HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-02-11, Page 3TE ONLY BRITISH
Governor of the Isle of Wight—leas
Lost One Son in
!viz' '' the War.
. Only one tiny part of the whole
British empire is under the governor-
ship of a woman. That is the Isle
of Wight, whose governor is Princess
Henry of Battenberg. She is the
youngest daughter of the late Queen
Victoria and the mother of the pre-
sent Queen Victoria, consort of the
King of Spain, Incidentally, Princess
Henry is one of the richest of the
British royalties. She has been gov-
ernor of the Isle of Wight, and also
of Carisbrook Castle, the historic
fortress there, "for nineteen years,
since the death of her husband,
Prince Henry Maurice of Battenberg.
He, of course, was a German. But
at the outbreak of the war all three
of the sons of Princess Henry of
Battenberg volunteered for service in
the British army, and one of them,
Prince Maurice of Battenberg, has
since died a hero's death in Flanders.
So this royal mother has not escaped
.the almost universal .heartache
throughout Europe.
• Princess Henry, whose London
home is Kensington Palace, is now
malting a prolonged stay in her little
"kingdom." She is, by the way, not
the first of her sex to rule over the
Garden Isle, as it is called. The first
'to do •so, Amicia of Clare, was a
daughter of the Earl of Gloucester.
She was governor in the middle of
the thirteenth century. Another fair
ruler of the isle was Aveline de For-
tibus, *Countess of Albemarle, and
"Lady of the Isle of Wight."
Handled Kaiser's Stock.
To -day Princess Henry is even more
affluent than ordinary. She is an
aunt of the Kaiser, and, it is said, his
favorite. Before the start of the war
the Kaiser was holder of a consider-
able block of English Government
stock and also of some British indus-
trial shares and railway stock. About
hostilities n
a month before
• the war lord disposed of his holding land starlings. A pair of tree spar -
in English Government stock, which rows were actually found nestling in
was assigned in trust for him to a shell -torn tree betwen the lines,
Princess Henry of Battenberg, while a kingfisher settled by a "John -
through whom, it is said, the Kaiser son hole" within- five Yards of the
and several other German royalties British trenches.
conduct their financial transactions m That the war has helped, instead
England. She accordingly is now the of hint, the birds of Europe is the
holder of the stock, and will continue declaration of T. Gilbert Pearson, an
to receive the interest on it until the American authority on birds.
end of the war, when she will pass it "Our correspondents have discover -
on to the Kaiser. ed," he said, "that the wild lairds are
Among dozens of other things the receiving kindness in Europe to which
princess is head of the local needle- they have long been strangers.
work guild, which is humming, at "For example, the French Govern -
present, "sewing shirts. for soldiers," menet has stopped all hunting, and
knitting, making sandbags for the the Minister of War has issued an
trenches and doing heaven knows order that the sale pf no native game
how many other things. Princess win be tolerated. Ordinarily more
Henry bosses the job, you may be than 1,000 tons. of native game are
sure. In the ordinary way she pre- sold annually in the markets of
sides at the annual meeting of the France.
members of the guild and arranges "Belgium in time of peace was one
for the distribution of the collected of the greatest bird -catching coun-
garments among the poor and tp tries in Europe. More than 50,000
various hospitals and other institu- skylarks, as well as hundreds of
tions. Many of them, in fact, are thousands of other birds, are annually
given by herself and by Queen Ena expo,.ted from that country for food."
of Spain, who still loves to ply a
needle for the poor and needy who FOOD FACTS.
live around' her own home.
Alfonso Left Quickly.
Rumor says that the King of Spain
and his royal mamma -in-law do not
get along any too well. When King
Alfonso was last at Cowes, Isle of
Wight, and stayed with Princess
11enty, His Majesty made a decidedly
hasty departure, due, it was said, to
oneof those disagreements which
happen in the best regulated fam-
ilies. Moreover, he has not been in
England since. Nor has the Princess
been in Madrid, though the Queen of
Spain has been on visits to her once
or twice. Both their grandmothers,
Princess Henry and Queen Christina,
are equally loved by the royal chil-
dren; and both ladies are said to
agree with the simple way in which
the young queen is bringing them
up.. The nursery in the royal pal-
, ace is 'exactly over the private apart -
Molts occupied by the king and
queen, and all are furnished in pretty
English style.
Still Singing
Their Praises
Mr. D. A. Brotherston Tells How His
Rheumatism Disappeared Over .a
Year Ago and Has Never Come
Victoria Harbor, Ont., Feb. 7th
(Special.)—Cured of Rheumatism
over a year ago by using Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills, Mr. R. A. Brotherston, a
well-known resident of this place, is
still singing the praises of the great
Canadian Kidney remedy.
"I was troubled with Rheumatism in
my left hand, which would shift to my
elbow and then to my shoulder," Mr.
Brotherston says. "It was very an-
noying and painful at times, but 1
heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills helping
others so I quit the liniment I was
using and took six boxes of them. The
rheumatism disappeared. That was
over a year ago, but it has not return-
"I know Dodd's Kidney Pills are
good for kidney trouble both in my
own case and through others who have
used them."
Rheumatism is caused by uric acid
in the blood. If you cure your kidneys
by using Dodd's Kidney Pills they will
drain all the uric acid out of the blood
and there can be no rheumatism.
Carols Have Strange Effect on Bri-
tish Soldiers.
Have the song -birds of Europe be-
come the victims of bullets, shrapnel
and deadly gasses or have they des-
erted the war -ridden Continent en-
During a severe artillery duel, it
is reported that several British sol-
diers were seen crying. When asked
why, they said that during the lulls
of the bombardment, the birds could
be heard singing. Over one trench
hung a huge tree, and on a bough
were two birds preening their feath-
ers and twittering.
Betwen the opposing lines birds are
said to be scarce, excepting swallows
swifts and stray linnets,
Mins From Petrograd to the ,.Arctic
The new Russian railroad from
Petrograd to the Arctic 'Ocean is an-
nounced as complete. The new line
connects the whole of western Russia
with the ice -free ocean of the north,
and at the same time opens up a new
and direct route by which Russia can.
receive unlimited supplies of muni:-
uni=tions of war. The time set for com-
pletion was October 1st. This time
limit was exceeded by fully _three
Such in brief ,are the facts covering
one of the greatest undertakings in
modern railroad construction. The en-
tire distance covered is about 1,200
miles. The route traversed is from
Petrograd to Petrozavodsk. and Kern,
northward via Kem to Kandelax, Kola
and finally to Ekaterina, on the Arc-
tic Ocean. The building of the new
railroad was commenced last spring,
when it was found that the existing
Archangel -Petrograd route could not
handle the immense amount of war
munitions traffic being offered at the
port of Archangel.
The rise of 'Russia's Pacific coast
port, Vladivostock, to a port of world.
importance within the last year was
accompanied by a tremendous in-
crease in imports of American goods.
Figures made public show that ten
times as much goods poured through
this narrow gateway during the first
eight months of 1915, as in the sante
period of 1914.
Imports at Vladivostok for, the first
eight months of last year were valu-
ed at $8'7,625,000. Japanese shippers
got the heaviest share of this busi-
ness, with goods valued at $32,397,000.
The United. States was second with
$31,620,000. '
A baby kangaroo is not mu
than a man's thumb.
In larger
Ice may- be made by wrapping a
bottle of water in cotton, and fre-
quently wetting it with ether.
Ice will melt if two pieces are rub-
bed together, the friction releasing
some of the latent heat.
"What is the first mention of a
bank?" "When Pharoah received a
cheek on the bank of the Iteci Sea and
Moses crossed
Flow to Save
Your Eyes
Try this Free Prescription.
A Tasty Snappy "east---•
for luncheon. or evening
"snack" is Trial.uite the
shredded whole wheat
wafer, Has the delicious,
nutty flavor of baked wheat.
A • real whole wheat bread
for any meal with butter,
soft cheese or marmalade.
Full taf nutriment and full of
"chews. As a toast for
chafing -dish cookery it is a
delight. Always toast it in
the oven to restore crispness.
Made in Canada.
Do your eyes give you trouble? Do
you already wear eyeglasses or spec-
tacles? Thousands of people wear these
"windows" who might easily dispense
with them. You may be one of these,,
and it is your duty to save your eyes.
before it is too late. The eyes are neg-
lected more than any other organ of- the
entire body. After you finish your .day's
work you Sit down and rest your mus-
cles, but how about your eyes? Do you
rest them? You know you do not. You
\lead ar do something else tTat k
ee s
your eyes busy; you work your eyes un-
til you go to bed. That is why so many
have strained eyes and finally other r..,re
troubles that threaten partial or total
blindness. Eyeglasses -are merely crutch-
es; they never cure. This free pr eSerip-
tion, which has bene'flted the eyes of sq
Many, may work equal wonders for you.
Use it a short time. Would you like
your eye troubles- to disappear as if l.y
Magic? • Try this prescription. (3o to
the nearest wideawake drug store Find
get_a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets; fill a
two -ounce bottle with warm water, drop
in one tablet and allow it to thoroughly
dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes
two to four times daily. Just note how
quickly your eyes clear •up and how soon
inflammation will disappear. Don't be
afraid to use it; it is absolutely harm-
less. Many who are now blind might
have sated their eyes had they started
to care for them in time.• This is a
simple treatment, but marvelously ef-
fective in multitudes of rases. \ow that
You have been warned don't delay a day,
but do what you can to save your eyes
and you are likely to thank us as long' as
you live for publishing tlils prescription.
If 'your own druggist cannot fill this pre-
scription. send $1 to the Palmas Drug
Co., Toronto, for a complete lion-Opto•
Home Treatment outfit ---tablets and all.
What An M.D. Learned.
A prominent physician went through
a food experience which he makes
"It was my own experience that
first led me to advocate Grape -Nuts
food; and I also know from having
prescribed it to convalescents and oth-
er weak patients that this food is a
wonderful rebuilder and restorer of
nerve and brain tissue, as well as
muscle. It improves the digestion and
patients gain, just as I did in strength
and weight, very rapidly.
"I was in such a low state that I
had to give up my work entirely and
go to the mountains, but two months
there did not improve me; in fact I
was not quite as well as when I left
home. My food did not sustain lie
and it became plain that I must
"I began to use Grape -Nuts and in
two weeks I could walk a mile, and
in five weeks returned to my home
and practice, taking up hard work
again. Since that time I have felt as
well and strong as I ever did in my
As a physician who seeks to help all
sufferers I consider it a duty to reale
these facts public,"
Trial 10 days on Grape -Nuts when
the regular food does not seem to sus-
tain the body will work wonders.
"There's a Reason." Name given.
by Canadian Poston Co., Winldsor,
Ont. •
Ever reap. the above lettere .fi new
one appears from, tints to time. Tito
are' genuine, true anti fill of mutual
German Channcellor Admits Force o
Arms Cannot Bring End.
Gustav Schweppendick, managing
editor of the Deutsches Journal, who
has just returned to New York from
Berlin, where he acted as correspond-
ent for the New York American,
Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hollwegi
made this statement recently to party
leaders in the Reichstag:
"There have been no official peace
negotiations so far. There have
however, been unofficial conversa-
tions. The conferees were, as a rule,
financiers of high international posi-
tion. It was the general impression
of the participants that all warring
nations would be willing to enter
into negotiations except England.
Having failed to crush Germany by
armed force, she hopes to succeed in j
an economic war. i
"For this reason the war probably !
will last for some time," continued
the Chancellor. "We may as well
prepare for it. We must safeguard!
our food and other supplies. We must!
be independent of all overseas trade.
"It is my impression that there
will not be extensive field operations
for the present. Even if we occupied
more of the enemy's territory it
'wouldn't alter the situation so far as
England is concerned. We may
straighten out our lines, take a port
in Russia, improve our position in the
west, but, generally speaking, no
more great field battles are prob-
able." 'Bore the Chancellor paused,.
and. added, "unless a campaign be
embarked upon that will strike a
,vital blow at England:"
A high nnilitary official said to mo
:"Germany could take Paris. It.
would only be a question of how many
men we were willing to sacrifice. But
that wouldn't bring England to terms,
We could take Petrograd. But sup-
pose we drove the Czar out of his
capital England wouldn't care. We
could drive the Italian army into the
sea. It would make no difference to
"The more territory we occupy the
thinner our lines; the greater our
difficulties in supplying them. Going
ahead on such lines would help Eng-
land more than us."
These two statements accurately
reflect German sentiment.
20,000,000 Lives Will Be Two Years'
War Toll.
"The total destruction of life during
two years of war will reach 20,000,-
000 persons," declares Prof. Louis C.
Parkes, of the British Government
Ih;alth Service, at the annual meeting
of the Royal Institute of Sanitarians.
The speaker expressed the hope, study culture," said the boastful boy.
New Use for An Explosive's Waste
An interesting announcement of the
discovery of a new method of utilize
ing a waste product in connection
with the manufacture of . explosives
was made recently at a meeting of
the Society of Chemical Industry, in
the Grand Hotel, Manchester, Eng-
In the manufacture of nitric acid,
which is one of the most important'
chemicals for producing explosives,
thousands of tons of a by-product are
produced every week for .which up to
the present no remunerative use has
been found. Owing to the strongly
acid nature of the material, which is
termed nitrecake, it is expensive to
store, and its corrosive 'action on
waggons and boats renders the cost
of transport prohibitive.
Dr, J. Grossman, of Manchester,
read a paper which dealt with the
conversion of nitrecake into caustic
soda, which at present is difficult to
obtain, and commands a high price,
and into cheap sulphate soda of the
purest quality.
For years he taught food chemistry,
dietetics, and diseases of the digestive
tract in one of the large medical schools
of the continent. In his extensive ex-
perience in Tree elinies he worked out
the formula fur lir. Jackson's Roman
:\1ea1, a t•ompound of whole wheat. and
1(f jST Nits
f -las been Canada's
favorite yeast for
more than forty
Enough for Sc. to
produce 50 large.
loaves of line,
wholesome pour- F
ishing home made brcad, Do
not experiment, there is nothing
just as good.
There would be more wisdom in
many a head if it didn't leak at tin,
1 mouth.
Grasshoppers have their ears an
their front legs. The great green
grasshopper has its ears under Ise
'Would you like to enter a Contest
where a small part of your time is
devoted to a system of correspond-
ence which would add very material-
ly to your present income, 'Write for
full particulars to Bmf and C.eanpany,
Manufacturers. (Dept, D., 244) Con- 1
federation Life Bldg., Torino, Ont.
rye, with deodorized tiaxseed and bran. &ARM5 Pon SALE.
1.1 nourishes bettor. than meat, prevents
indigestion and positively relieves con- I Ida Grain, DALt SIZE'S' ti>?hen Cl i
stipation or "money back." Ask your want to buy, write 11. \v. Dawson.
doctor. At all grocers, 10 and 25 cents. Brampton. Ont.
Dornan meal is made by Roman Meal 100 ACRES, 13 1N SIRTII. t't,\-
Co.. Toronto.�l cession, Franklin,' $5,000. ' :1,
34 A .T. \\'ilder, Birl:cndale, Muskoka.
One of the Animals.
B'EwsP1 'ERS POR SSAn:,.3..
"Now, Dorothy," said the teacher ROFIT-MASING NEWS .A—NL Jolt
to a small pupil, "can youtell me Offices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesttra
what a panther is?" of all businesses. Full information on
"Yeth, ma'am," lisped Dorothy. "npplieation io \� t!eon Publishing Com-
A pang, '13 West Adelaide St.. 7.oronta
panther ith a man that makth panth.---•—. •• - _ .. ____
iyi uard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.C
,tNCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC'.internal and external. cured with.
Culture. out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr, Bellrnan Medical
"My brother is 'going away to Co,. Limited. Collingwood. Ont_
however, that this loss of life might "Agri -culture on a farm, I sup- ' BOOhZ ON
somehow prove a blessing in disguise, pose," remarked the giggly girl.
And How to Feed
resulting eventually in a distinct im-
provement in European civilization.
"In the last ages," said Professor
Parkes, "evolution of higher types in
animal and vegeable life has generally
resulted from cataclysmic changes,
and great destruction by plague, pest-
ilenee, and famine has led to an ad-
vance in civilization. So it is possible
that •this Armageddon may:, be of ulti-
mate benefit to humanity."
Touching on the lowering of birth
Irate in Great Britain, the speaker de-
' dared that every country in Europe
has shown a decreasing birth rate dur-
ing the last decade, with the excep_
tion of Bulgaria, Rumania and Ire
lainard's Liniment Cu Diphtheria.
Give the boaster a chance to make)
good and watch him fade away.
There is more true philosophy in an
inch of laughter than there is in a '
yard of sarcasm.
' You will find relief in 2ani-Sok
It eases the burning, stinging
pail°, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zana
Suk, means cure. Why not prove
this ? .,L I 1 rat�j i5.'r ppncd stores,•
etlr Lo:C.
Keep The ats
They will not touch a
harness treated with
That is because
1✓.ureka contains no
vegetable or ani-
mal fat.
Keeps yoar harness
sof t,pliable,strong.
Dealer's J2J,ervu;here,
Branches in all Cities
Murine is paredre-
our h
sicians, as used for
ma i i
,s:' practice,now dedicat.
edto e Public
�g tt� soldbyYourDruggist.
ply �� �TryMurinetoRefresh,
Cleanse, and Strengthen Eyes after exposure to
Cold Cutting Winds and Dust and to restore
healthful tone to Eyes Reddened and made Sore
by Overwork and. Eye Strain.
Some broadminded Physicians use and recom-
mend Murine while others perhaps jealous of its
Success, talk and rush into print in opposition;
those whose Eyes need caro can guess why, as
there is no Prescription fee iu Murine. Just hand
your Druggist 50c and you have aComplete Pkg.
Eye Book—Murfne—Dropper—and Cork Screw—
ready for use, Try it in your Eyes and in Baby's
Eyes for Eve Troubles—No Smarting --Just Eye
Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye Free.
Murine Eye Remedy Conspany. Chicago
Horrible Dream. 1
Fp Mailed free to any satins:, '..,
I r �'" " by Y flmerica's the Auti,nr
,- s
'yc �' Y
� t:..A
,nc I3.
ywL m ny Years n th.e r '
053' Aem,dios 318 Wast 81st5ireet,NewYcrk •
Fba L� the
P b] and .......,......_.......�. s ou
"I dreamed last night that I own-
ed the earth."
"That was a pleasant dream."
"Quite the contrary. When the
first of the month cane around three
million people threatened to move."
The Nova Scotia "Lumber King"
"I consider MINARD'S LINT -
MENT, the best LINIMENT in use
I gait my foot badly jammed late-
ly. I bathed it well with MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT and it was as well
as ever next day.
Yours very truly,
Gibbs—"So you went after the job?
I thought you believed that tlne office
should seek the man." Dibbs--"I do;
but this is a. fat job, and I thought it
night get winded before it reached
E¢inard'a Liniment Cures Garget in COWS
Silence.--Judge—"I must have or-
der in court. I must and will have
less noise and confusion here. I have
already disposed of three importanti
eases without being able to hear one
word of the evidence."
Round trip tinter Tourist tickets on
sale daily to California via variable
direct and scenic routes. Four fast mod-
ern trains leave Chicago daily from the
most modern railway terminal in the
world. Overland;Limited (Extra stare)
leaves 7:0e 'E'.M. Los Angeles Limited
—direct to Southern California --leaves
10:00 P.:M., San Fra,11CISC i Lirnited
leaves 10:45 I'.M., ralifot•nia Mail leaves
10:45 °Petr. Lat fie help you plan
an attractive trip. Booklets givinti full
particulars moiled: on application to
B. IT. Bennett. G.A., ("bleago & North
' estern.,Ry., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont.
"What are youso furious.about'?""Mrs. Smith just called me all old
eat." "Why,, you're not so old."
]Yiiiiard'AI t inietent Cures °Olsten •¢er,
g' OEi' CO2:7-
The ,:alv;3tuau than works every ia?'
• and night•tiut;irrg tate year. dortd for
cataIng "11--
E. J. ST. Cl:a4IR CO., Ltd.,
27 Toronto Arcade, - Toronto
Will reduce Inflamed, Strained
Swollen Tendons, Ligaments
orMuscles. Stops thelanzenessand
pain from a Splint, Side Bone 1
Bone Spavin. No blister, no hair
gone and horse can be used. 1i2 a
bottle at druggists or delivered. De-
rif ` scribe your case for special instruc-
tions and interesting horse Book 2M Free.
SSf1R ii �i JR,, the antiseptic liniment for
mankind, reduces Strained, Torn Liga-
ments, Swollen Glands. Veins or Muscles:
Heals Cuts, Sores, Ulcers. Allays pain, Fried
SLOP ahater atd a .rsordr":rrri. Renk"Evi,irner
17. F. YOUNG, P.O. F.. 516 Lymans Bldg, Montreal, .:ra.
4bsorbinc and Absorbinc, Jr.. arc a...a [n
1"�y �' bs-
nue' ,� �--•,.r,t.CHE I , 1;tI a.: .
HOTEL 111 THE WOMB &;1471.'
Tito Spirit of America at plawt
Magnitude and Cheerfulness.
D. S. White, Tres. S. W. Mott, Mgr.
The Ideal Winter Resort
Beautiful Drives, Saddle Biding,
Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing
and Sea Bathing. Present Gar-
rison of the Ottawa I t°th) Regi-
Princess Hotel
is open from DECEMBER to'PIAS%
Situated on the Harbor of
7lamilton. ,A,eoomrnodates 400.
Bates : 625 per week and upward.
i3ertnuda is ,reached by the steann-
tari of the Quebec ;,S, f'o.,
:12 Broadway, New Yorlt,
1). 7.
1.. 1.111 1—'10