visited his home here. last week. Miss Idella Wood, daughter of Mrs Emma Wood, was united in marriage on Feb 18th by Rev E Smith to Percy. Madge, They leave in a few clays for Strongfield, Sask. The Ladies' Patriotic League re- cently held their Annual meeting. The society has still a balance of $50 on hand after paying of numerous accounts and sending oat many bales of useful articles for the soldiers. The following officers for the year were appointed: President, Mrs EE Rannie; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs D Urqu- hart; 2nd Vice -Pres., Mrs Alex Buch- anan; 3rd Vice•Pres., Mrs W McKay; 4th Vice -Pres., Mrs G Case; Secret- ary, ]Miss Emma Johnston; Treasurer, Mrs I' W Smallacombe, Nit Dan Denomy has returned from Zurich where he was engaged in Appel's store. HILLS GREEN A. supper and concert will be held in the Presbyterian church here next Friday night, under the auspices of the Red Cross Society. Supper serv- ed from 6 to 8 o'clock. An interest- ing program will be rendered after the supper, - FARM F01 SALE Call and see our new w own anzr re er with all latest irprovs rents„ Now is the time to look for st:eding implements. Call and insi,eot-our new Disc Drill with the all steel boot. Also have a number of second hand drills and cultivators at reasonable prices. Agency for the well-known Louden hay track and litter carrier. Get my 13/1.00$ before Buying. a Galimr_ . FFho e 25 Zurich .r,trita.1103.1111. Get"Moire Money" for your Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,White Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIP TOUR FURS DIRECT to "SHUBERT" the iarpcst house in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS a reliable—responsible—safeFur House with an unblemished rep- utation existing for' more than a third of a century," a long sue- cessfulrecordofsending Fur Shippers prompt SATISFACTOR'S' AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for 'Vttei,budiert 'bfpper,' the only reliable, accurate market report and pricelist published. Write for it-NOW—it's FREE A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. Dept.0 3 6CHI AGO, U.S A„ 120 acres, Lot 24, N, B, Hay township, adjoining village of Blake, about 12 acres fine hard— wood bush, well underdrained and well fenced, overflowing well and good spring wells at house and barn. Good frame house and large bank burn, 50x90, on stone wall, all in gond repair. Good clay soil and in high state of cultivation. Also small orchard on farm. About half mile from publio school half mi -le from church, about 4 miles froni.Zurich. This is a very desirable farm and will be sold on reasonable terms. For father par- ticulars apply to J 0 Reid, Varna, or Andrew F Hess, Zurich, Boar For Service Thorobred Berkshire Boar for. ser- vice, pedigreed, $1 fee, Arthur Weber, Bronson Line. Dashwood. Bull and 'Boar For Service Shorthorn Durham Bull for service.' $1.50 with privilege of returning, to be paid following January. Also Im- proved Yorkshire 13on,r for service, $1.00. Joseph Rau, Drysdale. Let Us Arrange Your O7ubbng List, Our 1916 lutes are as follow: Herald and Daily Globe $3 75 Weekly Globe 175 tl tt tt tt tt C{ tt 10 t{ it tt it tt Daily Mail and Em- pire 3 75 Weely Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 " Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star.. 1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition.... 3 50 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition..... 1 85 London Advertiser lvlrirning Edition.... 2 90 Evening Edition.... 2 90 SGrrt,lcly Edition..... 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Fanners Advocate... 2 40 " Mon treat Family - Ilerald and Weekly Stirs 1 85 Weekly Montreal 11'itness 15 Canadian Country- . man 1 50 tt tt can give you rate on other papers Lot on above lit. TheHerald�:Zurieh !�e