HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-02-11, Page 8• UCT1 L ALIIES COKE') NS LOCAL MR1TS o rent.; curd of thanks, and all want ads, Lost, strayed, for sale, wanted, found, LET PEOPE KNOW 1,Cor insertion in this column will be chug - ed for at a rate of 25o each insertion prey- ' iding they don't exceed 5 linos, payable strictly in advance, We have a few Ladies' and. Children's Coats still on hand w1iic1i mnst be $old, so iiow we axe offering them at greatlyredl [(1‘ mi cos . These are new coats, up-to-date in style and made (IC good serviceable materials. We can sav you money. 11 re aro a few prices: 1 ,, brown Tweed leg $10 50 for $13 1 only fur lined, reg $85 now for $25 blk Arabian lamb 22.50 for $18 • 1 heavy Melton cloth *1.2 Jor $10 A few girls' and 01111 -hen's coats at 25 per cent off, 6 only ladies' cloth coats to clear at 4 each. All 1 1 1 1 LaLes9 Furs afiis and eg brown Eng Tweed trimmed with black plush reg $20 50 for $16 blk Zibeline cloth $18 for [$10 striped ;, $18 50 for $15 lar P ice„ toes cnt „ 1 n Over oats 1 Pi S10 50 for $9 50 4 boys overcoats size 83 to 30 to clear at $3 50 each 1 au, boys toques reg 25c for 15c ea 1 only hveay, lined astrachan lined, inarrnet collar reg $25 for $20 2 blk astr'n lined $15 for $11 59 1 heavy doth reg $12 50 for. $11 VA m F A . • 0 for $9 75 We have a !ot 6i: stamped mats again in ;-:;.(th in different patterns and sizes. Prices from 80 cents to 60 cents. Fresh Groceries always on hand RUBY and GASCI-10 PHONE 17 ,k NT I have made arrangements with Silverwoods Dairy, London, to take ereani at My Residence, Zurich, anytime during the week. Cream is tated when brought to my residence and paidafor on delivery. Price paid tl 13 week was 33 cents per pound. Higraost Cash Prim for EHis 5 ZWCH UDSON9 phoao ;TN ! cl 6") TH a PAsT.V.11SHING YOU ,..,. "THE :) ,,. 4' EVER AT YOUR SERVICE 1,5? rP iy GEORGE R. HESS & CO, J EWLLERS ,•1.1. ' 1.-1-1 X''', ---t,, • ..t.,?,,:*il k '.'2' "0 a ' ,!........,...::.:t,,.:?, :, x ,-.e.,..'.,:.,, WE „.1 R Corrected very Thnrsday, Butter,. ....... ... . ......,.....,. $.26 Eggs •SO Dried Apples , 05 Potatoes 75 Wheat ...... ...... 1.12 1.13 Oats 41 • 42 Barley 50 ' 55 Buckwheat 65 Flour , 8.25 3.75 Bran • $25.00 Shorts • 28.00 Low Grade • 85.00 Live flogs fob Hensall 9.75 Local News Many of our residents are suffering from la grippe. 11fessrs Wm Brown and M Either visited relatives in Crediton last Sun- day, My accounts are ready for those indebted to me. Kindly call and. get yortrs. L Prang. Pte Andrew Price, of Hensel], a member of the 161st Battalion, visit- ed at his home hero over Sunday. Miss Annie Armstrong, of the Goshen line, Stanley, has accepted a position with Mrs Freeman of Mad- exish's store, Seaforth. We are always pleased topublish any news items that may be of inter- est to our readers. If you have visit- ors or are going away yourself, or any out of the ordinary event takes place, let us khow, we will appreciate it. Now is the time to select and place I your order for reading matter for the coming year. We club with all the I leading daily and weekly newspapers and all farm magazines at close prices. Call at the Herald Office and leave your order. • At the Thy connvil meeting on 'Saturday Mr Peter Mcisaac was awar decl the contract of managing the Dashwood central of the Hay Munici- pal Telephone System for a term: of five years, at a handsome salary. I\Tr McIsaac is a popular and obliging telephone operator and those connected with the Dashwood central will be pleased to bear that he will be on the ANK U FOR GE. IN TR OMPLJ M ENT OF THE SEAS 9 9 1P r ZURICH jobas usual to answer their calls. Buil and Boar For Service Shorthorn Durham Bull for service. $1.5o with privilege of returning, to be paid following January. Also.Im- proved Yorkshire Boar for service, $1,00. Joseph Rau, Drysdale. Boar For Service Thorobred Berkshire Boar for ser- vice, pedigreed. $1 fee, Arthur Weber, Bronson Lino. Dashwood. 5,000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA hewelcome Tpublic will the new issue for 11)10 of "5,000 Facts -4.bout Canada," the popnler and valuable cyclopedia of Canadian dates, compiled by Frank Yeigh the well-known writer and un the Imtnituon. No111)4o-date ani inidlizent Canadian can afford to be without this "hardy annual," which is a revelation in concrete. form of the wonder- ful growth of our country in a. single year dospito war conditions; indeed it circulates all ov cr the world, and as such is a, splendid advertiement. The chapter of • "War Facts" is, by the way, n both timely and illuminating. Fifty other chapters are alphabetically to every phase or our na- tional life, from Agriculture to the Yukon, while scverld -sketch maps are of high Value, Copies may be had ;.from news - dealers or by sending 25o. to the Canadian Filets Pub. Co., 588 Huron Street, Toronto llanada. Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLA I am taking ,orders for the above celebratedbrand of Fertilizer for delivery next Spring. I handled this brand last season and had splendid t4ucoess with it. Basic Slag has been used with greatest success on beans, etc • Prices Cash $20.00 F. 0.B., Station: $22 on 8 months time. W - Mr George McDonald; roxeter, Ont,,Octoker, rWrites On 7th 1915:7 I sold .about half the eaTofSydney Basic Slag you sent me and -the Oa Sunday, there passed away at people are well pleased with the re - the home of Mr and Mrs George Gram, sults . I had 'some difficulty in get - Parr Line, their daughter, Vera, ago ting.them to use. Basic Slag and 9 Veal's, She had attended school up they Would only take small quan- tities say from crie bag to half a ton for trial. I used some inyl-elr in several ways the best results I got being on the root crops and corn One of my neighbors used half a ton on his turnip orop without man- ure and the result surpassed his •expectations, I have an opinion myself that I can grow turnips with- out manure. I expect to be able to dispose of a lot of basic Slag this winter, perhaps three ears. to the previous Wednesday and on Thnrsday complained of feeling ill. Two doctors were called and upon con- sultation found that she suffered from perforating ulcer, and gave no hopes for her recovery. 'She will be greatly missed by the family and friends. The funeral was bold on Wednesday af tern 0 CM Dry cell batteries are becoming a matter of worry to the owners of gasoline engines and telephone com- panies. Owing. to the great wax in Europe, some of the material used in the manufacture of the same, is be - corning scarce, and if the war continues for another year, it will be nearly im- possible to procure this, and if a sub- stitute is not found, dry batteries will be hard to obtain. The price of the same is now nearly double to what ib was before the war started. People, who use them, should use extra means of prolonging the life of the cells as much as possible, during the present strenuous period at least. KOF, H L ER -BE MILER A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Evangelical church parsonage by Rov G F Brown, on Wednesday, Feb. 91h, when Miss Adeline Bechler, dau- ghter of Mr and Mrs Joel Bechler, Bronson Line, was united in marriage to Mr Samuel Koehler, of the Goshen. Line, south, ..."".';46TVOrt;f8e in the Herald: SOUTH HURON FARMERS' IN- STITUTE MEETINGS The Supplimentary meetings of the South Huron Farmers' Institute will be held as follows: Feby. 21st ---Farquhar 2.00 p. na. Elimville 7.80 p M. Feby. 22nd -Zurich 2,00 p. m, Hensall 7.30 p, Feby. 28rd--Dashwood 2.00 p. Grand Bend 7.30 p. Feby. 21th-Orediton 2.00 and 7.80, • Td be addressed by PI 0 Nixon, St, George; Gavin Barbour, Orosshill and others. For particulars see bills. Alex Bochanamtn, President. 4.11 Donpe, Seoretary. JOSEPH RAU R, R. No. 2, - Zurich. 1916 OLUBMG UST STOVE OUESTION •, ; 1,.;r.(1). is easily decided if you buy a McOlary hitchener Range. This firm has been makingstoves for 60 years. • Or a Superb Favorite, made inbarnia. The third generation generation of this firm is now making stoves. Now if you buy one of the above makes of stoves, - you will not make a miss shot, but hit the goal every time. And then for cheapness we can knock out any departmental store in Canada. Cook Stove, with reservoir burns wood or coal for $18.00 uP. Look at the cub of the above range with reservoir warming closet, tile 1 a& in closet and thermoneter, highly nickeled, guaranteed in every way for C..8.- 00 cash. Hundreds of people of Zurich and vicinity tesify that the best stoves are al- ways sold at Hartleibs. Herald and Daily Globe $3 75 Weekly Globe 1 75 " Daily Mail and. Em- pire • 8 75 Weely Mail and Empire1 75 Toronto Daily Sbar 2 85 "• Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star1 75 London Freo Press Morning Edition.... 3 50 Evening Edition, 2 90 Weekly Eaition..... 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition.... 2 90 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition-- 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate... 2 10 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star , ,. 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness • 1 85 Canadian Country- man . 150 CC 1. 4, 4 t 4' tt C it. 41 L t 4' '4 El HUROPPSILARCEST:COMIBI PHONE 13 Ti INS -STORE The London AdvertiseT HREE E .DITIONS MORNING, NOON, NIGHT Western Ontario's Greatest Daily the.NeWS c,,li the Tidne Rate by mail; any Edition, $2 a year Circulation Dept., London Advertiser Clubbed with the Zurich Herald, $2.90 a year, for both papers. ti . l.„ Coupons rayia . : NECOT1A 31.E • Zurich Agency HERALD OFFICE ********************** '3% MITTS & GLOVES New Ads in this Issue Joe. Rau. Chas 14041lioter, 0 0 'We are putting on sale our entire stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing. It will pay you to look over this aock. LAD ES COATS We have a few more ladies' cloth coats which we are clearing at $4, regular price, $15, $10 anp $8. Children coats at greatly reduced prices. LADES FU!S At half price. Men's winter mitts and gloves at reduced 'Prices. A FEW SNAPS 1 only parlor lamp regular $4.50 for $3.00 1 • `‘ 3'75 for 2.75 3 lbs molasses snap cakes for 25 cents 1 lb good Japan 1ea for 25 cents 3 lbs dried peaches for 25 cents Dr. Hess Stock Food • We handle Dr, Hess' Stock Foods, Poultry Panrcea: Louse Killer' Dips, etc: Every package guaranteed. T. L 0 0 0 PHONE 28