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Zurich Herald, 1916-01-28, Page 5
NEW Coal business 1 bog to announce to the people of Zurich and vicainity that I have now on hand a supply of the very best No 4, Furnace and Chestnut Coal and solicit a share of your patronage. Sheds immediately in front of the ol'd saltt bedding, Of flee Petty Block io/ d • C I LO IT r 1 A Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIms INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT 1J'OR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich a Zurich Meat MARKET :DEALERS IV Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausage_, etc ^ CASH *FOR. SIZINS & HIDES e choxt EantawYt i` 1 A new shipment just in of Bon .Bons, Chocolates, etc. Ifti The best that money can„ buy --- A. A. large variety of Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc„ t Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc.. Leadind Brands of Cigars. Neilson's Famous Ice Cream McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT LOCAL NEWS I lit Mr and Mrs T L Wurm attended the Sparks—Woods nuptials near Bayfield' on Wednesday. Mr Jos Cantin, of.St Joseph, has left for Berlin, where he will take a course in St Jerome College. Mr David E Wilson, of Westininis- ter township, Middlesex, a former re. sident o'f the Sauble Lino, was a visit- or in town on Tuesday. Rev E Powell, Rev J' Knight and C Wallis made a raid in Zurich on Wednesday and it is reported that some "wet goods" were found. Snap on Horse Blankets see our duck, heavy lined blankets with stay on girt, regular price $6.00 a pair for $4.00 while they last, cash or produce at Hartloib. Now is the time to select and place your order for reacting matter for the coming year. We club with all ,the leading daily and weekly newspapers and all farm magazines at close prices. Call at the Herald Officer and leave your order. A REPRESENTATIVE at one for ZURICH and District for the OLD RELIABLE RI SNTHILL FA1;t,MERS 1 Why remain idle all Winter when you can take up paying agency? Choice list of varieties for Spring Planting. Hand- some freeLiberal Ou fit Exclusive Tetr. Terr- itory. Write now for particulars , Stone & Wellington The 1` onthiIl Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO-. faommigiargwommolalaam UNDERTAKING Prompt .Service /i0d.erate rhat geS Tailor Shop and Lai.ndr'Y IN A M Zurich,«. Ontario oa. CORPORATION of the TOWNSHIP of HAY BY-LAW No To authorize the borrowing of 31632 00 by the issue end stile of Debentures to provide for the cost of aplant to distribute Electric Power to be supplied by the Hydro" Electric Power Commission of Ont ario for the Union Police Village of Dashwood. WHEREAS by By-law duly assent ed to by the ratepayers entitled ` to vote onfnioney bylaws of the union Police Village of Dashwood in the Townships of Stephen and Elay in the County of Huron, the said rate payers declare that they are in. favor of obtaining from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ont• ario, a supply of Electri3 Power for said Police Whose under 'Aot and amendments thereto. AND WiaraRiaas the Board of Trustees of the said Police Village have requested the Uouneils of the Townships of Stepsren and Hay in which the said Pollee Village is situate, to issue Debentures as pro- vided in the Power Commission Act and to levy and collect a speci- al rate upon the rateable property in the said Police Village as per the Assessor's Valuation i, e : Stephen Township 48 per cent and Hay Township 52 Der cent, for the pay. ments thereof, Such Debentures to be for the sum of $3400,00 in all but only for the sum of 1768.00 for the Township of Hay according to the aforesaid equalized value being 52 percent of the total sum requir- ed. repayable with interest as here inafter set forth, which is the amount required to provide for the cost of works, plant, machinery and appliances necessary for the distribution of Electric Power in the said Village located in the Township of Eu.y to be supplied by the Hydro Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario AND WHEREAS the council of the Corporation of the Township of flay deems it advisable to submit to the ratepayers of the said Police Village, situate in the Township of GALLMAN—LAURIE A quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnized at the hone of Mr and Mrs William Lattrie, Main street east Petrolea, on Friday evening, at 7.30 o'clock, when their daughter, Jean, wasunited in marriage to Mr Harry Gellman of Zurich, Rev Mr Gillvray, of the Presbyterian church, officia- ting. The bride, who was unattended Vas given away by her father and looked very chis in a travelling suit of Russian green broadcloth, in milit- ary style, with bat to match. The house was decorated in yellow and white, roses and carnations being used profusely. The bride was the recipient of i-nany costly and useful gi f Ls, among them a check from her father. The groom's gift was a handsome set of black fox furs. After hearty congratu- lations, a dainty luncheon was served. The guests were immediate relatives and friends of tba family. The happy Couple left on the evening • train for Detroit,twhere they will spend their honeymoon. On their return they will reside in Zurich, where Mr Gallivan is a prominent business roan. Mr and Mrs Gellman will be at home to their friends after 'the first of February. —London Free Press, Jan. 18, 1916. { HICK'S FORECAST ARegular Storni Period is at its center on the 30th, extending from Friday the 28th, to Thursday, Feb- ruary 3rd. Disturbing causes and things to expect, The closing storm period for January • will during its opening days bring cold, northerly winds, attended by cloudiness and snow, as the month goes out. but as we pass into February, winds will shift to southerly, the barometer will make a decided fall, and storms of a more tropical character will ensue, es- pecially in sections toward the south. Upon the whole, we calculate that Janury will be a severe winter month. Many of the storms will be violent and blizzardous, and the intervals be- tween storms will bring reactionary wages of sudden and excessive cold, Each Interest Yoca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22.. 23 24 25 26 27 $97 24 25 88 94 48 92 97 91 41 8973 8799 80 13 84 18 e2 11 79 95 •77 67 75 24 72 68 60 99 67 14 04 16 60 98 57 66 54 13 5ei ,3 4(i 50 42 38 3s 02 33 41. Princil a1' 3 Total Annual Amount. 24 40 $1'21 64 25 76 121 6I 27 16 121 64 28 67 121 64. 30 23 121 64 31. 91 191 64 333 65 1`31 61. 35 51 121 64 37 46 121 64 39 53 121 64 41 69 121 64 43 97 121 04 46 40 121 64 48 96 321 64 51 05 121 64 54 50 3.21 64 57 48 121 64 00 66 121 64 63.98 121 64 67 31 121 64 712.1 121 75 14 3.21 (54 79 26 121 64 8362 12164 88 23 12I 64 28 57 93 07 121 64 23 44 98 20 121 64 28 18 05 103 59 121 64 20 • 12 34 309 30 121134 30 6 34 - 115 30 121 64 3, Each of the said Debentures shall be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Township and the Clerk of the said Township shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Township and the said debentures shell bear interest at tit rate of 53• per cent per annum payable yearly at the office of the Township Treasurer on the 31st day of December in each and every year during the onrrenoy thereof. 4 The proceeds of the said De bentnres shall be paid by the Towu ship Treasurer to the Corporation of the Board of Police Trustees for the said Police Vilia„e of Dashwood to bo applied for the purpose afore said and for no other purpose. 5. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised, levied and collected annual ly by special rate on all rateable property in the said Police Vllir,ge of Dashwood in the Township of Hay, the seed sum of 3121.6.4 in each of the said thirty years afore said for the payment of the principal money and interest payable in each. year upon the said debentures. 6 That the vote of said ratepayers of the said Police Village shall he taken on this by-law on the 14th (ley of February, A ID 191a at. Hurt MARRIED Gaisman—Laurin—At ' Petrolia on Jan 14th, by Rev Mr Gillyray, Miss Jean Laurie, of Petrolea, to Mr Henry Gellman, of Zurich. Smith_Gillies—At Ailsa Caaig, on Jan 16th, -Miss Mildred Gillies to Mr Irvin D Smith, son of Mr D Smith., St Joseph. FARM FOR SALE Hay aforesaid, who are entitled to leil ', Hall in the said Police Village vote on money by iws, this bylaw to preside for the issue of said De - of Dashwood, commencing at the bentures and to issue the said De- hour of 9 a m and continuing until bentures if this by law -shall be stub a'p iii by J K Goetz as Deputy assented to by the ratepayers of therbturning officer and Philip Fassold Said Police Village entitled. to ;votes"s'PO .Clerk, on money by-laws. • 7:- 'On the 7th day of Feb. A• IP AND WHEREAS it is desirable to 1016, the reeve shall attend at the issue the said debentures at one Town Hall in the Village of Zurich time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums during tbe period of thirty years, being the currency of said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount repayable each at ;;rc: rite amount repayable ea h year for principal and interest in at the said Town Ball, Zurich, respect of the s yid debt shall be the borer of 11 o'olock in the fore year for principal and interest in as nearly as possible equal to the I noon, is hereby appointed for the reepeot of the said debt shall ba amount repayable in each of the summing up by the Clerk of this as nearly as possible equal to the other years of the said period. Corporation of the number of votes amount repayable in each of tbe AND WHEREAS the total amount given for and against the said By other years of the said period required to be raised annually by law, AND WHEREAs the total amount speoial rate for paying the said debt ` 9. This By . law shrill take effect required to be raised annually by and interest as hereinafter provid- upon, from and after the final special rate for payirg the said debt ed is $121 ,64 the same to be levied passing thereof Provissinnallr aud interest es hereinafter provid- upon the rateable property in the I Passed the 15th day of Decmher 1915 est is $112 30, the sante to be levied said Police Village in the Township upon the rateable property in the said Police Village in the Township CORPORATION of the TO WNSIIIP of STEPHEN BY-LAW No. To authorize the borrowing o1' 161632 00 by the issue and sale el Debentures to provide for the cost Of a plant to distribute F'ectric Power to be suppliecl by the Hydra Electric Power Commission of Ont ario for the union Police Villager of Dashwood. WrTEREAs by By-law duly assent- ed to by the ratepayers entitled to vote on money by-law of the un on Police Village of Dashwood in the Township of Steplien and EJov in the 'leerily of I4uren, the Held rate. payers declared that they are in favor of obtaining from TheHydro- Electric Power Commission of Ont. ario, a supply of Electric Power for said Police Village under Act and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of the said Police Village have requested the councils of tbe Townships of Stephen and Hay in 3, Each of the' said Debentures which the said Police Village is ehail be signed by the Reeve and situate, to issue Debentures as Treasurer of the said. Township and provided in the Power Commission the Clerk of the said Township A et and to levy and collect special ;shrill attach thereto the Corpora to rate upon the rateable property in! Seal of the said Townhhipi and the the said Police Village as per the Assessors' Valuation -1, e. : Stephen said debentures shall bear interest Township 4896 and Hay Township at the rate of Sir per Dent per anz:- 52,; , for the payments thereof, um, payable yearly at the cave of Such Debentures to be for the soot the I ownshi p Treasurer on the 3Ist of 33100 00 in all but only for the day of December in each and every sum of $1632 00 for the Township year during the currency thereof. of Stephen, according to the afore- 4•. The proceeds of the 'said sleben- said equalized value being 48% of Trey Ts reasurer be tlleid by the on of the total sura required, repayable with Board ofre Police Trustees for the interest sat hereinafter set forth, said Police Village of Dashwood to Whish is the amount of the debt intended to be created, hereby be be applied for the purpose aforesaid ing the amount required to provide and for no other purpose for the cost of words, plant, mach- 5. During the currency of the said finery and appliance, necessary for debentures there shall be raised, the distribution of Electrics Power levied and collected annnall,y by in the said Village lo.,ate.d in the special rate on all rateable proper- Townships of Stephen to .be suPp= ty in the said .Police Village of Dashwcoct in the Township of lied by the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario. Stephen. the spiel sung of $112,0 in AND WHEREAS the council of the each of the said thirty year:, afore - Corporation of the Township of said for the payment of the princi- Stephen deems it advisable to sub- pal money and interest payable in mit to the ratepayers of the said 1 each year upon the said debentures. Police Village, situate in the Town 6 That tit© vires of the. said rate - ship of Stephen aforesaid, who are li ege rs of the said P:ilic:e Vi1!uge entitled to vote on money by leave, `iia.! bre -t ike0 on this by law on this by law to provide for the issue the 14th (lay of Iiebsnary A, D. 1916 at Zim of said Debentures and to issue the riier's Ball in the. srtfd Folies said debenture: if this by-law shall 1 Village of Dushwond, commencing be duly assented to by the ratepay at the hour of 9 a m. and continu- ers of the said .Police Village entit-' ing until 5 p, m, by Andrew Musser ]est to vote un anantsv by-laws. ' as Daniel and AND WHEREAS i AS it is desirable t0 is- t Daniel Schaeffer as Poll Clerk. 7 On the 7th day of February, A, D. 1916 the reeve shall attend at the Town Hall in the Village of Cred- iton at 11 o'clock in the fore -noon to appoint persons to attend at the polling place aforesaid and at . the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or op- posing the passing of this By-law respectively, 8, The 15th day of February A. D, 1916 at the Town 73a11, Crediton, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the fore- noon, is hereby appointed for the summing up by the Clerk of the Cor poration of the number of votes giv en for and against the said By-law. 9, This By-law shall take effect upon, from and after the final pass l9aoh Interest ,l'ri.nolpal 'l'otal. 'Year Annual. Amount 1 3 8976 $ 22 50 3112 30 2 • 88 66 23 64 112 30 3 8722 2508 11230 4 . 85 84 26 46 112 3Q 5 84.38 28 92 112 30 6 82 8429 46 112 30 7 8128 3107 11220 8 79.52 32 78 112 30 9 77 72 34 58 112 30 10 75 81 36 49 112 30 11 73 81 38 49 112 30 12 71 79 40 51 112 30 13 69 46 42 84 112 30 14 67 10 45 20 112.30 15 6462 47(58 11230 16 6399. 4831 11230 17 59 23 53 07 17.2 30 18 56 30 56 00 112 30 19 53 23 59 07 112 30 20 49 99 62 31 112 30 21 46 55 65 75 112 30 22 4294 6936 11239 23 39 12 73 18 112 30 24 35 10 77 20 .112 30 25 30 85 . 81 45 112 30 28 26 38 8592 112 30 27 21 68 90 65 112 30 28 16 66 95 65 132 30 29 11 40 100 00 : 112 30 30 5 88 106 44 112 30 at 11 o'clook in the forenoon to ap sue the said clebentnres at one time point persons to attend at the pail and to snake the principal of the ing place aforesaid and at the final summing rep of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of this By -lav respectively. 8. The 15th elan of Feb A D 11)1e said debt repayable in yearly sums during the period of thirty years, being the cent emu of said debent- ures, said yearly stuns being of sneh respective rLniOnts that the Leg of Hay. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Township of Hay according to the last revised Assessment Roll there of is $2,419,333 AND 'WHEREAS the amount of the existtng debenture debt of the raid Township is $30,000, whioh amount has been incurred wholly for local imporvement purposes. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Police Village of Dashwood in the Township of Hay according to the last revised Assessment Roll there of is $60,735.00. AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt which is leviable upon the said Police Vil- lage is nothing. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hay enacts as follows : 1, THAT for the purpose aforesaid it shall be lawful for the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Township to borrow the sum of$I768.00 and to issue and dispose of Debentures ot the said Township "Corporation to the amount in all of 31768 00, Such debentures to be for the amounts and pa vabie as hereinafter set forth which debentures shall be. issued at one time and dated an the date of issue and shall be payable in accordance with the next suc- ceeding clause hereof and shall be issued in sums of not less than $100,00 each, and all ehall be pay- able within thirty years thereafter as hereinafter stated, et tee office of the Treasurer of the said Town ship. 2. Tr;E said debentures shall be payable in thirty annual lnstalmen is during the thirty years next after the issue thereof and ,the re ' spectivo amounts of priinell_al and interest payable during each of the saki years shall be as follows Clerk N 0 T 1 0 E Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed by-law which has been taken into consid- eration and which will be finally passed by the council of the Town• ship of Hay in the event of the as sent of the electors of the Police Village of Dasliwoodbeing obtained thereto, after one month from the first pnblication in the Zurich Herald. Said first publication being on the 21st day of January, A. ID„ 1916 and at the hone, day and place therein fixed for the taking of the _votes of the eleotors, the poll will be held. Reeve 100 acres, Lot 9, Con, 3, Township of Stanley, 8 acres of hardwood bush; 24 acres ready for crop, the balance is seeded down, 20 acres of -new seeding, 8 acres of Alfalfa, 4 years old, is well underdrained and well fenced, two good wells, one at the house, and one at the barn and water in the barn and a good spring that supplies stock all summer with water. A good frame house 26036 feet with furnace, kitchen and woodshed, 18x40 feet, both bard and soft water in the house, bank barn 50x68 feet, shed 26x52 feet, horse stable and implement shed, 26)02, all in. good repair and on stone walls, hen house 12x20 foot. of The farm is one iitiile from sch from 2 ' miles from Brucefield, 3at 'tippet, 6 from Ilensall, "0 from Clin- ton and Seaforth, Apply on the premises, Lot 9 Con. 8, Stanley Township, Co I:[1Irbn or address. Robert Morrison, Bnicefield P.. 0, FRED HESS, SR , Township Clerk. SPECL\L NOTICE TO LEASEHOLDERS .A leaseholder who is entitled to vote on this by-law is one who hes a. lease of 'property in the Police Village of Dashwood which extends over the ensuing thirty years, who is entitled to vote on money by- laws and for whiola property he or she is rated on the the last revised assessment roll to the amount of at least $100 00 and wbo, under his or. her own lease, has covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of property leased (other than those assessed for local improvements) provided, however, that every leaseholder who desires to vote on the said by-law must file at the ofiioe of the Township Clerk at least ten clays prior to the date of voting, a statutory deehnratioli stating that his or her lease meets the above requirements, The names of the leaseholders neglecting to file such a declaration will not be plaoed on the Voter's List for such voting, FRET). HESS, Township Clerk. of stephen. ing thereof, AND WHEREAS the atnount of the Provisionallvpassed the 10thday of Janaruy, 1916. whole rateable property of the said Township of Stephen according to the last Revised Assessment Roll thereof le 32,666,030,00. AND WIII 1teas the amount of the existing- debentures debt of the said Township is 30435 00 which amount has been incurred wholly for local improve purposes. Clerk Reeve NOTICE Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into consid- eration and which will be finally merit purposes. passed by the Council of the Town AND aeabl,e the amount of the ship of Stephen in the event of the whet: rateabiproperty et the said assent ot the electors of the Police Police Village of Dashwood in the Village of Dashwood being obtain - Township of Stephen, aaocording to ed thereto, atter one month from the last Revised Assessment Roll the first publication in the Zurich thereof is *53,850 00. Herald" Said first publication be AND WHEREAS the amount of the ing on.the 21st day of January A. existing debenture debt whioh is D. 1916 and at the hour, day and leviable upon the said Police V.iil place therein fixecl for the taking of the votes of the electors, the poll THEREFORE the Council of the will be held, Corporation of the Township of .H EILBER. Township Clerk. Stephen enacts as follows. 1. THAT for the purposes aforesaid it shall be lawful for the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Township to borrow the sum of $1632,00 and to issue and dispose of deb 'rehires of age is nothing, SPECIAL NOTICE TO LEASEHOLDERS A leaseholder, who is 'entitled to vote on this by law is one who has a lease of property in the Pollee Village of Dashwooel which ex tends over the ensuing thirty years said Township Corporation, to the who is entitled to vote on money amount in all of 31632.00 Such by laws and for which property he debentures to be for the amounts l or she is rated on the last revised and payable as hereinafter set forth' assessment roll to the amount of whioh debentures shall be issued at l at least 3100,00' and 'who, under onetime and dated on the state of I his or her own base, has covenant issue rend shall be payable in ac-; ed to' pay all Montell a1 taxes in cordanoe with the next succeeding t res,ect of property <<:41ied (athel' clause hereof and shrill be is ued 1 than those assessed forlocal tui in sums of not less than $100 00” t.rovements) provided, however, each, and all 5111111 bo payable with! that every iea ohoidcer who desires in thirte ;years thereafter tis here -to vote on the ;said 13y law must . inafter stated, at the ofliee of the I file at the office of the. t Treasurer of the said Township, 1'Towuship Clerk at idast ten days 2. Tim said debentures :Shall be ' prior to the (lute of voting, a 'stat payable in thirty annual instant-, story declaration sstetu g Clint his enp or her lease meets tlid sib() ve re of s during the thirty' iu1.yethe ouiretnents. The name's of the. after the issue thereof mild re -1 q speattvo amounts cf prinoipal and I leaseholders neglecting to fee. such i "lit ;i d on id d will 'nwil p declaration each of the ad interest payable shallle during the Voters List for such voting;, said years be as follows, , Mork. ` EI, Erlbei, Township