HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-01-28, Page 4TIIE •j IER.a.LD issued every Thursday afternoon from the HERALD p•* ITIQ o P.? ; , Victoria St. Zurich, by ANDRtW F. KESS and C[ ESTER L. S111MI1 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR U. S. subscripten (0x,5o strictly In advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. Rates for display med. contract advertisements will be 6437en on appltatlon, oration, &eci 'Transient notices such, as legal, corp egg„ aro cents per line foto first i.serttrn and 5 cents tsc [qty for earn subsequent Jnsertirn. Notices of entertainments socials etc. at whteh +•x ss[xniss ion fee is charged or a special collection tak. lll be charged for at the regular advertising rat, Notices of religious or other meetings the object' veltich is thebeoefct of the community and not for per • *tial or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerio.. / asserted free. Advertisments without specific directions will be fo,erteduntit! forbid and:chargedaccordittgly. Tram tlett advertismenrs must he paid for in advance. Astray advs. $x for three insertions. No paper discontinueduntil all arrearages are paid. n the gee es forpin , tract Tuesday, therwise must willibe left office by b P• cotlt until the tollowla$ week. Address all comntunico ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, JAN. 27, 1916 RREBPONPENOE D.�SH W OOD L[EN BALL Mrs Norman _Kellerman has return- ed from an extended visit with relat- ives in Berlin. Mr I3.erb Kraft of Zurich spent Sunday here. Miss ''Martha •Oestricher returned from Napervilledast week where she has spent the past two months, Mr Geo Brown+returned to his home in South River Monday. Misses P Tiernan, A. Finkbeiner and Mr A Tiernan spent Sunday in Zurich. Rev P Graupner .is this week attend- ing the Conference held at Elmira, Miss Lydia Brown returned to Lon- don Monday. Mrs D Pfaff who recently under- went an operation for appendicitis at Victoria 1:Iospital, London, returned home Saturday and as improving nicely. Several around are on the sick list with an attack of la grippe. Bliss V M Brokenshire is visiting in London at present. Mrs Wm Ehlers desires to inform the public that she will take in sewing for ladies hereafter. OUR CORNER In the death of M. Y. McLean, the press of Huron county and of the Province of Ontario, loses a worthy representative Mr McLean was a fluent writer, a man with high and noble ideals, and his influeene for good was felt far and near. A delegation representing Western Ontario flax growerswas presented at the House of Commons this week by Messrs S F Glass J J Merner and other M P's. They want encourage- rnent.from the agriculture department in the culture and production of flax. They were well received and consider- ation promised. It is safe to say that the power plants at Niagara represent an invest- ment of nearly $100,000,000 and these have ealled into being manufact- ures of one kind and anotht r to the value of $600,000,000, it cal be seen what enormous industries would be called into being if 2,000,000 horse power were made available. It is est- imated that this amounf t f power would represent a saving of 12,000,000 000 tons of coal or a production of energy based on the present price of fuel over $42,000,000. Cross Fertilizer Co. ASID SLAG. One of De N F Schram's patients Mrs David Pfaff, returned home from London Hospital on Saturday evening where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Dr Lbwin Seaborn M DD., 1? A 0 S, performed the operation which was entirely successful. BARGAINS IN SHOES To reduce our stook we the following. Men's Felt Shoes, reg $8 for $2.50 cc cc c< tot $2 for $1.65 tr hvy 2 bkle rubs X12.75 for $2.25 " high laced " $3 for $2.50 Ladies felt shoes, $1,75 for $1.50 cc c' slippers 85e for 65c to Rubbers '15c for 65c tot. overshoes $. 2,25 for $1.75 Boy's rubbers 75c for 65c M.:n's overshoes $2 for $1.65 <c �c $1.75 [or 1 50 A lot of ladies shoes ,;4 for '2.75 $$litter and eiQs taken in exchange 1 On Jan 12th a happy event took. place at the home of the late Peter' McDougall, Usborne, when Miss Anna. F., second youngest daughter was .un- ited in marriage to Wm Dougall of Hay township, by Rey Dr Fletcher, Mr Earl Zuefle and sister, of Mel - rock, Sask., are visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs John Zuefle. A. large number of our residents are laid up with severe colds at. pres- ent. Recruiting has been good here lately Among those who have enlisted are G Hanlep, G Harburn, W Sangster, T Davidson, A McEwen and G Wash- ington. Mr and Mrs Albert Richert of Port Huron spent last week with the form- er's parents -.here. Mr R J Drysdale has disposed of t his shoe business to T G Joynt who gets possession shortly. T H Race spoke in the Town Hall last evening in the interests of the National Consumption Sanitarium. offer EXETER, A. well attended recruiting meeting was held here last Friday evening. Judge Barron of Stratford, Col Combe of Clinton, and others addressed the meeting. J G Jones purchased the three stores of the Samwell estate on Main street sold by public auction last week for $,6800. The property coMprisee the two stores occupied by Jones and May and the hardware store occupied by H Spackman. t T am taping orders for the above' celebrated brand of Fertilizer for �" A quiet wedding was solemnized of Jan 12th, when Cicero Aldsworth was united in marriage to Mrs Jenni Meakins by Rev S ktuxworthy. Pte R Knight is home from Hainil ton suffering from pneumonia. Mr and Mrs Thos Dunsf returned to their home in 1Irlette Mich, Tbos Newell and Wm Hawksha' attended the motor show ab Detroi last week. CREDITON delivery next Spring. Mathew Flnkbetner was stricke I handled this brand last season o(r`with a paralytic stroke a few days ag and had splendid success with it. _- i Slight hopes are entertained for h' Basic Slag has been used r h recovery. greatest success on beans, etc The Bishop of Huron. A number of young mon were fine Prices Cash O,tiO P. •nal ., The Bishop of Huron (D, t 11• 5 and costs by Magistrates Sander Station. $�2 on 8 months time.' Hams), who brought in the report of and Young recently. The charge wi Sydney .Basic Slag can be sowers the Prayer Book Revision Committee common assault. at the same time as the beans and if to the recent Synod in Toronto, is an Old Countryman who was educated at Mr and Mrs Chris Brown of Ellitc the fertilize comes into c 1 tacl Oxford University, but who has lived Mich.., attended the funeral of the la with the seed it will not do it th in this country t t a slightest harm. Basic Slag is dif- ferent in this respect to other fer-' period 3n tilizers which ought nit to be allow- ed to touch the seed, othewise there is great risk of germination being destroyed. JOSEPH R. R. No. 2, m Zurich. for some wen y - and has labored a the one Diocese of Huron. The bishop has, it is said, figured as one of the leading figures in a novel which at one time had some vogue in this country, and the scene of which is laid in Stratford. The, bishop is an Evangelical Churchman. It is thought that one day he will succeed to the archbishopric of the Province, a post for which his organ- izing ability would admirably )lit him, ,®,, rpt . Special '4Talu Horse Goods Owitrg to the mild winter we are compelled to re- duit our stock of winter goods at almost cost. Here are a few values: Regular 80x80 jute, full lined, $3 00 for $2.25 t : 72x76 `' t t 2.75 for 2.25 tot 72x72 duck " " 2 55 for 1.75 All wool blankets reduced. Mitts and gloves will ' be sold at cost. R. t STADE ZURICH Win Brown held at Dashwood 1 week. Mrs Lydia Roffman of Toron visited her brother B Brown last wee STANLEY TOWNSHI At the nomination held in Var on Monday to fill the vacancy in t Council, two were nominated, Mort Elliott and Wm Armstrong. As on one is required there will have to an election next Monday to deer which of the two will hold the ofii Mr Wm Armstrong delivered bunch of 26 hogs to W Taylor at Brucefield on Tuesday. The blench weighed 5500 lbs and the price was $9.80 per cwt, which brought., the snug sum of $511.50. Mrs W L Keys has spent the past week with. friends at Yale, Mich, also on the way she visited her son. Rev M IXeks of London. Miss Mary StogdilI is gone to spend a while with relatives near Chatham. rim«, l i1 Classified Ads LEGAL. :CARDS,. Pi'0UD11'OOT, KILIORAN, & C00ii.E. Barristers, "Solicitors, Notaries Public &o. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderiob. Private funds to loan at lowest rotates W, PROUDyoor, K, C. J. L. KIt.L01tAT., Ii. J, 1). Comm. M•r.'Cooke will be in Somali on Friday and Saturday of each week. .MED1CAL CARDS R A. J. MacKINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the IIouse Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital: Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. r F. Schram, Late IIouse Surgeon and IIouse Physician of V icto is Hospital, London, Graduate of Faculty of Medicine of Western University, London. Main Office at Dashwood; . Ont. Visits Shipka Monday afternoon of each week. PAY OF INVALIDS. They Will. Receive Their Money Until They Return to Civil Life. Replying to an inquiry respecting thepay of invalided soldiers and psis• oners of war, Mr. J. W. Borden, Pay master -General of the Militia Conn cil, states that as regards the forme . they are paid till they are pronounce fit to return to their civil occupations ' or, if permanently injured, till the.; are pensioned. Convalescent homes have beet opener. in every Province of the Do minion, where in future invalide t soldiers will be taken care of free 1 Their pay, of course, will be issue to them as usual, and also the sep aration allowance to their depend eats. As regards prisoners of war, th British Government is arranging ,::Vthrough the American Ambassad at Berlin, 'for the issue of .one mar i a week, the equivalent of one shilling to all British prisoners of ' war i Germany, including Canadians. (Thi I. sum was erroneously given as on mart a day.) This is not pock nxontiy, but a part of the men's pay the balance due them is credited t their account and will be paid the at the close of the war or as soon . the men regain their freedom. Dependents of these men are, c n course, still receiving the month] i• separation allowance, and also ar .s pay which had been assigned the: by the men prior to imprisonment. dMr. Borden adds that an oMei report from the Ambassador has ju rs been received by the British Gover as ment respecting treatment by t] Germans of British prisoners. A cording to this, prisoners are wt n fed, housed, and clothed. The woun to ed and sick are treated in hospits st the same as German soldiers, at when prisoners are required to we they are paid a trivial amount. to Recruiting officers say they cc k. tinue to receive complaints frc wives whose husbands have enlist for overseas that they have receiv no money from the Government from their husbands since enli ment. It takes about six weeks ng, two months. for Ottawa to comph he the necessary inquiries and begin t payment of separation allowanc an which, however, date from the day- ly the ''husband's enlistment. In so be cases it has been found the wife 1 A„, never communicated with Ottai though directed to do so by her h .0. band, and in other cases it is app a exit the husband has been mislead' diet"Moi' a Moxxey"for your Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,Whtte Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIPYOUR VDUs DIRECT to "SRUB)ERT" the largest giotlse in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW FCRS a fellable--responsible—safe Fur House with an unblemished rep- utation existing for snore than a third of a century a len rr ..uc- cessfulrecord ofsending l+urShi erspromptSA'it,lAi'T, y AND Pi.OFITAlit,l:returns. Write for "Zigribiubrtt liivvcr." tire only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. '1Wziia fest it—NOW—leo -it's raB F yp 1 } , j,�w 25.27 WEST' AUSTIN AVE, A,b B. SH BER , loc. Dopt.0 3IGC13ICAiGbr S.A COUNTY NEWS On Dee 29th at the home of Roht ''arsons, Stanley, the wedding was :elebrated of their eldest daughter, 'clary, and'David Ryckman, of Em- mons, N D. The South Enron Agricniturn Society met' in Bensall on an 17 anti the following officer. were elected President; W Berry, I3rucefielcl, fir -i vice president, H Snlden, Tdanaall, and second vice-president, R McLaren [Tensall, It was decided to held two shows this spring, .The first will be held�on Match 7th and the second on April 14th, r 1 MASSEYUARRIS Implements Call and see best models of Cutting and Root Pus ere GRAY I -. Couple of new Gray gasoline engines, latest naodels�, which will be sold at a big reduction. 'See them.. GotIFLieezi.. , or k g, n 1s et to m 3s tf Y 37 11 To the People of Zurich and vicinity:. I wish to. announce that I have opened a Dealer's. Agency and Service Station. in Zurich for the season of 1916 for Maxwell Cars. Do you know why the Maxwell is called the ..� Here are some facts: 1st. More miles per gallon of gasoline 2nd. 3rd. 4th. t ` cylinder oil set of tires Lowest after cost car Do you really know this car? Do you know that next to the Ford,, the Maxwell had the largest increase of sales in 1915 in the United States• and that the American cities are full of Maxwells? Let us tell you about our al st se c- iil d - is rk n- m ed ed OT St - Shock Absorbing Radiator Special .Steering I evice Rear Axle, Sped, .I Clutch and steels and materials used in ito. W e wish our many friends in Zurich and vicinity .the Season's Compliments He Galiman Phone 25 Zurich AGENT W. E. Oestrioker, Crediton or te es, ^e4 ne as a, s- ar- ng as to the pay he receives. The latter trouble is more often met with in the earlier stages of the hus- band's enlistment, before he has gone to camp. Every wife should know that a private in the Uanadan Expedition- ary Force receives $1 a day and 10 cents field allowance. Besides this he is clothed, equipped, and fed by the Government. Till he has gone to camp he receives 75 cents daily for his meals. Every married man is compelled to allow his wife half of his day's pay, and should allow her far more, as he has no expenses save for tobacco, if he smokes. in addi- tion the Government pays the wife $20 a moutii eeatration allowance from the nate >i LI te husband's enlist- ment. zvt allow,:ttoe ismade by the Governni r.t for cos dren, but 'their welfare inch(, a .titer by the Cana- dian t..t, t.,i.it , i;i`I. who will allow 10 ceri,.o,, l :, ettit , or 25 cents a day for err ni lciltf, •,,ding to age, and bring, tt ;uric, otithly income up to $40, aii.iiuuit ,; l;er separation al- lowance ,t+id ()thee earnings,but not the ' ino,,e,, allowed tier by her hus- band Ile t his pa,.. Only WW1 who t,oi.ain permission to ii1irity i. -,,,i; ltitto-ir Commanding 0Cll- eer at. cage time ui; enlistment, and aro •••f t holes, to •it' iodn�st , '3. v .., i1t that 9 ,Y out.itl., a t.) a separt,,.lon allowance for their wtvekl. DISTRIBUTOR a 't iCkt OD PL We carry a large stock of storm sash and storm doors, made alLy size or style. Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mill products. E simates given and contracts taken. Office at planing mill. F0 P� (.INIE ZLJ RLC! ) o Stable Equipment . t: We handle the most improved Stable Equip- ment on the market. Farmers', fit your stables in a modern and sanitary way and you will be well repaid for the extra cost by the increased results. Get our prices on Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. We recently installed. an outfit of stanehio.ns and fixtures! for John Erb , :ltr.onson Line „ti parties interested are weloome to inspoot same, • also install equipments of every bind See us about it ei ZURICH MO it V I �ywIS PRANG A4.,19gy