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Zurich Herald, 1916-02-11, Page 5
NEW Coal Business 1 beg to announce to the people of Zurich and vicinity that T have now on hand a supply of the very best No 4, Furnaoe laud Chestnut Coal and solicit ;. share Of your p atronage. Sheds immediately in front of the old salt building. Office Petty Block arV■' aiG�• O AITTELON r Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC, FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS�4TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT 1•!1'SURANOE Herald Office Zurich bir1211 Mee Yt 1•HET LOCAL NEWS \ Farmers owning Noxon drills can procure the :fertilizer, attachment for the same from .J Hey, Jr. 117r Hey is also taking orders'for. Best by Test Seed corn: Bought direct from the growers in Rent county. All varieties. Fire last Thursday .destroyed the fine Parliament Buildings at Ottawa with a loss of life of seven people. The origin of the fire is still a mystery but an investigation is now being made and if any irregularities are discovered, the guilty personswill no doubt be rnacle b suffer for the cal amity. HICICS FORECATS A Regular Storm Period is central on the 10th, covering Tuesday the 8th to Sunday the 1.3th. As we enter this period we are to expect a decided change to warmer, beginning in the west and attended by falling baromet- er and growing cloudiness. During the 9th to about the 11th, these condi- tions will advance into the great cent- ral valleys, breaking into storms of wind and rain Meantime, rising bar- ometer and change to snow and colder will appear, west and North, From about the lith to 18th, the storm 4 center will puss from central regions to the Atlantic seaboard, with the high barometer, snow and change to much colder following the storms into the extreme east and south. 'Thus, during the same storm period, Nye have the three phases of storm and weather pissing in rotational order from west to east across the continent. First, warner, threatening weather, with falling barometer, cloudiness and rain second, change of winds westward, snow rising barometer third, colder and clearing weather with winds from the west to north. A. Reactionary storm perio1 will run its cnnrse on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thnrarlav and Friday, the 15th to the 18th. Storms of this period will reach their crisis within forty-eight heitrs of sunset on the 113th, Rain inay be expected (lur- ing the opening stage of this period, or along the eastern rim of the nclvan- cing low barometer but rain will turn to snow, over cenral to northern sec- tions, in the general swing eastward of the storm center, cansing snow and sleet, as the rising barometer, westerly winds and change to colder follow up the Warm and rainy . areas.. Should equatorial storms, with wide and in- tense :low barometric depressions alts ear in the far south, at this reaction- ary period, blizzards, driven by high, boreal winds from the northwest, all followed by a great cold wave, may be expected on and not far from the 18th. .D].A]]cs 11 ' Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc CASE ,FOR SKINS & HIDES 7 3igbi Fit Deiche :t Faratlail .S.LZtirr')t L3A:I: DIB A new shipment just in of Bon Bons, Chocolates, etc. a The best that money can: bay A Targe variety of Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. _ Leading Brands of Ciders. Neilson's Famous Ice Cream 1 McCORMICICS RESTAURANT A REPRESENTATIVE at one for ZU1iICH and District for the O t D RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES FARMERS! Why remain idle all Winter when you can take up a paying agency? Choice list of varieties for Spring Planting. Liberal Terms. Hand- some free Outfit. Exclusive Terr. itory. Write now for particulars Stone 8 Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) 'TORONTO DIED CORPORATION. of the TOWNSHIP'.ofHAY BV, -LAW N©,....,.,.. To authorize the borrowing of $1632.00 by the issue .end sale of Debentures to provide for the Oost of a plant to distribute Eleotrio Power to be supplied by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ont• ario for the Union Police 'Village of Dashwood. Wr3nReA.s by By-law 'duly assent ed to by the ratepayers entitled to vote onimoney bylaws of the union Police Village of Dashwood in the Townships of Stephen end Hay in the County of Huron, the said rate pagers declare that they are in favor of ol,ttfining•fronx the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ont. arid, a siilxl.ily of Eleetrie ''ower for Pa ie] Polios Villya;e under Aet Gram --At Parr Line, Hay, on Sun - clay, Feb 6th, Vera, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Geo Gram, aged 9 years. Fosier--At Pigeon, Mich., on Jan 314 John Foster, aged 68 years. MARRIED Koehler—Bechler—At theEvangelical Parsonage, Zurich, on Feb 91h, by Rey G F Brown, Miss• Adeline Bechler to Mr Samuel Koehler, both of Hay. Township, Penhale—Tinney—In Hay Tp. on Wednesday, Jan. 26th by Rev. Dr. Fletcher, Miss C B Tinney to Dir John Peubale, both of Hay, Mailet—Burmeister--At the James street parsonage, Exeter, Feb- ruary let, by Rev SV G H McAlist- er, Mr Edmund II Maier, to Miss Marie Kathleen Burmeister, both of Hay. FARM FUR SAL, 100 acres, Lot 9, Con, 8, Township of Stanley, 8 acres of hardwood bush, 24 acres ready for crop, the balance is seeded down, 20 acres of new seeding, 8 acres ot Alfalfa, 4 years old, is well underdrained and well fenced, two good wells; one at the house, and one at the barn and water in the barn and a good spring that supplies stock all summer with water. A good frame house 26x86 feet with furnace, kitchen and woodshed, 18x4.0 feet, bout hard and soft water in the house, bank barn 50x68' feet, shed 26x52 feet, horse table and implement shed, 26x52, all in good repair and on stone walls, hen house 12x26 feet. The farm is one mile from school, 2 miles from Brucefield, from Kippen, 6 from Ilexi'sali, 9 from Clin- ton and Seaforth. Apply on the premise0, Lot 9 Con., 8, Stanley Township,' Co Huron or address. Robert Morrison, 13xucefield P. 0, Each inter oast 1'r•iucipal iYeal 1 $97 24 .`(; 24 40 2 495 88 25 70 3 94 48 27 16 4 02 97 . 28 67 5 91 41 , 30 23 6 8973 3191' 87 99 33 (i5 80 13 35 561 8418 3746 8211 3953 79 95 4(69. 77 07 43 97 75 24 46 40 72 (i8 48 90 69 6;41'86) 9 51 6 5 67 14 54 50 64 16 57 48 60 98 60 06 57 66 65563710146018568 3118 54 113 01 1 5(1'505%327 3 7121 4523:88i) ti 50 75 14 42 38 79 26 38 02 83 62 3341 8823 23 57 98 07 23 44 98 20 18 05 103 59 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 and amendments thereto. 12 34 109 30 AND Weinitees the Board of 30 6 34 115 30' Trustees of the said Police Village 3, Each of the said Debentures have requested the Councils of the Townships and Townships of Stel.,'ten and Hay. in i'�'eaallsurerbesigned of theby saidtheTownReshrp and which the said Pgllce Village is situate, to issue Debentures as pro• vided in tiro Power Commission Clot and to levy and oolleot"a speci- al rate upon the rateable 'property in the said Police Village as psi the, Assessor's Valuation i. e: Stephen Township 48 per cent and Hay 'Township 52 ner cent, for the pay. year during the currency thereof ments thereof, Such Debentures 4 The proceeds of the said De to be for the sum. of $3400.00 in all bentures shall be pain l,y the. Town bet only for the Burn of 1768.00 for :=hip'1't•eatsurer to the t+ntpurat•fun the To•i nship of Hay according to aif the Board of Police Trustees for the aforesaid equalised value being the said Police Villeee of Dashwood 52 percent of the total sum requir- `• to be applied for the purpose afore Total Annual Amount $121 64 12164 12164 121 04 121 e4 12164 121 04 121 64 121 04 121 04 121 64 121 64 121 64 121 04 121 04 lel 04 121 64 121 (14 121 64 121614 121 64 121 04 121 64 121 64 121 04 121.64 1.21 64 121 04 121 04 121 64 the Clerk of the said `L'ownshiit shall attach thereto the Corporate Beall of the said Township anct the said debentures shall bear interes t at the rate of 5i per cent per annum payable yearly at the office of the Township Treasurer on the 31st day of December in each and every CORPORATION- of O PORATION- of the TOWNSHIP of STEPHEN BY-LAW No. '1'o authorize the borrowing of $1632 00 by . the .issue and sale of Debentures to provide for the cost of to plant to distribute Electric Power to be supplied by the Hydro Eluctrio Power Commission of Ont ario'for the union Police Village of '14 Dashwood. 15 WHEREAS. by By-law duly assent- ed ed to by the ratepayers entitled to vote on money by-law of the union Police Village of Dashwood in the Town'hip of Stephen and Iiav in the County of Huron, the said :rate• payers declared that they are in favor of obtaining f'roin The Hydro - Electric Power Commission of Ont brio, a supply of Electric Power for said Police Village under Act and amendments thereto Eaoh Tn,; Year 1 -• $ 89 76 2 88 66 3 87 22 4 85 84 5 8438 6 82 84 7 8123 8 79 52 9 77 72 10 75 81 11 73 81 12 71 79 18 69 46 6710 64 '62 • 03 91) 59 23 56 30 53 23 4999 4651 4294 89 12 35 10 30 85 2638 ed, repayable with interest as here said and tor no other purpose 1 interest ay hereinafter set forth, I Board of Pollee Trustees for rho` Wafter set forth, which is the 5. Daring the currency of the �t Lid h is the amount of the, debt! said Police Village of Dashwood to amount required to provide for the ,aid debentures there shall 1u tended to he el tett fl, herel>v ba% ? be applied for the purpose aforesaid cosi of works, plant, machinery ' raised, levied and collected amine) iia the einount rr (leered to prvide ! and for no other purpose and .appliances necessary for the ! ly by specie' rate on alit rateable 1 1 � 5. Duringthe currency of the said f+.i the cut of r:ut i ,lona, xZlecl:-' distribution of Electric Power in property in the said Police Village trot }* and apptiatnd, • necessary for I debentures te shall be raised;` the said Village located in • the, of Dashwonc. in the 'i owuship of + the distribution ui .8. 131r10 Lower ;levied and eherolleoted annualip bv_:: Township of Hay to be supplied by f I3ay, the said solo of $121,64 frieach iu the saki Village he (teed in the Ispecial rate on. all rateable proper - the Hydro Electric Power Lona- i of the said thirty years aforesaid Townships of Stephen t , be subs- ty in the said Police Village of • mission of Ontario for the payment of he princiliel lied by the 13 di•;+-Eleetrie Power} Dashttegcl in the Township of Axel WHEREAS the council of the money and interest payabie in 011(•1] (.;nntrissien of Ontario • i,�tephen, the said sum of 2(12,30 in Corpciration of the Township of year upon the said debent uree. AND WHEREASe the vermeil at tl:w> each of the said thirty years a t';xre- EEay deems it, advisable to snbnrit 1i That the vote of said. ratep„yens (Ion of tam'Totvnahi}t cat eti3 402 the payment. of the l)rinci of the said Police Village shell 1)0 :Ste pltt•.0 fieetus it advisable to sub-( lral money and interest p1Tyaaleo in token on this by-law on the 14th trait to flu: ratepayer: of than Paid! each year upon the said detienttxres. d.ay,of February, A D 191e et Hatt Police Village, situate in tlre'Totv.n (1 That the rotes of 1110anid rate - hip of Stephen aforesaid,. who are I payers of the said PART Village ent]t•Iecl to vote on money lir laws,. s1]fili he taken on this by law r.11 tbis.by law to provide for the issue the 14th day of February A, D. 1916 of said Debentures and to issue the , at Zinxmer's Hall in the swirl Police said clelsontures if this try -law shall Vilioge of Dashwood, commencing he duly Os tinted to by the ratepay et the hour of 9 a, in. and continu- er5 of the said Pollee Village emit- ing until 5 p, 1n., by Andrew Musser led to vara un money by-lawsits Deputy -returning -officer and AND WHEREAS it is desirable to is- Daniel Schaeffer as Poll Clerk. .at•lt o'clock in the forenoon to rip sue the said debentures at one time 7 On the 7th day of February, A point persons to attend at the 11 ! and to make the principal of the A• 1916 the reeve shall attend at the ing place aforesaid and at the final said debt repayable in yearly saws Town Hall in the Village of C'red- st ed - slimming up of the votes by the during the pe1•1•,d of thirty years, ilea at 11 o'clock in the foie -noon rn Clerk on beletlf of this Bt -lacy being the currents of said debent to appoint persons to attend at the respectively.nice, said yearly sums being of polling place aforesaid and at the 8. The 15th day of Feb A D 1910 such res l,rrtive aan0nts that the tiefinaltisurrniiu up a f the votes by a,tthe said Town Hall, Zurich, ai grega.le amount repayable eah , the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in the Hour of T1 o'clock in the fore and promoting or op- posing the passing of this By-law respectively, 8, The 15th day of February A. D, 1916 at the Town Hall, Crediton, at the Hour of 11 o'clock in the fore- noon. is hereby appointed for the summing up by the Clerk of the Cor poration of the number of votes giv en for and against the said By-law. 17 18 19. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AND WHEREAS the Board of 21 68 Trustees of the said Police Village 28 16 66 95 65 . 112 30 have requested the euunoils of the 29 . 11 40 100 90 112 30 Townships of Stephen and Hay in 30 5 86 106 44 112 30' which the said Puliee Village is 3, Each of the said Debentures' situate to issue Debentures was shall be signed by the . Reeve and provided in the Power Commission Treasurer of the said Township and Act, and to levy and collect special the Clerk of the said Township, rate upon the rateable property in shall attach thereto the Corpora to the said Police Village as per the of the said Township and the Assessors' Valuation -1 e : Stephen said debentures shall .beer interest, Township 48e, and Hay `township at the rate of 5e, per cent per ant - 58%, lar the 1)ayrnonti thereof, um, payable yearly at the taco of Such Debentures to be for the sum 4 the township treasurer on the 31st of .;it?ti (10 in all but anis for the day of December in each erid every ruin ut > 1032, 00 for the Tui+ Township , ,gear duringthe ourreney . there.of. . of Stephen, according to the afore- 4. The prooeeds of the chid deben- said quaIized value being 4ey;; of '' tures shall be paid by the Township tuttil ;urnquired, repayable with 1 Treasurer to the Corporation of the f'xfnoipal ',Total. Annual Amount 28 60 $112 30 23 54 112 30 25 08 112 30 26 40 112 30 2892 11230 29 46 112 30 31 07 112 30 3278 11230 34 58 112 30 36 49 11.2 30 3849 112`30 40.51 42 84 45 20 •17 08 48 31 63 o7 56 00 59 07 6231 05 711 C93"1 73 tat 77 2u 8145 85 92 90 66 112 30 112'30 112 30 112 30 11230 11;2 :30 l 1 2 80` -. 112.30 112 30 11230 112 39: 112 30. 112 30 11230 112 30 112 30 to the ratepayers of the said Ponce Village. situate in the Towl ship'of Hay aforesaid, who are,entitled to vote on looney by laws, this bylaw leib's Hellin the said Police V11la+sc to provide for the issue of said De- of Dashwood, commencing at the benturee and to issue the said De -1 hour of 9 a ne rand continuing until hen tures if this by law shall be duly • 5 p ni by .1 i Goetz as 1)eputy assented to by the ratepayers of the returning• officer and Philip Fassold said Pollee Village entitled to vote as Poll Clerk, On money hy-laws. 7.On the 7th day of Feb, A D AND WHEREAS it is desirable to 1916, the reeve shall attend at the lesiva the said debentures at one Town Hall in the Village of Zurich titne ard•to make the: principal of the said debt- repayable in yearly sums during the period of thirty years, being the currency of said debentures, said yearly sums being of suoli respective amounts that tate aggregate all) ODD t repayable each year for principal and interest in respect of the sad debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the your for principal land interest in respect of the said debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount repayable in each of the other yetars of the staid period AND WHEREAS the total amount r: quire;' 11) he raalsed annually by special rate for paying the said. debt and interest as hereinafter provid- ed is $112 30, the same to be levied upon the rateable property in the noon, is hereby appointed' for the amount repayable in each of the summing up by the Clerk of this other years of the said period. Corporation of the number of votes AND WHEREAS the total amount, given for and against the said Br required to be raised anunally by Iltaw. special rate for paying the said debt' 9. This By,lnw shall take effect and interest as hereinafter previa -1 upon, from and after the final ed is 3121 ,64 the same to be levied passing thereof P rovissionette, upon the retable property in the Passed the 15th day of Deciuber 1015 said Police Village in the Township of Hay. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Township of Hay according, to the last revised Assessment Roll there of is $2,419,333 AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the raid Township is $30,000, whioh amount Clerk NOTICE Take notice that the above is ti. true copy of a proposed by-law whioh has been taken into oonsid- eration and which will be finally passed by the council of the 'Town Reeve has been incurred wholly for local 1 chip of Hay in the event of the as imporvenlent purposes sent of the electors of the Police AND WHEREAS aIle amount of the ^valla a of Dashwood being obtained whole rateable property of alis said thereto, after one month from the Police Villtiige of Dashwood in the first publication in the Zurich Township of Hayaaceortting to thei Herald. ,Said first publication being last revised Assessment Roll there on the 2lst day of January, A. D., 1916 and at the hour, day and place therein fixed for the taking of the votes of the electors; the poll will be field. FRED HESS, SR , Township Clerk• of is $60,735 00. AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt which is leviable upon the said Police Vil- lage is nothing. TiialttaltoRH_the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hay enaots as follows : I, THAT for the purpose aforesaid it shall be lawful for the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Township to Borrow the sum of$I768 00 and to issue and dispose of Debentures ot the said Township Corporation to the amount in all of $1768 00. Such debentures to be for the amounts and payable as hereinafter sot forth which debentures shall be issued at one time and dated on the date Of issue and shall he payable in accordance with the next .suc- ceeding clause hereof and shall be issued in sums of not less than $100,00 each, and all shall be pay- able within thirty' years thereafter as hereinafter stated, tit t:ae office of the Treasurer of the said Town ship. 2. Text said debentures shall be payable in thirty tanimai instaltnen is during the thirty years 'next after the issue thereof and the re spective amounts of principal and interest payable during each of the said years shall be aa follows SPECIAL NOTICE To zieesemoen tl1'( A leaseholder who is entitled to vote on this by-law is one who has a lease of property in the Police Village of Dashwood whioh extends over the ensuing thirty years, who is entitled to vote on money by- laws and for which property he or she is rated on the the last revised assessment roll to the amount of at least $I00 00 and who, under his or her own lease, has covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of property leased (other than those assessed for local improvements) provided, however, that every leaseholder who desires to vote on the said by-law must file lit the office of the Township Clerk at least ten days prior to the date of voting, a statutory declaration stating that his or her lease meets the aboVe requirements The names of the leaseholders neglecting to, file such a deolaratiOn will not be plaoed on the Voter's List for such voting. FRED, HSS, SR., Township Clerk 9. This By-Iaw shall take effect said Police Village in the Township upon, from and after the final pass of stephen. ing thereof, AND WHEREAS the amount of the Provisionally passed the I0thdaay of whole rtateable property of the said Janaruy, 1016, Township of Stephen according to the last Revised Assessment Roll thereon is $.2,666,030,00 AND WnEaEAs the amonut of tha existing debentures debt of the said Township is 39433 CO which RADO rat has been incurred wholly for local eration and which will be finally improvement purposes. passed by the 0000011 of the '!'own AND Wmelees the aninunt of the ship of Stephen in the event of the whol. rateable property of the said assent of the Mentors of the Pollee Police Village or Dashwood in the Village of Dast,wuod being obtain - Township of Stephen, according to ed thereto, atter one month from the last Revised Assessment Rall the first publics tion in .tl, e ' Zurich thereof is ry 53,850 00. 'Herald”, Said first 'Jubilee lion be AND WHEREAS the amount of the; ing on the 2lst day of January A. existing debenture debt which is I D. 1916 and at the hour, day and leviable upon the said Police Vill-' place therein fixed for the baking ase 1y nrl11ing, of the votes r 1 tee electors, the poll 1'uneeeone] the Council of the will be held, Corporation of the Township of ,II EIS. 1> 1:,' R. Township tlleric. Stephen enacts tae follows. ,' rEc•IAL NOME To LR1SICHOLDERS A leaseholder who is entitled to vote on this be- law is nue who has a lease of proi.erty 1n the Police borrow the sutra of $1632.00 and to Village 01 t e ls1 ,,til whioh ex issue wailti dispose of debentures of tends over, tee enf-u, r;ax thilrty years studI'uwnship Corporation, to the who is ent .t +. ,,i,,, ((11 looney aulouizt in all of $1632.00 Such by laws an: i(,0 property be debertt1:.res to be for the amounts or she is a,.. •;,t a 1 4at<t revised and p •' able as hereinafter set fotth tassessniet•'' o] 4 . , amount.' of Clerk NOTICE Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into consid- Reeve L THAT for the purposes aforesaid it shall be lawful for the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Township to wine,. 4iebentures shall be iseuedat at least 3 one . me and dated on the date of his or her ie: -11 'gid 211411 be payable in et- ed to pray cot,: e evitli the next succeeding; res;,ect of ;,, teen oreef and shall be issue(' than theta in se . s of not less than $100 Oe.; roveruen, each nal all 5113111 be 'payable with! that every int ,rt•t years thereafter as here- to to vete an inaft.•4 stated, at the office of thedile at t• '.Treeeurer of the said Township, Township e:,., lees.; ten days 2. Tut said debentures shall. be lir. for to t1, , `',"dig, a stat payatino in thirty annual- instalin-' utory decl• . t,let,;ie, that .]is ants during the thirty years next or her lett: 1, , 1 if.- t, bays re after the i.ssne thereof and the re- quireme•nt ..,�, names' rat 411e speotive amounts tf principal and leaseholds, , ,a i.iill; to filo such interest payable during eaoh Of the a declatati d ;tot bo plum( d .on said years shtall be as follows, the Voters 5,, for 'such voting; B. •l4liher, Township Clerk„ el. ,vho. under' di, w 001,011ant l as taxes in • .•c,(1 (ether :1 i 1•.0111 lin huv ever, • (iosiree e.a. :i4W. nxt13t ' •iii c of the